Act 1 Scene 1

List of parts: PHILOSTRATE…court in the Quarto text, he is the Master of the Revels who introduces the entertainment in the final act; in Folio, this role is taken by Egeus, leaving Philostrate a nonspeaking role in the first scene.

 1.1    Location: Athens    Theseus mythical Duke of Athens who conquered the Amazons    Hippolyta mythical Queen of the Amazons, captured by Theseus

    2    apace quickly    Four happy days the action actually extends over two days and the intervening night

    4    lingers draws out/keeps waiting

    5    Like to like stepdame    stepmother dowager widow

    6    withering out i.e., using up    young man’s revenue i.e., her son’s inheritance

    7    steep soak, be suffused in

    9    moon…bow Diana was goddess of hunting and the moon

  10    New-bent ready to be strung or to let an arrow loose

  11    solemnities ceremonies, celebrations

  14    pert lively

  16    pale companion melancholy fellow    pomp splendid display, ceremony

  17    with my sword Hippolyta was captured during Theseus’ campaign against the Amazons

  18    injuries wrongs

  20    triumph public celebration    Hermia name of Aristotle’s disreputable mistress; may be derived from “Hermione” (daughter of Helen of Troy)    Lysander derived from “Alexander” (another name for Paris, who carried off Helen of Troy)    Demetrius a villainous Demetrius appears in North’s Plutarch and in Shakespeare’s    Titus Andronicus 32 feigning singing softly/deceitful/joyful/desirous/longing

  33    stol’n…fantasy cunningly imprinted yourself in her imagination

  34    gauds showy playthings conceits trinkets

  35    knacks knickknacks    trifles insignificant tokens    nosegays small bouquets of flowers    sweetmeats confectionery

  36    prevailment persuasion, influence unhardened inexperienced, yielding

  37    filched stolen

  40    Be it so if

  46    Immediately directly

  52    disfigure alter/erase

  56    kind respect wanting lacking voice approval

  58    would wish

  62    concern befit

  63    presence the duke/assembled people/ceremonial place

  67    die the death be executed

  68    society company

  70    Know of learn from    blood passions

  72    livery clothing (and lifestyle)

  73    aye always mewed confined

  78    earthlier happy i.e., more happy on earth    distilled whose essence is extracted for perfume

  80    single blessedness i.e., celibacy

  82    Ere before    virgin patent privilege of virginity

  83    his lordship i.e., Demetrius

  86    sealing day i.e., wedding day

  90    would wishes

  91    Diana Roman goddess of chastity and the moon    protest vow

  92    aye ever

  94    crazèd flawed/unsound/mad    title claim

  96    Do i.e., why don’t

  98    render give to

100    estate unto bestow upon

101    derived descended

102    possessed propertied, i.e., affluent

103    fairly nobly/equally

104    with…Demetrius’ superior to those of Demetrius

107    prosecute pursue

108    avouch declare head i.e., face

109    Made love to wooed Helena perhaps named after Helen of Troy

110    dotes is infatuated

112    spotted (morally) stained

115    self-affairs personal matters

116    lose forget

118    schooling admonition/advice

119    look be sure    arm prepare

120    fancies desires

122    extenuate moderate

125    go come

127    Against in preparation for

128    nearly that that closely

132    Belike probably

133    Beteem grant

134    aught anything, whatever

137    blood rank

138    cross hindrance/vexation

139    misgraffèd mismatched

141    stood depended    merit Folio’s emendation of Quarto’s “friends” (meaning “relatives”); some editors assume that both texts are wrong and that the line should read, “Or merit stood upon the choice of friends”

143    sympathy agreement

145    momentary fleeting

147    collied blackened

148    spleen fit of temper    unfolds reveals

149    ere before

151    quick living/brief    confusion ruin

152    ever crossed always thwarted

154    trial experience of this trial

157    fancy’s love’s

158    persuasion opinion

161    seven leagues about twenty-one miles

162    respects considers

167    without outside

169    do…May i.e., celebrate May Day

170    stay wait

172    Cupid Roman god of love

173    best…head i.e., one causing love (Cupid’s lead arrows were supposed to induce loathing)

174    simplicity innocence doves symbols of fidelity, these birds drew the goddess of love’s chariot

175    knitteth binds together

176    Carthage queen Dido, who committed suicide on a pyre when Aeneas deserted her

177    false Troyan the Trojan Aeneas

183    fair beautiful/fair-complexioned

185    happy favored, lucky

186    lodestars guiding stars air melody

187    tuneable harmonious

188    green fresh, new

189    favour good looks/a favorable attitude

190    catch seize

193    bated omitted (with play on “baited, hooked”)

194    translated transformed

200    move arouse

203    none i.e., no fault

206    fly flee

212    Phoebe another name for the Roman moon goddess

213    glass mirror (i.e., water)

215    still always

218    faint pale wont accustomed

219    counsel inmost thoughts/advice

222    strange foreign, new

229    o’er other some more than others

232    all everyone else

235    quantity value/substance/proportion (to what love makes them into)

236    form ordered, attractive appearance/substance

238    blind Cupid was traditionally depicted as a sightless    child

239    of…taste the least bit of reason

240    figure symbolize

242    beguiled deceived, misguided

243    waggish playful, mischievous    game jest/play    themselves forswear break their word

245    eyne eyes

251    intelligence information

252    dear expense effort worth making/high price to pay (as Demetrius will pursue Hermia)/begrudging gratitude (from Demetrius)

Act 1 Scene 2

 1.2    Quince probably from “quines” or “quoins,” a carpenter’s wooden wedges    Snug close-fitting; a good name for a joiner (craftsman who makes furniture)    Bottom the core onto which the weaver’s yarn was wound, or a ball of thread; did not have modern sense of “arse”    Flute suggests the fluted pipes of a church organ operated by bellows; perhaps Flute also has a reedy, high voice    Snout possibly Snout has a large nose (some editors suppose a reference to the spout of a kettle, which a tinker would have to mend, but sixteenth-century kettles did not have spouts)    Starveling tailors were proverbially thin

    2    generally malapropism for “severally” (i.e., individually) scrip scrap of paper/script (i.e., what is written down; the word did not have its modern theatrical sense)

    4    interlude short play

    6    treats on deals with, is about

    7    grow…point approach a conclusion

    8    Marry by the Virgin Mary

  11    spread yourselves spread out

  17    ask require

  18    condole express great sorrow

  19    humour inclination    Ercles i.e., the Greek hero Hercules    rarely magnificently, exceptionally

  20    tear…in rant and bluster    split go to pieces

  22    shivering shattering

  25    Phibbus’ car the chariot of Phoebus, the sun god

  27    mar ruin

  28    Fates three goddesses in control of human destiny

  29    lofty grandiose, exalted, impressive vein temperament

  34    wand’ring i.e., on a mission

  37    That’s all one it doesn’t matter    small high-pitched

  38    will can

  39    An if

  46    Thisbe’s…father these characters never actually appear

  49    fitted equipped, provided for (perhaps maintaining the language of joinery)

  52    do it extempore improvise

  60    discretion sound judgment    aggravate malapropism for “moderate”

  61    roar roar for    sucking dove conflation of “sitting dove” and “sucking lamb,” both proverbially quiet and gentle    an ’twere as if it were

  64    proper handsome

  68    discharge perform    your i.e., you know the sort    orange-tawny yellowish-brown

  69    purple-in-grain dyed red    French-crown-coloured i.e., the gold color of the French coin

  71    crowns heads; baldness was an effect of syphilis (“the French disease”)

  73    con learn

  75    devices plans

  76    draw draw up    bill list

  78    obscenely malapropism, perhaps for “seemly” or “obscurely”    courageously spiritedly

  79    perfect word perfect

  81    hold…bow-strings archers’ saying, possibly meaning “stand firm and fight, or cut your bowstrings in preparation for capture”

Act 2 Scene 1

 2.1    Location: a wood near Athens    Robin Goodfellow name traditionally given to a mischievous hobgoblin    Puck a kind of mischievous goblin

    4    park enclosed hunting ground pale fenced-in area

    5    Thorough through

    7    sphere stars and planets were thought to be contained within revolving hollow spheres

    9    orbs i.e., fairy rings (dark circles in the grass)

  10    pensioners bodyguards

  12    favours tokens of favor

  13    savours (sweet) scent

  16    lob country bumpkin

  17    anon soon

  20    passing fell excessively fierce    wrath angry

  23    changeling child taken by the fairies (usually exchanged for a fairy child)

  25    trace traverse

  26    perforce forcibly

  29    fountain spring    sheen brightness

  30    square quarrel

  32    making physical appearance quite entirely

  33    shrewd cunning

  35    villagery villages

  36    Skim take the cream off    quern churn; also a mill for grinding corn

  37    bootless in vain

  38    barm yeasty froth on top of fermenting ale

  39    mislead i.e., with false fire that moves from place to place

  46    bean-fed well-fed

  47    filly female

  48    gossip’s old friend’s bowl i.e., drinking cup

  49    crab crab apple

  51    dewlap loose fold of skin hanging at the neck

  52    aunt old woman 55 ‘tailor’ cry of surprise; possibly because she ends up sitting on the floor (customary posture for tailors), or because she sits on her “tail” (i.e., bum)

  56    quire company

  57    waxen increase neeze sneeze

  58    wasted spent

  59    room make way Oberon name often given to the King of Fairies    Titania used by Ovid to refer to Diana (moon goddess) and Circe (enchantress)

  64    Tarry stay    wanton willful one, perhaps also with sense of “promiscuous”    lord husband

  65    lady wife

  67    Corin conventional pastoral name

  68    corn straw versing composing/uttering verses of

  69    Phillida conventional pastoral name

  70    step limit

  71    forsooth in truth    bouncing big, strapping (perhaps with sexual connotations)

  72    buskined wearing high hunting boots (“buskins”)

  76    Glance at refer to/cast aspersions on credit favor

  78    glimmering twinkling, shimmering

  79    Perigenia (sometimes spelt “Perigouna”) Theseus slept with her after he killed her robber father    ravishèd carried off/seized/raped

  80    Aegles nymph loved by Theseus

  81    Ariadne she helped Theseus find his way out of the labyrinth; he then abandoned her    Antiopa Amazon seduced or abducted by Theseus before being abandoned by him

  83    middle summer’s spring i.e., beginning of midsummer

  84    mead meadow

  85    pavèd with a pebbly base    rushy edged with rushes

  86    in on    beachèd covered with shingle    margent margin, edge

  87    ringlets circular fairy dance

  88    brawls quarrels/noise; also lively French dance (contrasts with calmer ringlets)    sport recreation

  89    piping whistling

  91    Contagious pestilential/harmful

  92    petty small    proud swollen

  93    overborne their    continents exceeded their boundaries (i.e., flooded)

  94    stretched strained at/pulled

  95    lost wasted

  96    ere…beard before developing the awn (bristly growth)

  97    fold animal pen

  98    murrion infected

  99    nine men’s morris ground marked out for a game involving nine pegs (“men”)

100    quaint elaborate    mazes pattern of paths cut in the turf    wanton green lush grass

102    want…blessed i.e., though the weather is wintery, there are no winter festivities (some editors emend “here” to “cheer”)

104    Therefore i.e., because of our dispute    floods tides

105    washes saturates, renders moist

106    rheumatic diseases illnesses involving watery discharge, such as colds

107    distemperature poor weather/disorder

108    hoary-headed white-haired

110    Hiems personification of winter

111    chaplet garland

113    childing fertile

114    wonted customary    mazèd confused/dumbstruck/terrified

115    increase produce

117    debate discord    dissension discord

118    original point of origin

122    henchman squire, page

125    votress female follower, bound by a vow

127    Full very

128    Neptune Roman god of the sea

129    Marking observing, noting    th’embarkèd traders sailing merchants or their ships    flood sea

131    wanton playful/lustful

132    swimming gait smooth, graceful motion

137    of that boy i.e., in childbirth

141    Perchance perhaps

142    patiently calmly    round circular dance

144    spare avoid

147    chide quarrel    downright utterly

148    from go from

151    Since when    promontory headland

153    dulcet sweet    breath i.e., song

154    rude rough

155    certain surely/particular

160    all fully certain accurate/specific

161    vestal woman vowed to chastity, here assumed by most commentators to be an allusion to Queen Elizabeth I (the imperial votress)

163    As as if

164    might could

167    fancy-free unaffected by love

168    bolt arrow

170    purple blood-colored

171    love-in-idleness pansy or heartsease

174    or either

177    leviathan sea monster

178    girdle belt

194    The…stayeth i.e., I will confront Lysander; it is Hermia who is preoccupying me (some editors emend to “slay…slayeth”)

196    wood angry/mad (puns on “wooed”)

199    draw attract (magnetically)    adamant hard magnetic substance

201    Leave you give up

203    you fair favorably, kindly to you

209    but only

210    leave permission

218    impeach discredit

222    desert desolate, isolated

224    privilege safeguard    for that because

231    brakes bushes

235    Apollo…chase a reversal of the myth in which Daphne, being chased by Apollo, was spared rape by being turned into a laurel tree

236    griffin mythical beast, part lion part eagle    hind female deer

237    bootless pointless

239    stay wait for

244    set…sex make me behave in a way that disgraces womankind

248    upon by/at

254    blows blossoms

255    oxlips flowers resembling both cowslip and primrose

256    Quite completely    woodbine honeysuckle

257    musk-roses wild climbing roses eglantine sweetbriar, a sweetly scented rose

258    sometime at some time or other

260    throws sheds

261    Weed garment

271    fond on infatuated with

Act 2 Scene 2

    1    roundel circular dance

    3    cankers worms that destroy plants

    4    reremice bats    leathern leathery

    7    quaint strange/dainty

    8    offices duties

    9    double i.e., forked

  11    blind-worms adders

  13    Philomel nightingale; Philomela was transformed into a nightingale after being raped by her brother-in-law

  18    nigh near

  24    etc. indicates chorus is to be repeated

  26    aloof at a distance    sentinel guard

  30    ounce lynx

  31    Pard leopard/panther

  36    troth truth

  38    tarry…day wait till the cooler part of the day

  42    troth pledge (of love)/faith

  45    take the sense i.e., interpret correctly

  46    Love…conference i.e., love allows lovers to understand one another

  52    lie mislead (you) (puns on “lie down”)

  53    prettily charmingly/cleverly

  54    beshrew curse

  56    friend lover

  57    human polite/courteous

  59    Becomes befits

  65    wisher’s eyes i.e., Lysander’s    pressed i.e., closed in sleep

  68    approve test

  78    Churl villain/scoundrel

  79    owe own

  80    forbid…eyelid prevent you from sleeping

  85    charge command    haunt pursue/hang around

  86    darkling in the dark

  88    fond foolish/doting

  89    grace favor

  90    lies is/resides

  96    marvel wonder

  97    as as if (from)

  98    glass mirror

  99    sphery eyne heavenly eyes

104    Transparent radiant/see-through    art skill (allowing him to see through Helena’s body)

109    What though what of it (if)

115    will inclination (plays on sense of “sexual desire”/”penis”)

118    ripe not i.e., was not mature enough

119    point peak    skill discernment

120    marshal guide

121    o’erlook read

122    stories narrative/true history

123    Wherefore why

129    Good troth truly    good sooth indeed

132    lord possessor    gentleness nobility/courtesy/kindness

134    of by    abused mistreated

137    surfeit excess

139    leave renounce

140    those…deceive i.e., the former heretics themselves

142    Of by

143    address direct

150    prey act of preying

151    removed departed

153    an if if

154    of all loves for love’s sake

Act 3 Scene 1

 3.1    Clowns lower-class comic characters

    2    Pat punctually

    3    brake thicket    tiring-house dressing room

    6    bully old mate, good fellow

  10    By’r lakin by our ladykin (i.e., the Virgin Mary)    parlous perilous

  11    done i.e., said and done

  12    Write me write/write for me

  16    eight and six alternating lines of eight and six syllables (common meter for ballads)

  18    afeard afraid

  19    it either the lion, or that the ladies will be afraid

  21    fearful frightening

  22    wild-fowl i.e., wild beast (literally, bird)

  25    defect malapropism for “effect”

  27    My…yours by my life (literally, I would lay down my life for you)

  28    pity…life a bad thing, by my life/my life would be at risk

  29    plainly may pun on “plane” (carpenter’s tool)

  33    almanac calendar

  36    casement section of a window

  38    bush…lantern the traditional props of the man in the moon

  39    disfigure malapropism for “figure” (i.e., represent)    present represent

  44    rough-cast lime and gravel mixture used for plastering walls

  47    rehearse recite

  49    hempen home-spuns those wearing homemade/rustic clothes    swagg’ring blustering

  50    cradle place of rest

  51    toward in preparation

  59    by and by shortly

  66    brisky juvenal lively young man    eke also    Jew desperate rhyme, or perhaps short for “juvenal” or “jewel” as a term of affection

  69    Ninus founder of Nineveh

  70    part an actor’s written part consisted solely of his lines and cues

  73    fair handsome    were would be

  75    round circular dance/circuitous route

  78    fire will-o’-the-wisp, a flame over marshy ground (caused by gas but popularly supposed to be a hobgoblin’s trick)

  81    knavery trick

  84    translated transformed

  88    ousel cock male blackbird

  90    throstle song thrush

  91    quill reed/pipe (i.e., voice)

  94    plain-song melodically simple

  96    dares…nay is unable to deny the truth of the cuckoo’s cry of “cuckold” (man with an unfaithful wife)

  97    who…bird adaptation of “do not set your wit against a fool’s” (proverbial)    give…lie accuse the bird of lying

  98    cuckoo i.e., “cuckold”    never so ever so much

101    enthrallèd enslaved

102    virtue’s qualities’    perforce of necessity

106    gleek make a jest

110    turn purposes

112    wilt wish to

113    rate worth, rank

114    still always    tend upon serve, wait upon    state status as queen

117    deep bottom of the sea

119    grossness bodily form

121    Peaseblossom flower of plants of the pea family; Pease also meant “something of very small value or importance”    Moth pronounced “mote” (i.e., speck) so this sense may also be implied

128    eyes i.e., sight

129    apricocks apricots    dewberries type of blackberry

131    humblebees bumblebees

132    night-tapers candles

134    arise possible erectile connotations

142    cry…mercy beg your pardon

144    desire…acquaintance want to be better acquainted with you    if…you cobwebs were used to stop bleeding

147    Squash unripe pea pod

148    Peascod pea pod (a traditional remedy for lovesickness, with play on “codpiece”)

151    patience endurance (as mustard is eaten with beef)

153    made…water since mustard is hot in the mouth

157    weeps i.e., causes dew

158    enforcèd violated

159    Tie…tongue perhaps because Bottom is braying

Act 3 Scene 2

    3    in extremity to excess

    5    night-rule mischievous, disordered nighttime activity    haunted much frequented

    7    close private/secluded

    8    dull inactive

    9    patches clowns/fools    rude mechanicals uneducated manual workers

  13    barren sort stupid group

  15    Forsook left    scene performance space

  17    noll head

  19    mimic burlesque actor/performer

  20    fowler hunter

  21    russet-pated choughs reddish-brown jackdaws (with play on “chuff,” rustic boor) many in sort i.e., in a large flock

  22    report sound of firing

  23    Sever scatter    sweep move swiftly across

  30    yielders those who yield to fear

  36    latched ensnared/wetted

  40    of force by necessity

  41    close concealed

  45    chide rebuke (you)    use treat

  48    Being o’er shoes having waded

  50    true loyal

  53    whole solid, intact    bored pierced through

  54    centre i.e., of the earth

  55    Her brother’s i.e., the sun’s    th’Antipodes the people/places on the opposite side of the globe

  57    dead deadly/murderous

  61    Venus bright planet; also Roman goddess of love sphere orbit/hollow surrounding sphere

  62    to got to do with

  65    cur dog

  67    numbered counted

  68    once once and for all

  69    Durst would you/did you dare    a have

  70    brave touch fine/impudent deed

  71    worm snake

  72    doubler more divided/deceitful

  74    spend expend/waste    passion powerful feelings    misprised mood mistaken anger

  78    therefor for it

  82    vein mood

  84    So…owe i.e., lack of sleep and sorrow combined are making me very tired    heavier harder to bear/sleepier

  85    For because of the

  87    his tender sleep’s offer    make some stay stay here awhile

  88    quite utterly

  90    misprision error

  92    one…troth for each man who keeps his word/faith in love

  93    confounding breaking    on after

  95    look be sure

  96    fancy-sick lovesick cheer face

  97    sighs…dear each sigh was thought to drain a drop of blood from the heart

  98    illusion deception

  99    against in preparation for when

101    Tartar’s bow powerful bow from central Asia

104    apple pupil/center

109    remedy relief, resolution

113    fee payment

114    fond pageant foolish spectacle

119    alone unique/on its own

121    preposterously perversely, out of the normal course of events

124    Look when whenever

125    nativity i.e., through weeping

127    badge outward sign (as worn on servants’ livery), i.e., tears

128    advance show

129    truth kills truth i.e., his vows to Hermia and to Helena invalidate one another    devilish-holy fray quarrel involving false and true vows

130    o’er up

133    light as tales false as rumors/lies

136    Demetrius…you there maybe a missing rhyme line for Helena hereafter

139    ripe i.e., full and red    show appearance

141    pure congealèd white i.e., pale skin (considered to be especially beautiful)    Taurus mountain range in Turkey

142    turns…crow seems black in comparison (with Helena’s white skin)

144    seal promise

145    bent disposed

146    set against be hostile to

148    do…injury insult me so much

150    join in    souls unite

152    gentle noble/mild

153    superpraise praise excessively    parts qualities

157    trim fine

160    extort torture/wring

169    will none i.e., want nothing to do with her

171    but…sojourned stayed with her merely as a visitor

176    abide suffer for/pay for    dear at great cost

178    his its

179    apprehension perception

186    press urge

187    bide remain

188    engilds brightens with gold

189    yon i.e., those over there    oes spangles (i.e., stars)

193    confed’racy alliance

195    fashion contrive    in spite to vex

196    Injurious harmful, unjust

198    bait persecute/torment

199    counsel inmost thoughts/advice

201    chid scolded

204    artificial skilled in the arts of creation

207    one key total harmony

209    incorporate indivisible, one body

210    Like similar

213    heart may pun on “hart,” a common heraldic device

214    first i.e., bodies (plays on sense of “dominant color on a shield”)    coats coats of arms (which can appear twice on a shield though under one crest)

215    Due…one a coat of arms is allocated to a specific individual

216    rent rend, tear    ancient long-standing    asunder apart

227    rare splendid/exceptional

231    tender offer

233    grace favor

238    Persever persevere    sad solemn

239    mouths faces

240    hold…up maintain the joke

241    carried conducted

243    argument subject (for a joke)

257    withdraw i.e., remove yourself from present company (for a duel)

259    whereto to what end

260    Ethiope Ethiopian, i.e., dark-complexioned (in comparison with fair Helena)

262    take on as behave as if

264    Hang off leave hold    burr prickly seed head that sticks easily to clothing    let loose get off

266    rude harsh, unkind, offensive

268    Out exclamation of impatience (“get away!”)    tawny dark-skinned    Tartar person from central Asia

269    medicine i.e., poison

271    sooth truly

274    weak bond i.e., Hermia (plays on earlier sense of “oath”)

280    erewhile before

286    out of free from

289    juggler trickster    canker-blossom flower-destroying worm

295    Impatient angry

296    puppet false thing/small person

299    urged insisted on/brought forward

300    personage appearance

304    painted made-up (with cosmetics)    maypole i.e., tall, skinny person

308    curst ill-tempered

309    shrewishness scolding/bad temper

310    right true/typical

312    something lower somewhat shorter

316    evermore always

319    stealth stealing away

321    chid me hence tried to drive me away with scolding

323    so if

326    fond foolish

332    part side

333    keen sharp    shrewd vicious

337    suffer allow

340    minimus tiny, insignificant being    knot-grass type of creeping weed

347    abide pay for

351    cheek by jowl i.e., side by side

352    coil turmoil ’long on account    Exit…Hermia the Quarto text gives Hermia the exit line “I am amazed and know not what to say”; Folio’s omission of this was probably a printer’s error, but it might conceivably have been the purposeful cut of a weak line that converts a rhyming couplet to a triplet

365    sort fall out

366    As in that    jangling squabbling

368    Hie hasten

369    welkin sky

370    drooping falling    Acheron one of the four rivers of Hades (the classical underworld)

371    testy irritable

372    As so that

373    Like…tongue sometimes imitate Lysander’s voice

374    wrong insults

375    rail rant

378    batty batlike

379    herb i.e., the antidote

380    liquor liquid, juice    virtuous powerful

381    his its

382    wonted accustomed, former

383    derision ridiculousness

385    wend make their way

386    league alliance, friendship    date duration

392    dragons supposedly pulling the chariot of night or the moon    cut cut through

393    Aurora’s harbinger the morning star, which can be seen before dawn

396    crossways crossroads, the unconsecrated burial place for suicides    floods “burial” place of those who had drowned (and whose bodies were unrecoverable)

400    aye eternity    consort keep company

402    morning’s love either Aurora’s lover, or Aurora, Roman goddess of the dawn (i.e., Oberon does not have to disappear before dawn like the other spirits)    made sport amused myself/made love to

403    forester guardian of the forest

405    Neptune Roman god of the sea

412    Goblin Puck refers to himself

415    drawn with sword drawn

416    straight at once

417    plainer flatter/more open

423    recreant coward

427    try test

435    spite vexation, grievance

437    Abide confront/endure    wot know

442    buy pay for

444    constraineth compels

448    Abate shorten

477    Jack…Jill “all shall be well and Jack shall have Jill” (proverbial)

478    Nought nothing

479    man…mare proverbial

Act 4 Scene 1

    2    amiable lovable    coy caress

  13    overflown flowed over, drenched

  15    neaf fist    leave your courtesy stop bowing/put your hat back on

  18    Cavalery cavalier (i.e., courtly gentleman)    Cobweb apparently an error for Peaseblossom

  19    marvellous extremely

  22    tongs simple metal musical instrument, struck to produce sound    bones pieces of bone clapped together between the fingers

  23    rural music simple rustic music

  24    peck quantity (quarter of a bushel) provender fodder (for animals)

  25    bottle bundle    fellow equal

  26    vent’rous adventurous, daring

  29    stir wake    exposition of malapropism for “disposition to”

  31    all ways away gone in all directions

  32    woodbine bindweed, which entwines itself with    honeysuckle

  34    Enrings encircles

  38    dotage infatuation

  40    favours love tokens (perhaps flowers)

  44    sometime formerly

  45    orient from the east/lustrous

  46    flowerets small flowers

  56    swain rustic

  57    other others

  58    repair make their way

  59    accidents events

  64    Dian’s bud i.e., Oberon’s corrective herb, linked to Diana, Roman goddess of chastity

  74    these five i.e., Bottom and the lovers

  75    charmeth brings about by magic    Music, still the “rural music” may still have been playing or perhaps this is a cue for “still” (i.e., gentle) music; Oberon’s Silence awhile may cue the suspension of the former before Sound, music! cues the latter

  80    solemnly ceremoniously

  81    triumphantly with great celebration

  85    attend listen

  87    sad solemn

  88    Trip move swiftly    his i.e., Theseus’

  96    observation observance (of May morning rites)

  97    vaward vanguard (i.e., foremost part)

  99    Uncouple release (pairs of dogs for the hunt)

104    Cadmus founder of Thebes

105    bayed pursued with dogs

106    hounds of Sparta dogs famed for their skill

107    chiding i.e., barking

111    kind breed

112    so flewed with the same large cheek folds    sanded sandy-colored

114    dewlapped with loose folds of skin hanging at the neck    Thessalian from Thessaly, an ancient region of northeastern Greece

115    matched in mouth united in barking (i.e., harmonious)

116    tuneable melodious

117    hallowed to had “halloo” (a cry of encouragement) shouted to it    cheered urged on

119    soft wait a moment

123    of at

126    in grace of to honor    solemnity ceremony

131    Saint Valentine February 14, the day on which birds were thought to choose their mates

132    couple pair off

137    jealousy suspicion

150    defeated frustrated/deprived

156    fancy love/infatuation

160    idle gaud worthless trinket

172    overbear overrule

173    by and by soon

175    for since    something worn somewhat spent

176    purposed intended

178    in with    solemnity ceremony

180    undistinguishable unrecognizable

182    parted divided/unfocused

186    Mine…own i.e., because found, of uncertain ownership

194    by on

197    God’s God save    hence away from here    rare unique/marvelous

198    wit understanding

199    go about endeavor

201    patched i.e., wearing a fool’s multicolored costume    The…was garbled version of a famous passage about what the Geneva Bible calls “the bottom of God’s secrets” (1 Corinthians 2:9–10)

205    bottom foundation/(is) unfathomable    Peradventure perhaps

206    her presumably Thisbe’s

Act 4 Scene 2

 4.2    Location: Athens

    2    transported carried off/transformed

    3    forward ahead

    4    discharge perform

    6    wit intellect

    7    person appearance, bearing    paramour malapropism for “paragon”

    8    naught i.e., wickedness, shame (with possible vaginal connotations)

  10    we…men i.e., our fortunes would have been made

  12    sixpence a day i.e., as a reward from the duke (a considerable sum, half a day’s wage)

  13    scaped escaped, avoided An if

  16    hearts fine friends

  19    fell out happened

  21    of from

  22    strings i.e., with which to attach the beards    pumps light shoes

  23    presently at once

  24    preferred recommended

  25    pare trim

Act 5 Scene 1

 5.1    his i.e. Theseus’

    1    that that which

    3    antic bizarre/grotesque, with pun on “antique,” antiquated, which is the Quarto spelling    fairy toys foolish stories about fairies

    5    shaping creative    apprehend grasp (intellectually)

    8    compact composed

  10    frantic mad, frenzied

  11    Helen’s Helen of Troy’s    brow of Egypt dark-skinned complexion (thought unattractive)

  14    bodies forth gives shape to

  19    apprehend conceive

  20    comprehends incorporates

  24    transfigured changed, affected

  25    More witnesseth is more certain testimony

  26    constancy consistency, truth

  27    admirable wondrous, extraordinary

  32    board table

  33    masques courtly entertainments involving music, dancing, and elaborate costumes

  35    after-supper time after the evening meal

  41    abridgement pastime (to shorten the evening)

  44    brief summary    ripe fully prepared

  46    battle…Centaurs probably derived from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, which tells of the battle of the Centaurs and the Lapithae; some versions say that Hercules was present

  50    riot…rage another tale from Ovid’s Metamorphoses in which Orpheus was torn apart by female followers of Bacchus (Roman god of wine)

  52    device show

  54    thrice…beggary possible reference to Spenser’s poem “The Tears of the Muses”

  56    critical judgmental

  57    sorting with appropriate for

  61    strange snow a word may be missing here, e.g., “strange black snow”

  62    concord harmony

  67    fitted suitable, apt

  76    toiled exhausted, taxed    unbreathed unpracticed, inexperienced

  77    against in preparation for

  83    conned learned

  87    simpleness unassuming simplicity

  89    wretchedness o’er-charged humble people overburdened

  90    his service its attempt to serve

  92    kind respect

  94    take accept, comprehend, value

  95    noble respect dignity and consideration that comes with nobility

  96    in…merit in terms of effort rather than actual value

  97    clerks scholars

100    Make periods full stops/rhetorical pauses

101    accent speech, intonation

104    picked extracted, detected

105    modesty propriety/shyness    fearful frightened

109    capacity understanding

110    addressed ready

112    will. Quince inadvertently inserts a period here and changes the meaning of the line

114    will. another misplaced period

115    end aim

116    despite malice

117    we…you correctly punctuated, this would read “we come—but in despite we do not come—as minding to content you”

118    is. erroneous period    All exclusively    delight missing punctuation (e.g., period, semicolon)

119    here. erroneous period

120    show appearance/performance

121    like likely

122    stand upon points dwell on trivialities/insist on (correct) punctuation

123    rid dispensed with/ridden    rough untrained    stop pulling up (of a horse)/period

126    government control

127    nothing not

134    sunder separate

139    scorn shame, disdain

141    hight is called

144    mantle loose cloak    fall let fall

146    tall fine/brave

149    broached pierced

152    twain two/separated

156    interlude short play

164    sinister left

165    fearful frightened

167    partition wall/section of a scholarly book

169    grim-looked grim-looking, forbidding

176    chink plays on sense of “vagina/anus”

177    Jove Roman supreme god

180    stones plays on sense of “testicles”

181    sensible capable of feeling    again in response

183    pat exactly

188    lime probably pronounced “limb,” thus playing on sense of “penis”    hair plays on “pubic hair”

190    an if

191    thou…love Thisbe misplaces the pause that should be after “love”

192    lover’s grace i.e., gracious lover

193    Limander malapropism for “Leander,” lover of Hero

194    Helen mistake for “Hero”

195    Shafalus to Procrus mistakes for “Cephalus,” who was married to “Procris”

198    hole plays on “asshole”

200    ’Tide betide, i.e., come

203    mural wall

204    walls…hear derived from the proverb “walls have ears”    wilful willing

206    in this kind of this sort    shadows images/reflections/actors

212    monstrous frightening/enormous

214    rough wild/cruel

216    fell fierce    dam mother

220    at i.e., at playing    beast puns on    best

221    a very fox i.e., cunning    for i.e., for all

222    goose…discretion i.e., foolish    discretion judgment/prudence

224    carries i.e., literally, as prey

227    hornèd i.e. crescent-shaped

228    horns…head i.e., as a cuckold (men with unfaithful wives were said to grow horns)

229    no crescent no growing moon (presumably because he is so thin)

234    in snuff in need of blowing out/angry

236    in the wane decreasing/lacking

237    reason i.e., reasonable behavior    stay the time wait for the moment, sit it out

249    moused seized/shaken (refers to Thisbe’s mantle)

258    dole sorrow, grievous occurrence

264    Furies three classical goddesses of vengeance    fell fierce

265    Fates three classical goddesses in control of human destiny (a thread that would be cut when death was due)

266    thrum end of warp thread on a weaving loom, i.e., everything

267    Quail end, destroy    quell overcome, ruin

268    passion fit of grief    friend lover    go near to almost

270    Beshrew curse

271    frame create

272    deflowered presumably a mistake for “devoured”

274    cheer face/joy

277    pap breast (usually a woman’s)

284    Tongue error for “eye”

287    die one of a pair of dice    ace one (single spot on a die)

289    ass puns on    ace

292    passion sorrow/suffering (resulting in death)

294    long one i.e., fit of grief

296    mote tiny particle

298    means laments/intends    videlicet “that is to say” (Latin)

311    Sisters Three i.e., the Fates

315    shore shorn, cut

316    thread of silk i.e., life

319    imbrue pierce

326    Bergomask dance rustic dance, named after the people of Bergamo, Italy    between i.e., performed by

333    iron tongue clapper of a bell    told counted, i.e., rung (puns on “tolled”)

336    overwatched stayed up late

337    palpable-gross obviously clumsy    beguiled whiled away

338    heavy gait slow/sleepy passage

339    solemnity celebration

343    heavy exhausted

344    fordone worn out

345    wasted brands burnt logs

346    screech-owl the barn owl’s cry was thought to be a bad omen

351    sprite spirit

354    triple Hecate classical goddess of witchcraft and night, associated with the moon; often represented in triple form, she was known as Luna/Cynthia in heaven, Diana on earth, and Proserpina in the underworld    team i.e., the creatures, probably dragons, pulling her chariot

357    frolic frolicsome, merry

358    hallowed blessèd

360    behind out from behind/behind

361    give glimmering light probably a command to the fairies, who may have candles with them (perhaps carried on their heads to leave their hands free for dancing)

366    trippingly skillfully, lightly

367    rehearse recite    rote heart

374    best bride-bed i.e., that of Theseus and Hippolyta

375    issue children    create created

382    prodigious ominous

385    consecrate holy, blessed

386    gait (own) course

387    several individual

391    stay delay

397    weak deficient    idle foolish/trifling

398    yielding but meaningful than

399    Gentles ladies and gentlemen    reprehend reprove

400    mend improve, put it right

403    serpent’s tongue i.e., audience hisses

407    Give…hands i.e., applaud

408    restore amends make amends in return