
As a group, we'd like to thank Patrick Ames, our Juniper Networks Books editor-in-chief, for assisting us through the long, nine-month creation cycle and for giving us the advice and guidance to write and publish this book. We would also like to thank the many people at Juniper Networks who either reviewed or helped us in ways too numerous to recall. And we would like to thank the management of Juniper Networks for supporting us and granting us corporate resources to research and write this book.

The authors' individual acknowledgments are as follows:

Bryan Burns: Thanks to Avi, Paul, and Patrick for herding the cats. Thanks to Avi and Daniel for freeing up the time needed to write this book. Last but not least, thanks to Zuzana, Nico, and Sasha for at least trying to leave me alone long enough to get some work done.

Nicolas Beauchesne: I would like to thank Avi for giving me the time to write this book, and to Paul for the miracle of translating my bad English into something readable. Thanks to Julie, Kim, Sabrina, and Martine for their moral support.

Philippe Biondi: I'd like to thank Marina Retbi, Arnaud Ébalard, and Fabrice Desclaux for proofreading my bad English, and David Coffey who helped turn it into something that does not make you wish you were blind.

Jennifer Stisa Granick: I would like to thank my clients for facing personal risk and legal uncertainty in order to advance the state of the art of computer security (and for dreaming up so many interesting ways of getting in trouble), and my husband, Brad Stone, for always encouraging me.

Paul Guersch: I would like to acknowledge the engineers (Bryan, Julien, Dave, Chris, Eric, Michael, Eric, Nic, and Steve) who wrote this book. Since I am not an engineer, I am truly amazed at how much they know about network security. They are truly at the top of their game when it comes to securing and protecting customer systems. They keep me on my toes. I would also like to acknowledge Patrick Ames for his leadership in this project, and Avi Avivi for his trust in me.

Chris Iezzoni: This is my first contribution to a security-related book and I've learned a lot in the process. Mostly that it's an enormous amount of work for everyone involved. I'd like to thank my peers and coworkers for their efforts towards making this book a reality. Thanks to Paul for enduring my continuously late chapters and resulting edits. Special thanks to Avi for hiring me so many years ago.

Dave Killion: I felt like a juggler while working on this project—normal work, the book, school full time, my family, and other "special" projects—it was hard keeping it all in the air. I'd like to thank my boss, Avi, for understanding when the "work" ball was caught lower than some others, Paul for keeping me on track and not letting the "book" ball fall too far, but mostly my wife Dawn and my two kids, Rebecca and Justin, who supported me through all this stress to make this book, my job, my schooling, and, most importantly, my family a success. I love you guys!

Michael Lynn: I would like to thank Mrs. Baird for keeping me out of trouble throughout school, Robert Baird for keeping me out of trouble throughout and after college, and Jennifer Granick for getting me out of trouble when getting into trouble was the only moral thing to do.

Steve Manzuik: I would like to thank all the guys at Juniper who have struggled to get their day-to-day work done while still getting chapters completed more or less on the deadline date. Thanks to Avi for allowing me to go against my own better judgment and get involved in this project. Lastly, I would like to thank "Uncle Jack" for helping me out on those long evenings spent reviewing each chapter.

Eric Markham: I would like to acknowledge that without the support of my peers and my wife (who is actually a writer by trade), this book would be somewhat thinner.

Eric Moret: Thank you to the media at large for making our jobs possible. Keeping the public informed on cyber security risks is what puts bread and stinky cheese on the table. More seriously though, thank you Bryan for having convinced so many of us into writing a few "piece of cake" chapters in a book about security. Above all, thank you to my lovely wife Zoulfia who had to endure both our three-year-old Antoine and one-year-old Isabelle during a few weekends while I fled to the office, working to make my chapter's deadline.

Julien Sobrier: I would like to thank Avi for giving us time to write the book, Paul for helping to clean up my English, and my wife Yanchen and daughter Anais for letting me work at home on this book.