
Chapter 64


Walter Scott unbuckled, raised the starboard window shade, and squinted at the rising sun. At thirty-two thousand feet, the crisp blue skies were a sight to behold, no matter how many times he’d seen it. On occasion, the cloud cover cleared, and the dark Atlantic Ocean would appear.

The London security chief briefing had been cut short. He received information that Miriam Davis accepted the transfer and was back in the CIA. Walter should have known better, and he had fallen victim to the most dangerous opponent known to man. Complacency.

It wasn’t the first time the council had been split or a grab for power been thwarted, and it wouldn’t be the last. However, it was the first time someone had come back from the dead and taken a promotion. Fucking bitch had more tricks up her sleeve than a magician. After four and a half decades of playing the game, Walter knew he would be just as difficult to take down—if not impossible. Safeguards had been in place for many years, and he would see any attempts coming long before it happened.

The arrangements for Miriam’s replacement on the council had been narrowed down to a select few, and by all reports, another opening would soon occur. Dennis would not last much longer. Walter expected to hear of his passing any day now. The opportunity to stack the council with two more loyal to him boded well. He wasn’t about to give up the first chair. It was a position earned over the years, and he had grown accustomed to being the puppet master. Controlling the strings behind the scene suited him perfectly.

“Mr. Scott, you have a phone call.” A young man, Jeremy, in a navy blazer, stood from the rear seating of the jet. He passed a secure satellite phone to his boss.

Walter nodded and held out his hand.

“Go ahead.”

“I hope you’re sitting down.” Cameron sounded excited.

“I am. What’s going on?”

“Noah Hunter has been apprehended. He was caught speeding, of all things, and was arrested with the federal warrant.”

Walter chuckled. “About time that thorn in our side was pulled. Do we have someone nearby to handle it?” He glanced out the window when the Gulfstream shook with minor turbulence. The fastened seatbelt chime sounded, and he ignored it.

“I’ll adjust the paperwork to transfer Hunter to the Seattle holding facility. From there, he’ll be taken care of within a day. A carton of smokes goes a long way, and shit happens.”

“At this point, I don’t care if it looks like an accident or not. Just get it done. I’m on my way home so that we can deal with the second chair.” Walter couldn’t keep the annoyance out of his voice. “She has nine lives.”

“I thought I was going to be second?” Sean couldn’t keep the near-whine out of his voice, setting Walter’s teeth on edge.

“You are. I have to make her retirement more permanent. In Miriam’s new position, she will be overseas within a month. Flights get lost all the time.” Walter couldn’t help but glance around at his current mode of transportation, and the desire to knock on wood was strong. However, only his notes were sitting on top of the briefcase next to him. It would have to do.

“I have to go, but I’ll see you soon.” Walter disconnected the call, his mind already turning to arrange the need for Miriam to take the flight. He would also have to cancel the contract on Noah Hunter, and then he had to arrange a meeting with a rising star at the bureau. Walter had no idea how the country ran without him at the helm.