Induction Scene 1

Induction Scene 1    Location: rural England

    1    pheeze fix, get even with

    2    A…stocks i.e., I’ll put you in the stocks (instrument of punishment in which the arms or legs were confined)

    3    baggage good-for-nothing woman, harlot    chronicles historical account

    4    Richard Conqueror Sly may confuse Richard Coeur-de-lion (Lionheart) with William the Conquerer    paucas pallabris “few words” (corruption of the Spanish)    Sessa! Be off! (cry used in hunting)/be quiet

    5    burst broken

    6    denier tenth of a penny    Go…Jeronimy Sly confuses Saint Jerome with Hieronimo, a character in Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy who cautioned himself with “Hieronimo, beware! Go by, go by!”    cold bed perhaps a beggar’s bed, the damp ground

    7    thirdborough parish constable

    8    by law in court

    9    kindly by all means

  10    charge order    tender well take good care of

  11    Brach bitch-hound (given that Merriman would seem a more suitable name for a male dog, some editors emend to “breathe”—i.e., “give breathing space to”—thus also improving the grammar)    cur dog    embossed exhausted, foaming at the mouth

  12    couple leash together    deep-mouthed brach bitch with a loud bark

  13    made it good i.e., picked up the scent

  14    coldest fault when the scent was lost

  17    cried…loss howled upon discovering the scent when it had been completely lost    merest total

  20    fleet swift

  22    sup feed    unto after

  27    bed but cold cold bed in which

  29    Grim…image in his drunken stupor Sly resembles a corpse

  30    practise on trick

  32    sweet delightful/perfumed

  33    banquet light meal

  34    brave fine

  35    forget himself behave inappropriately/forget who he was

  36    cannot choose is bound to

  37    strange odd/wonderful

  38    fancy fanciful thought/imagining

  41    hang it round adorn it    wanton lively

  42    Balm anoint, bathe    foul dirty/unattractive    distillèd fragrant

  43    sweet scented

  45    dulcet sweet

  46    straight straight away

  47    low humble    reverence bow/servitude

  51    ewer jug containing water for handwashing    diaper cloth

  56    disease illness/derangement

  58    is must be (mad)

  60    kindly naturally

  61    passing exceedingly

  62    husbanded managed    modesty care/moderation

  63    warrant assure

  64    As so that

  67    office duty, role

  68    Sirrah sir (used to an inferior)

  69    Belike perhaps

  72    An’t if it

  77    So please if it please    duty services

  82    fitted suited (to you)

  85    happy fortunate

  86    rather for more so because

  87    cunning professional skill

  89    doubtful apprehensive about    modesties propriety, self-control

  90    over-eyeing of observing/staring at

  92    merry passion fit of laughter

  94    impatient angry

  96    veriest antic most complete buffoon

  97    buttery storeroom for provisions

  99    want lack    affords has to offer

101    all suits every aspect (puns on sense of “outfits”)

103    do him obeisance bow/be submissive

104    as he will if he wishes to

105    bear must conduct    honourable action dignified behavior

107    by them accomplishèd performed by them (the ladies)

108    duty reverence

109    tongue voice    lowly humble

114    with…bosom bowing his head to his chest

117    esteemèd him believed himself to be

120    commanded tears tears on command

121    shift purpose/trick

122    napkin handkerchief    close conveyed secretly carried

123    in despite notwithstanding anything

124    dispatched carried out

125    Anon shortly

126    usurp the grace take on the elegance

129    how to see how    stay prevent

131    in go in    Haply perhaps/hopefully

132    spleen i.e., mood, impulse (the spleen was thought to be the seat of laughter)

Induction Scene 2

Induction Scene 2    most editions assume a shift of location from “outside an ale-house” to “a bedroom in the lord’s house,” but the text suggests that the location of the whole induction is the lord’s house, the only move being from outside (the main stage) to the bedroom (above space)

    1    small weak (hence cheap)    sack Spanish white wine

    3    conserves confections, sweetmeats

    4    raiment clothing

    6    conserves of beef salted beef

    7    doublets close-fitting jackets

    9    look …over-leather i.e., peep through holes

  10    idle humour mad whim

  13    spirit temperament/mood/fiend

  15    Burtonheath possibly Barton-on-the-heath, a village near Stratford-upon-Avon    cardmaker maker of cards, instruments for combing wool    transmutation change of condition

  16    bear-herd keeper of a performing bear    tinker pot-mender

  17    ale-wife woman who keeps an ale-house    Wincot village four miles south of Stratford-upon-Avon    on the score in debt

  18    score tally kept by marking notches on a piece of wood    sheer weak/drunk without food    score…for reckon me to be

  19    bestraught out of my mind

  21    droop become despondent

  23    As as if

  25    ancient former

  26    dreams delusions

  29    Apollo Greek god of music

  32    lustful arousing desire

  33    trimmed up decked out    Semiramis legendary queen of Assyria, famous for her voluptuousness

  34    bestrow scatter (probably with rushes)

  35    trapped adorned/fitted out

  37    hawking hunting with hawks

  39    welkin sky

  41    course hunt the hare

  42    breathèd exercised, strong-winded    roe small deer

  44    Adonis in classical mythology, a beautiful huntsman, pursued by    Cytherea (Venus); when he was killed by a boar while hunting, she changed him into an anemone

  45    Cytherea more commonly known as Venus, the goddess of love    sedges coarse grass growing by rivers

  46    wanton grow playful/flourishing/lustful

  48    Io in classical myth, a girl raped by Jove/Jupiter, then turned into a heifer    maid virgin

  49    beguilèd bewitched/deceived    surprised attacked

  50    lively lifelike

  51    Daphne in classical mythology, a girl pursued by the god Apollo; she prayed for help and was turned into a laurel tree

  54    workmanly skillfully

  57    waning degenerate/declining from the perfection of Eden

  59    envious cruel

  61    yet even now

  71    wit senses

  72    knew but only knew

  75    fay faith

  76    of in

  80    rail upon rant, complain about    hostess…house landlady of the inn

  81    present…leet bring accusations against her at the manorial court (leet)

  82    stone…quarts unlike sealed quarts, stone jugs had no official mark upon them guaranteeing they contained the specified amount of ale

  84    woman’s…house landlady’s maid

  86    reckoned up listed

  87    Greece possibly a corruption of “Greet,” a small village not far from Stratford

  91    amends recovery

  95    Marry by the Virgin Mary    fare am getting along (plays on the sense of “food and drink”)    cheer hospitality (plays on the sense of “food and drink”)

  98    goodman husband

103    Al’ce Alice

108    abandoned banished

115    In…malady due to the risk of bringing on your old illness

117    stands for is valid as

118    it stands my penis is erect    hardly plays on the idea of erectile hardness

119    despite spite

121    pleasant merry

122    meet fitting

126    frame adjust

127    bars prevents

128    comonty…gambold Sly’s mispronunciation of “comedy” and “gambol” (entertainment)    tumbling trick acrobatic trick

130    stuff matter (Sly responds to the literal sense of “furnishings”)

132    history story

133    slip slide by

Act 1 Scene 1

 1.1    Location: Padua    Lucentio name suggests “light,” making him a fitting partner for “Bianca” (the white/fair)

    2    Padua city in northern Italy    nursery training ground (the university of Padua was one of the oldest in Europe)

    3    for in    Lombardy Padua is not in Lombardy, which is probably, however, intended here to denote all of northern Italy

    5    leave permission

    7    approved tested, proved

    8    breathe rest    haply perhaps/fortunately    institute begin

    9    ingenious intellectual

  10    grave learned

  11    Gave…first i.e., both I and my father were born there

  12    great traffic extensive trade

  13    come of descended from    Bentivolii a powerful Italian family who were, in fact, from Bologna rather than Pisa

  14    Vincentio’s…deeds it is appropriate that Vincentio’s son, who was brought up in Florence, should fulfil the expectations of him by adding to his fortune with acts of virtue

  19    treats of concerns

  23    plash pool

  24    satiety excess

  25    Mi perdonato “pardon me”(Italian)

  26    affected disposed

  31    stoics rigorous individuals practicing abstinence and endurance    stocks stupid, senseless people

  32    Aristotle Greek philosopher    checks recommendations of moral restraint

  33    As that    Ovid Roman poet, author of The Art of Love    abjured rejected

  34    Balk argue, quibble over

  35    common everyday

  36    quicken enliven

  38    Fall to apply yourself/begin eating    stomach serves you inclination/appetite requires

  39    No…ta’en a version of Horace’s famous statement that “he who has mixed usefulness with pleasure has gained every point”

  40    affect like

  41    Gramercies many thanks

  42    wert were to

  45    beget create    Bianca Italian for “white”    pantaloon in Italian comedy, the foolish old man

  48    importune urge

  50    bestow give in marriage

  55    cart her drive her around in a cart (usual punishment for a prostitute)    rough violent/uncontrollable

  56    will you do you want

  58    stale bait/laughing-stock/prostitute (puns on the chess term “stalemate”)    mates fellows (plays on the sense of “husbands”)

  62    Iwis indeed    not…heart i.e., marriage is not something I even consider

  63    her care my chief desire

  64    noddle head

  65    paint i.e., redden with scratching    use treat

  68    toward about to begin

  69    wonderful froward remarkably obstinate

  73    Mum hush

  78    peat pet

  79    Put…why make herself cry if she could think of an excuse

  80    content you be satisfied

  81    pleasure will    subscribe submit

  84    Minerva goddess of wisdom

  85    strange distant, unfriendly

  86    effects causes

  88    mew her up confine her

  89    for on account of

  90    her i.e., Bianca    her i.e., Kate’s (sharp)

  93    for because

  98    Prefer recommend    cunning skillful

102    commune discuss

103    appointed hours given a timetable

104    belike perhaps

105    dam mother    gifts qualities (ironic) here’s…you no one here will detain you

106    Their love i.e., women’s love    blow our nails wait patiently/waste time

107    fast…out manage to survive/endure it as cordially as we can Our…sides i.e., we have both failed

108    light on come across

109    wish recommend

111    brooked parle tolerated conversation/negotiation    advice consideration    toucheth concerns

113    labour and effect work for and bring about

120    pass surpass

121    alarums noise (literally, a military call to arms)    an if

123    had as lief would as willingly

124    high cross cross set on a pedestal in the town center

126    bar in law legal impediment (i.e., Baptista’s refusal to let Bianca marry until Kate is married)    it…maintained it shall progress in a friendly manner

128    have…afresh renew our combat once again    Happy…dole! Happiness to the winner! (proverbial)

129    ring alludes to the jousting game in which competitors tried to lift a ring with their lances (puns on senses of “wedding ring” and “vagina”)

138    love in idleness puns on “love-in-idleness,” a pansy thought to have power to stimulate love

140    secret trusted

141    Anna…Carthage Dido, Queen of Carthage, confided in her sister Anna that she was in love with Aeneas

147    rated driven out through rebuke

149    Redime…minimo “free yourself from bondage for as little ransom as you can” (Latin, inaccurately quoted, as in the standard Elizabethan grammar textbook, from Terence’s play Eunuchus)

150    Go forward carry on    This i.e., what you have said so far

152    so longly for such a long time/so longingly

153    marked not did not notice    pith essence

155    daughter of Agenor Europa, daughter of the King of Tyre; she was loved by    Jove, who turned himself into a bull in order to abduct her

156    him himself

157    kissed i.e., knelt on    Cretan strand shore of Crete (in fact, Europa was taken to, rather than from, Crete)

166    Bend apply, direct

167    curst bad-tempered    shrewd shrewish, disagreeable

169    maid unmarried virgin

170    closely securely

171    annoyed vexed/distracted

173    advised aware

177    for my hand by my hand/for my part

178    inventions meet plans agree    jump coincide

182    device plot

184    bear play

186    Keep house entertain    ply his book study

188    Basta “enough”(Italian)    full in full

193    port position, dignity

195    meaner lower-ranking

197    Uncase undress    coloured as opposed to the plainer, often blue, livery worn by Elizabethan servants

199    charm persuade

201    sith since

202    tied obliged

203    charged instructed

210    Whose sudden sight the sudden sight of whom    thralled enslaved    wounded i.e., pierced by Cupid’s arrow

216    frame fit

218    count’nance manner/appearance

221    descried witnessed/denounced

222    becomes is suitable

232    discreetly prudently

235    rests remains    that thyself execute which is for you to carry out    make become

236    sufficeth let it suffice    Presenters above i.e., the remaining characters from the Induction

238    mind attend to

239    matter subject

243    Would I wish    mark attend, observe

Act 1 Scene 2

 1.2    Grumio connotations of “groom”—i.e., servingman

    1    Verona city in northern Italy

    2    of all especially

    4    trow know/believe

    6    knock Grumio plays on the sense of “strike (a person)”    rebused malapropism for “abused”

  11    Villain wicked one/servant    me for me    gate door

  12    pate head

  13    I…worst if I hit you first I know that I shall come off the worst for it

  16    ring i.e., with a circular knocker or bell; puns on “wring”

  17    I’ll…it i.e., I’ll see how you can shriek    sol-fa sing a scale

  18    mistress some editors emend to “masters”

  21    How…all what are you both doing

  23    Controvato “with all my heart well met” (Italian)

  24    Alla…Petruchio “Welcome to our house, most worshipful Petruchio” (Italian)

  25    compound settle

  26    ’leges alleges    in Latin despite his Italian name, Grumio does not know the difference between Latin and Italian

  28    use treat

  29    aught anything    two…out i.e., overshooting the mark/not in his right mind/drunk (thirty-one was a card game, the object of which was to collect cards with a total value of thirty-one; it was also a term for being drunk)    pip one of the spots on a card

  34    heart i.e., life

  39    pledge guarantor

  40    this’ this is    heavy chance sad situation

  41    ancient long-standing

  42    happy fortunate

  46    in a few briefly

  50    wive marry

  51    Crowns gold coins

  53    come roundly speak plainly

  54    wish commend    ill-favoured foul-tempered

  55    Thou’ldst you would

  62    burden refrain/bass accompaniment (in a song)

  63    Florentius’ love in Gower’s Confessio Amantis Florentius is a knight who agrees to marry an ugly hag if she helps him solve the riddle on which his life depends

  64    Sibyl ancient prophetess; in classical mythology, Apollo gave the Sibyl of Cumae as many years of life as she held grains of sand in her hand, but he did not grant her accompanying youth

  65    Xanthippe wife of Socrates, notorious for her bad temper

  66    moves me not does not affect me    not…me cannot blunt the edge of my desire

  71    mind opinion/intention

  72    aglet-baby small figure ornamenting the tag of a lace or cord    trot hag

  74    so…withal so long as money comes with it

  75    are…in have gone this far

  76    that I broached what I began

  81    intolerable intolerably

  83    state financial situation

  87    board accost (naval metaphor referring to attacking a ship; plays on the sense of “have sex with”)

  88    crack roar, explode

  97    give you over leave you

  99    humour whim    O’ on    an if

101    half a score ten

102    rail rant    rope-tricks possibly Grumio’s version of “rhetoric” or “rope rhetoric,” or implying tricks deserving of punishment by hanging    stand resist, withstand

103    figure figure of speech/rhetorical trick

104    withal with

106    keep safe-keeping (literally, fortified tower)    treasure plays on the sense of “(Bianca’s) vagina”

107    hold custody

109    other more others besides

112    defects faults    rehearsed related

114    order measure

119    grace favor

122    seen skilled

124    make love to woo/seduce

126    Here’s no knavery! i.e., this does not look like a trick (sarcastic)    beguile deceive

130    proper stripling fine, handsome youth

131    note presumably, a list of required books

132    fairly handsomely

133    at any hand in any case

134    read…lectures give no other lessons

136    liberality generosity

137    mend…largesse add to it with a donation

138    them i.e., the books

143    yourself…place if you yourself were present

147    woodcock proverbially stupid bird

150    you…met I am glad to meet you

151    Trow you do you know

156    Fit…turn suited to her needs (plays on the sense of “suitable for sex”)

159    help me to assist me in obtaining

164    bags money-bags

165    vent proclaim

166    me fair courteously to me

167    indifferent…either that is equally good for both of us

169    agreement…liking our agreeing to his conditions (Hortensio later explains that he and Gremio are to pay for the cost of wooing Kate)

172    So…well if what you say were to be achieved, it would be all very well

176    What countryman? Where are you from?

181    stomach appetite    to’t begin eating, go ahead

184    Will I live? i.e., of course

190    chafèd irritated

191    ordnance artillery

193    pitchèd planned

194    ’larums calls to arms

197    chestnut…fire chestnuts crackle when they burn

198    Fear frighten    bugs imaginary terrors

204    charge expense    brave finely dressed

208    readiest quickest

212    to— the implied missing word is “woo,” though some editors emend to “too?”

213    What…do? What is it to do with you?

215    chiders quarrellers, rebukers

216    begun said

217    ere before

226    choice chosen/special

231    all altogether

234    Leda’s daughter Helen of Troy, supposedly the most beautiful woman in the world

237    Though even if    Paris the Trojan prince who snatched Helen from her husband    speed alone be the only one to succeed

239    head free reign    jade worn-out horse

246    let…by leave her alone

247    Hercules…twelve in Greek mythology, Hercules (also called Alcides) carried out twelve seemingly impossible tasks

248    let it be grant that it is

249    sooth truth

250    hearken for seek to win/inquire after

256    stead help

259    whose hap he whose good fortune it

260    Will…ingrate will not be so ill-mannered as to be ungrateful

261    conceive understand

263    gratify show gratitude to/reward

264    rest remain    beholding indebted

266    contrive spend, use

267    quaff carouses drink toasts

268    adversaries opposing lawyers

269    Strive compete

270    motion proposal

272    ben venuto “welcome” (Italian); sense here is “host”

Act 2 Scene 1

    2    bondmaid slave-girl

    3    goods ornaments, jewels, love tokens

    4    Unbind if you will unbind

    5    raiment clothing

    9    dissemble lie

  11    special particular

  13    Minion hussy

  14    affect love

  17    fair well dressed

  18    envy despise

  23    dame madam (accusatory)

  25    ply thy needle sew/embroider    meddle not have nothing to do

  26    hilding good-for-nothing

  28    cross provoke, thwart

  29    flouts mocks

  31    suffer listen to/permit/endure

  33    dance…day traditionally the fate of an unmarried elder sister

  34    lead…hell proverbially old maids did so because they had no children to lead in heaven

  36    occasion of opportunity for    habit clothing    mean humble

  45    Go…orderly apply yourself to the business with decorum

  46    give me leave excuse me/let me explain myself

  48    wit intelligence

  51    forward eager/presumptuous

  54    for…entertainment as an entrance-fee for my reception

  57    sciences fields of learning

  59    Accept of accept

  60    Litio Second Folio and many later editions emend to “Licio” throughout    Mantua city in northern Italy

  63    turn purpose/needs

  71    Saving with respect for

  72    poor petitioners humble suitors

  73    Baccare! “Stand back!” (mock-Latin)

  74    I…doing I am eager for action (perhaps plays on the sense of “having sex”)

  76    grateful agreeable    like same

  77    kindly fittingly/affectionately

  78    Rheims northern French town with a well-known university

  79    Cambio Italian for “exchange”

  83    walk…stranger seem like a newcomer/seem as if you are not one of the group/stand aside

  90    preferment precedence (i.e., offering Kate before Bianca)

  92    upon knowledge when you know

  99    Lucentio…name? perhaps Baptista learns this by opening one of the books in which Lucentio’s name is written

101    mighty renowned, noble

104    presently at once

105    Holla a shout to attract attention

109    orchard garden

110    dinner the main meal of the day, served between eleven and noon    passing extremely

112    asketh haste is urgent

120    in possession i.e., on marriage

121    assure…widowhood provide for her after my death/guarantee her rights as a widow

123    leases property that is let

124    specialities a special contract

125    covenants formal agreements

126    special unique/particular

128    father i.e., father-in-law

134    So I so I shall behave (like an extreme gust)

136    happy…speed may the outcome be happy/fortunate

138    to the proof so as to be invulnerable    broke grazed, bleeding

143    prove become/test the skill of

144    hold with resist, withstand

145    break her to teach her to play

146    broke…me i.e., broken the    lute over my head

147    frets ridges for guiding the fingers (Kate shifts the sense to “vexations”)

150    fume show anger

152    pate head

153    amazèd perplexed, dumbstruck

154    As…pillory as if in the stocks (in which the head was confined by wooden boards)

155    fiddler lute-player/meddler

156    Jack base fellow

157    studied practiced, planned

158    lusty lively

161    discomfited disheartened

162    in practice with your lessons

166    attend wait for

170    clear serene, faultless

174    piercing moving

175    pack leave

177    crave demand

178    banns public proclamations of intended marriages

181    hard puns on heard (which was pronounced similarly)

187    dainties…Kates puns on “cates” (i.e., dainties, delicacies)

188    of from

190    sounded proclaimed/fathomed

191    deeply…belongs loudly/in such depth as you deserve

192    moved compelled (Kate shifts to the literal sense)

193    In good time! Indeed!

194    you…first from the start

195    movable piece of furniture/changeable person

197    joint stool low stool made by a joiner (“I took you for a joint stool” was a way of mockingly apologizing for ignoring someone)

198    sit on me i.e., as I am a stool (with sexual innuendo)

199    Asses puns on “arses”    bear carry loads (Petruchio plays on the sense of “bear the weight of a man’s body/of a baby”)

202    burden lie on top of/accuse

203    light not heavy/promiscuous

204    light quick    swain rustic (contemptuous)

205    as…be the right weight/of sound social standing

206    be puns on “bee”    buzz rumor—i.e., you should hear what actually is said about you; also a noise of impatience;    wasp then shifts sense to insect noise

207    ta’en seized upon, used    buzzard fool (literally useless bird of prey)/rumor-monger

208    turtle turtle-dove (symbol of faithful love)

209    turtle…buzzard i.e., only a fool will take me for a faithful wife, just as the turtle-dove mistakenly swallows an insect

211    waspish spiteful/wasp-like

214    sting plays on the sense of genitals/sexual urge

217    tails puns on “tales”

218    with…tail i.e., leaving me with the last word (tail puns on the sense of “vagina”)    come plays on the sense of “have an orgasm”    again back/once more

220    try test

221    cuff hit

222    lose your arms waste your strength/loosen your grip/forfeit your coat of arms (the sign of being a gentleman)

223    strike plays on the sense of “have sex with”

225    books book of heraldry, where gentlemen’s coats of arms were recorded (plays on the notion of “good books” and on “vagina”)

226    crest identifying feature on a coat of arms/tuft on the head of an animal (with phallic connotations)    coxcomb fool’s cap (similar in appearance to a cock’s crest; plays on “cock”—i.e., penis)

227    combless i.e., unthreatening    cock cockerel/penis    so provided that    hen i.e., wife/harlot

228    craven cock with no fighting spirit

230    fashion manner    crab sour crab-apple

234    glass mirror

236    Well…one well guessed for one so inexperienced

237    young youthful/strong

239    cares troubles

241    scape escape

242    chafe annoy, inflame

244    rough harsh/unmanageable    coy disdainful, unresponsive

246    pleasant merry    gamesome sportive, playful

247    slow easygoing, without a quick tongue

248    askance scornfully

250    cross combative/ill-tempered

251    entertain’st receive

252    conference conversation

257    halt limp

258    whom…command order you servants about (rather than me)

259    Dian Diana, goddess of chastity, the moon, and hunting    become suit, enhance

260    gait manner, bearing, way of walking

262    sportful lively/playful/amorous

263    study learn/practice    goodly splendid (sarcastic)

264    extempore spontaneous, improvised    mother-wit natural intelligence

265    A…son your mother must have had some wit, as left to yourself you would have none at all

266    wise…warm “he is wise enough that can keep himself warm” (proverbial)

268    mean intend to

272    will…you whether you will or not

273    for your turn right for you (plays on the sense of “for sex with you”)

278    wild Kate puns on “wild-cat”

279    Conformable pliant, obedient

280    Never make denial do not refuse me

282    speed you do you succeed, fare

284    amiss adversely, without progress

285    In your dumps? Down-hearted?

290    face …out brazenly get his own way

293    policy strategic purposes

295    temperate moderate, gentle

296    Grissel Patient Griselda was, in Boccaccio and Chaucer, a model of wifely obedience

297    Lucrece raped by the Roman king Tarquin, Lucrece was so ashamed she committed suicide

298    ’greed got along

302    speeding progress/success    goodnight our part our part in this business is over

305    ’twixt us twain between we two

310    vied redoubled (gambling term for raising the stakes)    protesting declaring

311    twink twinkling

312    a …see wonderful to see

314    meacock feeble

316    gainst in preparation for

317    bid invite

318    fine finely dressed

319    hands …witnesses joining of hands in front of witnesses (the “pre-contract”) prevented either party from becoming engaged to another

323    apace swiftly

326    clapped up settled

328    desperate mart risky business endeavor

329    ’Twas…you it (Kate) was a piece of merchandise that was losing its value (fretting plays on the sense of “aggravating”)

331    quiet peace of mind

332    quiet catch (ironic)

339    freeze possibly implies impotence

340    fry burn lecherously

341    Skipper frivolous wastrel    nourisheth sustains life

343    compound settle

344    deeds actions/legal deeds    he of both whichever of the two of you

345    dower settlement made to the wife on the death of the husband

349    plate gold or silver tableware

350    lave wash

351    hangings wallcoverings    Tyrian from Tyre, an ancient trading city on the Mediterranean

352    coffers chests

353    cypress made from cypress wood    arras counterpoints tapestried bed coverings from Arras

354    tents hangings for a bed

355    Turkey Turkish    bossed embossed, adorned

356    Valance…needlework valences (borders on the sides or canopy of a bed) embroidered with Venetian gold thread

359    milch-kine dairy cows    to the pail (specifically) for milking

361    answerable…portion appropriate to an estate of this size

362    struck old

365    came well in is to the point    list listen

369    walls i.e., the walls forming the city limits

371    two…land i.e., the land brings in an annual income of two thousand ducats (gold coins)

372    jointure widow’s settlement

373    pinched distressed/belittled

376    argosy large merchant ship

377    Marseillis’ road the harbor at Marseilles

380    galliases heavy low-built vessels

381    tight efficient, seaworthy

387    out-vied outbid (card-playing term)

389    let providing    assurance (financial) guarantee

390    else otherwise

392    cavil quibble

402    gamester gambler, foolish adventurer    were would be

404    Set…table i.e., become dependent upon you    toy piece of nonsense

407    faced …ten bluffed, brazened it out with a card only worth ten

408    ’Tis…head I have a plan

410    get beget, conceive

413    sire father

Act 3 Scene 1

    1    Fiddler …sir implies that Hortensio is holding Bianca’s fingers as he teaches her the lute

    2    entertainment reception

    3    withal with

    6    prerogative priority

    8    lecture lesson

    9    Preposterous unreasonable/placing last what should be first

  10    ordained created

  12    usual pain habitual labor

  14    serve in serve up (contemptuous)

  15    braves blustering threats

  17    resteth …choice is up to me

  18    breeching …schools schoolboy liable to be whipped (breeched)

  19    ’pointed appointed

  22    the whiles in the meantime

  28    ‘Hic…senis “here ran the [river] Simois; here is the Sigeian land [Troy]; here stood the lofty palace of old Priam [King of Troy]” (from Ovid’s Heroides)

  30    Conster translate/analyze grammatically/expound

  34    port station, dignity    pantaloon foolish old man (i.e., Gremio)

  36    fie expression of impatience or disgust    jars sounds discordant

  37    Spit…again possibly a perversion of the proverb “spit in your hands and take a better hold” (sequence instrument’s…spit in the hole … tune…fingering may have sexual connotations)

  43    jars quarrels

  44    pedant schoolmaster/quibbler

  46    Pedascule little pedant

  48    Aeacides …grandfather the Greek hero Ajax was also known as Aeacides, after his grandfather Aeacus (Lucentio has moved to the next line of Ovid’s Heroides)

  50    master tutor

  51    doubt point

  54    pleasant merry, playful

  55    give me leave leave me

  56    three parts i.e., the company of three people

  57    formal punctilious

  58    withal at the same time    but unless

  61    order method

  63    gamut the musical scale    briefer sort quicker way

  66    fairly drawn neatly set out

  69    ground …accord basis of all harmony

  73    one …I perhaps Hortensio’s love (one clef) and his real and assumed personalities (two notes); may also have sexual connotations (“one vagina,” “two testicles”—notes playing on “nuts”) leading to play on die in next line

  76    Old established    nice capricious

  77    true legitimate, constant

  83    pry into spy on, investigate

  86    stale decoy (specifically, one that distracts a poorly trained hawk)

  87    Seize …list let those who want you have you    ranging straying (like a hawk)/unfaithful

  88    quit with rid of/even with

Act 3 Scene 2

    5    want lack

    8    forsooth in truth

  10    rudesby insolent ruffian    spleen temper, passion

  11    wooed …leisure varies the proverbial “he who marries in haste repents at leisure”

  12    frantic insane, frenzied

  14    noted for known as

  19    Lo look

  23    fortune …word event prevents him from keeping his word

  29    humour temperament

  30    Old plentiful (Baptista plays on the more familiar sense)

  39    to of

  40    jerkin close-fitting jacket

  41    turned i.e., inside out (to make them last longer)    candle-cases containers for candle ends (i.e., too worn out to wear)

  43    chapeless without a sheath    points laces for fastening the doublet to the hose    hipped lame, with an injured hip

  44    of no kindred that do not match    glanders horse disease affecting the nostrils and jaws    like…chine of unclear meaning; perhaps a corruption of “like to mourn in the    chine“—i.e., likely to be in the final stages of the    glanders—or possibly “likely to have a weak spine (chine)”

  45    lampass horse disease affecting the mouth    fashions farcins (horse disease causing tumors)

  46    windgalls tumors on a horse’s leg    sped with spavins rendered useless by swelling of the leg joints    rayed disfigured    yellows jaundice    fives horse disease affecting the parotid glands    stark utterly

  47    staggers horse disease marked by a staggering movement    begnawn gnawed at    bots intestinal worms    swayed…back with a bowed spine

  48    shoulder-shotten with a dislocated shoulder    near-legged before knock-kneed in the front legs    half-checked bit restraining bit with a broken side-ring (so, ineffective)    head-stall part of the horse’s bridle that goes over the head

  49    sheep’s leather i.e., weak leather    restrained pulled tight

  50    girth leather band that goes under the horse’s stomach to hold the saddle in place    pieced mended

  51    crupper leather strap that prevents the saddle from slipping    velure velvet    hath…studs is adorned with her initials in (brass or silver) studs

  52    packthread string

  54    lackey servant    caparisoned dressed

  55    stock stocking    kersey coarse cloth    boot-hose over-stocking covering the whole of the lower leg

  56    list strip of cloth    humour…fancies unclear; possibly refers to an old ballad, or to a fanciful ornament—the general sense is that the hat is adorned in an elaborate and whimsical manner    pricked…feather pinned in it in place of

  57    footboy page, servant on foot

  59    pricks spurs

  60    mean-apparelled dressed humbly/moderately

  68    Saint Jamy probably Saint James of Compostella, whose shrine was a popular object of pilgrimage

  69    hold bet

  73    gallants fashionable, fine young gentlemen

  75    come not well am not welcome (Baptista responds to the sense of “walk with difficulty”)

  76    halt limp

  80    Gentles gentlemen

  81    wherefore why    goodly fine

  82    monument portent

  83    comet thought be a bad omen    prodigy omen

  86    unprovided ill-dressed, unprepared

  87    doff take off    habit clothing    estate rank

  88    solemn ceremonious

  89    occasion of import important event

  98    wears is passing, being wasted

  99    unreverent disrespectful

103    Good sooth truly    ha’ have

105    wear wear out (with sexual connotations)

106    accoutrements clothes

110    lovely loving

114    event outcome

116    liking approval    to pass about

119    skills matters    fit adapt

126    steps movements    narrowly closely

127    steal our marriage marry secretly

131    watch our vantage look for a favorable opportunity

132    overreach outwit

133    narrow-prying inquisitive

134    quaint crafty

139    groom lowly character/servingman

141    Curster more quarrelsome

144    a fool to innocent compared to

145    Sir respectful term of address

147    gogs-wouns God’s wounds (a common oath)

148    book i.e., Bible

150    took gave

152    them probably refers to the priest and, his book; possibly refers to the hem of Kate’s skirt with Petruchio claiming to suspect the priest of peeping at her undergarments    any list anyone is listening/wants to

154    for why because

155    cozen cheat

156    many various

159    quaffed off drank up, drained    muscadel a sweet wine

160    sops pieces of bread or cake placed in wine

162    hungerly sparsely

163    him him for

168    rout company

170    minstrels musicians

172    think expect

173    cheer food and drink

178    Make …wonder don’t be surprised

180    honest worthy, kind

193    not stay not content to stay

196    oats…horses i.e., the horses are more than ready to gallop (as they have been so well fed)

201    be…green go while your boots are still fresh

203    jolly self-confident, arrogant

204    take…roundly behaves so presumptuously from the start

206    hast …do is it to do with you

207    stay my leisure wait until I’m ready

208    it …work things are beginning to happen

214    domineer feast riotously

215    Carouse full measure drink heartily    maidenhead virginity

216    mad high-spirited

218    big threatening, irate

220    my …anything an echo of the Tenth Commandment, which lists the possessions one should not covet    chattels movable possessions

221    stuff furnishings

224    bring mine action take legal action against/respond with physical force    proudest he bravest/most self-assured man

229    buckler defend (a buckler was a small round shield)

231    Went they not if they had not gone

235    Kated mated with Kate/infected with “the Kate”

236    wants For to are lacking to

238    junkets sweetmeats

240    room place

241    bride it play the bride

Act 3 Scene 3

 3.3    Location: a country estate

    1    foul ways muddy roads

    2    rayed dirtied

    4    little …hot small pot that boils rapidly—i.e., small man who is quick to become angry (proverbial)

    7    taller braver/nobler/less short

    8    coldly unenthusiastically/like one who is physically chilly

  10    run running start

  12    fire…water refers to the musical round “Scotland’s burning, Scotland’s burning / See yonder! See yonder! / Fire, fire! Fire, fire! / Cast on water! Cast on water!”

  13    hot fiery tempered

  14    winter…beast “winter and wedlock tame both man and beast” (proverbial)

  17    beast Curtis objects to the implication that he is Grumio’s fellow after Grumio compares himself to a beast

  18    horn cuckold’s horn (the sign of a man with an unfaithful wife)    so…least i.e., I/my penis must be at least as long to have made you a cuckold (picking up on the three-inch insult)

  21    hot office fire-making duty

  23    do…duty do your duty and take your dues (wages)

  26    Jack…news alludes to the musical round “Jack boy, ho boy, News: / The cat is in the well”

  27    cony-catching trickery (puns on “catch”—i.e., a musical round, such as that quoted by Grumio)

  29    trimmed decked out, prepared    strewed i.e., on the floor, the usual Elizabethan practice

  30    fustian type of coarse cloth

  31    jacks male servants/leather drinking vessels    jills female servants/metal drinking vessels (which would need polishing without)    laid usually on tables or hung on walls

  37    ha’t have it, hear it

  42    sensible felt by the senses/easily understood

  43    Imprimis first (Latin)

  45    of on

  48    crossed interrupted/irritated

  50    miry boggy    bemoiled covered with mud

  53    burst broken

  54    worthy memory worth remembering

  55    unexperienced in ignorance

  57    proudest bravest

  58    what why

  59    blue traditional color of a servant’s livery

  60    indifferent knit modest/matching pattern    curtsy bow    left legs as a show of subservience (to put your right foot forward was considered arrogant)

  61    kiss their hands to kiss your own hand was a mark of respect to a superior

  65    countenance honor (in the next line Grumio puns on the sense of “face”)

  69    credit respect (in the next line Grumio puns on the sense of “provide financial credit for”)

  77    spruce lively/smart    neat spotless/elegant

  79    this this time    Cock’s passion by God’s passion

  86    logger-headed stupid

  90    swain yokel    whoreson rogue, son-of-a-whore    malt-horse drudge plodding idiot (literally, heavy brewer’s horse used to grind malt by working a treadmill)

  91    park enclosed hunting ground

  93    made finished

  94    unpinked lacking ornamentation

  95    link blacking (from a burnt torch)

  96    come from sheathing returned from being fitted with a scabbard

  97    fine properly dressed

101    ‘Where…those—’ lines from an old (lost) ballad

103    Soud unclear; possibly an exclamation of impatience or despair (many editors emend to “Food”)

105    when exclamation of impatience

106    It …way fragment of a ballad (possibly bawdy, now lost)    friar…grey Gray friar or Franciscan

108    Out exclamation of anger    pluck…awry pull my foot the wrong way (as you remove my boot)

109    mend make a better job of

110    water for handwashing

111    Troilus a name associated with fidelity

112    Ferdinand no such character ever appears

118    beetle-headed thick-headed (a “beetle” is a heavy wooden mallet)    flap-eared with long hanging ears

119    stomach appetite

120    give thanks say grace

127    dresser kitchen table on which food was prepared/sideboard from which food was served

129    trenchers plates

130    joltheads blockheads    unmannered insolent

131    be …straight deal with you immediately

133    well satisfactory

136    choler anger (associated with heat and dryness)

138    of ourselves by our natures

141    for company together

144    kills …humour defeats her with her own temperament

146    continency moderation, self-restraint

147    rates scolds

149    new-risen newly woken

151    politicly shrewdly, strategically

153    falcon i.e., Kate; methods used in training a wild hawk involved continual observation, sleep deprivation, and hunger    sharp keenly hungry

154    stoop swoops directly to the prey/submits    full-gorged fully fed

155    looks upon takes notice of    lure bait used in training a hawk

156    man control    haggard female hawk/wild woman

158    watch her keep her awake    kites birds of prey

159    bate and beat flutter and flap

160    eat ate

166    hurly commotion    intend pretend

168    watch remain awake

174    charity to show public duty to reveal it

Act 3 Scene 4

 3.4    Location: Padua

    3    bears …hand encourages me

    4    satisfy convince

    7    resolve answer

    8    I profess which I practice/claim knowledge of    Art to Love Ovid’s erotic poem Ars Amatoria

  11    Quick proceeders apt/rapid students (plays on the scholarly sense of to “proceed” from a bachelor’s to a master’s degree)

  15    wonderful extraordinary

  19    such a one i.e., Bianca

  20    cullion wretch

  23    entire wholehearted

  24    lightness inconstancy/promiscuity

  26    Forswear reject

  31    fondly foolishly/dotingly

  32    unfeignèd genuine

  34    beastly abominably/lecherously

  35    Would …foresworn! If only the whole world, other than he, would forsake her!

  36    that so that

  43    In resolution determinedly

  45    ’longeth belongs

  46    ta’en you napping caught you off guard

  51    lusty lively/eager/merry/lustful

  59    eleven…long i.e., exactly right (alludes to the card game “thirty-one”)

  60    charm silence with a spell

  62    dog-weary exhausted

  63    ancient angel old guardian angel

  66    mercatante merchant (Italian)    pedant schoolmaster

  71    seem pretend to be

  74    let me alone i.e., rely on me

  81    What countryman where are you from

  85    goes hard is significant

  88    stayed detained

  89    For on account of a

  90    published publicly announced

  91    marvel remarkable    newly come have only just arrived

  93    than so even than this

  94    bills …exchange money orders, promissory notes

106    and all one but never mind

111    credit reputation    undertake assume

113    Look …should make sure that you play your part properly

117    repute consider, esteem

119    make …good put the plan into action

121    looked for expected

125    becomes befits

Act 4 Scene 1

 4.1    Location: a country estate

    2    my wrong injustice I undergo

    5    present immediate

    9    meat food

  11    spites mortifies, vexes

  13    who one who

  16    so so long as

  17    neat’s ox’s

  19    choleric likely to induce choler (anger)

  20    broiled grilled

  22    cannot tell am not sure

  32    very mere

  36    sweeting sweetheart    amort dispirited

  37    what cheer how are you (in the next line Kate plays on the sense of “food/hospitality” and Petruchio continues the wordplay with cheerfully)

  38    cold poor, inadequate

  44    pains …proof efforts are wasted

  46    stand remain

  50    to blame at fault

  54    apace quickly

  56    bravely splendidly

  58    ruffs elaborate starched neck-wear    cuffs decorative bands sewn onto the sleeves    farthingales boned petticoats worn underneath the back of the dress

  60    knavery showy adornment

  62    ruffling treasure frilled, lacy clothing

  65    bespeak order

  66    porringer porridge bowl

  67    lewd vile, cheap    filthy contemptible

  68    cockle cockleshell

  69    A…trick i.e., trinkets, trifles

  71    fit the time is fashionable

  73    gentle mild

  78    endured me permitted me to

  85    custard-coffin pastry crust for custard

  90    masquing stuff clothes fit for a masque (i.e., elaborate, theatrical)

  91    demi-cannon large cannon

  92    up and down in every respect    carved…tart i.e., slashed to reveal a different fabric beneath (like the slits on tart crusts)

  94    censer perfuming vessel with a perforated lid

  99    did I did

100    mar ruin

101    hop…home hop home over every street gutter (kennel)

103    make …it do what you can with it

105    quaint elegant, skillfully made

106    Belike perhaps    puppet i.e., fool

110    yard yardstick, measuring rod    nail measure of length for cloth (two and a quarter inches)

112    Braved defied

113    quantity scrap

114    be-mete measure (quibbles on “mete out punishment”)

115    on prating of prattling like this again

120    stuff material

124    faced adorned (Grumio’s next usage puns on the sense of “confront”)

126    braved provided clothes for/defied

128    Ergo “therefore” (Latin)

131    The…throat the note lies outrageously (punning on the sense of a musical note that emanates from the throat)

132    loose-bodied gown loose-fitting/designed for sexually “loose” women

134    bottom ball

136    compassed cut with a curved edge

138    trunk full, puffed

140    curiously elaborately/skilfully

142    bill the note detailing the nature of the dress

143    prove upon thee i.e., by fighting you

145    an if    place where suitable place

146    for thee straight ready for you now    mete-yard yardstick

148    odds advantage

151    take…use take it away and let your master use it how he will (in his response, Grumio interprets take up as “pull up” and use as “sexual usage”)

153    conceit idea (puns on “con”—i.e., “vagina”)

154    think for think

160    of from

163    mean habiliments poor, humble clothes

164    proud bulging

167    peereth appears/peeps through

171    painted colored, patterned

173    furniture clothing

174    lay blame

175    frolic be joyous

176    sport us make merry

181    dinnertime noon

183    suppertime i.e., about six

185    what whatever

186    crossing contradicting    let’t alone leave it

Act 4 Scene 2

 4.2    Location: Padua

    2    but unless

    5    Pegasus i.e., at an inn with the sign of Pegasus, the winged horse of classical mythology

    6    hold your own play your part

    7    ’longeth belongs

    9    schooled instructed/practiced (in his part)

  11    throughly thoroughly

  12    right real

  16    looked for expected

  17    tall fine    hold…drink take this to buy a drink

  18    set your countenance assume the appearance (of a father)

  21    stand show yourself a

  22    patrimony inheritance

  23    Soft wait a moment

  28    for because of

  30    stay delay

  32    please…I are as satisfied as I am

  35    one consent absolute agreement    bestowed given in marriage

  36    curious particular, awkward

  45    pass confirm

  48    know deem, think

  49    affied betrothed formally    assurance…stand pledges made as will be agreeable to both parties

  52    Pitchers have ears i.e., there may be eavesdroppers (proverbial)    Pitchers jugs with large handles (“ears”) on either side

  53    heark’ning still continues to wait for his opportunity

  54    haply perhaps

  56    lie lodge

  57    pass settle

  59    scriv’ner scribe authorized to draw up legal contracts

  61    pittance sustenance, food

  62    hie hurry

  66    like soon, likely

  70    mess dish, basic meal

  77    has he has

  78    tokens signals

  79    moralize explain

  85    command service

  87    counterfeit assurance invalid legal settlement

  88    assurance pledge    cum…solum “with the sole right to print” (Latin), a copyright phrase found in the title pages of books but here applied to the idea of marriage and reproduction

  89    sufficient right amount/competent    that…for what you want

  95    against you come in anticipation of your arrival    appendix appendage (i.e., Bianca; also continues the printing metaphor)

  98    Hap happen    roundly…her approach her plainly, without further ado (may also have sexual connotations)

  99    go hard be unfortunate (plays on the sense of “get erect”)

Act 4 Scene 3

 4.3    Location: on the road

    2    goodly splendidly

    7    list please

    8    Or ere before

  14    rush-candle candle dipped in tallow wax, which gave a dim light

  24    go thy ways well done/carry on    field battle

  25    bowl should run refers to the game of bowls in which balls are rolled toward a central ball

  26    against the bias against its natural course (the bias is the weight in the ball that enables it to be bowled in a curve)

  28    Where away? Where are you going?

  30    fresher more blooming

  32    spangle shine, adorn

  36    A he

  40    whom to whom

  47    green young, fresh (also alludes to the optical effect of looking at and then away from the sun)

  54    encounter greeting

  62    father father-in-law

  64    this this time

  65    esteem reputation

  67    beseem befit

  70    honest virtuous, noble (ironically plays on the sense of “truthful”)

  73    pleasant jovial    break a jest play a joke

  77    jealous suspicious

  78    put…heart encouraged me

  79    Have to now for/here’s to

  80    untoward stubborn, perverse

Act 4 Scene 4

 4.4    Location: Padua

    4    o’your back behind you (i.e., I’ll see you safely into the church)

    8    father’s i.e., Baptista’s house    bears lies

  10    You …but i.e., I insist that

  11    command authorize, ascertain

  12    cheer is toward entertainment is in place

  20    frivolous circumstances trivial matters

  22    from Padua i.e., where we are right now (some editors emend to “from Mantua,” or “to Padua”)

  28    cozen cheat

  29    under my countenance by pretending to be me

  30    good shipping happy fortune, a good journey (perhaps also “good sex”)

  31    undone ruined

  33    crack-hemp rogue who deserves to be hanged (literally, who causes the hempen rope to strain)

  34    choose do as I choose/have a choice when it comes to being hanged

  46    offer attempt

  47    fine richly dressed

  48    copatain high-crowned

  54    ’cerns it you does it concern you

  55    maintain afford

  56    Bergamo town near Milan

  67    forthcoming available to stand trial

  71    cony-catched tricked

  77    dotard old fool

  78    hailed dragged about/greeted

  79    spoiled ruined

  88    counterfeit supposes false appearances    eyne eyes

  89    packing plotting, conspiracy    with a witness that’s for certain

  93    changed plays on the meaning of cambio (“change”)

  95    state situation/status

104    go to exclamation of mild impatience and dismissal

106    sound probe

108    cake is dough i.e., I’ve failed

109    Out …all with no hope of anything

118    once at some time

Act 5 Scene 1

 5.1    banquet fruit, sweetmeats, and wine, served after the main meal

    1    long after a long time

    3    scapes escapes    overblown now past

    5    kindness kinship/good will

    8    with on

    9    close fill

  10    great good cheer presumably the main wedding feast at Baptista’s

  16    fears is frightened of/frightens

  17    Then …afeard i.e., I can assure you I am not frightened

  18    sensible perceptive

  20    He …round i.e., you attribute your own feelings to others—you, Petruchio, are afraid of your wife

  21    Roundly boldly, soundly

  23    Thus…him that’s how I understand him (Petruchio picks up on roundly and conceive to make a joke about pregnancy)

  25    conceives her tale interprets her remark/is impregnated (tale puns on “tail”—i.e., vagina)

  26    mended retorted/rectified

  32    mean average/poor

  34    mean …you moderate compared to you

  35    To her attack her (a cry used to urge on animals in hunting or fighting)

  37    marks coins, each worth two thirds of a pound    put her down outdo her (Gremio plays on the sense of “have sex with her”)

  38    office role/sexual duty

  41    butt lock horns/thrust sexually

  42    butt bottom    hasty-witted body quick-witted person

  43    head and horn a horned head (i.e., that of a cuckold; horn plays on the sense of “penis/hunting horn”)

  47    Have at you be prepared for    bitter shrewd, keen

  48    bird prey    shift my bush fly to another bush to hide in (plays on the idea of pubic hair)

  49    bow refers to fowling— hunting sitting birds with bow and arrow (with phallic connotations)

  51    prevented thwarted

  52    hit shot with an arrow/penetrated sexually

  53    health toast

  54    slipped unleashed

  56    currish ignoble/dog-like

  58    deer puns on “dear”    does…bay turns on you and holds you off with its horns/denies you sex

  60    gird taunt

  62    galled scratched, irritated

  63    glance away from bounce off

  65    good sadness all seriousness

  66    veriest truest

  67    assurance proof

  75    of on

  84    be your half put up half your bet

  89    How? What?

  97    needs necessarily

110    The …mine then I have the worst luck

111    by my holidame by Our Lady/by all that I hold holy

114    conferring chatting

116    Swinge thrash

121    awful worthy of respect    right rightful

122    what not everything

123    fair befall thee good luck to you

127    as …been as if the former Kate had never existed

136    pass state of affairs

137    foolish stupid (Lucentio shifts the sense to “fond, doting”)

141    laying betting

148    Unknit relax    unkind harsh/unnatural

151    meads meadows

152    Confounds thy fame destroys your reputation

153    meet appropriate

154    moved angered

155    ill-seeming ugly

161    painful grueling

162    watch be awake during

169    peevish stubborn, perverse

170    honest virtuous, upright

172    graceless sinful

173    simple foolish

175    sway authority, influence

176    bound i.e., by duty/in marriage

178    Unapt not designed

179    soft gentle, fragile    conditions constitutions/qualities

181    unable incapable

182    big strong/contentious/determined/proud

183    haply perhaps

184    bandy exchange

187    That …be seeming to be that

188    vail your stomachs lower your pride/surrender your inclinations    boot use

191    do him ease give him pleasure/ease his burden

193    go thy ways well done    ha’t have it (win the wager)

194    ’Tis…toward it is a good thing to hear when children are compliant

197    three three men    you…sped you two (Lucentio and Hortensio) are done for

198    white center of the target (puns on Bianca’s name, “white” in Italian)

200    shrew pronounced “shrow,” the word provides the rhyme for this final couplet