Configuring WebProxy

WebProxy's configuration file is found under .webproxyrc. The following code illustrates a typical configuration file with some comments to further explain the content:

# Global Properties #
set cacert-keystore wp_cacert
set server-SSLv3-only false
set ignore-cert-errors true
set certpath certs
set cache-negative-DNS-forever true
set cert-password password
set cacert wp_cacert
set break-lines-at 100

#      Plugins      #
# Plugin "RequestIntercept" #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginRequestIntercept

# Plugin "RequestFuzzer" #
# Change this value to your own file for more fuzz value.
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginRequestFuzzer
set RequestFuzzer.fuzzpath fuzz  #location of the fuzz values

# Plugin "ForcedBrowsing" #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginForcedBrowsing

# Plugin "Spider" #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginSpider

# Plugin "RegexReplacement" #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyContentFilterRegexReplacement
set RegexReplacement.fix-post-content-length true
#fixing the size value in post

# Plugin "Quash" #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginQuash
#Quash.addquash Referer

# Plugin "FileWriter" #
# This section configure the File Writer behavior #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyContentFilterFileWriter
set FileWriter.output-enabled true
set false
set true
set FileWriter.log-dir logs
set true
#set "text/html text/xml"
set FileWriter.output-filename out.txt
set FileWriter.hide-image-requests true
#set FileWriter.hide-extensions ".js .css"
set FileWriter.convert-proxychained-requests true
set FileWriter.url-decode-response-body false

# Plugin "ConsolePrinter" #
# This section configure the console output behavior #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyContentFilterConsolePrinter
set true
#set "text/html text/xml"
set ConsolePrinter.hide-image-requests true
#set ConsolePrinter.hide-extensions ".js .css"
set ConsolePrinter.convert-proxychained-requests true
set ConsolePrinter.url-decode-response-body false

# Plugin "RequestCache" #
# This section configure the request cache behavior #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginRequestCache
set RequestCache.requests-to-cache 200
set RequestCache.most-recent-first true
set RequestCache.discard-image-requests true  # Discard image cache #
set RequestCache.truncate-line-display-at 125
#set RequestCache.hide-extensions ".js .css"

# Plugin "RequestEditor" #
# This section configure the request editor behavior #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginRequestEditor
set false
set RequestEditor.truncate-url-display-at 100

# Plugin "Utilities" #
addplugin com.atstake.web.WebProxyPluginUtilities

#      Proxies      #
# The port used to connect to web proxy #
# Add those same port to your browser as proxy #
# example: as your http proxy    #
addproxy http 5111
addproxy https 5112

# This section configure the proxy chain behavior #
# This is useful if you have multiple proxies to  #
# pass thru before reaching the web application   #
#addproxy httpthruproxy 6111 some.http.proxy 8000
#addproxy httpsthruproxy 6112 some.https.proxy 8000
#addproxy sshthruproxy 6113 some.https.proxy 8000 ssh-destination.server 443 local

# note: has a list of
#       publicly available proxies