Chapter 1:
How you create your life
Sound is creative
Sound is creative. The first sound was the sound of God entering the Great Void to create this Universe. As above, so below, your birth certificate name creates your life from the moment you are conceived to the moment your physical body dies or you fully ascend. Ascending means transforming yourself into a Being of Light. This is where your dense physical body becomes a Lightbody and you shift to the next dimension of existence, while still retaining full memory of this physical Earthly experience. When we die, we normally lose these memories. Retaining these memories is the true meaning of immortality.
Your soul chose your birth name, prior to incarnating, while still on the higher dimensions. It reviewed all its past lives, consulting with the Karmic Board of Earth along with its guides and masters. It then chose a name that would create the optimal incarnate experience for it to know, learn about and experience itself as more of All That Is through the process we call life. This includes the time and location of birth into the Earth plane and the culture you are born into. Also, there are your parents as well as the entire genetic lineage you choose to be born into and the time period in Earth’s history. The soul also chooses all of the primary formative, karmic and ongoing relationships you are to engage with in a given lifetime, prior to incarnation, to create the experience it needs. It contracts with the other souls for them to play specific roles in its life. This is why when you meet certain people in your life who seem quite familiar, it is because you have played out many roles for each other in past life incarnations. This is in order for all of you to grow in consciousness.
An experiment in consciousness
You can think of incarnate life as an experiment in consciousness set in motion by your soul through its creating of you. The infinite divine intelligence of your soul grew you from a single cell at conception, when it first started arriving in your body, into a physical body consisting of 100 trillion cells. There is an associated set of energetic bodies that the physical body coalesces from into matter-based form. This is why it is such a miracle that babies come into the world and it usually all works. Your soul also creates a brand new ego personality expression for it to express through. All of this is created by the Soul Contract energies of the name it chose for you. Your ego personality is the soul’s interface to the Earthly reality, so it can experience it in a specific way. Once it has set this interface in emotion, it cannot interfere with how you decide to live the life it has created for you. You have complete free will on how you decide to engage with the life created by your Soul Contract. However, it is the soul’s deepest desire that you align with and manifest your Soul Destiny, its real purpose for incarnating.
A soul actually designs several different names in order to create the life it desires. From the moment of conception, it subtly communicates these names to its mother and father and sometimes other family members who will be involved in its naming. The reason for having a selection of names is to give the family a semblance of choice. Human free will is at play here, and the soul wants to ensure that it gets what it came for with the life that is created by the name that is finally chosen. This is the reason why there is only a small selection of names that appeal to parents when naming a baby. Parents often have a good feel for some part or all of the name prior to birth. But when the child is born, the soul energies which are progressively embodying throughout the pregnancy fully enter the reality, and the parents and family can then fully feel who this newborn being is. This then enables them to finalize the name. This includes Uncle Bernie, changing the spelling of the name on the way to the registry office after the parents have told him the name they want for the child. There are no accidents here in the naming process. The sum total of all the family input produces the right name for the child that the soul desires 98% of the time.
Occasionally, the family gets the naming process wrong and a soul ends up with a name which doesn’t fit its true purpose on Earth. You can tell these kind of people because their life just doesn’t work. They seem out of sorts, and the soul doesn’t seem to fit into the conscious ego personality construct the incorrect name has created. These people need their name optimized to correct this problem. This can be undertaken by an experienced Soul Contract Reading practitioner to realign them to the soul’s true energies, in order to get their lives back on track (see Appendix C).
The dimensions we exist in
Let me share with you a model for the dimensions we will be using in this discourse. There are 12 dimensions in this model, and we are concerned with the 3rd through 6th dimensions. The 3rd dimensional Earth plane, where you find yourself in a physical body, is where a major part of our consciousness, which is stretched over all the dimensions, is focused at this time. You are made up of densified Light – Spirit that has lowered its vibration sufficiently to coalesce into matter-based physical form. The 4th dimension, which is the next vibrational level up from the 3rd dimension, is called the astral plane. It is where souls go when they leave the physical body. Here, thoughts, emotions and feelings manifest much more quickly into reality. The Game of Separation from Spirit is played out in the 3rd and 4th dimensions as we have polarity consciousness here, light versus dark, good versus evil. This is where we experience ourselves being separated from Spirit in consciousness. The 5th dimension is where you feel connected to All That Is, to all life. You are aware that you are a multidimensional being stretched out over all the dimensions of existence. The 6th dimension holds the higher dimensional templates for your human DNA. This is where consciousness creates through thought (see What Is Lightbody by Tashira Tachi-ren for more information; Ref 2).
How you actually create your reality
The energies of the birth name in the form of the soul’s contract are stored in the physical body and energetic bodies within a substance called karmic matrix. This is a grey cobweb-like substance that is present on the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensional parts of our being. The 3rd dimensional Earthly reality we live in is not like some static box which we incarnate into and go about the process of life seemingly separate from the reality. As the karmic matrix radiates your Soul Contract programming outward from your physical and energetic bodies, the Earthly reality, which is completely fluid, rearranges around whatever program(s) you are transmitting. This is the actual mechanism of the Law of Attraction in action, where like attracts like. This is where you draw to yourself whatever is resonant in your conscious and mainly unconscious feelings and thoughts.
Now that you are aware that reality is ultimately rearranging around the sound of your birth name, you can consciously focus your feelings and thoughts on manifesting what you truly desire in life. However, what seems to happen in practice is that, as you focus on what you desire, you initially create the opposite of this. This is often puzzling to people who are just starting to consciously use the Law of Attraction and can lead them to say, ‘The Law of Attraction doesn’t work!’
The Law of Opposites
The reason that the Law of Attraction doesn’t appear to work initially is that there is a second law called the Law of Opposites that activates at the same time as you start to use the Law of Attraction. The purpose of the Law of Opposites is not to stop you from getting what you desire in life. Its job is to create a negative contrasting context, the opposite of what you say you desire, so you can get really clear on what you wish to create and experience. The door is not closed to our true desires which is how many interpret situations in their life when they are not aware that the Law of Opposites has activated. The door is actually open; all you need to do is to keep focusing on your now refined desire of what you wish to create and walk through the door – and it will eventually manifest for you.
I will give you an example of this. I needed to buy a second-hand car. I had decided upon the make, model and the maximum price I was prepared to pay. I also wanted it to be in top condition. I found one on the Internet that appeared to fit the bill and arranged to view it. It turned out to have been trashed by its previous owner. I was crestfallen and thought to myself that I must have seriously messed up using the Law of Attraction to manifest my perfect car. Then I remembered the Law of Opposites. Rather than going deeper into a spiral of despair, I pulled myself out and said to myself, ‘I’m getting the exact opposite of what I desire. The Law of Opposites is creating this. Therefore, I must be really close to getting the perfect car in very good condition that I do desire.’ That evening, I maintained my focus on my perfect car, and I was on the Internet again and found another car that matched my requirements. I rang the dealer immediately and arranged to view it first thing the next morning. When I viewed the car, it met all my requirements and was in pristine condition, so I bought it on the spot. I managed to manifest this because I maintained the focus of my feelings and thoughts on what I desired. I did not get caught in the trap of focusing on what I didn’t want. For if I did this, I would just get more of the same old stuff happening which is what most people do unknowingly throughout their entire life.
Let’s step back and look at the much bigger context of our lives. It is actually the programming within your Soul Contract that is initially creating everything in your life which is the opposite of what you are to become while incarnated here on Earth. The key to a fulfilling life through the manifestation of your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose is to become conscious of this important way in which Earthly reality works. Once you understand this secret, you can then consciously work to transmute this deep, underlying, unconscious programming in your Soul Contract that is generating this undesired negative context in your life. As you do this, you will start to gradually manifest more of what you truly desire.
The Law of Opposites is explored in great depth in Neale Donald Walsch’s excellent book Happier Than God (Ref 3). Your Soul Contract initially creates a specific subjective reality for you. This is the opposite of what you truly desire and is coming from within you and not being ‘done’ to you in any way, shape or form although your ego may perceive it this way. It is important not to fall into this trap of unconsciousness; otherwise, the ego will keep you in a place of suffering which is its primary modus operandi.
For example, if a soul has decided prior to incarnation that it wishes to re-experience itself as the part of All That Is that is coming back into its power, it will initially program a life of disempowerment into the Soul Contract. This is where it manifests people and situations around it that create the experience of feeling like a victim. The purpose of this is not for the ego personality expression of the soul, which is a brand new construct in each lifetime, to stay in the place of being a ‘victim‘. It is actually the opportunity for it to decide not to participate in this victim consciousness reality any more. It can then move towards a place of empowerment of itself and others as part of the soul’s mission here on Earth.
Another example is a soul that wishes to become a good communicator and teacher. It would initially program in shyness and unworthiness, within the ego personality, to be eventually overcome so it can express its many lifetimes of great wisdom from the very depths of its being.
A soul may not visit Earth very often, but has decided to incarnate to experience the heavily polarised human emotions on Earth, such as joy and pain, depression and ecstasy, anger and serenity. Initially, it may not embody fully so that the ego personality is not very present or grounded in the body. The result of this is that it cannot feel emotions very well, is not emotionally present with people and cannot relate well to the reality as a result. The purpose of this initial negative context is for the soul to fully embody and learn to navigate the emotional soup of the Earth plane – to be able to eventually learn to properly connect and relate to people and society.
Your karma is your greatest gift
Within the primary karmic challenges you face in your life lie the gifts you are to bring into the world. You probably did not want to hear that! Most people turn away from the hard stuff that they manifest in their life through unconscious behaviour such as numbing out, addictions and general avoidance of these challenges. This is caused by all the fear generated in the ego when it comes to facing them. For your life to happen, these karmic challenges which have been sabotaging your life need to be accessed at a deep level. They need consciousness to be brought to them, and they need to be felt. The fear within the ego mind needs to be overcome as it is blocking you from feeling and healing your karmic challenges. Fear is only ever in the mind, it is never outside you. For as you are an integral part of All That Is, everything outside you, which the ego can create a fear around, including people, things and situations, is actually only part of you. It is only the ego’s fear itself that creates a so-called threat to you, not the perceived external ‘threat’ itself.
You can overcome your ego-based fears by bringing consciousness to them. This is undertaken by first feeling the negative emotions generated by your karmic challenges. This is the last thing your ego wants you to do. For the more deeply you can bring feeling-based consciousness to a karmic program, the more easily it can be healed and transformed layer by layer into positive qualities (see Appendix E: 1). These are your gifts of service, the gold you are to bring forth and share in the world. This is an integral part of why you came to Earth in the first place. Once you start to claim your gifts of service, your life will begin to truly unfold.
Decoding your Soul Contract using the process in this book will give you specific recommendations on how to undertake this process. Once you have done a sufficient amount of clearing of your karmic patterns, you will reach a place that I call the threshold of Soul Integration. This is where a sufficiently high enough level of your soul’s energy is now transmitting through the limitations of your ego separation programming and your being as a whole. This will then enable you to really start to manifest your true service here on Earth. For true manifestation comes from your soul, the part embodied within you and from your Spirit, the higher dimensional part of you that you are connected to, but that is not embodied. This takes a considerable amount of work, but is well worthwhile and is the true key to living a fulfilled life here on Earth. Up to crossing the point of Soul Integration, you are very much at the mercy of your ego patterns. As you move into the Soul Integration phase, it becomes so much easier to feel and follow what we call the Spiritual Signature. It is defined as the feeling in your body, especially in your heart, of what is the right action to undertake next. This feeling, especially when your heart opens, comes from your soul which is using this to guide you into alignment with your Soul Destiny. The more you develop your ability to feel, surrender into and trust your Spiritual Signature, the more gracefully and easily your life will flow. The reason life is hard for most people is because they are not following their Spiritual Signature.
For some people, their perception of karma is that it is a universal absolute, something that they are stuck with for what seems like an eternity, to be lived out over many lifetimes. They feel they must work through it, process it and heal it. When your soul is out of a physical body, it has no karma, and never did. Everything that your soul has ever experienced while embodied in all of its different lifetimes is stored in the Akashic Records on the higher dimensions. In Sanskrit, Akasha means ‘sky’, ‘space’ or ‘aether’. They are like a universal computer that continuously stores and updates all knowledge of all embodied soul experience both human and non-human throughout the Universe. They are the record of the Creator creating through each of us, so it can have access to this experience. Call it Universal cosmic memory. The Akashic Records contain the major themes your soul desires to experience over many lifetimes. It is only when your soul chooses to incarnate that it does pick up on these themes again. Your karma only ‘activates’ when you choose to incarnate. It is just a part of your soul’s programming required in order to play the Game of Separation from Spirit. You have never done anything ‘wrong/bad’ (cause) at any point of your soul’s existence to create it, in order to be subjected to any karmic payback (effect) that you may perceive you are experiencing. It is important to place the concept of karma into its proper context: it is just another program, for then your ego mind can start to drop the judgement and charge around it. When it does this, it releases the ‘karmic’ programming to be transmuted so much more easily.
Your ego is attached to suffering
The important thing to understand here is that your ego is primarily programmed to stay attached to the suffering of the human condition and to stay locked into the negative context of your soul contract for your entire life. Once you decode your Soul Contract, the full extent of the negative context the soul has programmed into your ego structure will become apparent. While this may feel daunting initially, it does provide a great opportunity to take a good look at the Spiritual Map of your life that has just been revealed to you. It is time to focus on what you truly desire and so break the power of the spell of suffering the ego has held over you up to this point in your life. Now that you realize that you have been creating everything in your life, both the undesirable and desirable elements, you can at last take full charge of what happens next by owning all of it. The ego places its primary focus on all the undesirable things in your life that you wish would go away, but for some unknown reason do not. This is because of the enormous judgement the ego has placed upon them and the associated bad feelings that go with it. It is important to accept all things in your life exactly as they are, to let go of the judgement and bad feelings. For it is only then that you can start to release the hold they have on you. Then you can start to manifest the life you do desire based on focusing on the things you do want to turn up for you rather than the things you don’t.
Why you are reading this book
Your life is one great question/puzzle, with many sub-questions waiting to be addressed. Initially, you may feel you don’t know the answers, but as everything is the One Great Spirit/All That Is/God, for every question there is always a matching answer as one cannot exist without the other, just like a wave with its peaks and troughs. You just need to be open to the answers that come to you.
You have clearly been asking questions about your life, because somehow your soul manifested this book to be in your hands. It wants you to discover something important which is perfect for you to know right now. There are no accidents in life. This is a moment of synchronicity for you as the truth of your life is revealed in these pages. Start to pick up the tools that the Soul Contract work hands you to navigate the negative context of your life much more easily. These tools will enable you to overcome the challenges you face more easily, help you manifest your dreams and align you much more to your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose. This is how you can create a much more fulfilling life.
The Soul Contract decoding process
Let us begin the process of decoding your Soul Contract. We will work with the symbol of the Star of David (Fig 1). This consists of two large triangles. The downward-pointing one represents the physical side of life. We spend the first five cycles of seven years (35 years in total), which is where the seven-year-itch idea comes from, learning to embody and ground here on Earth through gaining conditioned responses as a baby, education, relationships, establishing a career, setting up a home – basically getting up and running. Because of the acceleration of the raising of human consciousness that is occurring now, this process has been greatly accelerated, and people are awakening and moving through this initial physical triangle much faster and at a much younger age.
The large upward-pointing triangle represents the spiritual side of life, the real purpose of why the soul has incarnated in the first place. It contains the aspects of the Soul Contract the soul wishes to deliver as part of its service here on Earth. We generally start the transition from the large downward-pointing physical triangle to the large upward-pointing spiritual triangle around the 6th cycle of seven years, between the ages of 35–42 years. Some call this the midlife crisis. This is where everything in your life may turn upside down. You question all your values and start to seek the real meaning and purpose of your life, and nothing is going to stop you from manifesting that purpose. Some people change careers, relationships, location and even countries in this search for the deeper purpose they came to Earth to manifest. Once you are in the 7th cycle of life, from 42 years onward you will feel a strong drive to really get on with life, to fully manifest that Life Purpose.
However, the spiritual triangle aspects can only be delivered if a firm physical foundation with the large downward-pointing triangle has been established as they will build upon this foundation. Also, the degree of groundedness of the spiritual triangle will determine how well other people can relate to the spiritual gifts that your soul is attempting to deliver onto the Earth plane.
Within the large physical triangle there are three aspects that reside at the points of the triangle. These are Physical Karma, Talents and Goals. By Physical Karma we mean a selection of unresolved past life issues the soul has brought into this lifetime to create the negative context in your life. You are to become conscious of these, take ownership of them and transform them into the positive qualities, gifts of service or gold you are to bring to the physical part of your life.
By Physical Talents we mean the set of latent abilities within your ego personality that are to be brought up into consciousness and honed by working through the physical karmic issues that are activated from the moment you were born. As the physical talent energies flow into your physical karmic aspect, their ability to overcome these karmic issues depends upon on their relative power and quality versus the karmic issues. By quality we mean, for example, if your physical karmic issue were to learn to become grounded, the quality of a grounded energy in Physical Talents would be helpful. However, if there was an etheric energy in the Physical Talents position, then this would be of little help in grounding as it is the opposite to being grounded.
As the Physical Talents get stronger through time by working through the physical karmic issues, they allow you to start working towards manifesting your Physical Goals. These are like the dreams you have for your life, the underlying drive within you that gets you out of bed in the morning – in short, what you really live for. Again, as for the physical karmic issue, the ability of the Physical Talents to help you manifest more of your Physical Goals depends on their relative power and quality.
All of the above applies to the flow of energy between the Spiritual Karma, talents and goals of the large upward-pointing spiritual triangle as well, but with a more spiritual orientation.
The six aspects of the Star of David run simultaneously. It is just a matter of where your soul is placing its emphasis as you progress through life. Initially, you grow through the physical aspects, then move on to the spiritual aspects. The talents act as a fulcrum or pivotal point to help you move from the karmic experiences towards the goals and determine whether there is enough power to overcome the karma and achieve the goals.
The sum total of all six aspects of the physical and spiritual triangles produces the Soul Destiny or Life Purpose – the meaning of your life, why you came to Earth in the first place – that sits in the middle of the Star of David. This is the answer to the big question you have been asking yourself at some level of your being for your entire life.
The fundamental premise of the Soul Contract work is that in Hebrew, numbers and letters have the same sound and same written symbol. This is what significantly differentiates this work from other forms of numerology that allocate numbers to the 26 letters of the English alphabet.
Each letter of the English alphabet has a corresponding phonetic sound that matches it within the ancient Hebrew alphabet as well as an integral corresponding number. We use 22 of the Hebrew letters within the Soul Contract work, which represent the numbers 1 to 22.
The decoding of your Soul Contract begins with:
1. The conversion of your birth certificate name, exactly in the order the words are written in, into the equivalent Hebrew phonetic sounds. In some non-English names, the surname comes first and is then followed by the first and middle names.
2. Out of these we can extract the Hebrew numbers.
3. We allocate this linear sequence of numbers, commencing from the physical karmic aspect, around the Star of David in a clockwise, expanding spiral until we run out of numbers.
4. In each of the six aspects comprising the Star of David we calculate the sum of the numbers. This number needs to be within the range 1 to 22 as we only have 22 Hebrew letter/numbers available for interpreting your Soul Contract. If the sum is greater than 22, we reduce the number to the first possible number between 1 and 22: for example, if the total of the numbers in a given aspect is 58, which is greater than 22, then this is simply reduced by going 5 + 8 = 13.
5. There needs to be a pair of numerical vibrations in each of the six aspects of the chart. Here we have the 13 as the first vibration. In order to calculate the other vibration, we reduce the 13 to the smallest possible number by going 1 + 3 = 4. This produces the numerical vibrational pair of 13-4, which should be read as 13 dash 4, not 13 minus 4.
6. This pair of numbers represents the entire range of experiences that the soul will go through in a given aspect of its incarnation. If the sum total of an aspect is, for example, 27, this reduces down to 2 + 7 = 9. In order to find the other half of the vibrational pair of numbers, we simply go 9 + nothing = 9, thus producing what we call a double number, 9-9, as we cannot reduce the 9 any further. If a double number appears in a given aspect of your Soul Contract, this means that your soul is creating a more narrow, clearly defined area of experience. This is only in the pure energies of 9s compared to the wider range of experience of a 13-4. You can think of a 13-4 as being like the hot and cold taps in a shower. Here you are to experience the energy of a pure 13 (hot water) and the pure energy of the 4 (cold water), plus every blend in between the continuum connecting the two of them throughout this lifetime.
7. The sum total of these six aspects produces the Soul Destiny, which is placed in the middle of the Star. This is calculated by adding up all the left-hand numbers of the six aspects to produce, for example, a total of 68. This is reduced to the first number between 1 and 22, which is 14. The sum total of the right-hand numbers of the six aspects produces, for example, 23. This is reduced to the smallest possible number, which is 5. The Soul Destiny therefore becomes 14-5.
The Soul Contract decoding of your birth certificate name reveals the predominant set of energies creating your life in each moment for your entire lifetime. You can think of it as the cake of your life. It is who you are and who you will always be throughout this current incarnation. The effect of name changes through adoption, commonly used names, marriage or change of names through deed poll will be examined in a future book on relationships and name overlays. You can think of these names as different layers of icing you place on the cake of your birth certificate name. They help change it so that you are stimulated to face specific issues in order to overcome them. The infusion of the different flavours of the layers of icing into the cake of your life may help, hinder or have a minimal effect on you.
When this system was originally brought through by Frank Alper in the 1980s, the soul of Moses channelled through quite specific meanings for each of the 22 Hebrew letters. Back then it was called the Spiritual Numerology of Moses. The meaning of each number depends upon the aspect it appears in within the Star of David. Most of this book will be dedicated to revealing to you the many layers of meaning of your numbers in the seven different aspects of your Soul Contract. We will use case studies to bring this alive for you. These will be composite characters constructed from real-life experience. This decoded knowledge held within your birth certificate name will then enable you to unlock your life. It will answer many of the deep questions you have been asking about your existence.
Most importantly, you will get recommendations on how to begin to resolve these deep questions and move forward to manifesting much more of your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose. These recommendations are based upon 33 years of private session experience, with thousands of clients at the Center for Conscious Ascension. We have been developing and using the Soul Contract Reading work continuously to deliver readings directly to clients to reveal the Spiritual Map of Life to them. We use this map as our guiding light when taking them through the consciousnessawakening work we offer.
In summary, this book will enable you to decode your Soul Contract that is inherent within the sounds of God, in the form of ancient Hebrew, in your birth certificate name. You will understand and bring into consciousness the negative context of your karmic patterns. It will reveal to you the latent talents you have to overcome these karmic patterns. It will show you what your goals/dreams are, and, most importantly, it will show you your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose and how to deliver your gift of service within all of this to the world.