The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
* Note: Page number in italics indicate illustrations.
accidental powers, 123–24
act element of crimes, 56
Action Comics, ix–x
actuaries, 132
actus reus, 56, 62, 66, 68
Adams, John Quincy, 21
administrative law, 179–93
and air traffic control, 186–87
and consumer protection, 187–90
and military operations, 181–83
politics and administrators, 183–85
and Superman’s taxes, 179, 190–93, 230–31
Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 181
admiralty law, 241
aggravated assault, 65, 122
air traffic control, 186–87
airports, 100, 102–3
Alpha Flight, 244–45
alternate universes, 204–8, 205
altruism, 149
America Invents Act, 198n5, 202
American Civil War, 21, 245, 245n11
American Revolution, 245
Americans with Disabilities Act, 34, 168–73
animal rights, 279–80, 280–83
animal testing, 188
Animal Welfare Act, 188n13, 280n3
anonymous witnesses, 4–6, 5, 6–10, 18, 47
See also masked identities
anti-hijaking programs, 103
anti-mutant prejudice, 26, 31
antisodomy laws, 29n68
Apocalypse, 36, 262, 266, 268n14
appropriation of likeness, 118
Aquaman, 238–39
arc reactor, 216
Arising Under clause, 175
arms control regulations, 220–22
arrests, 100, 104–8, 105
arson, 93
Article I of the Constitution, 15–16
Article III of the Constitution, 42n97
artificial intelligences, 79, 285–86
assault, 65–67, 69, 122–23
assisted suicide, 60–61
Ass’n for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 202n15
assumption of risk, 124–27, 125, 125n25
Astonishing X-Men #4, 272n19
Astrovik, Vance, 109
Atlantis, 238–39, 239–40, 245
attempted murder, 62, 130
Attilan, 240, 243
Austen, Jane, 267
The Avengers
business charter, 152
and business law, 151, 153, 156–57, 161, 163
and citizenship issues, 228
and corporate liability, 165
and foreign dignitaries, 245
and the Fourth Amendment, 97
and international organizations, 248n13
and secret identities, 82–84, 89
Awesome Andy, 285
background checks, 49
Bank Secrecy Act, 261n5
banking, 266–67
bankruptcy, 177
Banner, Bruce, 78–79, 129–31, 170, 172–73, 188
Barnes, Bucky, 110, 251–54
and arms control regulations, 221
and contract law, 137–44, 138, 139
and deadly weapons, 66
and excessive force, 122, 123
and franchises, 164–65, 166
and liability issues, 153
and masked identity, 259
and merchandising, 213
and mind control, 73
and partnership, 156
and patents, 196–201
and state-actor doctrine, 1–2, 2–4
technology of, 124n23, 213, 216, 219, 221
and travel regulations, 219
Batman: No Man’s Land, 50–53, 51
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (Grant et al.), 139
Batman: The Killing Joke (Moore), 77, 77
Batman Incorporated, 164
Baze v. Rees, 37
Beast, 171
The Beatles, 204–6, 205
Berne Convention, 206, 206n25
bias-motivated crimes, 31–32
birthright citizenship, 223–25
Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents, 104
Black Bolt, 243
Black Mask, 78
Black Panther, 238, 243–44, 246
blackmail, 115–16
Blaze, Johnny, 145–46, 149
Bluebook, xiii, xiv
body scanners, 103
Bonito Boats, Inc. v. Thunder Craft Boats, Inc., 196n4
Booster Gold (Jurgens et al.), 118
Boostermobile, 119, 120–21
Botchford v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue, 192n18
bounties, 140–41, 140n2
Brainiac, 285
Brandeis, Louis, 99
Bright Tunes Music Corp. v. Harrisongs Music, Ltd., 207n27
Brock, Eddie, 73
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, 63–65
Buck v. Bell, 43, 43n98
Bullseye, 143
Burney, John, 273–74, 274n22
Bush, George W., 185
Bush, Vannevar, 181n2
business interruption insurance, 131n32
business law, 151–77
and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 168–73
and choice of business organization, 161–63
and corporations, 157–60, 163–65, 165–68
and limited liability companies, 160–61
and partnerships, 154–57
and sole proprietorships, 153
and supervillains, 173–77
C Corporations, 155, 159
capital punishment, 36
Capone, Al, 260
Captain America, 105, 108, 110, 184–85, 216, 251
Captain Marvel, 41
“Castle Doctrine” laws, 123
casus belli, 250, 250n15
Cataclysm, Part Nine: The Naked City (Grant et al.), 139
catastrophic losses, 132
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 182, 182n5, 188
Cetacean Community v. Bush, 283n8
charters, 151, 152
chemical castration, 41, 42–43
child abuse cases, 9
children, 75
China, 236, 250
citizen’s arrests, 97, 106–7
citizenship. See immigration and citizenship
civil authority exclusions, 134
civil cases, 110
civil disobedience, 22
civil lawsuits, 103–4
civil rights
and the Commerce Clause, 16
and consequences of mutant rights, 32–35
and equal protection, 23–29
and hate crimes, 31–32
and mutant rights, 23–35
and substantive due process, 30–32
civil service positions, 34–35
civil trials, 82
civil unrest, 133
Civil War storyline (Marvel Universe)
and foreign dignitaries, 243–44, 245
and foreign embassies, 246–47
and property damage, 131
and superhero business organizations, 161
and superhuman registration, 19–23, 84, 84n7, 183–85
and supervillain prisons, 39
Civil Works Administration, 180
class action lawsuits, 174–76
class discrimination, 21
classified technologies, 201
clinical diagnoses, 75
Code of Federal Regulations, 223
Cold War, 124, 188
Colossus, 222, 272n19
Commerce Clause, 16–17, 32
commercial value of properties, 120–21
common law
and animal rights, 279–80
and contracts, 140n1
and copyrights, 212
English, 103n26, 280, 280n1
and the exclusionary rule, 103n26
and minimum ages for criminal liability, 75n23
and the Model Penal Code, 57n6
compound interest, 265–69
concealed weapons, 46, 47–48
confronting witnesses, 6–10, 89–90
conscientious objectors, 22
conscription, 21–23, 21n48
consecutive sentences, 36
consequential damages, 144
consideration (contractual), 142–43
constitutional amendments, 53
Constitutional Law
and the confrontation clause, 6–10
and criminal procedure, 96
and evidence, 81
and the Keene Act, 14–19
and limits of government power, 50–53
and mutant civil rights, 23–35
and questioning superheroes’ identities, 10–12
and right to bear arms, 44–50
and the state-actor doctrine, 1–6
and the Superhuman Registration Act, 19–23
constitutional powers, 52–53
consumer protection, 187–90
consumer safety, 17
contempt of court, 114n10
contiguous zones, 239, 239n3
continuity, x
The Contract (Grayson et al.), 138
contract law
and Batman, 137–44, 138, 139
and bounty hunters, 140n2
contracts for services, 140n1
contracts with the Devil, 144–45
and formation of partnerships, 154n4
and meeting of the minds, 145–49
and mistakes, 147
and No Man’s Land storyline, 137–49
and Spider-Man, 144
and Superman, 141
and undue influence, 147–48
and alternate universes, 204–8
and artificial intelligences, 285
Copyright Act of 1976, 205–6
and duplication of works, 207n26
and the Joker, 204, 208–10, 209, 210n34
and registration of works, 206n23
and superhero merchandising, 212–15
corporations, 157–60, 158n15, 162, 163–68
corruption, 184n8
costumes, 4, 5, 6–10, 18, 212–13
See also masked identities
counteroffers, 141
cover identities, 257–61
Cox v. Lehman Bros., Inc., 147n15
credibility of witnesses, 7, 84, 86, 89
criminal law
and actus rea, 57–69
age for criminal liability, 75n23
and arrests, 104–8
and assault, 65–67
and attempted murder, 62–65
and conspiracies, 151
crime prevention, 19
and the Fourth Amendment, 96–104
and insanity, 73–79
and mens rea, 69–79
mind control and illusions, 71–73
and murder, 57–62
and state-actor doctrine, 95
and theft, 67–69
and trial procedures, 108–10
Crosby v. United States, 253n18
cross-examinations, 7, 89–90
cruel and unusual punishment, 35–39, 43
cures for mutations, 44
customs, 219
Cyclops, 48, 66, 170, 172
Daily Bugle, 116, 121–22, 211
Daily Planet, 211
damages, 143–44, 176–77
Daredevil, 105, 108, 122
The Dark Knight (2009), 77, 115, 200, 221
Dawes, Rachel, 115
DC Comics and the DC Universe
copyrights of, xi
and insane villains, 73–74
and masked testimony, 84
and property damage, 131
and psychic powers, 67
and removal of superpowers, 41
and state-actor doctrine, 4
and the Twelfth Amendment, 6
and the Watchmen Universe, 14n27
See also specific characters and titles
deadly force, 107, 123
Deadpool, 187, 262
Death at the Top of the World Part 3 (Millar, Morrison et al.), 85
Death of Superman, 131
death penalty, 37–38, 43
defamation, 121–22
defense of others, 55
Delaware, 158
delusions, 74–75
denationalization, 232
Dent, Harvey, 78, 115
Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO), 33–35
dependents, 60n8, 193, 193n20
depositions, 90–91
design patents, 213n46
Detective Comics #475, 208
Devil, 147n15
Devil’s Work: Part One: Sacrifice (Winick et al.), 42
Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 202
diplomats, 243–46
disabilities, 168–73
discovery, 13–14, 91
discrimination, 23, 27n57, 169, 172–73
divorce, 225n10
DNA sequences, 202–3, 208
doctrine of non-inquiry, 253
domestic airspace, 186
Doom, Victor von, 245
Doomsday, 37, 73, 78–79, 131, 133–34
double jeopardy, 95
Dr. Doom, 237, 244, 245, 275
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Whedon et al.), 170–71, 171
Dr. Manhattan, 37
Dr. Midnight, 70
Dr. Psycho, 55
Dr. Strange, 262
Drenkov, Igor, 130–31
drinking age, 16
drunkenness, 75
due process, 21–22, 30–32, 81, 176n48, 253
duress, 146
Earth-311, 48n113
Earth-616, 206–7, 243–44, 253–54
Earth-2182, 204–7
eavesdropping, 98–99, 99n11
economic damages, 128
Eighth Amendment, 35–44, 232
elections, 185
electrocution, 37
elements of crimes, 55–56
embassies, 246–48
emergency assistance, 101, 102
eminent domain, 52
empaths, 114, 148
employment, 34, 163–65, 212, 227–28
encryption, 13n23
Endangered Species Act, 280, 281–83, 283n8
English common law, 103n26, 280, 280n1
Equal Protection Clause, 23–29, 29n68
espionage, 247–48
estate taxes, 276–77, 276n25
Estelle v. Smith, 13
ethical issues, 56n3
evidence, 81–91
Excalibur (Ellis, et al.), 38
excessive force, 122–23
exclusionary rule, 103–4, 103n26
exclusions (insurance), 133, 135
exclusive economic zones, 239, 239n3
executive powers and orders, 50, 182, 253
exigent circumstances, 100, 101–2
expatriation taxes, 232
extradition, 251–54
Extraordinary Activity Assurance (EAA), 135
Extremis virus, 187
factual impossibility, 62
false light defamation, 121–22
family fortunes, 263–64
The Fantastic Four
and accidental powers, 124–27
and assumption of risk, 125
and business structures, 153, 162–63
and corporate liability, 163, 165
and the corporate veil, 168
and interplanetary law, 240
and patents, 197
and publicity rights, 118–21, 119n17
and resurrection of Grimm, 275–77
and supervillain prisons, 40
and travel regulations, 219
and workplace accidents, 68, 130
Fantasticar, 186, 219
Farmer v. Brennan, 41
Federal Authority of Registered Meta-Humans, 6
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 103, 186–87
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 182
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 180
Federal Disaster Area Stipend (fictional), 135
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 134
Federal Employee Compensation Act (FECA), 130–31
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 180
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), 270, 270n16
Federal Reporter, xiv
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 91, 116n14, 175–76
Federal Rules of Evidence, 82, 84–88
federalism, 14–19
fee simple ownership, 262–63
and the confrontation clause, 12
and criminal procedure, 108
and gene patenting, 204
and masked testimony, 10, 10n16, 11
and Miranda warnings, 107, 107n38
and psychic powers, 12–14
and state-actor doctrine, 6
and substantive due process, 30–32
and telepathic court testimony, 88
Fifty State Initiative, 2, 33, 161
firearms, 66
First Amendment
and the confrontation clause, 12
and conscription, 22
and the Keene Act, 14–19
and mutant civil rights, 27n57
and privacy rights, 117–18
and substantive due process, 32
first sale doctrine, 209, 210n34
501 (C) (3) Corporations, 159
Flash, 84, 131, 213, 219
flight, 186–87
flooding, 132, 134
forced labor, 136
foreign dignitaries, 243–46
forensic accounting, 260–61
forensic evidence, 8, 89
Forge, 66
Forgotten, Part Six: Full Circle (Andreyko et al.), 174
Fortress of Solitude, 232
Foundling Statute, 224, 224n8
Fountain of Essence, 58–59
four-factor test, 103
Fourteenth Amendment, 23–29, 27n57, 30, 45, 204
Fourth Amendment, 96–104, 106
Fox, Lucius, 200
Fox, Robert Johnson, 122–23
franchises, 164, 166
freedom of speech, 18, 32
“fruit of the poisonous tree,” 103–4, 103n27
Fullbright v. United States, 99n12
functional MRI (fMRI), 13–14
Gadling, Hob, 255–57, 256, 258, 260, 268
Gagarin, Yuri, 124
galactic empires, 279
Galactus, 35
gamma radiation, 129
G-bomb, 129–30
gender issues, 22n52
general partnerships, 154
genetic engineering, 202–3, 208, 208n32
Genosha, 31
Ghost Rider, 144–46, 145
Gold, Booster, 119, 214
Google Scholar, xiv
Gorilla Grodd, 279, 284
Gotham City
and air traffic control, 186
and Copyright Commission, 208
Gotham Central storyline, 200n11
and insane villains, 76
and Joker’s copyright claim, 210
and No Man’s Land storyline, 50–53, 51, 53–54, 137–40
and state-actor doctrine, 1–2, 2–4
graphic design, 215
Great Depression, 181
Green Arrow, 155
green cards, 227–28
Green Lantern, 155
Grey, Jean, 13, 67, 88, 112
Grimm, Ben
and assumption of risk, 124–27, 125
and FDA regulations, 188
and foreign dignitaries, 244
and probate, 275
and resurrection, 275–77
and workplace accidents, 130
hate crimes, 31–32
Havok, 48
Hawkman, 5
hearsay testimony, 85–88
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), xiii
Hellfire Cult, 26
Hereafter Part 1 (Waid, Wieringo et al.), 197
Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial Dist. Ct. of Nev., 10n16
Hilton Davis Co. v. Warner-Jenkinson Co., Inc., 201n14
Hinckley, John, Jr., 74
homosexuality, 29
Hope v. Pelzer, 39
Hulk, 66, 78–79, 125n25, 129–31, 170, 172–73, 189
human organs, 69
Human Torch, 47
HYDRA, 249
Hynes v. Mayor and Council of Oradell, 19n44
identity of superheroes, 4–6, 6–10, 10–12
See also masked identities
Illinois, 76–77
immigration and citizenship
and birthright citizenship, 223–24
and foreign dignitaries, 245–46
and international travel, 220–22
and parallel universes, 233
and private acts of Congress, 225–27
renunciation of citizenship, 228–33
and Superman’s status, 222–23
and time travel, 233n23
visas and green cards, 227–28
Immigration and Nationality Act, 229
imminent destruction of evidence, 101
and compound interest, 265–69
and the Eighth Amendment, 35–36
and extreme longevity, 262n8
and Gadling, 255–57, 256, 258, 260, 268
laws relating to, 262–65
and Social Security, 269–72
and successive identities, 257–61
immunity, 11, 104
implied licenses, 210
In re Brokers, Inc., 154n4
In re Seagate Tech., LLC, 201n14
inadmissible evidence, 81, 97, 108
incarceration, 49–50
Inception (2010), 148n21
inchoate offenses, 62
The Incident (Goyer et al.), 228n17, 229
incorporated territories, 54
Incredible Hulk. See Hulk
independent contractors, 212
industrialization, 127
inflation, 267–69
inheritance, 262
Inhumans, 240, 241, 243
injunctions, 114n10
insanity, 73–79
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 188n13
insurance, 59, 131–36
Insurrection Act, 52, 52n116
intellectual property
and artificial intelligences, 285–86
and copyright, 204–10
and international law, 236
and patents, 165, 195–96, 195n1, 196–201, 196n2, 201–4, 201n13, 213–14
and superhero journalists, 211–12
and superhero merchandising, 212–15
and trademarks, 215–18
intelligence gathering, 247–48
intent element of crimes, 56–57, 71–73, 72n19
intermediate scrutiny, 25, 27
Internal Revenue Code, 190–91
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 158, 179–80, 232, 261, 277
international law, 235–54
and embassies, 246–48
and extradition, 251–54
and foreign dignitaries, 243–46
general principles, 235–37
and international organizations, 248–51
and interplanetary law, 240–43
and unusual sovereignties, 237–40
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 248–49
international organizations, 248–51
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 220–21
international travel, 220–22
international waters, 239
interplanetary law, 240–43
interstate crime, 17
intoxication, 73, 73n21, 75
Intrusion upon Seclusion privacy torts, 113
invasion of privacy, 115–16, 120
involuntary commitment, 49
involuntary intoxication, 73
involuntary manslaughter, 73n21
invulnerable characters, 37–38
See also immortality
Iran, 236
Iron Man
and arms control regulations, 221–22
and corporate liability, 165
and merchandising, 214
and political influences, 184, 185
and trademarks, 216
See also Stark, Tony
irresistible impulse test, 76, 78n29
Jameson, J. Jonas, 83, 111, 116, 121–22, 211
Jefferson, Thomas, 53
Jermain, Dan “Danger-Man,” 127, 129
and copyright issues, 204, 208–10, 209, 210n34
and insanity, 73, 77–78
and merchandising, 214
and privacy rights, 115
and property damage, 131–32
and tax issues, 261
J’onzz, J’onn, 71
journalism, 211–12
jurisdictional issues
and admiralty law, 242
and Batman: No Man’s Land, 54
and class action lawsuits, 175
and international organizations, 248–49
and maritime law, 242–43
jury trials, 95, 127n29
jus sanguinis and jus soli, 223–24
Justice League, 34, 161, 163, 228, 248n12
Kal-El, 226–27
Karnes, Timothy, 41–43, 42
Keene Act, 14–19, 49
Kennedy v. Louisiana, 43n100
Kent, Clark
and citizenship issues, 223–24, 224n6, 226
and copyright issues, 204
and intellectual property issues, 211
and tax issues, 192
See also Superman
Kent, Jonathan, 226
King, Rodney, 52n116
Kingpin, 8
Korean War, 249
Krypton, 226
Kryptonians, 279
labor laws, 127–29, 173–74
laches, 218, 218n51
Lang, Lana, 190, 191
Lanham Act, 215
Latveria, 237, 245, 275
The Laughing Fish (Engelhart et al.), 209
Law and the Multiverse (blog), ix
Lawrence v. Texas, 29n68
Lazarus Pits, 59
Ledger, Heath, 78
Legion, 67
liability issues, 57, 106–7, 133, 158n15, 160–61, 201, 285
libel, 111, 116
licensing, 211
Lichter v. U.S., 21n48
limited liability companies, 158, 160–63, 167
limited partnerships, 155–57
liquidated damages, 144
listening devices, 98–99
logos, 119n17, 213
London Burning (Warren Ellis et al.), 38
Long v. Fitzgerald, 147n15
Lord, Maxwell, 55, 73
Louisiana Purchase, 53
Lugar test, 3
Luthor, Lex, 151, 281, 282
Madrox, Jamie, 59–60, 60n8, 61
Magna Carta, 95
Magneto, 13, 66, 67, 88
Man of Steel, 226
The Manchurian Candidate (1962), 188
Manhunter, 5, 70, 173
Maria Stark Foundation, 161, 165
Marine Mammal Protection Act, 280n3
maritime jurisdictions, 242
Martian Manhunter, 71, 97, 281
Martin, Peter, xiv
Marvel Boy, 109
Marvel Comics and the Marvel Universe
and the confrontation clause, 6–7
and immortality, 262
and insurance, 135
and international organizations, 248n13
and mutant civil rights, 23
and property damage, 131
and right to bear arms, 48
and superhero business organizations, 161
and the Superhuman Registration Act, 14, 19–23, 183–85
and supervillain prisons, 39
and trademarks, xi, 119n17, 216
See also Civil War storyline
masked identities
and the Keene Act, 19
and Rules of Evidence, 116n13
and state-actor doctrine, 4, 5
and successive identities, 259
and testimony, 10, 10n16, 11, 82–84
Massachusetts, 76–77
Mastermind, 71, 72
Mazer v. Stein, 207n26
McCoy, Hank, 171
medical experimentation, 188
Medicare, 16
medicines, 187–90
Men of Good Fortune (Gaiman et al.), 256, 258
mens rea, 56, 62, 66, 74
mental anguish, 120
mental disabilities, 28–29
Mephisto, 145–49
merchandising, 212–15
Metropolis, 186, 272
military operations, 181–83, 236, 250–51
military service, 19–23, 21n48, 232–33
militias, 46
mind control and mind reading, 71–73, 85, 100–101, 103, 148n21
See also psychic powers
minimum wage laws, 173–74, 175–76
minority groups, 30
minors, 117
Miranda warnings, xiv, 107–8, 107n39
mistakes (in contracts), 146–47, 147n15
M’Naghten Rules, 74–75, 77, 78n29
Model Penal Code, 57n6, 65, 73, 76–77, 76n24
Model Rules of Conduct, 109n41
Moist, 170–71
money laundering, 260–61
The Moon, 240, 241
Moore, Alan, 77
Moore v. Regents, 68n15
mortgages, 263n11
Mr. Fantastic, 40
Mr. Immortal, 266
Multiple Man, 59–60
Munroe, Ororo, 243, 246
See also Storm
murder, 57–62, 73n21, 242
mutants and mutation, 23–35, 44
See also specific characters
Mystique, 81, 88
Namor, 238–39, 240, 240n4
Nardone v. United States, 103n27
National Flood Insurance Program, 134
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 188n13
National Labor Relations Board, 180
national origin discrimination, 27n57
National Security Act, 183
National Security Agency (NSA), 182
Nationality Act, 224n8
Negative Zone, 39–41, 40
negligence, 57, 121, 127
New Avengers: Disassembled (Bendis et al.), 241
New Excalibur (Claremont et al.), 204
New Warriors (Nicieza et al.), 109
New York City, 186, 240n4, 246
New York State, 106n34, 275, 280n1
Nguyen Quy An, 225n9
Nightcrawler, 171, 204, 219, 220, 222
Nitro, 131
No Law and a New Order—Part One: Values (Gale et al.), 51
No Man’s Land, 50–53, 137–40
Nocturne, 204
Nolan, Christopher, 148n21
nominal consideration, 142n5, 143n7
noneconomic damages, 128
non-human intelligences, 56n4, 79, 279–86
nonprofit organizations, 154, 158, 161, 165
non-testimonial evidence, 8, 12
Nothing But the Truth Part Two (Nicieza et al.), 109
Nyssa, 58–59
Oath of Renunciation, 228–29
Obama, Barack, 185
objective standards, 146
Office of National Emergency, 184n7
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 181n2
Old Times Now are Not Forgotten! (Claremont et al.), 205
ordinary person standard, 115n11
organized crime, 151, 260
Outsiders, 42
pacifism, 56n3
Panama Canal Zone, 53n117
parallel universes, 233
Parker, Peter
and the confrontation clause, 7, 10
and intellectual property issues, 201–4, 201n13, 211
and privacy rights, 116, 117
See also Spider-Man
parole, 36
partnerships, 154–57, 154n4, 162
passwords, 13n23
patents, 165, 195–96, 195n1, 196–201, 196n2, 201–4, 213–14
Payne, Britton, xiv
pedophiles, 41
Penguin, 139
People v. Bland, 72n19
perjury, 91
personal liability, 151–53
pharmaceutical regulations, 187–90
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 275
Phillips v. Smalley Maintenance Services, Inc., 113–14
Piercing the Corporate Veil (Thompson), 158n15
piracy, 242
Pixie, 26
plaintiffs, 175–76, 175n47
plant genetics, 208n32
Poison Ivy, 73, 78
police officers, 56, 100–101, 106–7
politics, 183–85
Posner, Richard, xiii
premeditated murder, 73n21
presidential powers, 35, 36n87, 50, 52–53
press rights, 117–18
Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 267
prisons, 35–36, 39–41
privacy, 47, 96, 97, 103, 112–22, 112n3
See also masked identities
private actors, 95
private clubs, 34
Private Law 104-4, 225n9
probable cause, 97, 106
probate, 272–77
probative value of testimony, 86
product endorsements, 119
Professor Pyg, 187
Professor Xavier
and the Fifth Amendment, 12
and the Fourth Amendment, 99
and immigration issues, 228
and mind control, 71
and privacy issues, 112, 114
and psychic testimony, 13–14, 87
Project Bluebird, 188
promissory estoppel, 142n6
property rights, 67–69, 119–21, 262–63, 274
psychiatry, 13, 74
psychic powers
and assault, 66–67
and court testimony, 12, 13–14, 85–88
and criminal law, 55
and the Fifth Amendment, 12–14
and the Fourth Amendment, 97, 99
and police searches, 100–101
and searches incident to arrest, 101
and state-actor doctrine, 4–6
Psychobabble—Part Two: Mind Over Morals (Andreyko et al.), 70
psychology, 74
public domain, 213
public figures, 121–22
publicity rights, 116–17, 118, 118–21
Punisher, 124n23
punitive damages, 176, 176n48
Pym, Hank, 111
Quality King Distributors, Inc. v. L’anza Research Int’l, Inc., 210n34
quasi-suspect classifications, 27, 28
R. v. Dudley & Stephens, 242
racial discrimination, 27n57
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 151
rape cases, 43
Ra’s al Ghul, 58, 262, 265
Rasputin, Piotr, 222, 228
rational basis review, 27, 28, 29
R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 32n78
Reagan, Ronald, 74
reasonable accommodation, 172–73
reckless acts, 57, 121
Red, White, Black and Blue (Waid, Rivera et al.), 105
Reddington v. Thomas, 154n6
refugees, 245
registration of superpowers. See Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA)
regulating superpowers, 47–48, 49–50
reliance damages, 144
religious beliefs, 22, 27n57, 56n3
removal of superpowers, 41–44, 49–50
renouncing citizenship, 228–33, 228n18
research and development, 198
residual markets, 134–35
respondeat superior, 163–65, 163n25, 164n28
restatements of the law, 113n4, 119–20
resurrection, 59, 272–77
The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul (Morrison et al.), 58, 58–59
Revenge (Guggenheim et al.), 64
revolution, 133
Rhode Island, 77
Richards, Reed, 124–27, 129, 156–57, 165, 188, 195, 197
Riddler, 73, 76, 78, 78n29
risk, 132, 144
robbery, 122
Robin, 153, 156
Roe v. Harvey, 103n26
Rogers, Steve, 185
Rogue, 24, 67–68, 170, 172
rogue states, 236
Roman Empire, 266
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 181n2
Rorschach, 19
Rosenthal, Bernie, 110
Rule Against Perpetuities (RAP), 263–64
rule of lenity, 56
Russia, 250, 251–53, 252
S Corporations, 159
Sabbac, 41–42
Sandman (Gaiman), 255, 256, 258
Sasquatch, 245
Saverin, Eduardo, 232n20
Scarecrow, 73
Schick v. Reed, 36n87
schizophrenia, 76
searches, 97–103
Second Amendment, 44–50, 66n13
Second Circuit Court of Appeals, xiv, 19, 103
secret identities. See masked identities
Secretary of Defense, 182
Secretary of State, 229–32, 254
Secretary of the Interior, 283
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 269
segregation, 33
seizures, 71–72, 72n16
Selective Service, 22n52
self-defense, 55–56, 56n3, 72–73
self-incrimination, 10–11, 88, 95, 107, 107n38
self-sacrifice, 149
sentencing of supervillains, 35–44
sentinel robots, 24
sex offenders, 41
sexual harassment, 114
shape-shifters, 88–91
She-Hulk, 6–7, 82–83, 83, 116, 127, 129, 233
Shi’ar, 279
and arms control regulations, 221
and the Fourth Amendment, 97
as international organization, 248–51, 248n13
and mutant civil rights, 34–35
and political influences, 184n7
and state-actor doctrine, 2
and the Superhuman Registration Act, 21
shielding witnesses, 8–9
Silver Age comics, 179
Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, 103n27
Simpson, Crash, 145, 149
Sixth Amendment, 4–6, 82, 84
Sixth Circuit, 218
Skrull, 279
slavery, 22, 31
Social Security, 16, 180
sole proprietorships, 153
Somalia, 238n2, 242
Some Words Can Never Be Taken Back (Straczynski, Lee et al.), 40
Sotomayor, Sonia, 19
Southern Farm Bureau Life Ins. Co. v. Burney, 273–74, 274n22
special needs searches, 100, 102–3
speed limits, 16
Spencer, Kate, 173, 174
and the confrontation clause, 7–8, 10
and contract law, 144
and defamation suits, 121–22
and excessive force, 122, 123
and gene patents, 201–4
and intellectual property issues, 211
and libel case, 111
and masked testimony, 82–84
and merchandising, 213, 214
and patents, 196
and privacy issues, 116–17
as sole proprietorship, 153
standing of plaintiffs, 42n97
Stark, Tony
and arms control regulations, 221–22
and business structures, 161
and corporate liability, 163, 165
and the corporate veil, 165–67
and FDA regulations, 187
and mind control, 72
and political influences, 184–85
and the Superhuman Registration Act, 20
and time shifting, 262
See also Iron Man; Stark Industries
Stark Industries, 165–68, 187, 195–96
State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Campbell, 176
state interests, 24
state legislatures, 168
state-actor doctrine, 1–6, 95, 112n3
statehood, 53
statelessness, 232
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 257–59, 259n3
stock markets, 268–69
stop and frisk searches, 100–101
Storm, 243, 246
See also Munroe, Ororo
Storm, Jonathan, 126
Storm, Susan, 124, 126
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 257–59, 259n3
strict scrutiny, 25, 27, 30
The Stronghold of Doctor Strange! (Lee, Kirby et al.), 71–72, 72n18
subjective standards, 146
subornation of perjury, 91
substantial capacity test, 76
substantive due process, 23, 29n68, 30–32
suicide, 56, 60, 60n9
superhearing, 99
Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA), 14, 19–23, 152, 160, 183–85, 244, 246
and animal cruelty laws, 281, 282
and business structures, 162
and citizenship issues, 222–23, 223, 224, 224n6, 226, 228–32
and contract law, 141
and criminal procedure, 93–95, 94
and excessive force, 122, 123
and immortality, 262
and intellectual property issues, 211
and merchandising, 213, 214
and mind control, 73
and non-human intelligences, 279
and property damage, 133, 134
and psychic powers, 55
and renunciation of citizenship, 229
and taxes, 179, 190–93, 230–31
and trademarks, 217
and travel regulations, 219
Superman: Grounded (Straczynski et al.), 93–95, 94
Superman III (1983), 190, 191
Superman in Chains (Morrison et al.), 282
Superman Owes a Billion Dollars! (Bernstein et al.), 180
superpowers, 170–71
supervillains, 35–44, 173–77, 214, 243
See also specific characters
supplemental jurisdiction, 175
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 76
suspect classes, 25, 27–29, 27n57, 33
symbiote suit, 73
Tales of Suspense #41, 72, 72n18
and business structures, 151, 153, 155, 157, 158n16, 160–61, 162
and citizenship issues, 232
and immortality, 269–72
loopholes, 193
and money laundering, 260–61
and multiple incarnations, 60n8
and resurrection, 276–77, 276n25
and Superman, 179, 190–93, 230–31
taxable income, 190
taxation powers of Congress, 15–16, 15n29
tax-exempt entities, 33
and value of powers, 69
T’Challa, 238, 243–47
technology, 97, 99, 124n23, 195–96, 196–201, 220
telekinesis, 66–67, 67
and contracts, 148
and court testimony, 85–88
and cross-examinations, 90
and evidence, 81
and privacy rights, 114, 114n10
and state-actor doctrine, 4–6
teleportation, 220
“Ten Commandments of Cross Examination” (Younger), 90
Tennessee Valley Authority, 180
Tenth Amendment, 14
territorial waters, 239, 239n3
territories of the U.S., 53–54
terrorism, 103, 133–34, 183, 186
and the confrontation clause, 6–10
and cross-examinations, 7, 89–90
of defendants, 109n41
masked, 10, 10n16, 11, 82–84
probative value of, 86
and psychiatry, 13
and psychic powers, 12, 13–14, 85–88
relevance of, 85–86
and state-actor doctrine, 4–6
theft, 67–69, 122–23
thermal imaging, 97
Thing, 126, 188, 189
Thirteenth Amendment, 2, 27n57, 136
Thor, 216
thought manipulation, 67
See also psychic powers
time, place, and manner restrictions, 18
time travelers, 204, 233n23
Timebroker, 204
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 18
Torrijos-Carter Treaty, 53n117
tort law, 111–36
and accidental superpowers, 123–31
and assumption of risk, 124–27
described, 111–12
and excessive force, 122–23
and privacy, 112–22
and property damage, 131–36
and respondeat superior, 163–65
and superheroes’ business structures, 153
trademarks, 119n17, 215–18
transferred intent, 72, 72n19
travel and immigration, 219–33
treason, 228
treaties, 206
Trial by Fire, Part 2: Witness for the Prosecution (Andreyko et al.), 5
The Trial of Captain America Part 2 (Brubaker et al.), 110
The Trial of Captain America Part 5 (Brubaker et al.), 252
trials in absentia, 252, 253, 253n18
Trust Issues (David, et al.), 61
Twelfth Amendment (actual), 84
Twelfth Amendment (DC Universe), 6, 6n8, 10, 84, 85
Twenty-First Amendment, 16
Two-Face, 73
Ultimate Spider-Man Universe, 201n13
Ultron, 285, 286
Umayyad Caliphate, 266
unavailability exceptions, 7
The Uncanny Threat of…Unus, the Untouchable! (Lee, Kirby et al.), 67
Uncanny X-Men #390, 272n19
unconscionability, 146–49
uncontrolled superpowers, 49–50
underwater nations, 238–39, 239–40
undue hardship, 172–73
undue influence, 146, 147–48
unfairness in contracts, 148
Uniform Commercial Code, 140n1
Uniform Partnership Act, 154n5
unilateral mistakes, 147n15
unincorporated territory, 54
uninsurable risks, 132
United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), 249
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 239n3, 241
United Nations (UN), 248–49
United States Attorney, 222
United States Congress
and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 168, 169
and animal rights, 283n8, 284, 284n12
and arms control regulations, 222
and citizenship issues, 232
and conscription powers, 21n48, 22n52
and the Keene Act, 15–16
and limits of government power, 50
and military operations, 182
and the New Deal, 181
and No Man’s Land, 50–53
and patents, 196
and presidential powers, 52–53
and private grants of citizenship, 225–27, 225nn9–10
and Social Security, 271
and the Superhuman Registration Act, 20–21, 184
taxing and spending powers, 15–16, 15n29
United States Constitution, 95, 168, 196, 253, 283
See also Constitutional Law; specific amendments and articles
United States Customs and Border Protection, 220
United States Department of Defense, 129, 182, 196, 201, 221
United States Department of Homeland Security, 184n7
United States Department of Labor, 174
United States Department of State, 221, 228–29, 237, 247, 250
United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 187
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 182, 184, 185
United States ex rel. Gerald Mayo v. Satan and His Staff, 144n11
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 187
United States House of Representatives, 21
United States Munitions List (USML), 220–21
United States Patent and Trademark Office, 198–99, 215
United States Reports, xiv
United States Supreme Court
case citation formats, xiv
and chemical sterilization cases, 43
and citizenship issues, 222–23, 223
and civil rights protections, 28, 29
and class action lawsuits, 175n46
and the confrontation clause, 8–9
and copyright issues, 212
and death penalty cases, 37
and the equal protection clause, 23–24
and psychiatric testimony, 13
and right to bear arms, 44–45
and right to privacy, 112n3
and sentencing issues, 35–36
and standing of plaintiffs, 42n97
and state-actor doctrine, 2, 3
and unconstitutional searches, 97
United States v. Agapito, 99n11
United States v. Carroll Towing Co., xiii–xiv
United States v. Comstock, 49
United States v. Taborda, 99n11
unreasonable search and seizure, 97
unusual sovereignties, 237–40
usury, 267
vehicles of superheroes, 119, 120–21, 213–14
Venom, 73
Verlinden BV v. Central Bank of Nigeria, 175n46
Vesetech, 173–74, 174, 176–77
Veterans Affairs Administration (VA), 130–31
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 246
vigilantism, 14–19
Violence Against Women Act of 1994, 32
Vision, 285, 286
volume of comic sources, x
voluntary intoxication, 73n21
Wagner, Kurt, 171, 222, 228
Wagner, Talia, 204, 206n24, 207
Wakanda, 238, 243, 245, 246–47
War Machine, 245
warfare and war powers, 22–23, 56n3, 133, 183
warrants, 97, 104, 106–7
wartime, 56
Watchmen (Moore), 14–19, 14n27
Wayne, Bruce
and arms control regulations, 221
and corporate liability, 163, 164
and masked identity, 259
and patents, 198
and privacy rights, 116, 117
See also Batman
Wayne Enterprises, 164–65, 168, 195–96
wealth, 257
Weapon X, 188
Web of Lies (Slott et al.), 83
Weeks v. United States, 103n26
Weiner v. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 143n7
West, Adam, 2
Whedon, Joss, 170–71
Whedon, Zach, 171
When Glass Houses Shatter (Jurgens et al.), 118
windstorm pools, 135
wiretaps, 99
witness protection programs, 259–60
and attempted murder, 63, 64
and death penalty cases, 37
and excessive force, 122, 123
and immortality, 262
and military experimentation, 187
and Social Security, 270
and supervillain sentencing, 38
and travel regulations, 220
Wonder Woman, 55, 73, 162, 262
workplace accidents, 68, 127–29
World Bank, 248–49
World War II, 21, 181
wrongful death, 123
wrongful intrusion, 113
X gene mutation, 23
Xavier Institute, 32–34, 32n81
X-Factor (David), 61
X-Men, 34, 67, 228
See also specific characters
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), 44, 188, 190
X-ray vision, 97, 101, 103
Younger, Irving, 90