In writing this book, I have in various places drawn upon, adapted or developed work of mine that has appeared in print elsewhere in recent years, mostly in journal articles which some readers of the book may not find easily accessible. I am indebted to the editors and publishers concerned for permission to do this. In Chapter 3, I adapt material from my articles ‘Locke, Martin and Substance’, The Philosophical Quarterly 50 (2000), pp. 499–514, and ‘Identity, Individuation and Unity’, Philosophy 78 (2003), pp. 321–36. In Chapter 4, I build upon an account of Locke’s views about language that I first advanced in Chapter 6 of my Subjects of Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). In Chapter 5, I draw upon my article ‘Locke: Compatibilist Event-Causalist or Libertarian Substance-Causalist?’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68 (2004), pp. 688–701.
I am grateful to Brian Leiter, the series editor, and to Tony Bruce of Routledge for encouraging me to write this book, and to them as well as to three anonymous readers for very helpful suggestions concerning its content.