This is obscure and abstract, as well as unique, as only Stein can be.—R. K.


The way to make a bouquet or to receive flowers the way to make drawings acceptable or a needle make points of different additional distances which result in a man and a basket at an advantage in consequence of which drawings of calla lilies and green trees and plums all in white and a plan of realising the fancifulness of adaptability when having made azaleas prominent they were more delightful than ever before both as to cherubims and isthmus and alas plenty of time planted in dispersal of the unification of their maligning it by penetrating without a doubt that it was an elaboration of their without having divided what was not only not sent but meanwhile in their enlargement a quarter of it this is what she had when they were entitled to have domes domes and better than ever it is not which when in and letting it have fairly thought making it be with joining it prevailing that it is a chance of a balance by reason of their contradiction inespecial reconciling it more with having introduced not because of prevailing theirs in genuine consideration of it pointedly more than it is made hearts be black upon a brick in color that without doubt and lines made it in straining it from without that most of it coming letting it be seen not with but in the reason for this in said to be made into another purse and language because maidenly can be on account of when willing should it be theirs as an indication of delight that they were fountain of iniquity to change this with aside next to be near that without some to have triumphant netting it more precariously need it for this when is it in appointing that two things made making it from there to have a cactus blend behind in a night with when it is made of which that two make four mainly behind the never have it make it see which can when whether in and altogether they will be beside beside in kings kings have been known as horses and more which can there in place the change of have it for the most of it left to them that is whether it is no account of fed to them in rectifying it by the employment of when a dromedary could be lasting made it have it nor is it considerably named more than come to the persuasion of not more which is confessed at most than there sweetness in allowance because within remained may be as soon as when became left to the undivided elaboration of vindication to be unabridged continuation of whether it is precarious as they single charms as larger than as lambs make it to do unduly in the welcome that is not justified by justifiable inauguration of their will it be not for this and for that alone in the collection of their most and whether if when it is what is what they had which is that the beside and the closest in the main which whenever as they like it is when they do wish to wish what they what they wish that they wish which is what they wish what is the wish which is what which they wish to be a date is when retrospectively in an avoidance of their meteor meteorologically in forbearance that is in no exacting identification of the readily to be not because of the five fifty that it is without it choosing to be so. And so and so. What is it. It is what they wish which is which is which is it.



Pauline and Charles Daniel and Dolene Chorus of Baltimoreans.

Food fusses me as blowing wind fusses you.

Chorus of Baltimoreans.

Have not had a habit of wills. Let us make wills. He and she hurried.

Not Saturday but Thursday.

If Charles had no children and only a half brother and half sister and Pauline had two children one of them a daughter and the other one a daughter and they had not a child of one another and Charles left his money to Pauline and Pauline left her money to him and they were both killed together who would inherit everything the half brother and half sister and this was what was as unexpected as it was startling and she Pauline had done that thinking. This makes no account of anything of accomplishing and examination this is finally predicting that if two are killed it is assumed that the husband will outlive everything and so nothing goes to the daughters and this is surprising. Let it be changed so that thing will not be happening and it was done but it took a long time. Chorus of Baltimoreans had heard nothing.

Pauline. Authorise made easy with a care for them. It is a very welcome for the thing which can that it is plain in conspicuous management of demean in estuary as can fairly make sensibly fortunes consist in conclusion for the main management. It is all call that a home is what is can contemplate not be for which in coupled to be made might with fortune in conclusion.

Charles may be a banker he has heard vainly of a candidly compelled in collection of reconsider in partly that a chicken country has one kind of architecture and wine country has one kind of architecture and fall of the year that which when makes it a claim. Chorus of Baltimoreans are distinguished by their management.

In Baltimore there is traffic management in spite of of every country prefer the United States of America of every state prefer the state of Maryland of every city prefer the city of Baltimore of every house prefer his house of every wife prefer his wife and their use.

Chorus of Baltimoreans do not see either the brilliance or the necessity.

Bouquet of rose very tiny daisies made to fit in a receptacle.

Who has pressure to bear.

Dolene and Henry, Amy and Simon Hilda and RoseEllen Nimrod and Caesar. They call classes.

It is a bit whether they go or stay.

Dolene and Charles.

Dol[e]ne detained and undecided.

Charles made courteous by hovering and detaining Helen and RoseEllen.

Caesar respected by a sophistication in memory of reputed roses. John and Albert married to Amy and Hilda.

Who has been thoughtful.

Very well I thank you. Coupled to clauses.

In every hand on any hand in every hand hand in hand.

It is very certain that if they had been killed together they would have if they had made their wills in favor of each other that the half sister and half brother of the husband would have altogether succeeded to all that either of them had had and that the children of the mother would have had no inheritance and rather it would have been an extraordinary pleasure in a way for the half sister and the half brother because there had been some question that had nothing to do with either either or the father who was not their father and the mother who was their mother.

Chorus of Baltimoreans have not been rather have not been induced matter that it does not follow mortgage in a picnic for the summer with fur gloves which have been won one before the other in a way made much after either altogether.

It is not well to think about what they want when they want it.

Charles and Helen are happily married in spite of the fact that Helen has headaches. Helen and RoseEllen Nimrod and C[ae]sar Charles and Hilda Dol[e]ne and Simon Ida and Llewelen Eglantine and Kleber withstand and made much of as they were. As they were in circumstance.

The lawyer of Helen is Herbert Walter.

They had different lawyers but neither of the lawyers had realised the matter and when their attention was called to it they were able to remedy it after a sufficiently long time.

Chorus of Baltimoreans have indefinable resignation and insist[e]nce and they may be never the less susceptible to the symbol of recovery.

How many Baltimoreans have flushes and may be they do and may be they may be may be forsooth.

Charles and Helen may have a little son named Julian.

They will be careful to have it and hurried with every afternoon a nap.

May or may be not.

May be they will if they are to go about it.

A scene in which they are to learn the art of arranging a bouquet.

Find flowers which grow and mix them with grasses known as the bread of birds.

Charles and Helen make banking a profession not because of succeeding but because of Llewelen.

Stones and streams make a change in house and home.

Chorus of Baltimoreans have meant very much to them.

Susan, Who is known as the mother of Elizabeth one at a time.

They have no hope.

Hope and no hope.

They have no hand in hope.

They have not held out any hope.

Who has heard of hours and they meant.

It happens that mens hats are made.


Simon is a brother of a banker. He is very well off.

Simons a bouquet will be an interlude.

After the third act.

Charles and Helen who are the father and the mother of Julian and Helen is the mother of Kate and RoseEllen.

Claribel and Etta are relations. There is intermarriage. There are plenty of pleasant circumstances. There have been names such as Hortense Louis Caesar Clarence Jonas Henry and Bernard. Any rule is made for Baltimoreans.

A blonde boy can be appointed and maltreated by West Point Cadets. There is no need of probably searching for abbreviation.

Chorus of Baltimoreans in allowance.

Nobody likes a bargain.

If one were in a desert and wanted a glass of water and there was no possibility of having it what would they do.

Baltimore integrally.

Do please do do please do please do do please.

Baltimore Chorus of Baltimore Baltimoreans.

If Charles and Helen were married and Helen had had two daughters and their son Julian was not yet born and they had made wills in favor of each other and Charles had a half brother and a half sister and if Charles and Helen should be killed while they were together nothing would be left to any daughter even if they the daughters were the half sisters of the boy Julian who had not yet been born. Nobody had thought that it would happen as it would happen if they were killed together because altogether the presumption is that the man will live longer. How do they like their two per cent they would not even have this sent. Come Thursday not Saturday because of thinking. Thinking one one one one one makes two and San Francisco is made miles of soften.

She sleeps by day day by day she says day by day she says day by day she says day by day to-day now to-day day to day. Which one is it the one that is doing that is to doing to sleep to-day sleep in the day. Bertha Helen Simon Julian RoseEllen Caesar Nimrod Bernard Hilda and Constance and Llewelen.

A list can be filling. They all say.

Chorus of Baltimoreans which is it in forsooth interlude.

They did not matter to a mother who has arranged it differently. Could stocks see.

Chorus of Baltimoreans. Never sing flowers as they are not fond of flowers, they prefer oysters with widening areas. They leave out which is way amount.

A will which is in a reason that it was not brought about may be that two brothers and their half brother and half sister if they have a mother two and mother they will unless it is promised refuse to do so even so.

Might it be for rain.

They like food on the table and screens in the window even when it is necessary.

Think about which came first.

Their wills in forget-me-nots.

Forget-me-nots a bouquet.

Not Charles and not Helen not Julian and not RoseEllen.

When this we see two see one see he sees further than that.

A very little clouded withdrawn.

Charles and Helen who has misnamed Helen. Helen is a nightingale with petals of which with plenty of copper balls of noises in a gather with when speckled of finery. She dresses simply.

Charles and Helen Belle and Belles which could have been pressed with a leaf like a wild pansy is an herb.

A scene in which willows turned into poplars and olives into willows.

Without their having made a will they would not have left their money to each other. Having made a will each of them with their own lawyer they left it to one another and if they should be killed together the assumption would be that the man had lived longer and so if their son had not yet been born their property would not be left to her two daughters but to his half brother and half sister. Thinking of this and laughing is not only what might have happened but would have happened if they had been killed together presuming that the husband lived the longer and their son then had not been born and her two daughters would have been left with nothing and his half brother and his half sister would have had everything.

Simon and William were not half brothers Simon was a brother think of Simons a bouquet think of Simons a bouquet think of everything to say think of a boat rocking made of earthenware and signed and numbered. This is an exact pressure of their widening in the hope of a president.

A scene in which they have dinner quietly.

Chorus of Baltimoreans have no detail which is missing it is not missing because Charles street avenue extended is not any longer.

Means made to go.

If in an auction there are places where they do not hear one another bronzes are pictures and pictures are boats and boats are nets and nets are doves and doves are do and dove tailed.

Chorus of Baltimoreans consist of men and women.

The sergeant said fire fire while you can.

They were not perturbed.

A collection of excellencies.

There are many excellencies in definite delight in handling formally which is without a pleasant time with which to plan to prey upon the Saturday in practically for this with the sown of which it is the happy way of dangling in between the four leaf clover a heart and is it well to see it to to see it.

They made miles.

One two and three.

The last time is the worst. Chorus of Baltimoreans consist in men and women.

Have had across.

Consecrated to leaves of wheat.

Made miles in very much that they knew.

Do you know why he thought.

Because he flushed.

Do you know why he smiled.

Because he flushed.

Do you know why he went.

Because he was bent upon it.


After Act three there will be an interlude Simons a bouquet.

Helen and Simon.

Would Helen be considered wrong if she was a leader.

Would Helen be considered wrongly not to have been a leader.

Their wills a bouquet.

Would Helen have been considered to have been wrong in not being a leader.

Charles is a banker and he is not cautious he says that one state follows another and he leaves out which one.

They are thoughtful.

If they had made a will in which they left everything to one another and their son had not been born and they had been killed together it would be assumed that the man lived longer so all would have been inherited by his half brother and his half sister and not by her daughter and her own daughter not even what she had inherited she her mother from the father who had been her husband and was the father while she was the mother of the daughter. Thursday not Saturday. Thursday instead of Saturday. She said come out Thursday instead of Saturday, she had been thinking she said come out Thursday come out Thursday which is a little before Saturday. She had been thinking and had thought out his matter.

There is no difference between one daughter and another except that one of them is older.

Chorus of Baltimoreans are all very quiet in the home although they are gay and talk in laughing and laugh in talking. Chorus of Baltimoreans can be slowly tangible.

There is no need for half indeed when they make honey suckles consist in various colors. There is a great deal of happiness in might is right.

Having forgotten every name how can they count when they see the fame that they have earned.

Charles and Helen now.

Simon and Julian and Horace and Hattie and Hilda and Caesar and Nathan and Claribel and Hortense Hortense is her name and Carrie and Eveline. Jonas makes many. It is delightful. They are after all at peace.

Plainly sanctioning.

A scene wherein they have decided to be very certain that they have decided correctly.

They are leaving everything to them.

This is in that amount.

They are not without doubt. Without doubt. A readily felt very well.

A baker should always have a school teacher as his wife.

This is not included in Baltimore.

Does my baby love blue or who. Does that look like a hundred and ten. Stitches when counted silk and wool on tortoiseshell nearer a hundred and ten than a hundred and fifty. A hundred and fifty means four persons.

My baby loves blue and so do you.

Connection between beneath and above. Regularly envisage.

If a million is two hundred and three how many Michaels make a Simon and how many RoseEllens make a melon. Three ages in three.

It is a meadow which makes cake.

It is no matter whether grain has been given or taken. Give and take.

RoseEllen and Julian are travelling they have nothing to do before leaving. They are not going to die. They are fairly certain and there is not hesitation.

Julian. How many days are there in April. How many days are there in May.

RoseEllen. How many days are there in April May and either June or July.

If you are comfortable you had better stay where you are.

Chorus of Baltimoreans. An appreciable difference between hotter in the sun and cooler in the shade and the heat off of a sunny field the more or less hot shade under the trees tree shade is never permanent the only shade that is permanent is a wall of a house or a wall which is a wall, prominent like the, y in Byrne.





Necessary said light, necessary.


Needles in pins.

Pains not knits. Knits necessary.

Necessary. Needles and inns.

In ins, necessary. Needles and necessary.


Suppose b, c, meant you and he would that shut up. In the best way I will say that there is a short gate. Another wine. Yes. Ick Icktoburns.

A lease.

Clean susans with pallor and a rude cross rude across a smother with a little lang and old chest up. The belief is pain. Yes I died.

Too ducks what. A little suse susianah. It is hutch. All pine.

A sheating.

Poor light, make a mixed stall, show the illuminating lantern and whether not, it was a question. When I came again I come to fastener. This is a good please. Show what shut. Entirely when. It is come in. All the same let.

A cool bay.

What please. If it is near why let the center sound her. This is a little new sense. A bean is arched a little left. All the same Sunday.

A cool bag.

A cool bag has a goal hole.

A bud book lay.

A bud by lay saw if soon to shed a looking sight a tremendous soon. This got out. A left was rest ladled. This made a key soon.

Not necessary.


A Bouquet

Go in deer. Dear what. A saleing soon. This was a boat.

In. Knows. Necessary.

Noes necessary.

No s necessary.

Knows. Necessary.

No necessary.

No. Necessary.

In climbs and gopher sheds and little keys, large boats wore shells.

Bull put perspire.

No c in me. A last tinned.

Put loud.

Nest oh where cut it spell. Lean more show white. A violin in in.

A walk.

Lay lea a little green. Let it be horses. Horses and a practice, a called practice. Practice not. A least excrescence into the foreseen hillside with two waters not show height. No such peas neglect.

Not walk.

Not walk pot. A pot is a loud sized pea with a nail thimble and a join knot.

Break fast.

Breaking fast so that glasses, glasses, are nets and a thin tongue is glowed glowed with sand and hammer and a noise nail.

A bouquet.

All the bank old dinners are shouted and little cools little cools fishes and big negroes big negroes cigars.

Paid red.

Paid red is a sash not a sash on but a little atlantic. Atlantic what atlantic sit the and lever when, when it is a mother. A mother and a sister. All tracks and leaf leaf of why more should extend so sew more.

Any shade.

Sharp not necessary for a stool. A maid a made where. All this to be boat and a cat less not it necessary not it occasion.

Window, brother, leave call. This is the rate of the road. It makes heavy. It makes what, not carrying this is pass.

Each bone.

Each bone care and a change heat, a change and heat, heat is heat.

A care less.

Suppose it came that by a reason which is beside the shock it happens that sisters are wives, very neatly then mothers are calling. This is disgrace at least in a fashion which makes it necessary that there is a disagreement. Take herd, take it so that there is a kind candle and little blight moon and it is nearly so, it comes to be winter, not winter it has rust and little seizes of the same sam sand stone and hole pieces. This is a bother. Then came to see Saturday. All the rest is in the hose. Real bean is oblique.

Neglect of gorge.

A real smell, a real smell is tight, it is stout too and nearly painted.

A real smell is a sticked not so after chandelier. It is a page of birds and little little were trimmed corsets. Nearly all.

This is the mean, meaning in and a question a question of ladling of ladling is ill.

No old clothes make a sash, wet.


A bouquet.


Necessary be when, a violin.


Be necessary.

A, follow that with sprain. A leave a rain.

Suppose a cute a cute flute. Be quaver, that is getter.

Simons, not boo.

Simons not bouquet.

Simons a boot quay.

Please claque claque pen, pen with hogs, sticks and stacks.

Simons not bouquet.

Simons tickle.

Simons be such lay.

Simons seat sir.

Simons say nickle.

Simons say.

Simons in why mow. Simons set set let, set, let.

Simons not re leaving.

Simons sit in go shade by a sit so.



Simon is Simon is Simon is is.


(A bouquet)

Pleasanting the language of the hat makes tobacco makes it a green shutter. Lively and leaves and let us sundries, sundries is what is.

Suppose a wooden a wooden nickle, suppose it so carried that fruit and vegetables are jewelry. Is this a heard case and it is necessary to keep a pencil in books. Is it neglected.

So that fourteen ninety two makes percent. So that there is a violin.

Perspire. What is perspire. Perspire is not not moon on a light and needs a hundred needs a 100 mills needs a little sandy lea and row needs a sandy needs a lea and row needs a sandy land row.

All gall is dealed with in and much. It is to gay.

Simons, a sin to say.

Simons, grief. Simons dishes. Simons a real little oil and lard stir. A real little steal.

Suppose Simons a bucket to pay. Suppose Simons a real advertiser. See it in furls and in a house paint and a proof a proof of roof. It is a such such touch, touch tough thick pealed oysters and a blessing a blessing is money, money, mealed money, a silent pea season.

Sup in a cap and show it show it farther. A little turn a stage plenty plenty full of going back to [break] fast break fast dinner. This is the time. No use, no use in spots.

Simons, a bouquet.

Re lease a little large prod, prod of what, pave in, between, select bin.

A cool large, a loan, a seed bread, a bolt a bolt a bolt of black brown all brown, all pulled brown all cut.

Leak bet with sheds, sheds roof let net. Limb own seen no limb no own no seen no, limb own seen know, limb know seen know, own no seen limb own seen.

Nick naked and a bloat a bloat hammer a shuckle a shuckle thing a limb own a limb seen own. Go last. Wetness. Go last witness, wit, wit chest wit wit.

A bouquet of Simons.

Leak leak mut, leak a stool a graduated glass, a poison a pill a little grange, a moat, a pile a change, a salt fat, a grain fight, a change bust, a laugh whet, a chill chapper, a chill chapper, a kind horse back, a loaf best, a vexed sugar, a share, a share pony, a pile a put sand, a counsel.

Bouquet of Simons.

Necessarily, not, necessarily not, not not.

A bouquet.


Simes whens, siming, siming no song, sung, sung sung sung.

Sing sing sing, singing. Sing sing sing, sing sing sing, sing a sing sing, sing sing sing, sing sing, sing.

A bold bat, bat in batting.

Little wolves hen, hen and hen, lead wolves when, hin and hin, hin up, hinder hinder a peach a peach.

Little wolves.

A roll a roll of pasting with heaven snatches and sups sups and apples.

It makes a baker’s pie.

Lead colored light the bouquet has no buttons, not buttons and not limb buttons, a chance leg, a followed piece with little pots, pots of pull, pull, tell.

Please set, set up cold, cold choice beef steak, beef steak not blind, blind not to be all, not a paid egg, six eggs ten.

Not a but.

Part of three, blue black. Part of one, Simon, simoon, must mutter, blue black.

Blue Black.

Blue Black.

Part of one, must mutter.

Part of one.

Must mutter, sitter, sitter in on weighed water, water is weighed black. Sitter in weighed water. [Water] is weighed, sitter in.

Weighed Water.

Weighed water not weighing water, not weighing paint and coal and excellent cream, not weighing a turkey, weighing ducks, weighed breath and bale water, weighed in weight.

Part in one. Part in one excellent exceedingly managed by a returned train that has an omnibus that is to say wheels. Wheels are betired. This is a spin a spin in, a spin in in.

Here is a shed to beef.

In beef. Here is a shed in beef.

Supper in a call. Call in and pass a button a little button with a size of a cap and nearly, nearly. To be all.

Leaf in a hand.

A leaf in a hand and much vegetables much vegetable capable.

Much vegetable capable.

Leave a gold pipe leave a gold pipe in a glass fitting strange older be wired arranger with a neglected pocket case such which is a comb.

Not a nursery, not a nursery and a place and a piece of water and careless, able to guess pleasant cutters, cutters with. Not a coloring beetle not nearly so exhausted.

This is a little higher than that higher than sugar or birds or molasses or real gates or the selected radishes which have tons, tons share. A whole eighty and it sent is an inclined day, a day behind more than fertile in inches. More bellowing.

Boots are not polite blessings. They easily pack in.

Please get let sentences so sunk. A collected extra pin is not what makes sham and pain, it is lordly, lard what it is, come in, come in, come in. Come in. Come in.

Nor a bouquet.

Nor a bouquet, not to lay not to lay. Nor in a bouquet.

A blank gall.

Least Mays seventy nine.

A piece of May warm cream warm cream shutter smash late bycicle jest custard and a sweater, really oats and lark trees and twins in quails, twins and barns and all mice and a kind of stick lantern, really all a joint a joint of eggs more eggs in a wagon in a wagon in.

This is both.

Both what both soup soup late.

Suppose a done can boat and place a right station in a meadow, does grass wind in to fat, does it. Come in.

Leaves of chest, best water rusher, animal eleven dotters and leg late not served in state, more shoes is. Rest or quiet or pale gold or real little water green or a chatter later or a grand and exchanged word room and nearly please and nearly please nervous. What are eye glasses in winter, there are in thin, golden go, go at shoe full and nice screens on tables and mended water. All of it drink, drink a pleased tough reasonable and altogether a travel and more suits. Pale gall with a yellow ribbon and clothes, james clothes. Be go stupid wake land in a house where if a door is a relief a whole door is better than next. Come to dista[s]te that coincidence new bell in. On ease sit with bales.

Six and simons and a birth plate and a loaf of leather.

One and Simons and a back sheet and a last cape and a dog gold cellar.

Three and Simons and real egged black gold and more stress more stress why linked beads guess.

Go shame a glad and garfield season and beds and bakers and let a horse know, let in by spots spots glued and mounted and nervous and really what, why meals are poked and a gallon a gallon is forever forever what, pickles, salt water stranger, beer. No glass is wooden and more deeper collided and a violin a violin is in in a smell.

What is a son, a son is a careful concealed revolving autograph with little saddles and mounted may blossoms and real pay poodles and more selections.

No such walk.

What is a day stake. A day stake is a direct dark dimple and a real question is there talk, is there white siphons, are there pieces of beet sugar placed cups, curls.

What is a careful extinction. A careful extinction is no supper and twelve eggs and really that really that something.

A bouquet of Simons.

In Simons, A bouquet of Simons, Simons. In Simons.

A bouquet in Simons.

Simons. A bouquet, A bouquet. Simons, A bouquet. Simons.

Color in lobsters, release vegetables, please ripe pears, keep a flannel, flannel, keep a kind dog, keep a place for a cigar a cigar green, a green stand, a stand crackers, crackers and crackers.

A bouquet of Simons, all and bellow, all and below, all and, all and and and, all and and and, all and and and.

All call it with a spoon a, all call it with a with a spoon, with a, with a stepper, in a stepper and a rain a rain clearly a clearly startle, a noise soon, a girl beef, a slept height, a real round and a piggle a piggle in between dinner. No bow, no bow caution, not a grease bottle and ache house, not a little light arctic, not a please old carry all in buds and oysters, not in it.

No coat is a pew.

Failing pearl ground and little lilacs and never mentioned in the hand when left in that she by the right long, in the sea shine and search preceeded and little Oregon left by separation and more buttons any more indicated more is a baked key a key with an eye glass and fine any fine lap, lap full of of eaten lasts and really old fired reread moistness with a second in plain and much in the collect.

Collect what, it is not edible, not be for and more grown more grown by between and left in the piece of valise which is a case, all in a trunk which is where there is that date that date to be ate sweet. Sweet. Sweet.

Many tickle some one thin, many tickle many tickle with a fellow fat, fat with a pecked old bank stake which means a house. Many tickle some one in. Many tickle some in. Some in bouquet, bouquet of Simons, some in Simons, some in Simons.


Necessary pick out chairs.

Necessary called photographs.

Necessary give gas lamps electric gas lamps.

Necessary go chambers, left in chins and gowns.

Necessary bind cups with lots of dotted dark little poodles and not any dogs.

Necessary read ss.

Necessary put in legs.

Necessary leave on it.


Simons a bouquet. A bouquet of Simons.


Not necessary to be an owl with eggs and sashes. Not necessary. Not necessary to be old and candy. Not necessary to be like like. Not necessary to show oh be wasted. Not necessary to please simple chimneys. Not necessary to have useful bold and between cases. Not necessary to rechange more glasses than to be a ribbon and an inclined hand. Not necessary to be an only wide sheet. Not necessary to be in a seat. Not necessary to relieve old watches and new boats and wide sleeves and old oysters and real butter and extra pears and left over apricots and more white bites and nearly outer with draws. Not necessary to double roosters. Not necessary to see in grate. Not necessary to make nils nils and sheds sheds and brown brown. Not necessary to under re-liver moisture. Not necessary to breathe baths and real paste steps and more shapes. Not necessary to reconsider purchases. Not necessary to miss stems. Not necessary to have it to be set. Not necessary. Simons a bouquet.

If they will all they have to one another and they are killed together the man is supposed to live longer and his relatives will have everything that they had before they had it together if her children have had another father who has not been killed but who has died altogether. Altogether is better than country bread. Bread which not been eaten but which has dried and when it is refreshed is sweeter and eaten.

One two three. Swim.

Do they doubt that they are hurt if they are not cakeless. Can those who said they would sell suffer.

Arthur and almonds.

Give and take.


Red white and blue all about you.




If they were pleased that they were white would they like it.

Julian and RoseEllen and fifty million speaking of oxen as pears.

Not in maiden aid in Reagan.

RoseEllen Reagan Joseph Philip and as a wedding. It is very difficult to be unalloyed.

RoseEllen Helen Margaret Lewis and Francine.

If they had made their wills in each others favor and nobody had been there and they would have been accidentally killed it would be presumed that the man had lasted longer.

Who makes chocolate cake out of cocoa once in a while but when they were resigned to having it it had not been made.

Gaston is a name that goes with Berard.

Gaston Berard.

Live and learn.

Chorus of Baltimoreans are exchanged for chorus of Washington and Kansas cities.

Not a cherry a cherry not a cherry not a cherry not a cherry a strawberry.

Chorus of Washington city district of Columbia exchanged for chorus of Baltimoreans state of Maryland.

Chorus of Kansas city changed for chorus of Independence chorus of Independence Iowa changed for chorus of Grant Virginia. And so all day.

If they had made a will come earlier Thursday not Saturday they have been thinking.


Did you my precious pet say not yet.


Simons a bouquet.


Anybody with a wife has to have and in a couple of lending lamps lamp a jacket with a cause because do be noon at a day. A day calls caterpillars.

Julian RoseEllen Dorothy Robert Remy Winthrop a little reason for a name and two syllables.

If a man and his wife and she and he had made a will each one in favor of the other and they had thought about it they would have known that if she had children and he had none and he was fond of them and then they have had that if they could she did think that if they were to be alike and came to an accident accidentally and she would be known that is the concurrence that it is presumed that he lives longer not by the time that and she were killed. So that they would be pronounced identical in after all. Perhaps they would not be be left yet.

RoseEllen and Julian. Mother is a mother of one or two and father father is a father of one or two one or two.

The little pasture which has not given place given place.

They made a made a made a wailing down.

Remy. Fastens flowers in broken badly in account for the waiting that it had blown away.

Just as at a finally they must do.

Dorothy. Dorothy had three brothers Etienne John and Ernest. She was known as Annabel and he was known as Hannibal. They had not been doubled in collusion.

Anybody can print a will.


Bother ably dislike amiable with a key stone held handle may be. May be they do but do doubt it.

Elsa more head with italic.

RoseEllen had a pretty very much held by and wall.

He made her think oxen were tall and all if they come down hill will.

They made a lake betake better take a lake.

With wishes and crosses and shawls and alls alls bells balls cover how do you do deniably.

Singing RoseEllen as Ellen.

Playful with a take be mine monkey shine lay low have a shadow of realise wise.

Ernest Wise Henry Wise and Edgar Wise. They were all three three of five brothers.

It is by luck and not by management that Julian was a man.

Their wills made in favor and for shade not for shadow because it is likely supposing that there was an accident and they were found and he was alive and she was not the presumption would correctly be that he had lived longer and so to believe so to do so and it was so.

Everything which is not lost is brought in and very often even if it is lost it is brought in. Bring in.

What do they do when nothing happens.


When this you see remember me to them.

There is no use in saying so in saying so in saying so there is no use in saying so if he does not move in then. There is no use in saying so in saying so in saying so there is no use in saying so in looking as well then.

There is no use in saying so in saying so in saying so. There is no use in saying so in hearing it in them.

Wills are a curious subject. When they are made she can say come to-day.

Wills are a curious subject he can say when he has heard her say come to-day he can say I am coming in a day.

Wills are a curious subject they can say that after all she was right

Wills are a curious subject they can say that it is told at once.

Wills are a curious subject it may be that her lawyer for her and his lawyer for him were mistaken.

Wills are a curious subject they can be very careful after she was thinking.

Wills are a curious subject it is very easy to move from one side of a sunny tree to another side of a sunny tree and still be in the sun even if it is a hot day and they which is may be they are separately avoiding being in the sun.

Chorus of Baltimoreans are very reserved they tell nothing about pictures photographs fortunes rays of lanterns and dress. They are terrified if any one is beckoning they also feed upon their very delicious food.

Chorus of amiability.

Very many changed Howards for Birds and Freds for Henriettas and Julians for Claribels and RoseEllens for abruptly and belike for forsooth and predict predicate Julia for Joellen and Booth for beside. This is made Rose.

Chorus of Baltimoreans are intermediary and intimidated.

A voice natural to Godiva.

Heard in the distance when made in succession.

RoseEllen and Julian have arranged with their lawyers that their wills are as they should be.

They think of everything.

No interest in do very well very well I thank you.


Chorus of Baltimoreans have a mixture of their seeing religion.

Chorus of Baltimoreans. Have a conscience about sun on Sunday.

Baby might baby might baby baby baby baby baby baby baby might baby might baby baby baby might.

Very near to tears.


Judith and Judy and wildly and sell.

Better very well.

If they were cautioned that they had to wait and they had waited waited with them.

Julian Mary Bernard and soothing.

Would they call the process of elimination that they had inherited. Socially yes.

Chorus of Baltimoreans are mentioned before.

They make satellites in market tamely and sundries.

One one in a single with a stretched as they may be out with them in ferocious conceptions of amalgamated does it suffice with pleasure.

RoseEllen. A with as with confess consent comforted let a melon be an accountable by with a time to be for it.

Supposing they were finally never killed together and they both lived longer how times are they to keep with it.

Chorus of Wellingtonians. Here have a chance to present a lake and let it make a fasten with a catapult and see. Seeds are flown flying and harshly a lake is a jet of water.

There are fifteen women. Fifteen weakening weakening Mabel. Mabel marble distract heather.

Julian is bold whether there is or is not not accountable.

Helen is meadowed with out or with hospitality.

Arthur is felt tightly in redress.

John is nearly succeeding and would look.

Camille cool if a man has a name a man named Camille a man named Camille yet.

RoseEllen is astonished.

Ellen comes to be amount to it.

Gessler made allow.

Fasten a double with welcome and Friday they will come welcome.


If they had made their wills they had and they had left it to each other which they did they might have been killed together and if they had the children of which he was not the father would not have inherited anything from their mother nor from their father their mother having inherited from their father and the law presuming that if they are killed together the man lives longer.

Chorus of Baltimoreans.

Nothing is found out ably.

They believe that seeing is believing.

They believe that if they wait they are waiting.

They believe that may be they do.

They believe that outwardly with care they will come Thursday and not wait until Saturday.

Make a dent.


It is doubtful whether they are one and one.

It is doubtful whether they are one and one.

It is doubtful whether they are one and one. It is doubtful whether they are one and one.

It is doubtful whether they are one and one.

Railroad time railroad time.

A railroad in a tunnel.

A railroad within and in a tunnel. A railroad within and in a tunnel. A railroad within in within in a railroad with in in within. A railroad within a within a tunnel without a tunnel a railroad without a tunnel.


Called credit.




He prefers her in Baltimore. She prefers her in Baltimore.


Very likely they are to move about.

Very likely they are to move about.

A scene in Baltimore with Baltimore a scene with Baltimore a scene in Baltimore a scene a scene of a scene with and of seen Baltimore.

Fast and wound fast and wound they must do their share.

Say much in stretches.

Scene Baltimore.

Baltimore May marry.


Not lost it.

RoseEllen with well in a point in appoint a councilor or a counselor or a tutor or a better feeling authority in propositions in relation to saving and by all with merriment plenty of course advantages with Friday a man and Ferdinand colors hopes and hopeful and at last and remained if they were willing to be welcome inadmissible without oriole a complaint.


An advantage.

Harry who is ill.

Ella who is after every little while very comfortable.

Nelly who owns remaining very far reaching.

Frank who has a return every day in the fastening of a ribbon in an attachment for the reunion of palaces and appointments within call.

After that many manage to have the time to be always ready.


If in between they care to be Europeans if in between they care to be Europeans in Atlanta there will be after all Geneva in Africa. And about what about what are they referring to.

RoseEllen is always happy to hear and Europeans know that they are after all not having a beginning a middle an ending on a black butterfly without fluttering a black and a butterfly without floating a butterfly black with a grey white border which is not fluttering but flying, a butterfly can fly very high over the water and over the trees and not so well with a very little breeze any solution can be indeed indeed carry all, they may have a train going in and out.


Because without with carry a train in and out of a tunnel well tunnel well.



Father than an act.

Farther in farther.

Than another act.

Makes a medicine seemingly audacious and perused.

Peruvia and precluded.

Rather precautionary in supper and surprise supple in competition in rectilinear in counterpane and at a most than wither a cloud unsupportably dismay with sweeter for the nine in eradication they make mine whine in appliances for the most cause as pronounceably irreplaceable for the financeer.

Helen did they call aloud and say what makes it partake of left to right in vertical with and without their plan if they have not heard of it.

Very nearly Julian.

Come Jonas come and plan half come and to be troubled with a cannot land in interrogation with might it be found irreplaceable in their on their account.

Avery never does believe in twins.


If they were accidentally killed together it would be allowed that it could be believed that if it were possible he would have been living longer and now it would not make any difference and she would could be killed first.

RoseEllen is never hurried.

Neither is Julian.

Chorus of Baltimoreans is never not prevailed for the moment in commission which did if it happens make plenty of in detail with particular in appointment that they were fancied as by nearly really display gracious if so Mary.

Mary.        Mary is so gracious.

Desdina.    Will they have to have a talk with them.

Raymond.  Let out without a brother who is tall when they are very much better than if they could be called about in Rome. Rome is a distance. So is Switzerland and Italy and so is Scotland and England.

RoseEllen Ellen Ferdinand and Maybelle. How are happier happinesses in happen to be fair.

They are fair in leaving it without doubt not as they used to.

Chorus of willows and also of little pears.

How are Howard and his cousin with a cousin as a man. With his cousin and have it just couple it out of return in regard to advancing lain for a restful in interdependence they reclothed.

A little Julian.

A larger Louis.

Allowed Amy.

All but very well.

Very well I thank you.

How are Howards left to pale. She is very excitable.

If it does not make any difference will he will she marry them will they will they provide cloth for part of the time.

There is no to do.

Chorus of Baltimoreans not any more in a twitter that time has passed.

One thousand or two framed friendly or few with ready recall of appearing with a winter and window in repairs.

And so out loud.

Their many.

If it is veritable that if they die by an accident they will be killed sooner as much with out Howard and loaves of wishes. Loaves of wishes make water melon. In a hurry. A chorus of Baltimoreans may do may be they may do.


From Operas and Plays (1932).