Act 1 Scene 1

 1.1    Location: Illyria (country on the east of the Adriatic Sea; now Croatia). The entire action takes place here, moving between the households of Duke Orsino and Olivia, with occasional scenes in undetermined public places    Orsino Italian for “bear-cub”; perhaps suggestive of immaturity    Curio either “curious” or “courtly” (from the Italian for “court”); may suggest fastidious affectation in dress and manners

    2    surfeiting overindulging (in food or sex)

    3    appetite hunger/sexual craving

    4    dying fall dropping cadence (plays on the sense of “orgasm and detumescence”)

    5    sound i.e., of a breeze

    9    quick and fresh sharp and eager, hungry

  10    capacity (small) size/ability to contain

  11    as the sea i.e., without limit

  12    validity and pitch worth and utmost elevation

  13    abatement diminution

  14    shapes imaginary forms    fancy love/desire (plays on the sense of “imagination”)

  15    alone…fantastical is uniquely imaginative/delusory

  18    hart male deer (Orsino puns on “heart”)

  21    pestilence plague (often attributed to bad air)

  23    fell fierce    hounds…me as in the classical myth of Actaeon, hunted down by his own hounds as punishment for gazing on the naked goddess Diana    Valentine the name of the patron saint of lovers

  27    element sky    years’ heat i.e., summers

  28    ample full, i.e., unveiled

  29    cloistress nun

  31    eye-offending brine stinging, salty tears    season preserve (with salt)

  36    golden shaft i.e., arrow of Cupid (god of love)

  37    affections else other feelings

  38    liver…heart seats (thrones) of sexual passion, intellect, and emotion

  39    supplied filled/satisfied    filled…perfections her perfect qualities are filled

  40    one self one and the same

Act 1 Scene 2

 1.2    Viola Italian for “violet,” a flower that symbolized faithfulness and was thought to purge melancholy; also suggestive of musical instrument

    4    Elysium the heaven of classical mythology

    5    Perchance perhaps (the Captain shifts the sense to “by chance”)

    8    chance the possibility of good fortune

  11    driving storm-driven

  12    provident foresighted/resourceful/fortunate

  13    practice method

  14    lived floated

  15    Arion Greek musician who jumped overboard to escape being murdered and was carried to safety by a dolphin charmed by his music

  16    hold acquaintance with remain afloat upon

  19    unfoldeth…hope encourages me to hope

  21    like of him i.e., that he has also survived

  30    late recently

  32    murmur rumor

  33    What…of whatever the aristocracy do, the lower classes gossip about it

  43    be…is have my identity/rank revealed until I decide the time is ripe

  46    compass bring about

  47    suit petition/courtship

  48    not not even

  49    fair behaviour good conduct/promising appearance

  50    though that though

  51    close in enclose

  52    suits With matches

  53    character appearance

  56    haply…intent may suit the shape of the purpose

  58    eunuch male castrated to maintain a high singing voice

  61    allow prove    worth worthy of

  62    hap happen, chance to occur

  63    wit cunning plan

Act 1 Scene 3

    1    What a plague an oath, like “what the hell”    niece Toby may be Olivia’s uncle, but “niece” could be used more generally for any female relative

    2    care worry/grief

    3    troth faith    a-nights at night    cousin relative

    4    ill antisocial

    5    except, before excepted plays on the legal phrase exceptis excipiendis (“with the aforementioned exceptions”); essentially Sir Toby says he does not care, Olivia may object all she likes

    6    modest moderate

    7    confine…finer I won’t restrain myself further/I won’t dress more finely

    8    An if

  10    quaffing copious drinking

  13    Aguecheek suggesting thin face of one suffering from a fever (ague)

  15    tall brave/noble/of great height (Maria understands the latter meaning)    any’s any (man) is

  17    ducats gold coins (three thousand was a considerable annual income)

  18    he’ll…ducats he’ll have spent all his money in a year    very complete/veritable

  19    prodigal excessively extravagant person

  20    o’th’viol-de-gamboys the viol da gamba, a bass viol played held between the legs (often has sexual connotations)

  21    without book i.e., spontaneously, from memory

  22    natural like an idiot

  23    allay…in reduce his taste for

  26    subtractors detractors, slanderers

  30    coystrill knave

  31    o’th’toe head-over-heels    parish top large spinning top (kept rotating by being whipped), provided for parishioners’ entertainment

  32    Castiliano vulgo! unclear Latin-Italian phrase; possibly “Speak of the devil!”    Agueface playful variation of Aguecheek

  35    shrew small mouse/troublesome one

  37    Accost approach/woo/grapple with

  39    chambermaid female attendant

  43    front confront    board accost (sexual-naval metaphor referring to sex as attacking a ship)    assail attack, seduce

  44    undertake approach/have sex with (literally, “have her underneath me”)    in this company in front of spectators

  47    An…so if you let her leave in this way    sword symbol of gentlemanly status (with phallic connotations)

  50    in hand to deal with (Maria takes the phrase literally; also plays on the idea of masturbation)

  52    Marry by the virgin Mary

  53    thought is free think what you like (proverbial)    th’buttery-bar the ledge created by opening the half-door of the buttery, with play on genitals

  55    Wherefore why

  56    dry thirsty/shriveled/impotent (supposedly signified by a dry palm)

  57    I…dry alludes to the proverb “fools have wit enough to come in out of the rain”

  59    dry jest stupid/ironic

  61    at…ends always ready/literally by the hand

  62    barren empty of jests and of Sir Andrew’s hand

  63    canary sweet wine from the Canary Islands; also continues play on impotence    put down snubbed (Sir Andrew plays on the senses of “drunk/impotent”)

  65    Christian i.e., average man

  66    Eater …wit beef was thought to dull the intellect;    wit may also signify “penis” and    beef “whore,” implying impotence as a result of venereal disease

  68    forswear it give it up

  69    Pourquoi “why” (French)

  71    tongues foreign languages    bear-baiting spectator sport in which a bear chained to a stake was attacked by dogs

  72    the arts liberal arts/academic learning

  73    head of hair puns on    tongues pronounced “tongs,” thus suggesting a barber’s curling tongs

  74    mended improved

  76    becomes suits

  77    flax yellow fiber    distaff staff used to spin flax    housewife woman who keeps house/prostitute    take…off treat Sir Andrew as a distaff and his hair as flax to be spun/have sex with Sir Andrew, resulting in syphilitic hair loss

  80    none of me have nothing to do with me    count i.e., Duke Orsino    hard near

  81    degree (social) position    estate status/fortune

  82    wit intelligence    life in’t still hope (proverbial)

  83    strangest oddest/most extraordinary

  84    masques and revels courtly entertainments involving dancing

  85    kickshawses trivial distractions/sexual sweetmeats

  86    under…betters except for my social superiors

  87    old man expert

  88    galliard lively dance

  89    cut a caper perform a leap/have sex

  90    cut…to’t plays on the sense of caper as a berry used in sauce for    mutton; also a prostitute

  91    back-trick backward dance step/sex

  93    like to take likely to gather    Mistress Mall’s picture i.e., a portrait protected from dust and light by a    curtain (Mall is a diminutive of “Mary”)

  94    in doing    coranto running dance

  95    jig rapid, springing dance    make water urinate    sink-a-pace cinquepace, a lively dance with five steps; may play on the sense of    sink as “sewer”

  96    virtues talents

  97    star…galliard astrological influence favorable to dancing

  98    indifferent moderately    damned damnably (the Folio reading “dam’d” is defensible as an intensifier, but it could be emended to, e.g., “damson-coloured” or “flame-coloured”)    stock stocking

101    Taurus …heart zodiacal signs were thought to govern parts of the body

102    legs and thighs more usually Taurus was said to govern the neck and throat

Act 1 Scene 4

    1    Cesario suggests “little Caesar” and perhaps the idea of splitting/separating (as in “Caesarean” and “caesura”)

    2    advanced promoted

    4    humour disposition/capriciousness

    9    On your attendance ready to serve you

  10    aloof to one side

  11    no…all i.e., everything

  13    address thy gait direct your steps

  15    them i.e., Olivia’s servants    grow i.e., take root

  16    audience reception by Olivia

  19    spoke said, rumored

  20    civil bounds bounds of civilized behavior

  24    Surprise ambush, take unawares    faith faithful love

  25    become suit

  26    attend listen, pay attention to

  27    nuncio’s messenger’s    aspect appearance

  29    lad servant/young man

  30    belie deceive

  31    Diana’s lip Diana was the Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, and chastity; in view of “pipe” and “organ,”    lip may play on “nether lip” (labia)

  32    rubious ruby-red    pipe voice/penis

  33    shrill and sound high-pitched and unbroken

  34    is semblative resembles    part attributes/role/sexual organ

  35    constellation disposition determined by the stars

  39    freely independently

  42    barful strife effort full of hindrances

Act 1 Scene 5

 1.5    Feste From Latin or Italian, festa (“feast” or “festival”), an appropriate name for a fool/clown

    2    in by

    4    well hanged plays on the sense of “with a large penis”    no colours i.e., nothing (literally, military flags); puns on “collars” (nooses)

    6    Make that good justify yourself

    7    He…fear i.e., a dead man cannot see (enemy colours)

    8    lenten meager (Lent, the time of fasting, was especially associated with puritanism)

  11    bold confident/certain

  14    turned away dismissed from service

  16    Many…marriage proverbial;    good hanging may continue play on the sense of “large penis”    for as for    let…out i.e., good weather will make dismissal more bearable

  19    points matters (Maria plays on the sense of “laces used to hold up breeches”)

  20    gaskins breeches

  21    Apt quick, witty    If…drinking either never, or suggesting that Maria and Sir Toby would be a good match

  22    Eve’s flesh woman

  24    were best are best advised    Malvolio “ill-will” (Latin)

  25    an’t if it

  27    Quinapalus an invented authority, perhaps playing on French qui n’a pas lu (“unread”) or mock Italian “him on the stick” (the face on the fool’s bauble)

  31    Go to expression of impatient dismissal    dry dull    dishonest undutiful

  32    Madonna “my lady” (Italian)

  33    dry dull/thirsty    mend improve; later plays on the sense of “repair”

  34    botcher mender of clothes and shoes

  35    patched simply mended, covered up; also alludes to the fool’s multicolored costume

  36    simple uncomplicated/foolish

  37    syllogism reasoning based on two premises (here those concerning virtue and sin)    so well and good    no…calamity i.e., one married to calamity will always be faithless    cuckold man with an unfaithful wife

  38    beauty’s a flower i.e., it will fade; Feste advises Olivia to make the most of her youth and beauty, rather than shutting herself away and refusing to marry

  41    Misprision error/wrongful arrest    cucullus…monachum “a hood does not make a monk” (Latin)

  42    motley multicolored clothing worn by professional fools    leave permission

  45    Dexteriously skillfully

  47    catechize cross-examine (literally, form of Church instruction in which a person answers a set of questions about the Christian faith)    good…virtue my good virtuous mouse; playful term of endearment

  48    idleness pastime    bide await/endure

  55    mend improve (Malvolio shifts the sense to “grow (more foolish)”

  59    no fox not cunning    pass give

  62    barren dull-witted    put down defeated

  63    with by    ordinary fool unexceptional fool/fool performing at an inn (ordinary)/natural idiot    stone may also refer to Stone, an Elizabethan tavern fool

  64    out …guard defenseless (fencing term), i.e., lacking a witty reply    minister occasion provide opportunity (for fooling)

  65    protest declare    crow laugh raucously

  66    set unspontaneous    zanies assistants

  67    of with    distempered unbalanced

  68    free generous    bird-bolts blunt arrows for shooting birds

  69    allowed licensed

  70    rail rant    discreet prudent

  71    reprove express disapproval

  72    Mercury…leasing may    Mercury, god of deception, make you good at lying

  79    madman i.e., rubbish, gibberish    Fie expression of impatience or disgust

  80    What you will whatever you want to say

  82    old stale

  83    should be were

  84    Jove Roman king of the gods

  85    pia mater brain (literally, soft membrane enclosing it)

  89    sot fool/drunkard

  91    lethargy (drunken) state

  92    one someone

  94    faith i.e., to defy the devil    it’s all one it doesn’t matter

  97    one…heat one drink beyond that which would warm him

  98    drowns makes him excessively drunk/unintelligible/unconscious

  99    crowner coroner    sit o’my coz hold an inquest on my kinsman

102    yond yonder, that

103    takes…understand understands

108    sheriff’s post decorated post denoting authority, fixed in front of the sheriff’s door

109    supporter…bench furniture support (bench plays on the sense of “court of justice”)

111    of mankind i.e., ordinary

113    ill manner i.e., impolite    will…no whether you want to or not

114    personage appearance

115    squash unripe pea pod (peascod, allusive of genitals—a humorous reversal of “codpiece,” a bag worn over the opening at the front of a man’s breeches)

116    codling unripe apple, plays on “cod” meaning “scrotum”

117    standing water at the turn of the tide    well-favoured good-looking

118    shrewishly sharply/shrilly

122    embassy message/ambassador

126    cast away waste

127    penned written

128    con learn by heart    sustain endure    comptible sensitive

129    sinister impolite

131    studied learned, memorized    out…part not within my brief

132    modest reasonable

134    comedian actor

135    my profound heart upon my soul/(to Olivia) my wise lady

136    that I play the character I perform

137    usurp counterfeit (Viola shifts the sense to “assume unjust authority over”)

138    what…reserve i.e., Olivia should not withhold herself from love and marriage

139    from outside, not part of    on go on

141    forgive excuse from repeating

143    feigned fictional/insincere    it in it to yourself    saucy impudent

144    wonder marvel

145    If…brief i.e., if Viola has any sense at all she should go; any sensible message must be conveyed quickly    ’Tis…me I am not a lunatic, i.e., not affected by the moon’s changes

146    make one take part    skipping frivolous, mad

147    hoist sail i.e., prepare to leave

148    swabber sailor who washes the deck    hull float, with sails furled    Some mollification please pacify/I have pacified

149    giant i.e., Maria; a joke about Maria’s small size and/or Maria resembles a giant in a romance tale who guarded a lady

150    courtesy introduction, preamble/etiquette

151    fearful frightening, alarming    Speak your office perform your task, deliver your speech

152    overture disclosure    taxation of homage demand for money on behalf of a superior lord

153    olive olive branch, symbol of peace    matter real substance

154    rudely i.e., by being saucy at the gates

156    entertainment reception    maidenhead virginity

157    divinity sacred    profanation blasphemy

159    text theme/topic drawn from the Bible for discussion in a sermon

161    comfortable comforting

162    bosom heart

163    chapter as of the Bible

164    answer…method continue the metaphor

168    out of straying from    curtain i.e., veil covering Olivia’s face (picture)

169    such…present i.e., here I am (Olivia speaks of her face as if it were a recent portrait)

170    if…all i.e., if all Olivia’s beauty is natural, rather than cosmetic or touched up by the metaphorical painter

171    in grain indelible, i.e., all natural

172    truly blent genuinely blended/realistically painted    red and white i.e., lips (or rosy cheeks) and skin

173    cunning skillful

174    she lady

175    graces beauties

176    copy replica in the form of a child (Olivia plays on the sense of “list”)

177    divers schedules several inventories

178    inventoried itemized    utensil article, feature

179    indifferent adequately

180    praise puns on “appraise,” i.e., evaluate

182    if even if

184    but recompensed, though no more than repaid, even if

185    nonpareil paragon

187    fertile abundant

190    suppose consider

192    In…divulged well-regarded in popular opinion    free honorable/generous

193    dimension…nature physical form

194    gracious graceful, attractive

196    flame passion

197    deadly deathlike

201    willow cabin shelter made from willow branches, a symbol of unrequited love

202    my soul i.e., Olivia

203    cantons songs    contemnèd despised, rejected

205    Hallow shout/bless    reverberate echoing

206    babbling…air like that of Echo, whose unrequited love for Narcissus meant she wasted away to a mere voice    gossip chatter

211    fortunes position as a servant    state social status    well satisfactory

218    fee’d post hired messenger

220    Love…love may Love harden the heart of whomever you fall in love with

227    blazon heraldic coat of arms, which could only be displayed by a gentleman    Soft wait a moment

228    the…man i.e., Orsino and Cesario could change places    man servant

229    catch the plague i.e., fall in love

235    peevish headstrong

236    county’s count’s, i.e., Duke Orsino’s

237    Would I whether I wanted it

238    Desire ask    flatter with i.e., encourage

239    hold…hopes sustain him with false expectations

241    Hie hasten

244    Mine…mind my eyes (through which love enters) may have betrayed my reason

245    owe own

Act 2 Scene 1

    1    Nor …not do you not wish

    2    patience permission    darkly ominously    malignancy evil influence

    3    distemper spoil, unbalance    crave entreat    leave permission

    4    evils misfortunes

    7    sooth (in) truth    determinate intended    extravagancy wandering

    8    modesty propriety

    9    am…in wish to keep secret    it…manners politeness compels me

  10    express reveal

  11    called said was    Messaline unclear, possibly Marseilles or Messina, or invented by Shakespeare

  12    an hour the same hour (they are twins)

  14    some about an    breach breaking waves

  18    estimable wonder admiring judgment    overfar too greatly

  19    publish speak openly of/celebrate    envy malice

  21    more i.e., tears

  22    entertainment reception (for one so worthy)

  23    your trouble the trouble I put you to

  24    murder…love i.e., by making me leave you

  26    recovered rescued, brought back to life    kindness tenderness/natural affection (for my sister)

  27    yet still    manners…mother i.e., a womanish inclination to weep

  28    tell…me i.e., betray my feelings by crying

  30    gentleness good favor

  32    Else otherwise

  34    sport recreation

Act 2 Scene 2

    1    ev’n just

    2    on at    but hither only this far

    5    desperate assurance hopeless certainty

    6    hardy bold    in his affairs on his business

    7    taking of this understanding of this message/reception of the ring    it the ring

    9    peevishly willfully, foolishly    so in the same manner, i.e., thrown

  10    eye plain sight

  13    outside appearance

  14    made…of had a good look at

  15    lost made her lose

  16    starts bursts    distractedly with agitation/madly

  18    in by way of    churlish blunt, ungracious

  21    were better would be better off

  23    pregnant resourceful    enemy probably Satan

  24    proper-false attractive but deceitful (men)

  25    set their forms make their impressions (like seals in wax)

  26    our…be i.e., because women are made of frail material, we are weak

  28    fadge turn out

  29    monster unnatural creature (being both man and woman)    fond dote

  32    state…for situation is hopeless with regard to

  34    thriftless unprofitable

Act 2 Scene 3

    1    Approach come    betimes early

    2    diluculo surgere (… saluberrimum est) “to get up early is most healthy” (Latin proverb)

    4    can drinking vessel

    6    lives i.e., living beings (Sir Andrew interprets as “way of life”)    four elements earth, air, fire, and water, from which everything was thought to be made

    8    Marian variant of Mary/Maria    stoup drinking vessel/measure of alcohol

  11    hearts fine friends    picture…three captioned picture showing two fools or asses, so that the spectator is the third

  12    catch musical round

  13    breast set of lungs, singing voice

  14    leg for dancing, or bowing before singing

  15    thou wast you were

  16    Pigrogromitus…Queubus words invented by Feste as examples of his feigned wisdom    equinoctial equator

  17    leman sweetheart    Hadst it? Did you receive it?

  18    impeticos i.e., pocket up    gratillity gratuity (another invented word)    whipstock whip handle

  19    Myrmidons Achilles’ followers; possible play on “Mermaid Inn,” a tavern in Shakespeare’s London    bottle-ale houses low-class taverns

  22    testril of sixpenny coin from

  23    song…life drinking song (Sir Andrew interprets good as “virtuous, moral”)

  28    high and low i.e., in terms of pitch or volume

  29    Trip go, skip    sweeting darling

  34    hereafter in the future

  36    still always

  37    plenty profit

  38    and twenty an intensifier (the singer’s lover is “twenty times sweet”)

  39    stuff quality/material

  40    true honest/legitimate

  41    contagious breath infectious breath/catchy song

  43    hear…nose i.e., if we inhaled sound    dulcet in contagion sweetly contagious    welkin sky

  44    rouse startle/wake    three souls three singers would have thrice the effect; powerful music was supposed to draw forth the soul

  45    weaver often associated with psalm singing, so to excite one with a drinking song would be a real achievement

  46    dog i.e., good (Feste plays on the literal sense)

  47    By’r lady by Our Lady, the Virgin Mary

  48    ‘Thou knave’ the words of the round

  49    Hold thy peace be quiet (subsequent dialogue plays on “piece,” penis)    constrained compelled

  55    keep make

  56    steward manager of household affairs

  57    Catayan Catharan (puritan)    politicians schemers    Peg-a-Ramsey spying wife in a popular ballad

  58    ‘Three…we’ popular refrain from a song    consanguineous blood-related

  59    Tillyvally nonsense

  60    ‘There…lady!’ the opening and refrain of a song about the biblical tale of Susanna and the Elders

  61    Beshrew curse

  63    grace charm    natural convincingly/idiotically

  64    ‘O…December’ from an unidentified song, possibly an erroneous reference to the twelfth day of Christmas (i.e., Twelfth Night)

  66    wit good sense

  67    honesty decorum    tinkers popularly viewed as drunkards

  68    squeak out i.e., sing shrilly    coziers’ cobblers’

  69    mitigation or remorse considerate lowering

  71    Sneck up! Shut up!/ Buzz off!

  72    round blunt

  73    harbours lodges    nothing allied not related to

  77    ‘Farewell…gone’ over the next few lines Sir Toby and Feste adapt lines from a contemporary ballad

  80    Is’t even so? Is that the way things are?

  85    an if if

  86    spare not spare him not/be merciless

  88    Out o’ tune false    Art are (you)

  89    cakes and ale i.e., festivity, particularly abhorrent to one with puritan tendencies

  90    Saint Anne mother of the Virgin Mary; another antipuritan dig    ginger spice in ale/aphrodisiac

  91    rub…crumbs polish your chain of office (reminding Malvolio of his servant status)

  93    prized valued

  94    contempt disrespect/disobedience    give means i.e., provide drink    rule behavior

  96    Go …ears i.e., like an ass; a dismissive insult

  97    a-hungry (very) hungry

  98    the field to a duel

102    out of quiet agitated    For as for    let…him leave him to me

103    gull trick    nayword byword (for stupidity)

104    recreation source of amusement

106    Possess inform

107    puritan overly strict moralist; not necessarily a member of the extreme Protestant religious movement

109    exquisite ingenious/excellent

111    constantly consistently    time-pleaser timeserver, flatterer

112    affectioned pretentious    cons…book learns high-flown expressions by heart    by great swarths in broad sweeps (like quantities of scythed hay)    The best persuaded having the highest opinion

113    excellencies excellent features/accomplishments

114    grounds of faith foundations of belief

117    obscure epistles ambiguous letters

118    expressure expression

119    complexion appearance/coloring/temperament    feelingly personated accurately represented

120    on…matter when we have forgotten the circumstances in which something was written or what it was about    make distinction of distinguish between

121    hands handwriting

122    device plot

128    Ass puns on “as”

130    physic medicine/treatment

132    construction interpretation    event outcome

133    Penthesilea Queen of the Amazons; probably refers to Maria’s shortness

134    Before me mild oath like “upon my soul”

135    beagle skillful hunting dog

138    recover obtain/win    foul way out miserably far from success/badly out of pocket

139    cut cart horse (castrated or with docked tail)/vagina

141    burn warm/sweeten with burnt sugar    sack Spanish white wine

Act 2 Scene 4

    2    but (I want to hear) only

    3    antique quaint/old

    4    passion suffering

    5    airs melodies    recollected terms studied, artificial expressions

  12    the while in the meantime

  16    Unstaid and skittish unsettled and fickle    motions else other emotions

  17    constant faithful (contemplation of the)

  19    gives…throned reflects the heart exactly

  21    masterly from experience/knowingly

  23    stayed lingered    favour face

  25    by your favour if you please (plays on the sense of “on your face”)

  30    still always

  31    wears she she adapts herself

  32    sways she level swings in perfect balance/exerts constant influence

  34    fancies infatuations

  35    worn exhausted

  37    I…well I believe it

  39    hold the bent hold steady (from archery: holding the bow taught)

  41    displayed unfurled, in full bloom

  45    Mark take note of

  46    spinsters spinners

  47    free carefree/innocent    weave…bones make lace with bone bobbins

  48    Do use are accustomed    silly sooth simple truth

  49    dallies deals lightly/toys

  50    old age bygone times, good old days

  53    away here

  54    cypress cypress-wood coffin/among sprigs of cypress (associated with mourning)

  57    stuck adorned, strewn    yew yew twigs, also emblematic of mourning

  59    My…it I am the truest lover who ever died for love

  62    strewn pronounced “strown”

  72    pleasure…paid with pain (proverbial)

  73    leave to leave permission to dismiss

  74    melancholy god Saturn, thought to govern melancholy dispositions    doublet close-fitting jacket

  75    changeable taffeta shot silk, the color of which changes depending on the light    opal iridescent gem of changeable color    men…constancy i.e., inconstant men

  76    their…everywhere “he that is everywhere is nowhere” (proverbial)

  77    that’s…nothing that’s the attitude that considers a useless voyage to be profitable

  78    give place leave

  82    dirty dishonorably acquired/despicable/muddy

  83    parts attributes, i.e., wealth

  84    giddily lightly    fortune traditionally held to be fickle

  85    miracle…gems i.e., Olivia’s beauty

  86    pranks adorns

  93    be answered satisfied

  95    bide withstand

  97    retention the power to retain (emotion)

  98    appetite desire/fancy

  99    motion impulse/emotion    liver thought to be the seat of strong passion    palate organ of taste, i.e., easily satisfied

100    suffer undergo    surfeit sickening over indulgence    cloyment excessive gratification    revolt revulsion (of appetite)

101    mine i.e., my love

102    compare comparison

104    owe have for

112    history story

115    damask pink, like the damask rose

116    green and yellow sickly, pale, and sallow

117    patience…monument carved figure on a memorial

120    shows outwards displays    are more have more substance    will our desires    still always

125    to go to

128    give no place not give way    denay denial

Act 2 Scene 5

    1    Come thy ways come along

    2    scruple tiny amount    boiled puns on (black) “bile,” the cause of melancholy; also a joke, since    melancholy was a cold, dry humor

    4    niggardly mean-minded    sheep-biter nasty, shifty fellow (literally, a dog that attacks sheep)

    7    bear-baiting a pastime that was particularly disapproved of by puritans

    8    fool…blue bruise him (metaphorically) with fooling

  10    pity…lives a pity we should live

  11    metal of India i.e., pure gold, treasure

  12    box-tree thick evergreen shrub used in ornamental gardens    walk path

  13    behaviour courtly gestures

  15    contemplative preoccupied/mindlessly gazing    Close stay hidden

  16    tickling i.e., flattery; one method of catching trout is to stroke them under their gills

  17    she Olivia    affect love/feel fondness for

  18    thus near i.e., close to saying    fancy love

  19    uses treats

  20    follows serves

  21    overweening arrogant/overambitious

  22    rare splendid    turkey-cock a proverbially proud, vain bird    jets struts

  23    advances plumes raised feathers

  24    ’Slight (by) God’s light

  28    Pistol shoot

  30    example precedent    lady…wardrobe unknown allusion to the marriage of a woman to her social inferior    yeoman…wardrobe servant in charge of household clothes and linen

  32    Jezebel in the Bible, proud wife of Ahab, King of Israel; term for a wicked, deceptive, or lascivious woman

  33    in absorbed in his own fantasies    blows him puffs him up

  34    state canopied chair of state

  35    stone-bow crossbow that shoots stones

  36    officers household servants    branched embroidered with a branched pattern or with images of foliage

  37    daybed sofa/bed for daytime reclining (with sexual associations)

  40    humour of state temperament/power of one in authority    demure…regard solemn survey of the room and company

  41    would wish

  42    Toby Malvolio omits “Sir”

  43    Bolts and shackles! restraints for a prisoner

  45    people servants    start sudden movement    make out go

  46    perchance perhaps    my— perhaps chain of office, which Malvolio momentarily forgets he would not be wearing, but he could be referring to anything; a genital quibble is probably present

  47    curtsies bows

  49    cars chariots/carts, i.e., by torture

  50    familiar friendly

  51    regard of control authoritative look

  52    take strike, give

  53    Cousin kinsman

  54    prerogative due privilege, right

  57    scab scoundrel

  58    sinews muscles, strength

  63    employment business

  64    woodcock proverbially stupid bird    gin trap

  65    humours whims, moods    intimate suggest

  66    hand handwriting    C’s…T’s “cut” was slang for “vagina,” but the joke may well be on “cunt” (with and as “n”)

  67    great P’s uppercase P’s/noble vagina (“piece”)/copious urination    in contempt of beyond

  70    impressure imprint, seal    Lucrece Olivia’s seal ring bears the image of Lucrece, Roman heroine who committed suicide after being raped

  71    uses to seal customarily seals

  72    liver seat of passion

  77    numbers altered meter changed

  79    brock badger, used contemptuously

  81    Lucrece knife knife Lucrece used to kill herself

  83    sway rule

  84    fustian nonsensical/pompous (literally, inferior cloth)

  87    What what a    dressed prepared for

  88    wing flight/speed    staniel kestrel, or small falcon    checks swoops

  90    formal capacity normal intelligence

  91    obstruction obstacle    position arrangement

  92    portend mean

  93    O, ay puns on the O…I of M.O.A.I.    makeup workout    at…scent has lost the trail

  94    Sowter name of a hound (a “souter” was a cobbler)    cry bark    rank foul-smelling

  96    cur dog    faults finding the scent again after the trail has gone cold

  97    consonancy…sequel consistency of pattern    suffers holds up

  98    probation investigation

  99    O shall end O ends Malvolio’s name/a cry of misery will end this business/the hangman’s noose ends life

102    eye puns on Ay and I detraction defamation, slander

104    simulation disguised meaning    former earlier, clearer parts of the letter    crush force a meaning from

105    bow yield

106    revolve consider (with play on “turn round,” which may cue Malvolio to do so)    stars fortunes

108    open their hands offer bounty    blood and spirit i.e., all of you, body, and soul

109    embrace willingly accept    inure accustom    like likely    cast cast off

110    slough outer skin    opposite antagonistic/contradictory

111    tang…state ring out on political topics    trick of singularity peculiar, distinctive behavior

113    ever at all times    cross-gartered wearing garters crossed near the knee    Go to i.e., come on

116    alter services exchange places of mistress and servant; with sexual innuendo

117    Fortunate-Unhappy i.e., wealthy, but lacking requited love

118    champaign open countryside    discovers reveals    open clear

119    politic political/prudent    baffle publicly disgrace    gross dull/base

120    point-device to the last detail    jade deceive

121    excites urges

123    manifests herself to reveals herself as    injunction order

124    habits ways of dressing/behavior    happy fortunate    strange aloof    stout proud, haughty

127    entertainest welcome, accept

128    still always

132    Sophy Shah of Persia

133    device plot

137    gull-catcher fool trapper/trickster

138    Wilt …neck? i.e., I submit totally to you

140    play gamble    tray-trip type of dicing game    bondslave slave

145    aqua-vitae strong spirits, such as brandy

146    fruits outcome

150    contempt object of contempt

151    Tartar Tartarus, hell of classical mythology

152    make one join in, tag along

Act 3 Scene 1

 3.1    tabor small drum

    1    Save God save    live by earn your living with (Feste plays on the sense of by as “next to”)

    6    lies by dwells near/sleeps with

    7    stands is maintained    stand is placed

    8    You have said you have had your say/fair enough    sentence saying    cheveril kidskin (pliable leather)

  10    dally nicely play subtly/triflingly

  11    wanton uncontrolled, ambiguous/lecherous

  15    bonds legal contracts    disgraced them i.e., by suggesting that a man’s word alone was not enough

  17    yield give

  24    pilchards small fish that resemble herring

  26    late recently

  27    orb planet, world

  28    but were it not for the fact that

  29    your wisdom i.e., you, a hired servant/fool

  30    pass upon jest at/judge

  32    commodity supply

  33    for one wanting a beard/from love for a bearded man

  35    these i.e., coins    bred multiplied; Feste asks for more money

  36    put to use invested for profit (plays on the sense of “having had sex”)

  37    Pandarus uncle to    Cressida and go-between for his niece and her lover    Troilus Phrygia country in Asia Minor where Troy was situated

  39    Cressida…beggar in some versions of the story, Cressida became a beggar with leprosy

  40    conster explain

  41    out…welkin beyond me welkin sky, heavens    element sphere of knowledge/sky

  44    craves requires

  46    quality character/rank

  47    haggard untrained hawk    check swoop

  48    practice occupation

  50    is fit suits the purpose

  51    folly-fall’n stooping to foolishness

  54    Dieu…monsieur “God save you, sir” (French)

  55    Et…serviteur “And you, too. [I am] your servant” (French)

  57    encounter approach/enter

  58    trade business, with sexual innuendo    to with, concerning

  59    bound to heading for    list limit, objective

  60    Taste tryout

  61    understand support/comprehend

  64    gait and entrance corresponding nouns to Sir Toby’s verbs;    gait puns on “gate”    prevented anticipated/forestalled

  65    the may the    odours sweet smells

  67    hath no voice cannot be uttered    pregnant receptive

  68    vouchsafed (kindly) bestowed, i.e., attentive

  69    all ready committed to memory, ready for use

  70    hearing audience (with Cesario)

  75    ’Twas …world proverbial: things haven’t been the same

  76    lowly feigning pretended modesty    compliment courtesy

  78    yours your servant    his i.e., his servants

  80    For as for

  81    blanks blank paper/unstamped coins

  86    suit petition, courtship

  87    solicit urge

  88    music…spheres planets and stars were thought to be surrounded by hollow spheres that produced beautiful music as they rotated

  90    leave permission (to speak)

  92    abuse wrong/disgrace

  94    construction judgment/interpretation (of my conduct)

  95    To force for forcing

  97    stake post to which a bear is chained for baiting by dogs

  99    receiving understanding

100    cypress light transparent material

103    degree step

104    grize step    vulgar proof common experience

106    smile again i.e., throw off melancholy

109    lion a more noble adversary

113    proper handsome/worthy

115    disposition state of mind

117    You’ll you’ll send

120    what you are i.e., in love with me (a woman/a servant)

125    I…fool you make me look foolish

126    deal quantity

129    love’s…noon i.e., despite trying to conceal itself, love is obvious

131    maidhood virginity

132    maugre in spite of

133    Nor neither

134    extort…clause extract reason from this premise

135    For that because    no cause need to woo in return

136    Reason …fetter restrain your reason with the following reasoning

143    deplore lament, recount sorrowfully

Act 3 Scene 2

    2    venom venomous person

    5    i’th’orchard in the garden

    6    the while at the time

    8    argument proof

  10    it my case    oaths sworn testament

  11    Noah biblical character who survived a mighty flood sent by God

  13    dormouse sleepy

  14    fire-new …mint i.e., like a freshly minted coin

  15    banged struck

  16    balked avoided/neglected    double gilt i.e., golden (opportunity)

  17    north cold region

  19    policy strategy

  20    lief willingly

  21    Brownist follower of Robert Browne, founder of an extreme puritan sect    politician schemer

  22    build me build    Challenge me challenge

  24    love-broker go-between

  28    martial hand military style/handwriting    curst quarrelsome

  29    so provided that    invention innovation    licence of ink freedom encouraged by writing rather than speaking

  30    thou’st call him “thou,” an insult to a stranger (“you” is the polite form)    lies accusations of lying

  31    bed of Ware famous bed, able to hold twelve people

  32    gall bile, anger/an ingredient in ink (oak gall)

  33    goose-pen quill pen made from a goose’s feather (may play on sense of goose as “fool”)

  35    cubiculo “bedroom” (Latin)

  36    manikin little man, puppet

  37    dear costly    two thousand probably ducats (gold coins)

  38    rare marvelous, i.e., entertaining

  40    wainropes wagon ropes, pulled by oxen hale haul, drag

  42    th’anatomy i.e., his skeleton/body

  43    opposite adversary    visage appearance/face    presage indication

  44    youngest wren the wren is a small bird (a play on Maria’s size); some editors emend “mine” to “nine”

  45    spleen fit of laughter (the spleen was thought to be the seat of laughter)

  46    gull fool, dupe    renegado deserter of his religion

  48    passages of grossness i.e., the ludicrous statements in Maria’s letter

  50    villainously offensively, horribly    pedant schoolmaster

  51    dogged followed closely

  52    new…Indies probably refers to a map published in 1599 that showed the East Indies in much greater detail than previously

  54    forbear desist from

Act 3 Scene 3

    3    chide scold

    5    filèd sharpened

    6    all only (out of)    so much enough (love)

    8    jealousy concern, apprehension (about)

    9    skill-less in unacquainted with    stranger foreigner

  12    rather more readily

  16    ever oft very often

  17    shuffled off shrugged aside    uncurrent worthless

  18    worth financial means    conscience feeling of obligation    firm substantial/reliable

  19    dealing treatment/reward

  20    relics antiquities, old sights

  25    renown make famous

  28    count his count’s, i.e., duke’s    galleys ships usually propelled by oars as well as sails

  30    it…answered it would be virtually impossible to account for it/make reparation (i.e., Antonio’s life would be in danger)

  31    Belike presumably

  33    Albeit even though

  34    bloody argument cause for shedding blood

  35    answered requited

  36    traffic’s trade’s

  38    lapsèd apprehended/caught out

  40    open publicly

  41    doth not fit does not suit/is not appropriate for

  42    Elephant name of an inn

  43    bespeak our diet order our food

  44    beguile while away

  45    have meet

  47    Haply perhaps    toy trifle

  48    store available money

  49    idle markets trivial purchases

Act 3 Scene 4

    1    him i.e., Cesario

    2    of on

    5    sad serious    civil decorous

    8    possessed by evil spirits, i.e., mad

  18    sad serious/melancholy

  20    sonnet song/poem    ‘Please…all’ a ballad about women having their own way sexually

  22    black melancholic (from an excess of black bile)    It i.e., the letter    his i.e., Malvolio’s

  23    Roman hand fashionable Italian style of handwriting

  24    go to bed i.e., to rest (but Malvolio takes this as sexually suggestive)

  26    kiss thy hand a fashionable greeting amongst courtiers

  28    daws jackdaws, birds of the crow family/fools

  45    midsummer proverbially the season for madness

  47    hardly with difficulty    attends awaits

  50    miscarry come to harm

  52    come near begin to understand/appreciate

  57    consequently subsequently    reverend carriage dignified bearing

  58    habit manner/clothing    sir of note distinguished man    limed caught; birdlime was a sticky substance smeared on branches to trap birds

  60    Fellow equal    after my degree according to my position

  61    dram tiny amount    scruple small quantity/doubt

  62    incredulous incredible    unsafe unreliable

  65    drawn in little gathered in a small space/painted in miniature

  66    Legion biblical reference to a multitude of devils; Sir Toby may mistakenly think it is the name of a specific devil

  68    private privacy, with possible play on “private parts”

  69    Lo look    hollow echoingly

  70    have a take

  72    Let me alone leave him to me

  76    La look

  78    water urine, examined for diagnosis    wise woman local healer, thought able to cure those bewitched

  83    move excite/provoke

  87    bawcock good fellow (from the French beau coq, i.e., “fine bird”)    chuck chick

  89    Biddy hen    gravity respectability

  90    cherry-pit children’s game in which cherrystones are thrown into a hole    foul collier dirty coalman, i.e., the devil

  94    idle worthless/trivial

  95    element sphere/type

  99    genius soul/guardian spirit

100    take…taint be spoiled (by exposure to air)

103    in…bound conventional treatment for the insane

104    carry manage/maintain

106    bar open court, i.e., judgment    finder of madmen juror who formally declared whether a man was mad

108    matter substance/sport    May morning i.e., festive time

109    warrant assure you/confirm

110    saucy spicy/insolent

111    warrant assure

112    scurvy worthless/contemptible

114    admire marvel

116    note remark    keeps protects    blow…law legal punishment (for breaching the peace)

118    liest…throat lie outrageously

123    o’th’windy on the windward, i.e., safe

125    hope i.e., of success    as…him insofar as you treat him as such

128    move provoke/set in motion

129    commerce transaction/conversational exchange

131    Scout me keep watch (for me)

132    bumbaily bailiff who crept up on the debtor from behind

133    horrible terribly/exceedingly

134    twanged off uttered ringingly/said with a snide nasal intonation    approbation credit    proof testing out

136    let me alone i.e., you can rely on me

138    capacity intelligence

140    clodpole idiot

142    youth inexperience    aptly receive readily believe

143    hideous terrifying

145    cockatrices basilisks, mythical reptiles whose gaze had the power to kill

146    Give them way keep out of their way    presently immediately

148    horrid terrifying

150    laid laid down/exposed    unchary carelessly

154    ’haviour…bears behavior that characterizes your passion

156    jewel piece of jewellery, here a miniature portrait of Olivia

160    honour saved i.e., apart from my virginity

164    acquit excuse, release (from obligation to love)

169    That whatever    betake resort

170    intercepter one lying in wait    despite contempt    bloody bloodthirsty

171    Dismount draw    tuck sword    yare quick

173    to with    remembrance memory

176    price value    opposite opponent

177    withal with

179    dubbed invested with knightly status    unhatched unhacked, unmarked (in battle)    on carpet consideration for courtly, rather than military, reasons

181    incensement fury    satisfaction recompense for offense to one’s honor

182    sepulchre tomb    Hob, nob have or have not, i.e., come what may    word motto

183    conduct protection

185    taste test    quirk peculiarity

186    competent sufficient

188    that i.e., the duel

189    meddle get involved

190    forswear…you cease to wear a sword

191    office task    know of inquire from

196    mortal arbitrement fight to the death

199    Nothing…promise not at all as extraordinary    read judge    form appearance    like likely

204    mettle spirit/courage

205    firago virago, female fighter    pass bout (of fencing)

206    stuck in fencing thrust

207    mortal fatal    motion fencing maneuver    inevitable unavoidable    answer return hit    pays you strikes you in return

208    to in the service of    Sophy Shah of Persia

209    Pox plague

210    hold restrain

211    cunning skillful    fence fencing

212    ere before

214    motion offer

215    perdition of souls i.e., loss of life perdition destruction, damnation    ride i.e., make a fool of

216    take up settle

217    horribly conceited has just as terrifying an idea

219    for’s oath for his oath’s

220    quarrel cause of complaint

221    supportance upholding    protests declares/vows

223    A…would it wouldn’t take much to (thing plays on the sense of “penis”)

227    duello established duelling code

232    up away

238    undertaker one who takes on a task/challenger    for ready for

240    anon shortly

242    for that as for what

243    He i.e., Capilet, the horse    reins is obedient, responds to the reins

245    suit order/request

247    favour face

251    answer be accountable for

255    amazed shocked/bewildered

261    part in part

263    having fortune

264    present available resources

265    coffer money

266    deny reject/disown

267    deserts worthy deeds

268    lack persuasion fail to persuade you to help me    tempt try

269    unsound morally weak/inadequate

275    vainness ostentation

282    sanctity holiness

283    image appearance (plays on the sense of “religious icon”)

284    venerable worth worthy to be venerated

287    feature physical appearance

289    unkind cruel/unnatural

291    trunks chests/bodies    o’erflourished richly decorated/made outwardly beautiful

299    sage solemn/dignified    saws sayings

301    glass mirrored reflection/image

302    favour appearance    went went about

303    Still always    ornament clothing, adornments

304    prove i.e., to be true

306    dishonest dishonorable    a coward cowardly

309    religious devout

310    ’Slid by God’s eyelid (common oath)

313    event outcome

314    yet after all

Act 4 Scene 1

    4    held out kept up

    7    vent utter, let out

    8    of from

    9    lubber clumsy idiot

  10    cockney pampered child/affected, effeminate fellow    ungird takeoff    strangeness aloofness

  12    Greek buffoon/speaker of gibberish

  13    tarry linger    worse payment i.e., blows

  14    open generous (with money or blows)

  15    report reputation    fourteen years’ purchase i.e., a large investment of time and money

  19    straight at once    in…coats in your position

  21    hold restrain yourself

  22    action of battery lawsuit for assault

  26    iron dagger/sword

  27    fleshed initiated into fighting

  30    malapert impudent

  38    Rudesby ruffian    friend friend/lover

  40    uncivil barbarous    extent assault

  43    botched up patched together

  45    Beshrew curse

  46    started startled/drove from cover    heart puns on “hart”

  47    relish meaning (literally, “taste”)

  48    Or either

  49    fancy imagination    Lethe river of forgetfulness in the classical underworld

  50    still always

  51    Would thou’dst if only you would

Act 4 Scene 2

    1    Sir respectful title for priest    Topas topaz, a precious stone, was supposed to cure madness; also proverbial for a puritan priest

    2    curate parish priest    the whilst in the meantime

    3    dissemble disguise

    4    dissembled feigned, deceived become suit

    5    function task/role (of priest)    said reputed

    6    housekeeper host    goes as fairly sounds as good    careful painstaking/conscientious

    7    competitors conspirators, partners in crime

    9    Bonos dies “good day” (mock Latin/Spanish)    old…Prague an invented authority    never…ink was illiterate

  10    King Gorboduc legendary British king

  18    hyperbolical immoderate/vehement/raging    fiend evil spirit (supposedly possessing Malvolio)    vexest torment

  23    modest terms mild expressions

  25    house i.e., room

  27    barricadoes barricades    clerestories upper windows

  32    puzzled bewildered    Egyptians…fog in the Bible, God punished the Egyptians with three days of darkness

  34    abused wronged/maltreated

  35    constant decided/consistent/logical    question discussion, debate

  36    Pythagoras ancient Greek philosopher who believed in the transmigration of souls from humans to animals

  37    grandam grandmother    happily perhaps (though may play on adverbial sense)

  41    allow…wits acknowledge you are sane    woodcock proverbially stupid and easily caught bird

  44    exquisite ingenious/exact (in imitation)

  45    am…waters can turn my hand to anything

  47    To goto

  48    delivered liberated

  50    upshot final stroke, conclusion    by and by straightaway

  54    perdy by God (from French par dieu)

  64    besides out of    five wits mental faculties: common sense, fantasy, judgment, memory, and imagination

  65    notoriously evidently/outrageously

  67    But only

  69    propertied packed away like a piece of furniture/a stage prop

  70    face bully

  71    Advise you be careful/consider

  73    bibble babble idle chatter

  76    God buy you good-bye, literally “God be with you”

  80    shent rebuked

  83    Well-a-day alas/would

  92    requite repay

  96    a trice an instant

  97    Vice buffoon/comic character in old morality plays

  99    dagger of lath the weapon of the Vice character    lath thin wood

103    Pare thy nails probably a comic routine in morality plays    Pare trim    dad the Vice was sometimes portrayed as the devil’s son

104    goodman title for someone below the rank of gentleman

Act 4 Scene 3

    6    was had been    credit report

    7    range roam

    9    disputes well i.e., agrees

  11    accident unforeseen event

  12    instance precedent    discourse rationality

  14    wrangle argue

  15    trust belief

  17    sway her house govern her household

  18    Take…dispatch deal with matters of household business

  21    deceivable deceptive

  24    chantry private chapel    by nearby

  26    Plight…faith pledge your love (in a binding betrothal)

  27    jealous anxious, uncertain, wary

  29    Whiles until    note public knowledge

  30    What at which    celebration i.e., marriage

  31    birth social status

  35    fairly note observe with favor

Act 5 Scene 1

    5    This…again seemingly refers to the anecdote about Elizabeth I and her kinsman Dr. Boleyn; she asked for his dog and promised him anything in return, upon which he asked for the animal back

    7    trappings ornaments/bits and pieces

    9    for because of

  15    abused deceived    so…affirmatives if the outcome is like the response to a request for a kiss, where “no, no, no, no” means “yes, yes”

  19    though even though    friends i.e., one who gives him praise

  21    But except for the fact    double-dealing duplicity/giving twice

  23    your grace favor/virtue (plays on the customary way of addressing a duke)    in your pocket i.e., to hide it/to give money    flesh and blood human instincts/frailty

  24    it i.e., the ill counsel

  25    to as to

  26    Primo, secundo, tertio “first, second, third” (Latin)    play game    third…all i.e., third time lucky (proverbial)

  27    triplex triple time in music    tripping nimble, skipping    measure stately dance/music    Saint Bennet church of Saint Benedict

  29    throw roll of the dice/occasion

  32    lullaby i.e., farewell

  38    Vulcan Roman god of fire, and the gods’ blacksmith

  39    bawbling trifling

  40    For (trifling) because of    draught depth of water required to float the ship    unprizeable of little value

  41    scathful damaging    grapple close fighting, attempts to board another ship

  42    bottom ship (literally, ship’s hull)

  43    very even    envy malice, i.e., his enemies    loss defeat

  46    Phoenix name of Illyrian ship    fraught cargo    Candy Candia, modern Heraklion, a port in Crete

  47    Tiger name of Illyrian ship

  49    desperate disregarding

  50    brabble brawl

  51    on my side (his sword) in my defense

  52    put…me spoke to me strangely

  53    but distraction if not madness

  54    Notable notorious

  56    bloody bloodthirsty    dear grievous, severe

  59    Be…I allow me to

  61    base basis

  64    rude rough

  67    retention reservation

  68    All…dedication dedicated wholly to him

  69    pure purely

  70    adverse hostile

  74    face…acquaintance deny he knew me

  75    grew…wink in the space of a moment he behaved as if we had not seen each other for twenty years

  77    recommended committed

  85    But for as for

  88    but…have except that which I refuse him, i.e., love

  93    lord if addressed to Viola, “husband” (Viola uses the sense of “master”)

  95    aught anything

  96    fat gross    fulsome distasteful, nauseating

100    uncivil uncivilized

101    ingrate ungrateful    unauspicious ill-omened, unpromising

103    tendered offered (may play on “tender,” i.e., loving, gentle)

104    Even what whatever/exactly what    become suit

106    Egyptian thief character from a Greek romance who tried to kill a captive he loved when his own life was threatened

108    savours nobly has a taste of nobility

109    non-regardance disrespect/lack of attention

110    that since

111    screws forces

113    minion favorite/darling

114    tender care for/value

116    in …spite to the vexation of his master

117    ripe in mischief ready to do harm

120    jocund cheerful    apt readily

121    To…rest in order to give you ease

125    mores such comparisons

127    tainting of discrediting

128    beguiled deceived

136    sirrah sir (contemptuous; used to an inferior)

138    baseness cowardice/lowly nature

139    strangle stifle    propriety real identity

141    that that which

142    that thou fear’st him you fear, i.e., Orsino

145    unfold reveal

150    joinder joining

151    close meeting

153    compact agreement

154    Sealed…function certified by my priestly authority

155    watch clock

158    grizzle sprinkling of gray hair    case (animal) skin

159    craft cunning

160    trip wrestling move to throw opponent

163    protest declare/swear

165    Hold little faith keep some part of your promise

166    presently immediately

168    H’as broke he has cut    coxcomb head (with suggestion of fool’s cap resembling a cock’s crest)

172    incardinate incarnate

174    ’Od’s lifelings by God’s little lives (mild oath)

179    set nothing by think nothing of

180    halting limping

181    in drink drunk    tickled i.e., beaten    othergates in another way, i.e., differently

183    all one doesn’t matter    there’s th’end on’t that’s all there is to it    sot idiot/drunkard

185    agone ago, past    set glazed/fixed/closed (eight i’th’morning may suggest the manner in which the surgeon’s eyes were fixed, rolling back, like the sun high in the morning sky)

187    passy measures pavin stately dance, i.e., slow

189    be dressed bandaged

190    coxcomb fool

191    gull dupe/fool

194    brother…blood my own brother

195    with…safety in reasonable self-protection

196    strange regard odd/distant look

200    habit clothing

201    natural perspective optical illusion produced by nature

203    racked tormented

206    Fear’st doubt

212    deity godlike quality

213    here and everywhere omnipresence

214    blind heedless

215    Of charity (tell me) out of kindness

219    suited dressed

220    form and suit physical appearance and dress

223    am…clad my body is clothed with the flesh

224    participate have in common with all humanity

225    the…even everything else is in agreement

232    record memory    lively vivid, alive

235    lets hinders

238    jump coincide

241    weeds clothes

245    mistook mistaken

246    to…drew inclined in the right direction (bowling metaphor)

247    contracted betrothed

251    glass mirror/lens of optical instrument (perspective)

252    happy fortunate

254    like to as much as

255    overswear swear again and again

257    orbèd continent spherical container, i.e., as the sun keeps

262    action legal charge

263    in durance imprisoned

265    enlarge release

266    remember me remember

267    distract mad

268    extracting distracting    frenzy agitation/madness

269    From…his drove him from my memory

271    Beelzebub the devil    the stave’s end at a distance

272    today i.e., this

273    epistles letters/New Testament letters from the apostles    gospels truths/New Testament records of Christ’s life and teaching    skills matters

274    delivered handed over

276    delivers speaks the words of

280    vox “voice” (Latin), i.e., the correct manner of delivery (Feste has obviously read the words in a “mad” style)

282    read discern    right wits true state of mind    perpend consider

288    semblance outward show    the which i.e., the letter

290    duty i.e., respectful behavior of a steward    out…injury as a wronged party

295    delivered released

296    so may it    thought on considered

297    as…wife as good a sister-in-law as you’d hoped to regard me as a wife

298    th’alliance the union (in a double wedding)

299    proper personal

300    apt ready

301    quits releases (from service)

302    mettle natural disposition

315    hand handwriting

316    from it differently

317    invention composition

319    modesty of honour name of all that is decent and honorable/restraint befitting your status

320    lights signals

323    lighter more frivolous/lesser

324    acting undertaking

325    suffered allowed

327    geck dupe/fool

328    invention played on trickery sported with

330    character style of writing

331    out of beyond

333    cam’st you came

334    presupposed Upon previously suggested to

336    practice plot/trick    shrewdly mischievously passed been perpetrated

342    condition (happy) circumstances

343    wondered marvelled

346    Upon because of    uncourteous unfriendly/uncivil    parts qualities/actions

347    conceived against imagined/discerned in

348    importance urging

350    sportful playful    followed followed up/carried out

351    pluck on induce

352    If that If

354    baffled tricked/disgraced

356    interlude short play

359    whirligig spinning top/roundabout

364    golden auspicious    convents comes together/calls us

365    combination union

367    hence here, i.e., Olivia’s house

369    habits clothing

370    fancy’s love’s

371    and a a very

373    foolish trivial/silly (may play on the sense of “lewd”)    thing may play on the sense of “penis”    toy trifle/useless/fun (may play on a sense of “penis”)

375    man’s estate manhood

376    etc. indicates repeat of chorus

379    wive marry

381    swaggering bullying/quarreling

383    beds drunk to bed/old age

385    With toss-pots like other drunkards