Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

—Chinese Proverb


Taking Action

Congratulations! You’re well on your way to a more tranquil, more serene you. Aren’t you excited? Now that you have all these new tools and insights, the journey to feeling healthier has begun. The first step was reading this book. Now the rest is up to you.

Here are my top tips for using what you have learned and how to keep moving forward:

While adjusting to this new way of living and eating, make sure to emphasize abundance over deprivation. Health-promoting food is delicious, and it can be rich, flavorful, creamy, and decadent. Just think how lucky you are to have this opportunity to feel better. You get to start over. If you feel you are depriving yourself, you will find it much harder to change your diet and lifestyle.

Now that you have all these great new tools and insights into your health, it’s time to make changes. I can’t stress this enough. Take advantage of this opportunity and make the time to heal and look inward. You may dredge up some pretty painful feelings and memories. Be gentle with yourself. As you start to feel better, you’ll be invigorated and energized.

I hope my patients’ stories have inspired you as much as they’ve inspired me.

Live natural. Live well.