- Abrams, M.H.
- Achebe, Chinua: Things Fall Apart
- Adams, Rachel
- adaptive function
- Addison, Joseph
- Adorno, Theodor W.
- Aeschylus: The Suppliants
- aesthetic experience
- aesthetic form
- aesthetic judgment
- aesthetics
- affect
- affective fallacy (Wimsatt and Beardsley)
- affect theory
- affordances
- African American English
- African American literature
- African American studies
- Africana studies
- Africanism
- Agamben, Giorgio
- Ahmed, Sara
- AIDS crisis
- Ailios Theon of Alexandria
- Aizura, Aren Z.
- Alaimo, Stacy
- Alber, Jan
- Alberti, Leon Battista
- algorithm
- alienation effect
- Allen, Don Cameron
- Althusser, Louis
- altruism
- Anderson, Amanda
- Anthropocene (Kolbert)
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- anti‐humanism
- anti‐mimetic narrative theory, see also narrative theory
- Anzaldúa, Gloria
- aporia
- Appadurai, Arjun
- Apter, Emily
- archeology (Foucault)
- archetype
- Arendt, Hannah
- Aristotle
- Armstrong, Paul
- Arnold, Matthew
- Ashbery, John
- Asian American studies
- audience, see also authorial audience (Rabinowitz); narrative audience (Rabinowitz); reader
- Auerbach, Erich
- Augustine, St.
- Austen, Jane
- Emma
- Persuasion
- Pride and Prejudice
- Austin, J.L.
- author
- authorial audience (Rabinowitz)
- authorial intention, see also intention; intentional fallacy (Wimsatt and Beardsley)
- Awkward, Michael
- Bachelard, Gaston
- Bacon, Francis
- Baker, Houston A., Jr.
- Bakhtin, Mikhail M.
- Balibar, Etienne
- Bancroft, Corinne
- Barad, Karen
- Barkan, Leonard
- Barrett, Lisa Feldman
- Barthes, Roland
- base and superstructure (Marx)
- Bataille, Henri
- Bateson, Gregory
- Batson, C. Daniel
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- Baym, Nina
- Beardsley, Monroe C.
- Beaugrande, Robert de
- Beauvoir, Simone de
- Beck, Ulrich
- Behn, Aphra
- belles lettres
- bell hooks see Watkins, Gloria Jean (bell hooks)
- Belsey, Catherine
- Benhabib, Seyla
- Benjamin, Walter
- Benveniste, Emile
- Beowulf
- Bergson, Henri
- Bersani, Leo
- Bertolazzi, Carlo: El nost Milan
- Bérubé, Michael
- Best, Stephen
- Bible
- bibliography
- Binder, Jeff
- Black Arts Movement
- black masculinity
- Blackmur, R.P.
- Blackstone, William
- Blair, Hugh
- Blake, William
- Blanchot, Maurice
- Bleich, David
- Bloch, Ernst
- Bloom, Harold
- Boehm, Christopher
- book history
- Boose, Lynda
- Booth, Wayne C.
- Borges, Jorge Luis
- Bornstein, Kate
- Bortolussi, Marisa
- Bourdieu, Pierre
- Brantlinger, Patrick
- Braudel, Fernand
- Brecht, Bertolt
- Brémond, Claude
- Brennan, Timothy
- Brentano, Franz
- Breuer, Joseph
- Brik, Osip
- Brock, David
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Brooks, Cleanth
- Brower, Reuben
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
- Browning, Robert
- Bryson, Norman
- Burgess, Anthony: A Clockwork Orange
- Burgum, Edwin Berry
- Burke, Edmund
- Burke, Kenneth
- Butler, Judith
- Campbell, Joseph
- Camus, Albert
- Canguilhem, Georges
- canon formation
- canon, literary
- capitalism
- Carby, Hazel
- Carson, Rachel
- Carter, Ronald
- Caruth, Cathy
- Cassirer, Ernst
- Castano, Emanuele
- Castle, Terry
- catharsis
- Celan, Paul
- Certeau, Michel de
- Césaire, Aimé
- Chakrabarty, Dipesh
- Chandler, Raymond
- Chartier, Roger
- Chatman, Seymour
- Chaucer, Geoffrey
- Chen, Mel
- Chicago Formalism
- inductive method
- second generation
- textual autonomy
- third generation
- Chicano studies
- Chomsky, Noam
- Chopin, Kate
- Chow, Rey
- Christian, Barbara
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- Cisneros, Sandra
- civil rights movement
- Cixous, Hélène
- Clisby, Suzanne
- Cmiel, Kenneth
- Coetzee, J.M.
- cognitive linguistics
- cognitive literary theory
- cognitive narrative theory
- cognitive poetics
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive science, see also neuroscience
- cognitive studies
- cognitive stylistics
- Cohen, Hermann
- Cohen, Michael
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- collective unconscious (Jung)
- colonialism
- colonization
- comedy
- commodity fetishism
- computational corpus analysis
- computational linguistics
- computational text analysis
- Connell, Raewyn
- Connolly, Cyril
- Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness
- consilience (E.O. Wilson)
- constellations (Agamben)
- Cornell, Drucilla
- corpus linguistics
- corpus stylistics
- Crane, R.S.
- Crawford, Robert
- Crenshaw, Kimberlé
- Crews, Frederick
- critical race theory
- Culler, Jonathan
- Cultural Materialism, see also New Historicism
- cultural production
- cultural studies
- culturonomics see computational text analysis
- Cvetkovich, Ann
- cybernetics
- cyberspace
- cyborg
- Dailey, Audrey
- Dante Alighieri
- Darms, Lisa
- Darnton, Robert
- Darwin, Charles
- Darwinism
- Daspre, André
- data
- Davidson, Donald
- Davis, Angela
- Davis, Lennard J.
- Davis, Mark
- Dawkins, Richard
- Dawson, Paul
- De Bolla, Peter
- Debord, Guy
- decolonization, see also postcolonialism
- deconstruction
- deep ecology
- defamiliarization
- Defoe, Daniel
- deformative reading
- Dehaene, Stanislaus
- Delany, Samuel R.
- De Lauretis, Teresa
- Deleuze, Gilles
- De Man, Paul
- Dennett, Daniel
- De Quincey, Thomas
- Derrida, Jacques
- Descartes, René
- Devall, Bill
- developmental psychology
- Dewey, John
- dialectic
- dialogism
- Dickens, Charles: A Christmas Carol
- Dickinson, Emily
- Diderot, Denis
- différance (Derrida)
- différend (Deleuze)
- digital humanities
- disability studies
- Dixon, Peter
- Doležel, Lubomir
- Dollimore, Jonathan
- Donne, John
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
- Douglass, Frederick
- Drakakis, John
- Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel)
- Drucker, Johanna
- Dryden, John
- Dubois, Jacques
- Du Bois, W.E.B.
- During, Simon
- Durkheim, Emile
- Eagleton, Terry
- Ebert, Roger
- ecocriticism
- ecology
- Eco, Umberto
- Edelman, Lee
- Edwards, Erica
- Ehrenfeld, David
- Eikhenbaum, Boris
- ekphrasis
- electronic books (e‐books)
- Eliot, George
- Eliot, T.S.
- Ellison, Ralph
- Ellmann, Mary
- Ellmann, Maud
- empathy
- cognitive theories
- empirical studies
- Empson, William
- Engels, Friedrich
- Enlightenment
- environmentalism
- Epicurus
- episteme (Foucault)
- Equiano, Olaudah
- Erlich, Victor
- essentialism
- estrangement
- ethics
- ethnic studies
- Even‐Zohar, Itamar
- evolutionary biology
- evolutionary literary theory
- evolutionary psychology
- existentialism
- fabula
- face (Levinas)
- falsifiability (Popper)
- Fanon, Frantz
- Faulkner, William
- Feinberg, Leslie
- Felman, Shoshana
- Felski, Rita
- female masculinity
- femininities, see also masculinities
- feminism, see also gender theory
- feminist narrative theory
- Fenton, James
- Fetterley, Judith
- Feuillerat, Albert
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
- fictional emotions (paradox)
- fictionality
- Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones
- film studies
- Fink, Bruce
- Finkelstein, Sidney
- Fish, Stanley
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Flesch, William
- Flint, Kate
- Fludernik, Monika
- focalization (Genette)
- Fogle, Richard Harter
- foregrounding
- formalism, see also Chicago Formalism; New Criticism; Russian Formalism
- Forter, Greg
- Foster, Eugie
- Foucault, Michel
- Frankfurt School
- Fraser, Nancy
- Frazer, James
- Freedberg, Sydney
- Freud, Sigmund
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle
- Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety
- Interpretation of Dreams
- Moses and Monotheism
- structural theory
- Studies in Hysteria
- “The Uncanny,”
- Friedman, Norman
- Friedman, Susan Stanford
- Fromm, Erich
- Frye, Northrop
- Fumerton, Patricia
- functionalism
- Fuss, Diana
- Gallagher, Catherine
- Gallop, Jane
- Garland‐Thomson, Rosemarie
- Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
- Geertz, Clifford
- gender theory, see also feminism; queer theory
- genealogy (Foucault)
- Genette, Gérard
- genre
- Gerrig, Richard J.
- Gershwin, George
- Gibson, John J.
- Gibson, William: Neuromancer
- Giddens, Anthony
- Gikandi, Simon
- Gilbert, Sandra
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
- Gilroy, Paul
- Girard, René
- girlhood studies
- globalization studies
- Glotfelty, Cheryll
- Gluck, Carol
- Gödel, Kurt
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Goffman, Erving
- Gogol, Nikolai
- Goldberg, Homer
- Goldberg, Jonathan
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Goldstone, Andrew
- Gombrich, E.H.
- Goodman, Nelson
- Gottschall, Jonathan
- Grafton, Anthony
- grammar
- Gramsci, Antonio
- Gray, John
- Gray, Thomas: “Elegy in a Country Churchyard,”
- Greenblatt, Stephen
- Green, Melanie
- Greer, Germaine
- Gregory, Marshall
- Greimas, A.J.
- Grossberg, Lawrence
- Grosz, Elizabeth
- Guattari, Félix
- Gubar, Susan
- Guevara, Che
- Gupta, Suman
- Habermas, Jürgen
- habitus (Bourdieu)
- Hakemulder, Frank
- Hakemulder, Jèmeljan
- Halberstam, Jack
- Halliday, M.A.K.
- Hall, Stuart
- Halperin, David
- Haney‐López, Ian
- Haraway, Donna
- Hardy, Thomas: The Mayor of Casterbridge
- Harper, Philip Brian
- Hartman, Geoffrey
- Hawkes, David
- Hawkes, Terence
- Hayles, Katherine
- Heaney, Seamus
- Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm
- hegemony (Gramsci)
- Heidegger, Martin
- Heilman, Robert
- Hemingway, Ernest
- Heraclitus
- Herder, Johann Gottfried
- hermeneutic circle
- hermeneutics, see also interpretation
- hermeneutics of suspicion
- Hertz, Neil
- heteroglossia (Bakhtin)
- Hirsch, E.D.
- historicism
- Hitchcock, Alfred
- Hjelmslev, Jan
- Hoffmann, E.T.A.: “The Sandman,”
- Hogan, Patrick Colm
- Hoggart, Richard
- Hölderlin, Friedrich
- Holderness, Graham
- Holland, Norman
- Holub, Robert C.
- homeostasis
- Homer
- Homo Sacer (Agamben)
- homosexuality, see also queer theory
- homosociality
- Honneth, Axel
- Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
- Horkheimer, Max
- Horváth, Marta
- Hughes, Langston
- humanism
- human nature
- Hume, David
- Hurston, Zora Neale
- Husserl, Edmond
- Hutchins, Robert Maynard
- iconicity
- identity
- ideological state apparatuses (Althusser)
- ideology
- image
- imagery
- imaginary (Lacan)
- imagination
- immersive reading
- imperialism
- implied author (Booth)
- information theory
- Ingarden, Roman
- intention
- intentional fallacy (Wimsatt and Beardsley)
- intentionalism
- interpellation (Althusser)
- interpretation, see also hermeneutics
- interpretive community (Fish)
- intersectionality (Crenshaw)
- intersubjectivity
- Irigaray, Luce
- Iser, Wolfgang
- Iversen, Stefan
- Jackson, Heather
- Jacobs, Harriet
- Jakobson, Roman
- James, C.L.R.
- Jameson, Fredric
- Janet, Pierre
- Jankélévitch, Vladimir
- Jauss, Hans Robert
- Jay, Martin
- Jay, Paul
- Jockers, Matthew
- Johns, Jasper
- Johnson, Barbara
- Johnson, Samuel
- Jonson, Ben
- Joyce, James
- Juhl, P.D.
- Jung, Carl Gustav
- Juvan, Marco
- Kafka, Franz
- Kant, Immanuel
- Kastan, David Scott
- Katz, Adam
- Kearney, Mary Celeste
- Keast, W.R.
- Keats, John
- Keen, Suzanne
- Keller, Helen
- Kellner, Douglas
- Kepler, Johannes
- Khlebnikov, Velamir
- Kidd, David
- Kimmel, Michael
- Kim, Sue J.
- Kingston, Maxine Hong
- Kittredge, George Lyman
- Knapp, Steven
- Koffka, Kurt
- Köhler, Wolfgang
- Kojève, Alexandre
- Kolbert, Elizabeth
- Kolodny, Annette
- Kramnick, Jonathan
- Krieger, Murray
- Kristeva, Julia
- Kruger, Steven
- Kuhn, Thomas
- Kuiken, Don
- Lacan, Jacques
- language and style
- master signifier
- surplus enjoyment
- Lakoff, George
- Lamberton, Ken
- langue (Saussure), see also parole (Saussure)
- Lanser, Susan S.
- Larsen, Nella
- Latina/o studies
- Lawrence, D.H.
- Leavis, F.R.
- Leavis, Q.D.
- Leech, Geoffrey
- Lee, Vernon
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilych
- Lennon, Kathleen
- Lentricchia, Frank
- lesbianism, see also queer theory
- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
- Levinas, Emmanuel
- Levin, Richard
- Levinson, Jerrold
- Lévi‐Strauss, Claude
- Lévy‐Bruhl, Lucien
- Lieberman, Daniel E.
- linguistics
- literariness
- literary criticism
- literary history
- literary system
- literary theory
- Locke, John
- Logan, William
- logocentric
- Longinus
- Lorde, Audre
- Lorenz, Konrad
- Lotman, Yuri
- Love, Heather
- Lowenhaupt, Anna
- Löwenthal, Leo
- Lowes, John Livingston
- Lucretius
- Lukács, Georg
- Lynch, Deidre
- Lyotard, Jean‐Francois
- Macedo, Donaldo
- Macherey, Pierre
- machine reading
- Maclean, Norman
- macroanalysis, see also computational text analysis
- Malone, Kemp
- Mandel, Naomi
- Mao Zedong
- Marcuse, Herbert
- Marcus, Leah
- Marcus, Sara
- Marcus, Sharon
- Marlowe, Christopher
- Marraffa, Massimo
- Martindale, Colin
- Marxian theory
- Marxism
- Marx, Karl
- masculinities
- Matheron, François
- Mazer, Cary M.
- McCullers, Carson
- McDowell, Deborah
- McEwan, Ian: Atonement
- McGann, Jerome
- McHenry, Elizabeth
- McKenzie, Donald
- McKeon, Richard P.
- McLachlan, James
- media studies
- Melville, Herman
- Mendelssohn, Moses
- Mendible, Myra
- Merleau‐Ponty, Maurice
- metaphysics
- Miall, David
- Michaels, Walter Benn
- Michelangelo Buonarroti
- Mignolo, Walter D.
- Miller, D.A.
- Miller, J. Hillis
- Miller, Nancy
- Miller, Perry
- Millett, Kate
- Milton, John
- mirror neurons
- Mitchell, David
- Mitchell, W.J.T.
- modernism
- Modern Language Association
- Mohanty, Chandra
- Moi, Toril
- Molière (Jean‐Baptiste Poquelin)
- Montrose, Louis
- Moraga, Cherie
- Moretti, Franco
- Morrison, Toni
- Morrissey, Sinéad
- Mukarˇovský, Jan
- Mullaney, Stephen
- Mullen, Harryette
- Munro, Alice
- myth
- Nachträglichkeit (deferred action)
- Nakamura, Lisa
- Namaste, Viviane K.
- narrative
- narrative audience (Rabinowitz)
- narrative empathy (Keen)
- narrative theory
- narrativity
- narratology
- narrator
- Native American studies
- natural selection (Darwin)
- Neely, Carol Thomas
- Nelson, Cary
- neo‐Aristotelianism, see also Chicago Formalism
- neo‐Kantism
- neoliberalism
- neuroscience
- New Criticism
- new historicism
- Newton, Isaac
- Newton, Judith Lowder
- Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
- Nielsen, Henrik Skov
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Nixon, Rob
- Nowviskie, Bethany
- Nussbaum, Martha
- Oatley, Keith
- objet a (Lacan)
- O’Connor, Flannery
- Oedipus complex (Freud)
- Olson, Elder
- ontology
- Orgel, Stephen
- Orientalism (Said)
- Other (Autre) (Lacan)
- Other (Autrui) (Levinas)
- Pääbo, Svante
- Paine, Thomas
- parole (Saussure)
- pastoral
- patriarchy
- Payne, William Morton
- pedagogy
- Peirce, Charles Sanders
- perceptualism
- Perez, Lorna L.
- performative (Austin)
- phallus (Lacan)
- pharmakon (Derrida)
- Phelan, James
- phenomenology
- Phillips, Dana
- Phillips, Natalie
- Philostratus
- phonology
- Piaget, Jean
- Piepmeier, Alison
- Pinker, Steven
- Plato
- Plekhanov, Georgi
- pluralism
- poetics
- poetry
- politics
- Pope, Alexander
- Popper, Karl
- postcolonialism
- postcolonial theory
- posthumanism
- postmodernism
- poststructuralism
- Poulet, George
- Pound, Ezra
- Poussin, Nicolas
- Prague linguistic circle
- Prince, Gerald
- Prinz, Jesse
- Propp, Vladimir
- Prosser, Jay
- Proust, Marcel
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalytical theory
- Puar, Jasbir
- public sphere (Habermas)
- qualia
- Quayson, Ato
- queer theory
- Rabaté, Jean‐Michel
- Rabinowitz, Peter J.
- race, see also critical race theory
- Rader, Ralph
- Radford, Colin
- Radway, Janice
- Ragland‐Sullivan, Ellie
- Ramsay, Stephen
- Ransom, John Crowe
- Rapp, David N.
- reader, see also audience
- reader response theory
- reading
- algorithmic
- close
- distant
- machine
- surface
- Real (Lacan)
- reception theory
- Reed, Ishmael
- reification
- repetition compulsion
- rhetoric
- rhetorical narrative theory
- Rhys, Jean
- Ricardo, David
- Rich, Adrienne
- Richards, I.A.
- Richardson, Brian
- Richardson, Samuel
- Pamela
- Sir Charles Grandison
- Rilke, Rainer Maria
- Rimbaud, Artur
- Robertson, D.W.
- Rorty, Richard
- Rose, Jonathan
- Rosenblatt, Louise
- Ross, Andrew
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Ross, Marlon B.
- Ross, Trevor
- Rothberg, Michael
- Rousseau, Jean‐Jacques
- Rubery, Matt
- Rubin, Gayle
- Rubin, Louis D., Jr.
- Rubinstein, Annette
- Russian Formalism
- Russ, Joanna
- Sacks, Sheldon
- Said, Edward
- Salamon, Gayle
- Sample, Mark
- Samuels, Lisa
- Sartre, Jean‐Paul
- Saussure, Ferdinand de
- Savarese, Ralph
- Savran, David
- Schalkwyk, David
- schema
- Schiller, Friedrich
- Schmidt, Siegfried
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Schor, Naomi
- Schürmann, Reiner
- Schuyler, George
- Scott, Darieck
- Scott, David
- Searle, John
- Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky
- semiotic theory
- sentimentalism
- separate spheres, theory of
- Sessions, George
- Sewell, Anna: Black Beauty
- sex/gender distinction
- sexual selection (Darwin)
- Shakespeare, William
- As You Like It
- Hamlet
- King Lear
- Macbeth
- Much Ado about Nothing
- Othello
- Richard III
- The Tempest
- Shelley, Mary
- Shklovsky, Victor
- Showalter, Elaine
- Shubin, Neil
- Sidney, Philip
- Siebers, Tobin
- Silicon Valley
- Silko, Leslie Marmon
- Simonides of Ceos
- simulation theory
- Sinfield, Alan
- situated cognition
- sjuzet
- slavery
- Smith, Adam
- Smith, Barbara
- Smith, Michael
- Smith, Valerie
- Snyder, Sharon
- social construction
- social evolution
- social psychology
- Sontag, Susan
- Sophocles: Oedipus the King
- sovereignty
- Spade, Dean
- Speech Act Theory
- Spender, Dale
- Spenser, Edmund
- Spillers, Hortense
- Spingarn, Joel
- Spinoza, Baruch
- Spitzer, Leo
- Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
- split subject (Lacan)
- Springer, Mary Doyle
- Sprinker, Michael
- Staël, Germaine de
- Stallybrass, Peter
- Stecker, Robert
- Steinberg, Leo
- Sterne, Laurence: Tristram Shandy
- Stevens, Wallace: “The Snow Man,”
- Stewart, Garrett
- Stone, Allucquere Rosanne
- story and discourse (Chatman), see also fabula; sjuzet
- Strange, Jeffrey
- structuralism
- structural linguistics
- structure
- Stryker, Susan
- stylistics
- subaltern (Gramsci)
- Suleiman, Susan
- Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels
- Symbolic (Lacan)
- sympathy
- synolon (Aristotle)
- Tan, Ed S.
- taste
- Tate, Allen
- Taylor, Marjorie
- Tel Quel
- Tennenhouse, Leonard
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord
- text mining
- Theocritus
- Theory of Mind (ToM)
- theory‐theory
- Third World Liberation Front
- Thomas, Dylan
- Thompson, E.P.
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Tillyard, E.M.W.
- Titchener, Edward
- Todd, Janet
- Todorov, Tzvetan
- ToM see Theory of Mind (ToM)
- Tomashevsky, Boris
- Tomlinson, John
- Toomer, Jean
- Tournier, Michel
- Toussaint l'Ouverture, François‐Dominique
- tragedy
- transgender studies
- trauma theory
- Treichler, Paula
- Trilling, Lionel
- Trotsky, Leon
- Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt
- Tsur, Reuven
- Turing, Alan
- Turner, Graeme
- Turner, Mark
- Turner, Victor
- Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens)
- Tynianov, Yuri
- Van Peer, Willie
- Vasari, Giorgio
- Vendler, Helen
- Vermeule, Blakey
- Vico, Giambattista
- Vidali, Amy
- Vincent, J. Keith
- Virgil
- visual art
- Viswanathan, Gaury
- Vodička, Felix
- Vossler, Karl
- Waggoner, Hyatt
- Wallace, Michele
- Wallerstein, Immanuel
- Wallerstein, Ruth
- Walsh, Richard
- Walton, Kendall
- Warburg, Aby
- Warhol, Robyn
- Warner, Michael
- Warren, Kenneth
- Warren, Robert Penn
- Watkins, Gloria Jean (bell hooks)
- Watkin, William
- Weber, Max
- Weheliye, Alexander
- Weinberg, Bernard
- Wellek, René
- Whannel, Paddy
- Wheatley, Phillis
- Whewell, William
- White, Hayden
- Whitman, Walt
- Wiener, Norbert
- Williams, Raymond
- Wilson, E.O.
- Wilson, J. Dover
- Wimsatt, William K.
- Winters, Yvor Armstrong
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
- Wittig, Monique
- Wolfe, Cary
- Wölfflin, Heinrich
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- women’s studies
- Wool, Christopher
- Woolf, Virginia
- Wordsworth, William
- Wright, Austin
- Wright, Richard
- Yanal, Robert
- Yeats, William Butler
- Young, Kay
- Zetterberg, Simona Gjerlevsen
- Zhdanov, Andrei
- Zimmerman, Bonnie
- Zola, Irving
- Zunshine, Lisa
- Zyngier, Sonia