The Future of Rootkits

The use of rootkit technology is becoming increasingly popular and more advanced. There have even been examples of vendors such as Sony using rootkit-like technology.

Rootkit technology has been increasing over the last three years, and the rate of adoption from both the legitimate and illegitimate side just keeps growing at a blazing speed. Even if the new Windows Vista claims to reduce the risk of malware such as rootkits, the hacker scene already has information on how to bypass such features, so the race is far from being won by either side. Rootkit technology seems to be here to stay unless there is some major change in the way software developers design applications and operating systems. There is even a good chance that this technology is going to move from servers and workstations to other appliances, such as cell phones (e.g., by replacing your network card firmware). Defending against rootkit technology is a difficult task. It is essentially an arms race between the rootkit researchers and those attempting to create defenses.

—Nic Beauchesne