To see me in your office is surely cause for speculation. I look like you, I work like you, but I am not like you, and some part of you knows this. Some elemental part of you, deep down inside, knows that I am an imposter in your workplace. But your—actually, our—employer doesn’t know this yet; he doesn’t realize the person he just gave a unique login and password to is a professional at what he does for a living. But this particular profession isn’t what he does for a living—at least it wasn’t three days before the interview.
That new employee that you see hanging his vintage blazer onto the backrest of his swivel chair is me. My cubicle is right next to yours. I don’t say much, I dine alone, I drink a lot of coffee, and I know my legal right to two cigarette breaks in an eight-hour workday. And yes, you were right, I’m not really the Marketing Strategist I told the boss I was. But I’m sitting here in this cubicle, and the resume that got me this job is in my attaché case right beside me. It clearly states that I have more than enough experience to run this company’s entire advertising department. So, fuck you, lady in the cubicle next to mine. And fuck your perceptive eyes that caught me checking my Scottrade account this morning. I’ll be here between three weeks and a year, so you better get used to the idea of it.
There are careers, there are professions, there are jobs, there are contract jobs, and there are gigs. Both connecting and separating these occupational categories, like a river drifting alongside five ports, is what I like to call the gray area of employment—the mire of my livelihood. Two decades worth of brief occupations, short-lived careers, and both rightful and wrongful terminations, all sewn together like the patched quilt that shields the child from the monsters of adult life. I am a job pirate—a professional pretender for a decent paycheck and health insurance.
I’ve never subscribed to that old-fashioned American Dream of having just one career for 35 years, followed by a cane-bound trance of heart medications, hip problems, and Law & Order. Nothing scares me more, to be honest, even as I near dangerously close to middle age myself. Instead, I prefer to taste life. I prefer to taste many lives, actually. Eighty-one different lives, at last count. Some lasted a few days, some a few years. Some were so bad that I quit, while others were so good that I was fired. The “greatest recession since the Great Depression” played a part in a good portion of my most recent departures, but the vast majority were just due to my general lack of satisfaction and contentment.
And yet, there’s a lot more to it than simply being stubborn, or hard to please, or needing a dental plan. When you start a new job, you invade a little bubble of life that existed long before you ever got there, and will continue to exist long after you have gone—a separate reality running parallel to your own, like string theory in physics. You step through those glass front doors into an entirely new dimension—one that you would have never known supported life had it not been for your hiring. You make new friends, you date new coworkers, you fall into new loves, and you create new enemies. You slowly develop contained little relationships with these new people around you. Relationships with dozens, if not hundreds, of people over the years, whom you never would have met in your entire life had you not taken that job as a floral arranger for seven months, or the door-to-door tie salesman for one day, or the erotic writer of a porn magazine for close to a year.
But this fickle, wayfaring life is not as easy and carefree as it may sound. Claiming eighty-one different job titles means that I have “bent the truth a little” on eighty-one different job applications. So, researching a new occupational role beforehand is mandatory. Character exploration is vital to authentic employee development. But a simple Internet search of topics like “job duties of plumber assistant” or “what is an accountant, really?” before your first day will reap rich rewards. And adapting to a new role at all times is the key to success. Learn to not only dress the part but actually live the part of each new job you take. When you’re a chauffeur, go out and buy those ridiculous mirrored, police-style sunglasses, and wear them a lot. If you pull a corporate office stint, learn to love wearing Dockers and calmly striped shirts and adapt to expressing your creative side by only decorating your gray cubicle wall with black-and-white printouts of scenes from David Lynch movies. Learn to eat by yourself, and read the newspaper by yourself, especially during that first month at any job. If the job goes over a month you’ll make a few friends, maybe go out for a beer after work with the “cool” crowd (who are basically only interested in seeing if you’re gay, married, or weird). If the job goes over three months, there are phone numbers exchanged, a few holiday party invites begotten, some of the aforementioned crushes have started to develop, and some flirtations have been established. You’ll eventually become part of “the gang,” most likely with the two or three other people who stand and smoke cigarettes where the concrete meets the grass. And when layoffs and Januaries come around, you’ll be in the bottom tier of employees and one of the first three to be called into the manager’s office for the “Sit down, we need to talk” talk.
Like anything in life, there are some highs and lows involved in being a job pirate. And you’ll have to ride them both out in order to sustain yourself. Sometimes you’re flat broke and drinking Folgers without sugar, and other times you’re making $1,400 per week and tipping on every Starbucks latte you order. Sometimes you’re surviving on $775 per month, trying to validate your lifestyle choice to yourself over the fourth grilled-cheese-sandwich-and-tap-water dinner in a row, and other times you’re buying a pre-owned Lexus after four months at a job that was scored as a result of the Dubious Resume #7. Just don’t be alarmed when you’re selling that fucking Lexus back to CarMax a few months later—at a $2,600 loss—because you got fired and decided to move to Seattle. Because you’re a job pirate, and that’s the life. You trade in those career perks for a life of sovereignty, free will, and independence. If you don’t like your job, you quit. You’ll find another. If a boss yells at you, you yell right back at him. Or better yet, you take a dump on the windshield of his new Mercedes-Benz.
But one of the best benefits of jumping from one profession to another is learning all sorts of new skills and abilities that you never would have acquired had you stayed with just one career. But now you wield these new talents, just in case some future predicament requires you to properly buckle a corpse onto a gurney, twist an arm without breaking it, or come up with seventeen different euphemisms for the word “testicles.” Your life becomes rich with extraordinary new abilities and delightful conversation starters. You are the protagonist in your own living novel, with each new job serving as a chapter or plot twist.
When you’re a corporate ghost lurking temporarily inside the cubicle kingdoms of America—milling about all those melancholic coworkers with their fixed lives, fat families, and 401(k)s—you’ll probably find yourself smiling a little too often during conversations. You’ll smile partly to mask the envy, and partly to celebrate the relief. You know you won’t ever have the same type of life security that Dottie in Human Resources will have, but you will have something just as valuable: your autonomy. Sure, most months become little wars of attrition—deciding which bills to pay and deducing how many possible dinners a pack of four chicken breasts will actually make—but all those little fights keep your mind off all the big fights out there. The struggle helps you stay focused on the immediate: that precious yolk of time between yesterday and tomorrow.
Some might think it silly to burn through so many jobs during an economic period where so many have found it impossible to find work. I don’t consider it silly at all; I consider it good experience for the disappearing job market ahead. It’s not my fault that most major American corporations moved their production facilities to China or India because labor is cheaper there; it’s not my fault American car companies went belly-up because of their fat union pensions and piss-poor products; and I had nothing to do with L.A.’s slow death at the hands of outrageous film budgets reduced by millions overnight because production is cheaper in Canada. I was dealt the same cards as everybody else, and I’m surviving just fine. I will admit that for every job I deceivingly take, someone rightfully qualified may stay unemployed as a result. But the flipside is, for every job that I get fired from (or quit), a fresh new job opens up for someone else. It’s the cosmic balance of things. An employee like me makes employers cherish employees like Dottie.
A week, a month, a year, it doesn’t really matter how long you were there, or how it ended. Because there’s a whole world in between that first and last day, just begging you to dig your teeth into it. The key is to celebrate the finite. Like realizing you’re in a dream, once you accept the fact that you’re only there temporarily—that you won’t be calling those people “coworkers” in three years, let alone three months—a calm clarity takes over; a soothing, bulletproof understanding that your short-term destiny is all up to you.
It’s a tricky world out there these days, and you’ve got to be just as tricky to survive it. The workers of today must be willing to venture into unknown territories and adapt to new lifestyles or forever be left in the wake of retail serfdom. Employers care about their business surviving, not your survival. The sooner you realize this the better off you are. It’s a changed world. Pensions are nearly obsolete, 401(k)s are like family dogs without leashes that may or may not come home with you, and the gentleman’s handshake is now followed by a squirt of Purell sanitizer. Acclimate, or it’s adios time.