Abbreviations Used

ADB  Australian Dictionary of Biography (with appropriate volume number)

ADMS  Assistant Director of Medical Services

AWM  Australian War Memorial, Canberra

BC  Belle Campbell

Bde  Brigade

Bn  Battalion

BR  Battle Report (in AWM 4)

Coy  Company

CPD  Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates

D  Diary

Div  Division

ECT  East Charlton Tribune (from 1927 known as Charlton Tribune)

EP  Elliott papers, AWM

EP (SLV)  Elliott papers, SLV

fn  footnote

15 BD  15 Brigade Diary, AWM 4

GM  Geoff McCrae (thereby distinguishing references to him from citations mentioning his father, George McCrae)

HE  Harold Elliott

HE D  Harold Elliott Diary

HE to BC  Harold Elliott to Belle Campbell

HE to KE  Harold Elliott to Kate Elliott

inf  information (provided to Ross McMullin by … )

IWM  Imperial War Museum

JT  John Treloar

KE  Kate Elliott

McCP  McCrae papers, AWM

ME  Emily (Milly) Edwards

NAA  National Archives of Australia

NAM  National Army Museum, London

n.d.  no date

NLA  National Library of Australia, Canberra

OH  Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-18 (with appropriate volume number)

PRO  Public Record Office, London

PROV  Public Record Office, Victoria

SLV  State Library of Victoria

SMH  Sydney Morning Herald

UMA  University of Melbourne Archives

V/Bret  Villers-Bretonneux

Select Bibliography

The main source for this biography has been Elliott’s papers at the Australian War Memorial. Deposited in instalments, the papers have been accessioned in four different collections (1DRL 264, 2DRL 513, 3DRL 3297, 3DRL 3856). The classification of his papers (and other AWM collections) has altered since I first looked at them; I’ve tried to cite all such references in their reclassified formats, but it’s possible that a small number may be cited in their former guises. There is also a small collection of Elliott papers at the State Library of Victoria.

Elliott’s diaries of the Great War are in five volumes, 2DRL 513/2-6. His original 1914-1919 letters to his wife and children are located in two sequences in the Elliott papers, 2DRL 513/7-9 and 3DRL 3297/2-12; typed copies of these letters are to be found in 2DRL 513/24-30, but edited alterations have been made to them. Original 1915-1919 letters from Elliott to Belle Campbell, his sister-in-law, are in a separate sequence, 2DRL 513/10-12. Another batch of original letters to a relative, his 1916-1919 correspondence to his cousin Milly Edwards, is to be found in 3DRL 3856/2. There are numerous references to each of these sources in the endnotes; I have outlined the DRL locations here instead of mentioning them over and over again in the notes.

Another important source has been the papers of Charles Bean, also deposited in the AWM in instalments and reclassified as collection AWM 38.

Primary Sources


Australian National University Survey of War Memorials, AWM.

A. Bazley papers, AWM.

C. Bean papers, AWM.

E. Beddington, ‘My Life’, Hertfordshire County Council Archives.

W. Birdwood papers, AWM.

R.H.K. Butler papers, IWM.

J. Campbell papers, AWM.

P. Carne papers, privately held.

G. Christie-Miller papers, IWM.

A. Coates papers, SLV.

A. Court papers, privately held.

C. Denehy papers, privately held.

K. Doig papers, SLV.

J. Edmonds papers, University of London.

Edwards family papers, Talbot Museum.

H. Elliott papers, AWM.

H. Elliott papers, SLV.

G.R. Freeman papers, privately held.

P. Game papers, IWM.

J. Gellibrand papers, AWM.

D. Haig papers, PRO.

Henderson family papers, privately held.

J.J.T. Hobbs papers, AWM.

Kent Hughes family papers, privately held.

J. Latham papers, NLA.

P. Ledward papers, IWM.

B. Liddell Hart papers, University of London.

K. Mackay papers, privately held.

McCombe family papers, privately held.

G. McCrae papers, AWM.

I. Marsh papers, NLA.

J. Monash papers, NLA.

E. Need papers, privately held.

J. North papers, University of London.

G. Pearce papers, AWM.

H. Rawlinson papers, IWM and NAM.

J. Richardson papers, AWM.

7th Battalion Association papers, AWM.

N. Smyth papers, privately held.

E. Tivey papers, AWM.

F. Tubb papers, privately held.

Walker family papers, SLV.

C.V. Watson papers, privately held.

D. Whinfield papers, privately held.

C.B.B. White papers, NLA.

T. White papers, privately held.

H. Wilson papers, IWM.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates

I read every speech Elliott made in the Senate during his parliamentary career (1920-1931).

Official Records, AWM

AWM 4  AIF official unit diaries

AWM 25  Files created by AIF units

AWM 26  AIF operations files

AWM 27  AWM subject files

AWM 38  C. Bean papers

AWM 43  AIF biographical and other research files

AWM 44  Official History drafts

AWM 93  AWM registry files

AWM 140  AIF biographical cards

AWM 183  AIF biographical forms

AWM 252  AWM subject files

Official Records, PRO

CAB 45  Correspondence re Official History drafts

WO 95  British unit war diaries

WO 158  British unit war diaries

WO 256  D. Haig papers

Official Records, PROV

VPRS 24  Inquest deposition files

VPRS 30  Criminal trial briefs

VPRS 251  Register of inwards correspondence, Attorney-General’s department

VPRS 626  Land selection files

VPRS 640  Primary school correspondence files

VPRS 795  School building files

VPRS 7556  Admission warrants of patients to Yarra Bend

Official Records, National Archives of Australia

CRS A518/1  New Guinea staff

CRS A6273/1  Canberra administration: Senator H.E. Elliott’s appeal against kerbing and guttering charges

CRS B2455  AIF personnel dossiers

CRS B4747/1  Army militia records, attestation documents

MP 84/1  Defence department correspondence files

University of Melbourne Archives

Examination results

Ormond College records

Ballarat College Archives

Council minutes

Register of enrolments

Fintona archives

Examinations register

Secondary Sources


E. Andrews, The Anzac Illusion (Melbourne, 1993)

C. Aspinall-Oglander, Military Operations: Gallipoli vols 1 & 2 (London, 1929 & 1932)

C. Bean, Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-18 vols 1–6 (Sydney, 1921-42)

——, Gallipoli Mission (Canberra, 1948)

——, Two Men I Knew (Sydney, 1957)

——, Anzac to Amiens (Canberra, 1968)

F. Brennan, Canberra in Crisis (Canberra, 1971)

G. Cadzow, Charlton in the Vale of the Avoca (Charlton, 1988)

E. Childers (ed), The Times History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 vol. 5 (London, 1907)

R. Corfield, Hold Hard, Cobbers vol. 1 1912-1930 (Melbourne, 1992)

——, Don’t Forget Me, Cobber (Melbourne, 2000)

C. Coulthard-Clark, No Australian Need Apply: The Troubled Career of Lieutenant-General Gordon Legge (Sydney, 1988)

F. Cutlack (ed), War Letters of General Monash (Sydney, 1934)

A. Dean & E. Gutteridge, The Seventh Battalion AIF (Melbourne, 1933)

S. Dewar, ‘Having a Lively Time’: Australians at Gallipoli in 1915 (Melbourne, 1990)

T. Dingle, Settling (Sydney, 1984)

W. Downing, To the Last Ridge (Melbourne, 1920)

J. Dunn, The War the Infantry Knew (London, 1989)

J. Edmonds, Military Operations: France and Belgium 1918 vols 1, 2, 4 & 5 (London, 1935-47)

——, Military Operations: France and Belgium 1917 vol. 2 (London, 1948)

A. Ellis, The Story of the Fifth Australian Division (London, 1920)

C. Falls, Military Operations: France and Belgium 1917 vol. 1 (London, 1940)

B. Gammage, The Broken Years (Canberra, 1974)

W. & W. Gherardin (eds), The Volunteer (Melbourne, 1995)

I. Grant, Jacka VC (Melbourne, 1989)

F. Green, Servant of the House (Melbourne, 1969)

P. Griffith, Battle Tactics of the Western Front (New Haven & London, 1994)

P. Hocking, Twice a Digger (Melbourne, 1995)

C. Hughes & B. Graham (eds), A Handbook of Australian Government and Politics (Canberra, 1968)

K. Inglis, Sacred Places (Melbourne, 1998)

H. Knyvett, Over There with the Australians (London, 1918)

A. Latreille, The Natural Garden (Melbourne, 1990)

N. Lytton, The Press and the General Staff (London, 1920)

S. Macintyre (ed), Ormond College Centenary Essays (Melbourne, 1984)

S. Macintyre, The Oxford History of Australia vol. 4 1901-1942 (Melbourne, 1986)

R. McMullin, Will Dyson: Cartoonist, Etcher and Australia’s Finest War Artist (Sydney, 1984)

——, The Light on the Hill: The Australian Labor Party 1891-1991 (Melbourne, 1991)

W. Mein, History of Ballarat College 1864-1964 (Ballarat, 1964)

M. Middlebrook, The Kaiser’s Battle (London, 1983)

W. Miles, Military Operations: France and Belgium 1916 vol. 2 (London, 1938)

J. Monash, The Australian Victories in France in 1918 (Melbourne, 1923)

B. Nairn & G. Serle (eds), Australian Dictionary of Biography vols 7–10 (Melbourne, 1979-86)

T. Pakenham, The Boer War (London, 1979)

P. Pedersen, Monash as Military Commander (Melbourne, 1985)

G. Powell, Plumer (London, 1990)

R. Prior & T. Wilson, Command on the Western Front: The Military Career of Sir Henry Rawlinson (Oxford, 1992)

——, Passchendaele: The Untold Story (New Haven & London, 1996)

F. Richards, Old Soldiers Never Die (Sydney, 1933)

J. Ritchie (ed), Australian Dictionary of Biography vols 12–15 (Melbourne, 1990-2000)

J. Robertson, Anzac and Empire (Melbourne, 1990)

P. Sadler, The Paladin (Melbourne, 2000)

G. Sawer, Australian Federal Politics and Law 1901-1929 (Melbourne, 1956)

G. Serle, John Monash: A Biography (Melbourne, 1982)

G. Serle (ed), Australian Dictionary of Biography vol. 11 (Melbourne, 1988)

A. Sprake, Londonderry: The Golden Hole (Perth, 1991)

A. Thomson, Anzac Memories: Living with the Legend (Melbourne, 1994)

A. Wildavsky & D. Carboch, Studies in Australian Politics (Melbourne, 1958)

D. Winter, 25 April 1915 (Brisbane, 1994)

G. Witton, Scapegoats of the Empire (Melbourne, 1907)


M. Chamberlain, Victoria at War 1899-1902 (MA thesis, University of Melbourne, 1977)

D. Chambers, A History of Ormond College 1881-1945 (MA thesis, University of Melbourne, 1966)

A. Moore, ‘Send Lawyers, Guns and Money!’ A Study of Conservative Paramilitary Organisations in New South Wales 1930-1932, Background and Sequel 1917-1952’ (PhD thesis, La Trobe University, 1982)

D. Potts, A Study of Three Nationalists in the Bruce–Page Government of 1923-29 (MA thesis, University of Melbourne, 1972)


Despatches 1925-1992 (not paginated until 1964)

Duckboard (various issues)

Fintonian 1915-1940

Reveille (various issues)

Scotch Collegian 1914-1940


I consulted numerous newspapers at the SLV for various periods, principally the Argus, Age, SMH, ECT, and Ballarat Courier. I utilised many others, far too many to list here, when Elliott visited a particular locality on electioneering duty or to unveil a memorial. The holdings of both the Herald library and the AWM were also useful.