1.1 Location: the British royal court (the play moves between ancient Britain and Rome)
1 but frowns who does not frown bloods dispositions, temperaments
3 Still…king mimic the king’s emotions; seem suggests a lack of sincerity
6 purposed to intended for, i.e., to marry
7 late recently referred…Unto given herself to/chosen
9 all…heart i.e., Cymbeline is deeply wounded whereas the courtiers’ outward sorrow is false
13 He…her i.e., Cloten
15 bent inclination
19 missed failed to win; also suggests Innogen’s lucky escape thing contemptuous being, beneath humanity
22 creature living being, suggesting he is beyond common humanity
24 his like like him something…compare anyone chosen for comparison would have some fault to distinguish them
26 outward physical appearance stuff substance, quality
27 Endows…he so enriches/is to be found in any other
28 speak him far speak highly of him
29 extend…himself i.e., praise him no further than he deserves
31 measure true capacity
32 birth parentage/social status
33 delve…root properly trace his family history
34 honour fame, renown; also himself and his forces
35 Cassibelan Cymbeline’s uncle
36 by from, under Tenantius Cymbeline’s father
38 sur-addition added title Leonatus means “born of a lion” (Latin)
42 fond of issue doting on his children
44 Big of pregnant with
47 of his bedchamber a personal servant
48 learnings education time age/experience
50 fast as fast
51 in’s…harvest reached maturity even in his youth
52 rare unusual
53 sample example, model
54 glass mirror feated them displayed them to themselves graver more important, influential persons
55 dotards old fools
56 her own price the price she paid/her personal merit
57 Proclaims shows, proves how to what extent/in what manner his…read the very fact that she chose Posthumus demonstrates his worth
60 even out of based only on
65 I’th’swathing clothes in the swaddling (i.e., baby) clothes
70 conveyed taken away, stolen
71 slackly negligently, loosely
73 Howsoe’er ’tis strange strange as it may seem
77 forbear cease/give way Posthumus meaning “after death” (Latin); so named from the deaths of his parents before and at his birth, with the name “Leonatus” living on in him Innogen Folio’s “Imogen” is probably a misprint or scribal error; she is called Innogen in Shakespeare’s source material, which suggests “innocence”
80 After the slander as in the conventional unjust image
83 restraint loss of liberty, perhaps an actual prison cell
84 win win over, persuade
85 marry by the Virgin Mary, i.e., indeed
87 leaned unto went along with, obeyed with…you with what resignation, compliance you must decide
89 Please if it please
90 from hence leave here
91 peril danger (in staying since Posthumus is banished)
92 fetch a turn take a walk pitying because I pity
93 pangs…affections pains caused by forbidden love
94 charged ordered
95 dissembling false, feigned, deceitful
98 reserved…duty having always dutifully obeyed him as a daughter
100 hourly shot continual glare; the eye was thought to emit beams at objects in order to see them
106 more…man i.e., join you in crying; not considered appropriate for a man
108 plight troth take marriage vows; the phrase was more often associated with engagement
111 thither there, to that place
113 gall an excrescence produced by insects on oak trees used to make ink/bile (a bitter secretion of the liver), hence bitterness of spirit, rancor
118 buy interpret, believe (wrongly)
121 term period of time
122 loathness reluctance, unwillingness
125 petty inadequate
131 cere wrap in a burial cloth
133 sense the ability to feel/control one’s actions
134 As…you just as you gave up more than me for our marriage, you do so again in our exchange of gifts
135 trifles small, insignificant tokens
138 fairest prisoner i.e., Innogen’s arm
140 see meet, see each other
141 Alack expression of sorrow, regret
142 basest most worthless (morally and socially) avoid hence get away
143 fraught burden/trouble
147 good remainders remaining courtiers/virtuous courtiers
149 pinch pain, torment
152 repair restore, renew, prolong
156 senseless of insensible to touch more rare greater pain (caused by Posthumus’ departure)
159 past grace Cymbeline means beyond filial duty, but Innogen shifts the sense to “beyond heavenly grace/salvation”
162 puttock kite, seen as an inferior bird to the eagle/greedy scavenger
170 overbuys…pays i.e., the price he has paid is almost twice my worth
174 neatherd cowherd
178 after in accordance with
180 Beseech I beg
183 best advice calm meditation on the matter
184 languish…folly grow weak by loss of a drop of blood a day for the rest of her life until she is old and dies
187 Fie…way unclear as to whether this is said to Innogen or the departing Cymbeline
189 drew i.e., his sword
194 no…anger wasn’t angry enough to fight seriously
197 takes his part does his duty/takes the king’s side
199 Afric i.e., a desert or remote place where they could fight without intervention
201 goer-back one who retreats, backs off
202 suffer allow
203 haven harbor
207 lay wager
1 shift a shirt change your shirt violence…sacrifice i.e., your fight (with Posthumus) has made you smell (through sweat or fear) like a sacrificial animal
2 where…vent the air you give out (vent) is more wholesome than the air that comes in to replace it (ironic flattery) abroad outside (you)
4 then to then I would
5 not…as nothing more than
6 passable carcass would pass for a dead body/a body that can be stabbed (passed) through
8 His…town Cloten’s sword (steel) rather went round the back streets like a debtor trying to avoid a creditor
9 stand me stand his ground/stand up to me
13 As…oceans i.e., none at all Puppies! Conceited young fools!
15 till…ground i.e., until you were fallen prostrate on the ground
18 election choice, with a pun on salvation; in Calvinist doctrine, the predestined elect were to be saved
19 She’s…sign she has a good physical appearance
20 reflection evidence, indication; the Second Lord shifts the sense to “the literal reflection of light” (i.e., her radiance, which fools are unable to absorb and would dazzle her) wit intelligence, judgment (perhaps with sexual connotation of “genitals”)
22 would there had I wish there had
23 ass i.e., Cloten
28 Well very well
1 grew’st unto took root like a plant (by remaining there so long)
2 And…sail scrutinized every approaching ship
4 offered mercy perhaps God’s mercy, but a letter (paper) seems to favor the image of a king’s pardon arriving too late
5 spake spoke
9 Senseless inanimate
12 make me make me out, distinguish me
13 keep remain on
15 as as though fits…mind mental anguish, unsettled thoughts
16 slow…on reluctant he was to leave
18 Thou…crow you should have waited until he appeared no bigger than a crow
19 ere left before you ceased
20 after-eye gaze after
22 eyestrings muscles, nerves in the eye; thought to break when a person died or went blind
23 diminution of space reduction, contraction of the size of everything
24 pointed fashioned to a point, i.e., made him as small as her needle’s point
30 With…vantage at his next opportunity
35 shes women
36 interest right
37 At…midnight three of the hours specified for prayer by the Christian Church
38 T’encounter…him i.e., they can meet in heaven through prayer orisons prayers
41 charming acting as a charm, a spell to ward off evil
42 north the north wind, which shakes buds as it blows, and stops them growing
1.4 Location: Rome Philario means “loving, dear” (Greek) Iachimo the modern Italian spelling is Giacomo (James)
1 of…note growing in reputation, like a crescent moon
2 been…of been recognized as
3 without…admiration without feeling any particular sense of admiration for him
4 endowments qualities, attributes tabled listed
8 behold…he i.e., there were many as noble as Posthumus there; eagles, the noblest birds, were thought to be able to stare at the sun
10 weighed judged, assessed
11 words…matter allows for him to be described in ways that falsely magnify his own worth
14 approbation approval, praise divorce physical separation under her colours from her side
15 be it but if only fortify support, justify
16 battery military assault
17 sojourn temporarily stay creeps acquaintance has he insinuated himself into your acquaintance
20 suits is appropriate, suitable
21 knowing knowledge/experience of the world
23 story…hearing speak about him/sing his praises in front of him
25 we…together we have been acquainted
26 which…still which I will spend forever repaying, although I will still be in debt
28 atone make peace between, reconcile
29 put together set in opposition with each other
30 mortal deadly, fatal
32 rather…experiences preferred not to go along with what others said
36 arbitrament of settlement (of the dispute) by
40 suffer the report bear recounting fell out took place
41 our country mistresses the women of our own countries/the women we have sex with (country puns on “cunt”)
42 vouching claiming, swearing and…affirmation with a pledge to back up what he said with bloodshed if necessary
43 attemptable able to be seduced
45 by…out by now is worn out
46 holds retains mind opinion
48 abate her nothing not budge in any part of my high opinion of her
49 profess myself confess I am
50 hand-in-hand comparison that seeks to imply equality
51 went before surpassed, were superior to
55 rated estimated
56 esteem value
57 enjoys possesses
58 unparagoned unequaled, matchless outprized…trifle surpassed in value by an insignificant thing (the ring)
59 or either
64 You…yours you may be able to call her yours in the legal sense (because you are married) strange…ponds i.e., a man’s neighbor may visit (and seduce) his wife; there are also cruder sexual undercurrents; strange was an epithet for “an illicit sexual partner”; fowl was a term for “a prostitute”; pond also means “vagina”
65 ring plays on sexual sense of (Innogen’s) “vagina” brace pair unprizable estimations objects considered beyond value
66 frail subject to human weakness casual subject to mischance, precarious that-way-accomplished courtier i.e., a womanizer, one who can court successfully
68 convince persuade/overcome
70 store plenty, an abundance
71 leave here leave off now
73 familiar at first on familiar terms right from the start
74 get…yielding succeed in advancing upon; fencing terminology with strong sexual undertones
76 friend befriend/become intimate with (with sexual implication)
78 pawn the moiety wager one half to against
79 something somewhat
80 bar your offence prevent you taking it as a personal affront
82 abused deceived persuasion conviction
83 you…of you will get what you deserve
87 came in came about
89 put my estate bet all my capital th’approbation the proof
92 ten thousand ducats anachronistic; ducats were gold coins used in Italy in Shakespeare’s time, not in ancient Rome; a huge sum even for a rich nobleman
93 commend if you recommend
94 conference meeting
95 reserved preserved/averse to displays of emotion
96 wage pledge, bet
98 friend…wiser i.e., as her lover you know her well
99 dram very small amount preserve stop, prevent But…fear perhaps alluding to Psalm 3:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” that since
101 but…tongue just your way of speaking, i.e., just idle talk graver more serious
102 undergo undertake
105 covenants drawn between’s terms of (legal) agreement drawn up between us
107 have…lay not allow this wager
108 testimony proof
110 come off fail
112 commendation (letter of) introduction, recommendation free entertainment informal, friendly reception (both words are capable of a sexual interpretation)
113 articles betwixt us i.e., a legal agreement, drawn up
114 make…her seduce her; with blatant sexual connotations
119 covenant agreement, i.e., let’s shake on it
120 lest…starve i.e., in case we have time to calm down and reflect, and end up calling it off
123 Will this hold will they really go through with this
124 from it back down
1.5 Location: Britain, the royal court
1 Whiles…ground while the dew is still on the ground; plants were believed to be at their freshest, most potent when covered with dew
2 note list
4 Dispatch see it done
7 without offence without (wishing to cause) offense
8 wherefore why
9 compounds compounded drugs, i.e., drugs made by mixing different chemical elements together
10 are…of cause languishing long and drawn-out
11 But…deadly and although they work slowly, they are, nevertheless, deadly
14 learned taught
15 Distil? Preserve? extract the essences from plants and preserve them Yea so indeed so well
17 confections mixtures (drugs)
18 meet appropriate
19 amplify…conclusions extend my knowledge through other experiments
20 try test forces effects
23 vigour strength
24 Allayments antidotes act effect
25 several various
29 noisome and infectious physically noxious, harmful/morally corrupting
30 content thee don’t worry
40 Strange rare, unfamiliar/special, powerful ling’ring poisons poisons that cause a slow painful death
44 prove test, try
45 higher in the chain of being, i.e., on people
46 show appearance, illusion
47 locking-up…time temporary disappearance of the signs of life
48 reviving upon reviving
55 quench cool down, settle down instructions good advice
56 Do thou work i.e., on persuading Innogen to forget Posthumus and marry Cloten
60 fortunes…gasp i.e., Posthumus’ state and reputation are like a deathbed patient about to die
62 shift his being change his dwelling place
64 every…him i.e., every day is wasted since he has no future
66 depender dependant leans is unstable
73 What…cordial anything more restorative
74 earnest instalment, foretaste
76 as from thyself i.e., as if it were your own opinion on the matter
77 Think…on think how your fortunes will improve by switching sides
78 Thou…still you won’t lose Innogen to boot also, as well/to (your) advantage
79 take…thee acknowledge your service and make sure you are preferred I’ll…desire I’ll persuade the king to confer on you any kind of rank, social advancement you wish
82 set…desert persuaded you to go for this reward
83 load reward
84 constant loyal, devoted, firm
85 shaked shaken (in his loyalty)
86 remembrancer officer responsible for the collection of debts/reminder
87 handfast marriage contract
88 unpeople…sweet i.e., it will kill Pisanio if he takes it; sweet sweetheart
89 liegers ambassadors, servants
90 Except…humour unless she changes her attitude
93 closet private room
1 stepdame stepmother
3 husband banished i.e., whose husband is banished
5 thief-stol’n stolen by a thief
7 glorious lofty, ambitious
8 mean lowly, humble, poor wills wishes, plays on sense of “sexual desires”
9 seasons adds spice to/matures with time/seasons of the year Fie! exclamation of reproach
12 Change you i.e., your color, but the phrase plays upon an ambiguous sense—“have your affections changed?”
17 out of door external/visible
18 furnished equipped, endowed rare exceptional
19 th’Arabian bird the phoenix, a mythical bird, of which, according to legend, only one could exist at any time, therefore a symbol of true uniqueness
21 Arm me audacity may audacity arm me/may boldness arm me with audacity
22 Parthian…fight fight as I retreat like the Parthians: ancient inhabitants of what is now Iraq known for their battle tactic of retreating on horseback while firing arrows at their pursuing enemies
23 Rather, directly fly or retreat outright
24 note reputation, distinction
25 Reflect bestow attention as…trust to the same degree as you value the quality of trust in yourself/as you value your trust in me/as you value your duty as a wife
26 So far thus much
34 vaulted arch i.e., the sky
35 which i.e., men’s eyes
36 fiery orbs stars/planets twinned identical
37 th’unnumbered the uncountable
38 Partition distinction spectacles so precious miraculous organs of sight/such wondrous sights, i.e., Innogen
40 makes your admiration causes your amazement, wonder
42 shes women chatter this way signal approval by their chattering
43 Contemn scorn, slight mows grimaces
44 idiots…definite even an idiot presiding over this case of beauty (favor) would be resolute as would a wise judge
45 appetite sexual desire
46 Sluttery sluttishness neat elegant
47 vomit emptiness i.e., retch
48 allured offered, tempted feed plays on sense of “have sex with her”
49 trow in truth
50 cloyèd sated, surfeited will sexual desire; plays on sense of “genitals,” usually “penis”
52 running emptying, running over ravening ravenously devouring
53 garbage offal, intestines
55 raps possesses, transports
57 Desire…abode ask my manservant to remain
58 strange a stranger peevish temperamental, irritable
65 gamesome lively, sportive/lusty, i.e., with sexual implication
68 sadness gravity, seriousness
71 one an one (who is) an
73 Gallian French furnaces…sighs sighing frequently like a furnace
75 from’s free lungs openly, without restraint; free has connotations of licentiousness
77 proof experience
87 but…thankfully although he could be more appreciative of the gifts heaven has bestowed upon him, especially of Innogen
88 ’tis i.e., heaven’s bounty is
89 account reckon talents personal qualities/monetary account
98 hide me hide myself
99 snuff candle end
104 enjoy take pleasure in, with sexual innuendo
105 office duty venge avenge
109 doubting…ill suspecting things are going badly
111 timely knowing learning in time
112 born found discover…stop reveal to me what makes your speech start and stop (the image is from horse riding)
114 Had I if I had
116 feeler’s i.e., the person who felt the touch (of Innogen’s hand)
117 this object Innogen herself/her eye
118 Takes…motion transfixes the restless gaze
119 Firing setting it aflame (with desire)
120 Slaver flatter/wet with saliva common…Capitol i.e., used by everyone Capitol the national temple of Rome dedicated to Jupiter
122 falsehood…labour i.e., just as manual labor hardens the hands, habitual falsehood hardens the heart
123 by-peeping glancing sideways
124 illustrous lackluster, dull
125 fed with produced by tallow animal fat, used to make candles fit right, appropriate
127 Encounter such revolt punish such a transgression
130 Not…pronounce it gives me no pleasure to reveal this news
138 empery empire
139 Would…double which would double the power of even the greatest king partnered equated, considered alongside
140 tomboys prostitutes self-exhibition same allowance of money
141 ventures hazards/prostitutes
142 play gamble infirmities diseases
143 boiled stuff women who have been made to sweat in steam rooms: a treatment for venereal disease
146 Recoil…stock degenerate from your royal lineage
153 Diana’s priest Diana was the goddess of chastity, whose female priests were virgins cold chaste, sexless
154 vaulting to mount sexually variable ramps various prostitutes ramp a bold, vulgar woman
155 In your despite in contempt, scorn of you upon your purse at your expense
157 runagate runaway, vagabond
158 fast constant, firm
161 Let…lips allow me to kiss you
163 attended listened, paid attention to thee less polite than you as a term of address, used to inferiors but also to intimates
172 saucy impudent, insolent mart do business; literally “marketplace”
173 Romish stew Roman brothel
174 us the royal plural pronoun
178 credit trust, belief, good reputation, plays on economic sense
184 affiance trothplight, marriage promise
186 new o’er all over again
187 truest mannered most honestly given, most faithful holy witch i.e., good wizard who uses holy magic
195 try your taking test how you would take
197 In…rare in choosing such an exceptional husband
199 fan winnow; blow air through grain to separate the wheat from the chaff or husks
200 chaffless without chaff or refuse
203 but only
204 moment importance, significance
209 best…wing best among our group of friends mingled sums all contributed money
211 factor agent
212 plate gold or silver utensils/tableware rare device exceptional craftwork, carving
214 something curious somewhat anxious strange a stranger, foreigner
218 pawn lay down
219 interest a stake, a share
226 short fall short of, not live up to
227 Gallia France
235 outstood outstayed material crucial
236 tender giving
1 kissed the jack bowling term, i.e., Cloten’s bowl touched the small target ball upon an upcast meaning uncertain: by accident/tossing a throw up/on the last shot (as in upshot)
2 jackanapes upstart/impertinent fellow
3 take me up rebuke me oaths swearwords of from
4 spend…pleasure utter them when I please
5 pate head
6 If…out i.e., Cloten’s brain is thin, poor stuff
7 gentleman i.e., a nobleman
8 curtail cut short
10 rank status, plays on secondary sense of “smell”
12 a pox on’t expression of anger pox any disease characterized by pustules/venereal disease
13 so as
14 jack-slave low-born person
15 cock cockerel, plays on sense of “penis”
16 capon castrated cockerel/idiot comb i.e., like a fool; cock and comb together make “cockscomb” a jester’s cap/fool
17 Sayest thou? What did you say?
18 undertake take on, fight companion fellow
20 commit offence take on in fight/be offensive to
21 fit…only i.e., only you would show such ill breeding (although on the surface the First Lord means “it is your right alone”)
27 whatsoever whoever
30 derogation disgrace, loss of dignity
31 You cannot derogate i.e., because you have no dignity to lose in the first place
33 issues deeds, puns on “children”
40 Bears all down crushes everything that stands in her way
41 for his heart for the life of him
44 Betwixt between
45 mother i.e., stepmother coining devising, creating
46 expulsion banishment
48 he’d make i.e., which he would make happen, in order to marry her himself
5 weak tired
6 leaf page left left off
7 taper candle
11 fairies believed to be malign in folklore tempters…night presumably evil spirits, perhaps incubi, male demons believed to have sex with sleeping women
13 crickets sing indicates that it is night and very quiet o’er-laboured sense overworked capacity for feeling
14 Our Tarquin Sextus Tarquinius raped Lucrece after which the Tarquins were driven from Rome and the republic was born (events narrated by Shakespeare in The Rape of Lucrece); Iachimo’s use of our, i.e., a fellow Roman suggests a more sinister affinity
15 rushes reeds strewn on the floor as a covering ere before
16 Cytherea Venus, goddess of love
17 bravely thou becom’st how finely, admirably you adorn your bed lily an emblem of purity and chastity
19 Rubies i.e., Innogen’s red lips unparagoned unequaled, matchless
20 dearly exquisitely do’t i.e., kiss; possibly confirms that he does kiss her on the previous line
22 underpeep her lids peep under her eyelids
23 lights i.e., her eyes canopied covered
24 windows shutters, i.e., her eyelids azure bright blue laced ornamented
25 tinct color But my design but back to my purpose
28 Th’adornment the decoration arras tapestry wall hanging figures either sewn into the tapestry or carved into the mantelpiece
29 contents subject matter
30 notes distinctive marks about upon
31 Above more than meaner less important/convincing as evidence movables items of furniture, property
32 testify…inventory give credibility to my list of evidence
33 ape mimic dull heavy
34 sense senses monument carved statue of a figure lying on a tomb
36 Gordian knot that was tied by the Phrygian King Gordias and was so hard that no one could untie it; a prophecy said that whoever did so would conquer Asia, which Alexander the Great fulfilled by cutting through the knot with his sword
37 witness outwardly serve as proof
39 th’madding the maddening
40 cinque-spotted having five spots drops spots
41 cowslip wild spring flower, yellow in color (which does indeed have five spots inside) voucher piece of evidence; in legal terms offering a warranty of title
42 secret intimate fact, detail
43 picked i.e., a delicate and skillful operation, implying he seduced her into giving up her honor to him as opposed to taking it by force
47 Tereus another famous rapist: King of Thrace, he ravished Philomel, his sister-in-law, and cut out her tongue to stop her revealing the crime
48 gave up was forced to yield/succumbed, surrendered
49 spring lock, catch
50 dragons…night night was imagined as a chariot drawn by dragons dawning…eye ravens, considered birds of ill omen, were believed to wake at dawn
52 this i.e., Innogen
1 most coldest least passionate
2 ace the lowest score in dice
3 cold gloomy, dispirited
4 after according to, following the example of temper temperament
10 penetrate i.e., move her emotionally, plays on sexual sense
11 fingering i.e., your playing, with obvious secondary image of penetrating the vagina with fingers so so much the better with tongue i.e., with voices, with the secondary image of “cunnilingus”
12 remain stay as she is
13 good-conceited thing well devised, fanciful piece air solo song
16 Phoebus Apollo, the sun god ’gins begins to
17 springs…lies water from the dew that collects in flowers
18 chaliced cuplike
19 winking sleeping Mary-buds marigold buds
23 horsehairs used for the bows of stringed instruments calves’ guts used for the strings
24 unpaved without stones (testicles), i.e., castrated to boot into the bargain
27 fatherly as a father, i.e., approve of me as a husband for Innogen
29 Attend you here are you waiting here (at)
31 vouchsafes grants, confers
32 minion favorite
34 wear bear/wear out
36 bound indebted
37 vantages advantageous opportunities
38 prefer recommend frame…solicits adjust your conduct to well-mannered solicitations
39 be…season i.e., behaving as the situation demands will work to your advantage
40 denials (Innogen’s) rejections
44 dismission dismissal
45 senseless insensible, i.e., deaf, which Cloten shifts in next line to meaning “stupid”
47 So like you if you please
50 Albeit although
51 receive welcome
52 his sender Augustus Caesar, the Roman emperor
53 forspent exhausted
54 notice attention
61 line i.e., with money
63 Diana’s rangers attendants on Diana, goddess of chastity and hunting false betray
64 th’stand o’th’stealer the poacher’s hidden shooting position
65 true honest
68 lawyer to me i.e., plead on my behalf
69 I yet not I still don’t understand the case comprehend the situation; plays on sexual meanings of stand, “erection,” and case, “vagina”
75 That’s…of i.e., expensive clothes are all that distinguish his noble birth
80 keep remain in, stay inside
82 Sell…report i.e., let me bribe you to speak well of me to Innogen
85 sister stepsister your (give me) your
86 lay out expend
87 but only
91 deep moving, effective
92 still forever
95 But…silent i.e., to prevent you taking my silence as consent
97 unfold display, offer
98 knowing knowledge
107 put me cause me
108 verbal talkative
109 which who
113 boast overt exclamation
116 pretend claim base wretch i.e., Posthumus
117 bred of alms brought up on (Cymbeline’s) charity
119 meaner parties persons of lower social rank
122 self-figured knot bond made by themselves
123 curbed…enlargement restrained from that freedom of choice
124 consequence o’th’crown importance of the crown (and the fact that you are its heir) foil dishonor
125 note renown, distinction
126 hilding good-for-nothing livery uniform worn by servants, bearing their master’s insignia squire’s cloth servant’s outfit
127 pantler servant in the pantry
130 thou wert you would (still) be
131 groom servant thou…envy you would be elevated enough to make others envy you
133 comparative…virtues i.e., if your personal merits were compared (you and Posthumus) styled given the title, position of
134 under-hangman assistant hangman
135 For…well for being promoted even that highly
136 south-fog damp fog brought by the south wind, thought to carry diseases
138 named of thee named, mentioned by you meanest garment lowliest item of clothing
139 clipped encompassed, embraced
141 made such men turned into men such as you
145 sprited tormented, haunted (as if by a spirit) with by
148 ’Shrew beshrew, may evil befall
154 aught any, i.e., anyone
160 action lawsuit
163 conceive…me think, I hope, only the worst of me
2.4 Location: Rome
2 win win over, persuade bold confident
4 means approaches
6 winter’s state i.e., his relationship with Cymbeline
7 seared withered
8 gratify repay they failing if they fail altogether, i.e., his hopes
11 By this by this time
12 Hath heard of will have heard from
13 throughly thoroughly
14 He’ll i.e., Cymbeline will th’arrearages the arrears (overdue payments of tribute)
15 look upon face whose remembrance the memory of whom
16 yet still
18 Statist politician
19 prove prove to be, come to
23 more ordered better disciplined
25 frowning i.e., with worry
27 their approvers those who put them to the test such…world whose reputation has gone up in the eyes of the world
30 harts deer; i.e., Iachimo’s horses have run as fast as the swiftest deer posted swiftly conveyed, like a post-horse
31 of…corners from all directions
34 your answer i.e., the answer she gave you made is the cause of
38 therewithal in addition
39 casement window, i.e., as prostitutes did when trying to attract customers
42 tenor content, drift
43 ’Tis very like it’s very likely
47 approached arrived
49 Sparkles…wont i.e., does this diamond sparkle as brightly as it was accustomed to
57 Not a whit not at all
60 sport amusement
63 keep covenant keep to our bargain
64 knowledge i.e., carnal knowledge
65 question further put this to further dispute
69 wills wishes; plays on sense of “sexual desire”
71 tasted had intercourse with, experienced my hand i.e., a reconciliatory handshake
73 gains…mine i.e., in a duel
74 or…them i.e., because we will have killed each other
76 circumstances list of evidence
80 spare omit
85 watching staying awake for
86 silver silver lace
88 Cydnus river in modern-day Turkey where Antony and Cleopatra first met; the story is recounted in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra Act 2 Scene 2 or either
89 press crowd, throng pride i.e., in carrying Antony and Cleopatra
90 bravely splendidly, excellently
92 rarely excellently
102 chimney-piece ornamental carving on the mantel
103 Chaste Dian bathing perhaps depicting the story of Diana and Actaeon; according to classical mythology, Actaeon came upon Diana bathing, for which she turned him into a stag and he was destroyed by his own hounds
104 report themselves i.e., speak cutter carver, sculptor
105 outwent her and outdid her, i.e., nature, in perfection
106 Motion…out except that they could not move or breathe
108 relation likewise reap i.e., have also learned about through hearsay
111 fretted decorated with elaborate carvings andirons firedogs, i.e., a pair of decorative metal supports for burning wood in a fireplace
112 winking i.e., with closed eyes; Cupid the god of love, was traditionally depicted as blind
113 nicely skillfully, ingeniously
114 Depending…brands leaning on their flaming torches
117 remembrance memory, gift for recollection
118 nothing saves in no way wins/redeems
121 leave permission, opportunity air show, expose it to the open air
122 up away, hidden
128 I…yet I can still see her now
129 outsell exceed in value
131 prized valued, treasured once at one time
136 basilisk a mythical reptile with a fatal gaze
138 semblance seeming, outward appearance
140 bondage binding force, obligation
145 probable capable of being proved/likely
146 corrupted bribed
149 so in this manner, thus Back give back
150 corporal sign piece of physical evidence/a sign relating to her body
151 evident conclusive
156 sworn i.e., they have sworn oaths of loyalty
157 enjoyed her i.e., sexually
158 cognizance badge, token incontinency lack of self-restraint, faithlessness
159 she…dearly i.e., this is what she has paid for the name of whore
160 hire payment, fee
161 you i.e., you and her (Innogen)
164 persuaded who you are persuaded
166 colted mounted sexually
171 present immediate, instant
173 stain mark (the mole); Posthumus shifts sense to “moral blot”
178 turns i.e., the number of times you had sex
179 Once…million i.e., if you’ve had her once, you may as well have had her a million times
184 Thou’st thou hast (you have) cuckold a husband whose wife was unfaithful
186 limb-meal limb from limb
189 besides beyond, outside of
190 government control, management
191 pervert avert, turn aside
195 half-workers co-workers, i.e., is there no way for men to live without women? We…bastards i.e., because there are no faithful women in the world
196 venerable old and worthy of respect
198 stamped made, conceived coiner counterfeit coin maker
201 nonpareil unrivaled person
202 lawful pleasure i.e., marital sex
203 prayed…forbearance often entreated me to restrain my desire
204 pudency modesty rosy presumably referring to her blushes view on’t sight of it
205 Saturn Roman god associated with melancholy and coldness
207 yellow sallow, i.e., dark-complexioned
208 at first straight away
209 full-acorned boar well-fed male pig German i.e., fierce and fat
211 looked for anticipated
212 encounter sexual encounter
213 woman’s part fault specific to women; plays on sense of “vagina” motion impulse
217 rank lascivious
218 covetings desires for material objects change of prides continually changing (or variety of) excesses
219 Nice longing wanton desires mutability changeableness, inconsistency
223 still always, constantly
224 but of only
225 so as
226 skill wisdom
227 have their will get their way, have their sexual desires fulfilled
3.1 Location: Britain, the royal court
2 remembrance memory yet still
4 theme topic of discussion
6 Famous…it famous because Caesar praised him, but equally for the feats he performed to earn that praise
7 for…succession on behalf of himself and his successors, i.e., future British kings
9 pounds i.e., pounds weight
10 untendered unpaid
11 kill the marvel put an end to the surprise
13 be may/will be
18 from’s from us resume…again we have to take back again
19 liege lord, used to a feudal superior owed duty and allegiance
21 bravery…isle beauty of the land/courage of the inhabitants
22 Neptune’s of Neptune, Roman god of the sea park tract of land held by royal grant used for hunting; also used for an enclosed body of water in which oysters or fish are bred paled in fenced with pales (long, vertical stakes); the coastline was densely forested with trees that formed a sort of unscalable (hard to climb) perimeter fence
24 bear support
25 suck…th’topmast i.e., like quicksand they will suck the ships under until only the topmast (formerly the uppermost mast) is visible
27 ‘came…overcame’ Caesar reported his victory at the battle of Zela in 47 BC with this phrase in Latin: veni, vidi, vici
30 ignorant baubles foolish, inexperienced toys
33 at point ready, just about
34 giglot whore (i.e., fickle, disloyal) master overcome, defeat
35 Lud’s town i.e., London, after King Lud, Cymbeline’s grandfather
39 crooked i.e., hooked, Roman owe own straight powerful, forceful
41 grip i.e., the handle of a sword
44 else otherwise
46 injurious insulting/malicious
49 against all colour without any pretext; perhaps playing on “collar” in conjunction with yoke in the next line meaning “wooden collar fastened to a pair of animals and attached to a plough or cart”
51 Becomes is appropriate for
53 Mulmutius supposedly the first British king (from fourth century BC) which who
54 use application, practice (of the laws)
55 repair restoration franchise enfranchisement
65 confusion destruction
66 pronounce proclaim
67 Thus defied i.e., now that I have issued this declaration
72 perforce by necessity
73 Behoves…utterance obliges me to defend it to the death perfect well aware/reliably informed
74 Pannonians and Dalmatians ancient inhabitants of what are now Hungary and the Balkans
75 precedent example
76 read interpret cold lacking spirit
78 Let proof speak let the outcome of the battle/the battle itself do the talking
79 Make pastime stay
80 saltwater girdle the sea
81 adventure attempt crows birds that feed on carrion, i.e., dead flesh
83 So so be it
84 pleasure desire, aim
85 the remain that remains (to say)
1 How? What? Wherefore why
5 As…handed as capable a poisoner by word as by hand
7 truth loyalty undergoes endures
9 take in defeat, conquer some virtue some people’s virtue
12 Upon because of
17 fact deed
20 senseless bauble unfeeling, worthless thing
21 fedary confederate, accomplice
23 ignorant in to pretend to be ignorant of
27 astronomer includes sense of an “astrologer”
28 characters handwriting
30 relish taste
31 not i.e., not his content
33 med’cinable restorative, able to heal
34 physic love i.e., being apart makes love healthier, stronger
35 wax i.e., used to seal the letter thy leave by thy leave; Innogen is asking its permission for her to break it and read the letter
36 locks of counsel seals to secrecy, private matters
38 forfeiters defaulters of contracts
39 Cupid’s of Cupid, Roman god of love tables writing tablets
41 even renew could not restore
42 Cambria Wales Milford Haven most southwesterly Welsh port
47 mean affairs trivial business
51 bate abate, i.e., qualify what I have just said
52 fainter kind more moderate fashion
53 mine my longing (to see Posthumus) thick fast, the words crammed together
54 bores of hearing i.e., ears
55 smothering overwhelming
56 by th’way on the way
59 steal creep away, surreptitiously go
61 to excuse i.e., how to explain our absence how get hence how to get away
62 Why…begot? i.e., why should an excuse be made before the act that needs excusing has been performed
64 score twenty well possibly/comfortably
65 ’Twixt…hour i.e., in an hour
66 ’twixt…sun i.e., in a day
69 riding wagers horse races with bets on them
71 i’th’clock’s behalf in place of a clock, i.e., an hourglass
72 feign pretend to be affected by
73 home go home presently immediately
74 fit be suitable for
75 franklin small landowner, below the rank of a gentleman
76 you’re best you had better
77 before me what’s in front of me nor neither
78 what ensues what will happen but but that they
81 none no route
3.3 Location: Wales, outside Belarius’ cave
1 keep house stay inside with such among those
2 gate entrance
3 Instructs…heavens i.e., by forcing you to bow
4 office divine service
5 jet strut
6 impious turbans i.e., non-Christian (giants were frequently imaged as Saracens in Romance literature)
8 use treat hardly badly
9 prouder livers those who live more ostentatiously
13 these flats this plain
15 place physical position/social rank lessens…off diminishes and enhances
16 revolve consider/turn over in the mind
17 tricks accidents
19 so allowed acknowledged as such apprehend thus look at things in this way
22 sharded living in dung/with scaly wings hold stronghold, refuge
24 attending serving/awaiting for in exchange for check rebuke
25 robe i.e., robe of office
27 Such those who do so gain…fine gain the respect (by doffing the cap) of the tailor that provides their fine clothes
28 Yet…uncrossed i.e., the debts in his account book never get crossed off to compared to
29 proof experience unfledged young things; literally of young birds “not yet covered with feathers”
31 air’s from home the air is like away from home Haply perhaps
34 stiff rigid, not flexible or pliant
35 travelling abed i.e., in the imagination, dreaming of going places
37 stride a limit step over the threshold, go out
41 pinching bitingly cold/narrowly restricting
43 beastly beastlike
44 Like as
45 what flies what runs away, i.e., food or prey (as opposed to men who would stand and fight)
49 usuries corrupt financial practices
50 knowingly i.e., from experience art artifice/artfulness
51 keep stay in
54 pain labor, effort
56 oft often
57 record…act i.e., report of good deeds
58 Doth ill deserve i.e., is ill rewarded
59 curtsy…censure bow at the (unjust) reproof
61 report reputation
62 best of note most renowned, distinguished
63 theme topic of discussion
64 as like
67 mellow hangings ripe fruit
68 weather bad weather i.e., ill fortune
69 favour goodwill, especially of a superior or multitude
72 perfect unblemished, true
74 this these
75 demesnes lands, domains
76 at in
78 fore-end early part time life
80 venison deer
81 minister be servants
82 attends…state is an ever-present threat in places of greater status, pomp
84 sparks of nature signs of inherent qualities
87 trained…meanly brought up in such a humble way/in such lowly surroundings
88 they bow i.e., because the roof is so low hit i.e., reach as high as
90 prince it behave like princes
91 trick capacity, skill
94 three-foot i.e., having three legs (a modest item of furniture)
96 say when I say
99 nerves sinews
101 in…figure in a similar fashion/posture
102 much more i.e., than Guiderius
103 conceiving understanding (of the story) Hark…roused! Listen, the quarry (the animal being hunted) is driven from cover!
105 whereon for which reason
107 bar deprive succession successors (to the throne)
108 reft’st robbed
109 nurse wet nurse, i.e., a woman employed to suckle another woman’s children
110 her i.e., Euriphile’s
3.4 Location: near Milford Haven
1 came from horse dismounted
2 ne’er…now i.e., the longing I have now (to see Posthumus) exceeds my mother’s longing to see me for the first time
6 but painted thus i.e., who looked like that in a picture
7 perplexed troubled, distressed/confused
8 self-explication the ability to explain themselves Put…fear i.e., don’t act in such a frightening way
9 ere before
10 staider calmer, more settled
11 tender’st thou do you offer paper letter
12 summer i.e., good
13 to’t before i.e., before giving it to me/in accordance with it (the good news) winterly i.e., bad
14 But only hand handwriting
15 drug-damned Italy Italians had a reputation for knowledge of poisons and other substances out-craftied outwitted through guile
16 hard point tight spot, difficult situation tongue…extremity i.e., telling me what’s in it may help me bear the worst
18 mortal fatal
23 testimonies evidence lies…me i.e., has cut me to the quick
24 grief injury/anguish
25 tainted contaminated
28 pander procurer, pimp
30 What why, for what purpose
33 Outvenoms is more poisonous than worms of Nile serpents of the Nile; the allusion is to the asp, which Cleopatra used to kill herself
34 posting winds i.e., speeding, like a post-horse, the winds carry the slanderous news far and wide belie deceive, spread lies over
35 states people of high rank, statesmen/countries
40 ’twixt…clock from hour to hour charge overcomes, i.e., so that I go to sleep
44 Thy conscience witness perhaps addressed to the absent Posthumus
45 incontinency unchastity, lack of sexual self-control
47 favour’s appearance is jay whore, literally a brightly colored bird
48 painting use of cosmetics
49 stale out of date/a lover made the object of ridicule for a rival’s amusement
50 richer…th’walls too valuable to just hang on a wall (like an old coat)
51 ripped torn up for reusing/violently destroyed
52 seeming outward show, appearance
53 revolt reversal of ideas/betrayal
54 born where’t grows natural
55 worn deliberately put on bait lure, temptation
57 being heard like who were heard to speak like Aeneas hero of Virgil’s Aeneid, who swore love to, and then deserted, Dido, who committed suicide as a result
58 Sinon wept crocodile tears outside the walls of Troy to persuade the Trojans to admit the wooden horse containing the Greek warriors who destroyed the city
59 scandal discredit, disgrace took…wretchedness prevented truly wretched cases from receiving any pity
61 leaven agent for fermenting dough
63 fail failure
65 witness testify to
67 mansion dwelling place
73 vile instrument i.e., his sword
77 self-slaughter suicide
79 cravens makes a coward of
80 afore’t in front of it soft not so fast, wait we’ll no defence I shan’t defend myself
81 Obedient…scabbard i.e., as willing to receive the sword as the scabbard is
82 scriptures…heresy Posthumus’ letters are likened to sacred writings, which, because of his breaking faith with love, are now heretical, sacrilegious
84 faith truth/honesty
85 stomachers decorative breast coverings
88 Stands…woe is worse off (because guilty)
89 set up initiate, instigate
90 suits love-suits, wooing
91 princely royal/fine
92 It…rareness my love for you/my disobedience against my father was no ordinary thing, but one born of exceptional qualities, circumstances
94 disedged dulled, blunted, plays on sexual sense
95 tirest feeds (ravenously, like a bird of prey)
96 panged afflicted by pangs of conscience Prithee please, literally “I pray thee” dispatch hurry up/make an end (of me)
104 wake…first stay awake until my eyeballs drop out before I do that
106 abused deceived/made bad use of
109 inviting thee i.e., by providing such a good opportunity
110 whereunto to which, where
111 Purpose intend to
112 be unbent change your mind; the image is of the bent, drawn hunter’s bow being unbent again without firing at the quarry stand hidden shooting position
113 Th’elected the chosen
116 course i.e., of action
119 strumpet prostitute
120 Therein false struck in that matter falsely wounded take receive
121 tent surgical probe to assess the depth of a wound/roll of lint to clean a wound bottom probe the depths/go deeper than
123 back go back
124 Most like that’s very likely
128 purpose would prove plan would turn out
129 abused deceived
130 singular unrivaled
132 courtesan one attached to a prince’s court/prostitute
139 bide abide, live
151 not but only I’th’world’s volume in the book of the world; Britain is likened to a page torn out of it
153 swan’s nest i.e., built in the middle of a pool
154 livers people who live
158 wear a mind entertain an idea/follow a course of action
160 That i.e., her female identity
161 self-danger bringing danger upon yourself, i.e., as a woman alone
162 view prospects haply perhaps
163 nigh near
165 render bring/describe
168 modesty chastity death on’t its loss
169 adventure take the risk
172 Command into obedience i.e., from a princess to a servant niceness coyness/fastidiousness
173 handmaids i.e., qualities/attributes
174 it i.e., her waggish roguish; “wag” was a term for a saucy boy, habitual joker
175 Ready in gibes ready to make mocking remarks quick-answered quick in reply
176 quarrellous quarrelsome
177 Forget neglect rarest…cheek i.e., pale complexion, signifying her social rank
180 common-kissing Titan the sun, who shines on everybody alike
181 laboursome…trims beautifully made and pretty clothes
182 Juno wife of the supreme Roman god Jupiter, was jealous of her husband’s attraction to beautiful mortals
184 end purpose, intention
187 Forethinking anticipating fit ready
188 doublet close-fitting padded men’s jacket hose clothing for the legs
189 answer to belong with, go with in their serving with them serving you, i.e., using them as a disguise
191 season age
192 his service to serve him
193 Wherein you’re happy in what ways you are accomplished make him know convince him
194 If…music if he has any appreciation for music at all
196 means abroad resources away from home
198 Beginning nor supplyment i.e., beginning nor continuing to supply you with money
200 diet feed, supply
201 even keep up with
203 soldier to willing to fight for/bravely prepared for abide endure
205 short brief, hurried
207 Your carriage taking you away
211 distemper illness shade cover
212 fit you adapt, adjust yourself
3.5 Location: Britain
1 Thus far i.e., this is as far (as I will accompany you)
7 ourself myself using the royal plural pronoun
8 must needs can only
10 So very good, so be it
11 conduct safe conduct/escort
12 befall come to
13 office duty, task (i.e., accompanying Lucius)
14 honour i.e., the honor due to Lucius as an ambassador point small way
19 event battle/outcome
22 Severn river bordering England and Wales
23 it honours us it does us credit (because we have been patriotic and defiant)
24 cause reason, grounds
28 fits us befits us, is appropriate that we ripely immediately (because the time is ripe)
31 drawn to head brought to full strength
36 forward prepared
39 duty…day daily greeting she owes Cymbeline as her father and king looks us appears to me (us)
42 slight in sufferance lax in allowing such behavior
44 retired withdrawn, reclusive
47 Forbear hold back, refrain from
48 tender of sensitive to
51 answered accounted for, excused
56 close private, secluded
57 Whereto…infirmity to which she is compelled by her illness
59 proffer offer, present
69 stand’st so for support/represent
71 Proceed by result from
73 Haply it may be, perhaps
76 end aim, design
78 placing arranging, disposal
84 forestall…day prevent him from seeing tomorrow
85 her Innogen for because
86 that because parts qualities
87 from…hath as though she has taken the best qualities from each and every woman
88 compounded made up
89 Outsells exceeds in value
91 slanders discredits
92 rare exceptional about her
95 packing plotting, scheming/running away, leaving sirrah fellow (addressed to a social inferior)
96 pander bawd, sexual go-between
98 Thou…fiends i.e., I will instantly kill you, sending your soul to hell
101 Close secretive
104 weights i.e., weights and measures
105 dram a tiny measure
109 Come nearer get to the point/come (physically) closer to me
110 halting hesitation home completely
114 Discover reveal
120 Touching regarding
123 Or…perish i.e., either show him the letter or be killed
125 travel literally “traveling”; plays on “travail,” meaning “tronble”/”labor”
132 undergo undertake employments tasks
133 serious careful, meticulous industry application, diligence
135 want lack relief assistance voice…preferment support for your promotion, advancement
138 course ordinary way
139 but other than
141 Hast do you have late i.e., former
150 upon a time once
153 her eyes i.e., in her sight
155 insultment scornful, contemptuous triumph
157 knock beat foot kick
164 voluntary mute i.e., willingly silent; mutes were servants whose tongues were cut out to stop them telling secrets
165 tender offer, present
167 to my loss i.e., to lose my honor
169 him…true i.e., Posthumus
172 crossed hindered, thwarted meed reward
3.6 Location: Wales, outside Belarius’ cave
2 tired exhausted/dressed (attired)
6 ken sight
7 Foundations…wretched things recede as the poor or desperate approach/charitable organizations fail those who need them most
11 trial test of their moral character/endurance
12 scarce hardly ever lapse in fullness do wrong when in a state of prosperity
13 sorer worse
15 on of, about
16 even before only a moment ago
17 At point ready, just about
18 hold stronghold, lair
19 were best had better
20 Ere…nature i.e., before it kills me it nature
22 hardness…mother hardship always gives rise to (is the mother of) endurance
24 Take or lend take my life/money, or give me food, help me
25 Best I had better
27 Such…heavens! i.e., she begs the heavens to let it be a foe of that sort
28 woodman hunter
30 match bargain, agreement
31 The…to i.e., no one would work if it weren’t for some purpose
33 homely plain
34 flint hard, stony ground resty sloth well-rested laziness
35 down feather
36 keep’st thyself i.e., looks after itself, is uninhabited
37 throughly thoroughly, utterly
39 browse nibble
42 But that if it weren’t for the fact that victuals food
46 paragon outstanding example
50 good troth in good truth
51 nought nothing
52 i’th’floor on the floor/in among the rushes on the floor
53 board table so as
54 parted departed
58 reckoned valued, esteemed but of except by
61 should would
62 made committed
63 Whither bound? Where are you going?
66 Fidele means “the faithful one” (Latin)
68 spent exhausted
69 in into
71 churls impolite, mean-spirited people/peasants
72 rude uncivilized
73 cheer food/entertainment
74 thanks our approval
77 hard vigorously, boldly but be but to be/if I could not otherwise be in honesty your honest, loyal husband/by honorable means
78 Ay…buy i.e., woo you in the same way as I would love you as your husband
83 sprightly cheerful
84 ’Mongst…brothers I must be among friends if I am among brothers
86 prize…ballasting value would be less since she would no longer be next in line to the throne and thus more equal to Posthumus; puns on prize as “cargo, booty in a captured ship”
89 wrings writhes/wrings his hands
90 free’t remove the trouble
96 attend themselves i.e., had no servants
97 sealed them confirmed in them laying by setting aside
98 nothing-gift worthless gift (flattery, adulation) differing multitudes fickle crowds
99 out-peer surpass twain two
101 Leonatus’ Leonatus is
103 dress our hunt i.e., prepare what we have caught for cooking
104 Discourse…fasting speech is tedious while hungry
105 mannerly politely demand ask
108 The…welcome i.e., not even the night to the owl or the morning to the lark are as welcome to us
3.7 Location: Rome
1 tenor substance writ order
2 men soldiers
3 Pannonians and Dalmatians ancient inhabitants of what are now Hungary and the Balkans
5 Full very
6 fall’n off rebellious/defaulting incite summon/stir up
9 commands appoints
10 absolute commission complete authority
16 supplyant ready to supply troops/supplementary
4.1 Location: Wales
2 fit fittingly, perfectly
3 fit inclined, plays on sense of “sexually compatible” saving…word standard apology for coarse language; in this case fitness, meaning “sexual inclination”
4 fits fits and starts play the workman use my skill like a craftsman
5 vainglory idle boasting glass mirror
8 advantage…time i.e., current favorable circumstances alike conversant equally experienced general services military operations serving alongside others, probably with bawdy connotations
9 single oppositions individual combats imperceiverant imperceptive
10 in my despite in spite of my qualities/to spite me mortality mankind/existence/death
11 enforced forced, constrained/raped
12 spurn kick
13 haply perhaps usage treatment
14 power of control over testiness short temper/rashness commendations credit, renown
15 sore grievous, violent; bawdy quibble on sword (penis) and sore (wound/vagina) Fortune may Fortune
10 citizen city-bred wanton weakling/spoiled child/unchaste, lewd person
11 ere before
12 journal daily, usual routine breach of custom disruption of usual habit
14 amend me make me better Society company
16 reason of talk (lucidly) about
17 none no one
18 Stealing so poorly i.e., if I steal from those who have so little
20 weight intensity
23 yoke me am joined, associated
26 bier at door if the coffin were at the door
29 strain offspring, stock/inherited character/disposition
30 breed lineage, ancestry
32 meal and bran grain and husks
33 yet…me it is a miracle that they should love this boy, whoever he, is more than me
38 So…sir at your service, sir (to Belarius)
41 but except
44 tributary subsidiary
47 stir move, persuade
48 gentle well-born
49 Dishonestly afflicted unjustly oppressed/troubled by others’ dishonesty
52 To th’field i.e., let’s go hunting
58 bound tied, allied/indebted
60 distressed troubled, afflicted
63 roots vegetables characters shapes, especially letters
64 as as though Juno wife of Jupiter and queen of the gods
65 dieter one who regulates the diet/feeder
66 yokes ties together, attaches
68 that what
70 commix mingle
71 rail utter abusive language
74 spurs tree roots
75 Grow…vine the wish is that grief, like a stinking elder (which had an evil reputation because of its pungent smell), will disentangle its deadly roots from those of the growing vine (patience)
77 with from
78 great morning broad daylight
79 runagates runaways/rogues
80 mocked tricked, fooled
85 held regarded
86 but only
87 companies followers, others
89 Soft not so fast
90 fly run away, flee from
94 A…knock I never did anything more slavelike than responding to an insulting slave/someone calling me a slave without beating, hitting them
99 I…mouth i.e., I am not all talk when it comes to fighting
103 clothes i.e., courtly clothes, showing rank
107 varlet scoundrel
111 loath reluctant
112 injurious insulting
120 mere confusion absolute destruction/agitation of the mind
122 not seeming since you don’t seem
123 So as
128 proper own
130 on…heads the heads of traitors were fixed on poles at the gateway to London Bridge
132 abroad around, about
133 sure clearly
135 lines of favour facial lines, lineaments
136 snatches catches, hesitancy
137 absolute certain
138 very indeed
140 make…with to do well against
141 fell fierce
142 Being…man being intellectually defective/barely come to manhood
143 apprehension perception, understanding
144 judgement reason, i.e., the rational mind
148 Hercules classical hero, who wielded a club, and performed a series of impossible tasks
150 I…this if I hadn’t done this
153 perfect well aware
154 after according to
156 take us in capture us
161 The…us i.e., because they are banished
162 tender meek/submissive
163 threat threaten
165 For because
168 safe sane, sound
169 humour disposition, frame of mind
170 mutation changeableness (of mood)
175 Cave dwell in caves
176 make…head assemble a stronger force
177 like him just like him, in his nature might break out he might burst out
178 fetch us in capture us and bring us before the court
179 To come that he would come
180 suffering allowing
181 tail i.e., a group coming after him
183 ord’nance what is ordained
184 foresay predict/determine howsoe’er however it may turn out/nevertheless
186 mind inclination
188 way long forth way forward seem long
192 to i.e., flow to
194 reck care
199 So so that
201 I would I wish that (all the)
202 possible strength power we might muster meet i.e., in battle
203 put…answer force us to answer them in battle/cause us to show them what we’re made of
208 hasty rash, impetuous
211 gain restore
212 let…blood bloodletting or bleeding a patient was a common medical procedure; Arviragus is proposing a different kind of bloodletting here, shedding the blood of (killing) a parish full of Clotens to make Innogen well
215 blazon’st are depicted
217 zephyrs soft winds, breezes; the zephyr is the west wind
218 wagging moving/disturbing
219 enchafed heated, aroused rud’st roughest (rudest)
222 frame train, direct/fit, suit
224 seen from other not learned from others
225 wildly naturally, without being cultivated
230 clotpoll blockhead
233 ingenious skillfully constructed
234 occasion reason
235 give it motion i.e., play it
239 speak emit sound
240 answer correspond to accidents events
241 Triumphs public celebrations lamenting toys lamentation over trivial, inconsequential things
242 jollity for apes i.e., only an imitation of jollity grief for boys considered emotionally fickle
248 on of
250 turned…crutch i.e., turned my youth into old age
253 the…well half as well
256 sound thy bottom measure your depths Find…in the experience of melancholy is likened to being in a small boat sailing sluggishly through a muddy river of unknowable depth, with no way of knowing the easiest route to harbor Find explore
257 ooze i.e., the wet mud and slime at the bottom of a river sluggish slow-moving crare small trading boat
258 easiliest most easily
260 rare exceptional
262 Stark stiff
263 as…slumber as though some fly had tickled him while he was sleeping
264 Not…at not as though he was laughing at death’s arrow
268 leagued folded
269 clouted brogues hobnailed boots rudeness roughness
270 Answered…loud i.e., made his steps echo too loudly
271 but only, merely
272 he’ll…bed i.e., because he looks more like someone asleep
279 azured bright blue-colored harebell a native plant with delicate blue flowers on slender stems, often called “bluebell” but actually a distinct species
280 eglantine sweetbriar (wild rose)
281 ruddock robin (in folklore believed to cover the dead by strewing them with leaves and flowers, hence charitable bill)
286 winter-ground cover and protect in winter
288 wench-like womanish
290 admiration i.e., of Innogen/amazement, wonder
291 due debt the debt that needs to be paid, i.e., burial
292 shall’s shall us (i.e., shall we)
296 Have…crack i.e., have broken
297 once we once did for like the same
298 Save except
300 word speak
302 fanes temples
304 med’cine the less cure lesser ones
306 came came here as
307 paid given his payment, i.e., death mean…dust i.e., both high and low come to the same end
308 reverence respect, deference
314 Thersites in Homer’s Iliad, the most scurrilous and cowardly of all the Greek warriors at the siege of Troy Ajax heroic Greek warrior in the Iliad
317 the whilst in the meanwhile
318 to th’east emphasizing the pagan setting since it is the opposite in Christian practice
321 remove move
326 Home i.e., heaven ta’en thy wages payment for the worldly task
327 Golden…dust i.e., the rich must die as surely as the poor; dandelions were known as chimney sweepers in Warwickshire
328 As like
333 sceptre, learning, physic i.e., kings, scholars, doctors
336 thunder-stone thunderbolt
340 Consign to thee seal the same contract with/entrust to your charge
341 exorcizer one who conjures or raises spirits
342 charm cast a spell on
343 Ghost…thee let any ghost that has not been laid to rest stay away from you
345 consummation end, fulfillment
347 obsequies funeral rites
350 upon their faces meaning is unclear; possibly “strew the flowers on the front of their bodies”/”turn the bodies face down”/”strew the flowers on their faces”
352 herblets shall small herbs will also (wither)
353 apart…knees let us go and pray
354 gave them first i.e., bore them
358 ’Od’s pittikins a diminutive of “God’s pity,” reduced to its mildest form
359 gone journeyed
360 But…bedfellow! But wait, I don’t remember any bedfellow!
362 care on’t its (the world’s) grief
363 so in the same way, i.e., dreaming
365 bolt arrow
366 fumes bodily vapors, thought to rise from the body to the brain, thus causing dreams
370 wren’s eye i.e., a tiny amount, the wren being regarded as the smallest bird a part give me some of it
372 Without…me outside me (a physical reality), as it was inside me (in my imagination, dream) felt tangible
375 His…face Innogen likens bodily attributes to those of gods and heroes; Mercury was the messenger of the gods, Mars the god of war, Hercules a hero famed for his strength, and Jove (Jupiter) king of the gods
376 brawns muscles
378 madded maddened Hecuba wife of Priam, King of Troy; accounts describe her frenzied grief, cursing the Greeks as they sacked Troy and murdered Priam
379 darted shot like darts (arrows)
380 Conspired i.e., having conspired irregulous lawless
384 this…vessel i.e., Posthumus, likened to a ship bravest most excellent/handsome/courageous, strong of in
385 Struck the main-top chopped off the top part of the ship’s mainsail, i.e., his head
389 lucre greed for money
390 laid inflicted/placed, laid out pregnant obvious, clear
392 cordial healthful, restorative
393 home i.e., to my heart
395 Give…blood i.e., she smears his blood on her cheeks
396 horrider more ghastly, intimidating
397 Which chance who happen Soothsayer one who foretells the future
398 Gallia France
399 After in accordance with attending waiting for
403 confiners those dwelling within the confines, inhabitants (presumably means common men, as opposed to gentlemen)
407 Siena Duke of Siena
409 benefit advantage
410 forwardness diligence, industriousness/promptness
413 purpose outcome
415 fast fasted intelligence information, message
416 winged flying, on the wing
417 spongy damp
418 portends indicates
419 sins…divination earthly sins distort my ability to communicate with the gods
420 host army
422 trunk body
423 his its speaks suggests, attests
425 Or either
426 nature doth abhor i.e., living creatures naturally detest
427 defunct deceased
430 instruct us of tell us about
432 crave…demanded beg to be asked about
435 altered…picture i.e., by cutting off the head
436 wreck ruin, catastrophe/mutilated person
442 is are
443 occident west service masters to serve
446 ’Lack alas (alack)
447 complaining lamenting, mourning
451 Say you did you speak
454 approve…same i.e., prove yourself true to your name (Fidele means “the faithful one” in Latin)
460 prefer recommend
461 an’t if it
463 poor pickaxes i.e., her fingers
465 century of hundred
466 can am able to
468 So…me if it please you to take me into your service
474 pikes pointed metal tips of a staff or spear partisans long-handled spears with broad blades
475 arm him take him up in your arms preferred commended
477 can are, have the right to be
4.3 Location: Britain
1 Again i.e., go back again
2 with due to
3 of as a result of
4 touch wound, afflict
6 Upon…bed i.e., she is desperately ill
8 present i.e., present moment
11 enforce…thee force it out of you
15 nothing know know nothing about
16 purposes intends to
17 Hold consider
21 subjection duty as a subject
22 wants lacks
23 will he will
25 slip…season let you be for a while jealousy suspicion
26 Does yet depend still hangs in the balance/remains
30 gentlemen i.e., officers
31 Now for if only I now had
32 amazed with matter overwhelmed by all these matters
34 affront confront, face
35 Come more if more come
36 The…but the only thing now needed is
40 annoy harm
41 chances events
42 no letter i.e., no news
46 is betid has happened
49 find reveal, prove
50 Even…o’th’king even to the point where the king takes note fall die, perish
52 Fortune…steered i.e., even some boats that are cast adrift are brought safely back to harbor by good fortune
4.4 Location: Wales, outside Belarius’ cave
1 noise i.e., of the armies preparing for battle
3 lock it lock it away
6 This way if we do this
7 or for either as receive…use recruit us, thinking us rebels to make use of and then kill us
11 secure us make ourselves safe, find a stronghold
13 not…bands i.e., not listed among the forces mustered enlisted as soldiers
14 drive…render force us to give an account of
15 extort from’s extract from us
16 answer reward, recompense
17 Drawn on with brought about by
23 quartered fires campfires (from their quarters in the field)
24 cloyed importantly clogged, filled with important matters
25 upon our note in taking notice of us
28 Of by
29 then was then wore effaced, removed
30 remembrance memory
32 want of breeding lack of education, cultivation
33 certainty inevitability aye hopeless forever without hope
34 courtesy respect/refined manners cradle i.e., your circumstances at birth
35 still forever tanlings i.e., those tanned by constant exposure to the sun
36 shrinking as slaves will recoil from and tremble at punishment, so the winter cold makes one shiver
40 out of thought forgotten about thereto so o’ergrown in that respect your memory obscured/your face covered with hair
41 questioned suspected
43 thing is’t ashameful thing it is
45 hot lecherous venison deer
47 rowel Nor iron i.e., spurs rowel the rotating blade at the end of the spur iron the framework that attaches it
54 care attention, caution
55 hazard therefore due chance, danger coming to me
60 cracked i.e., because old
61 country country’s
63 their…out their mettle, noble spirit/royal blood, stock despises everything until it may break out/be shed in battle
5.1 Location: Wales
1 bloody cloth sent by Pisanio to Posthumus as proof that he had murdered Innogen
3 course i.e., of action
5 wrying erring, going astray
6 does not does not carry out
7 No bond but there is no obligation except
8 Should have had
9 put on this instigate Innogen’s murder/take such a fault upon myself/wear these clothes
10 repent i.e., her supposed unfaithfulness
11 worth deserving
13 fall i.e., sin
14 second support/follow up elder later, next (with the implication that evils mature with time)/earlier, with the more recent evils diminishing in severity until finally repentance sets in
15 make…it i.e., make the perpetrators fearful and repentant thrift gain, advantage (by becoming saved through repentance)
23 weeds clothes suit dress
25 part side
28 Pitied neither pitied
30 habits peasant’s clothes/customary behavior
32 guise custom, practice
33 less…within i.e., to privilege inner qualities over outward finery
1 bosom heart
2 off away belied slandered, lied about
3 on’t of it
4 or could or else could carl bondman, peasant
5 very…nature’s natural-born slave
6 profession i.e., as a soldier
7 but of scorn only a mockery
8 go before outgo, excel
9 odds likelihood
12 routs defeats seconds give said to
17 As as though hoodwinked blindfolded
19 or…fly let’s either reinforce our numbers or flee before it’s too late
3 fliers i.e., those who fled
6 But had it not been
7 wings flank of the army
8 but only
9 strait narrow full-hearted full of confidence
10 Lolling the tongue i.e., slavering like dogs, their tongues hanging out
12 mortally fatally touched wounded
13 dammed blocked up, like a dam
15 lengthened i.e., after spending the rest of their lives in shame
18 ancient old/noble
19 who…to who deserved to have lived as long a life as his white beard showed he had
22 striplings young men run…base play the rural children’s game of “prisoner’s base,” where players run between two opposing camps or bases and try to capture players on the other team
24 masks worn by women to protect their delicate complexions from the sun (preservation), or for modesty’s sake (shame)
26 Made good defended
27 harts male deer, plays on “hearts”
28 To…backwards to hell, damnation with those swift (fleet) souls who flee
29 that i.e., a fight
30 Like beasts with beastlike ferocity beastly cowardly
31 frown i.e., anger, resolved to fight
32 Three…many as confident as if they were three thousand, and having the effect in their actions as if they were
33 file entire force, (from front file to rear)
35 Accommodated aided charming spellbinding
37 distaff spindle used in spinning wool, i.e., a housewife would have turned soldier at their example gilded pale looks restored color to pale, cowardly faces
38 Part it was partly through
39 But by example only by imitating the first beginners (those who first began to flee)
40 ’gan…did began to turn and face the way they (Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus) did
41 grin i.e., bare their teeth, snarl lions…o’th’hunters cornered lions, kept at bay with (rather than skewered by) the hunters’ spears
43 stop i’th’chaser halt on the part of the pursuer retire retreat anon at once
45 they…eagles they flee like chickens along the same path they swooped down (stooped) as eagles slaves…made like slaves along the same path they strode as victors
47 Like…need like scraps of food, gathered up as a last resort on tough voyages at sea, which become the source of life in a time of desperate need
48 having…hearts i.e., the Romans had dropped their guard, making it easy for the British cowards to attack them (possibly literally means stab them in the heart through their backs) as they ran away
50 Some…twenty i.e., Britons who earlier were cut down, dying, trampled, cowardly (ten being chased by one Roman), are now all the killers of twenty Romans each some…wave some of their friends knocked down in the previous attack/some who their friends knocked down in the previous retreat
53 or ere resist before they would fight back are grown have now become
54 mortal bugs deadly terrors o’th’field of the battlefield
57 wonder at it be amazed by it
59 work any perform any (wondrous deeds) upon’t upon the subject, about it
60 vent utter, proclaim for a mock’ry as a joke
61 twice a boy proverbial, “old men are twice children”
62 bane ruin
64 ’Lack…end? Alas, why should I get angry?
65 stand stand up to, face
66 made naturally inclined
67 fly my friendship run from my friendship (so I won’t have to put up with him anymore)
70 going running away O noble misery what a miserable specimen of a noble/what a miserable state for one who is supposedly noble
72 honours reputations/titles
73 Took…do’t ran away to do it
74 too anyway in…charmed protected, kept safe (as if by a magical spell) by my own misery
78 ministers agents
80 For…Briton because he (death) now favors the Britons, I’ll no longer be a Briton
82 part role/side
83 veriest hind merest timid creature hind female deer
84 touch my shoulder i.e., arrest me
85 made committed Roman Romans answer retribution, retaliation be will be
87 either side i.e., either dying for the Britons or the Romans spend use up/waste
88 keep preserve bear again bear away again
92 silly habit simple rustic clothes (referring to Posthumus)
93 th’affront attack
97 seconds reinforcements
98 answered him supported him/acted as he did
100 A…return i.e., not even the smallest part of Rome shall return there
102 note high rank
104 You…pasture pastured animals had weights tied to one leg to prevent them escaping or being stolen
105 stomach appetite
109 Groan…perpetuity i.e., put up with the pain forever
111 T’unbar to unlock
112 shanks legs
113 The…bolt the means of penitence to release my conscience
114 Then ever then (I shall be) free forever, i.e., in death
115 temporal worldly, as opposed to “heavenly”
116 Must I if I must
117 gyves fetters, chains
118 constrained forced (on me) satisfy atone for my sins
119 If…part if it (atonement) is the most important element in freeing my conscience
120 render repayment
121 clement merciful vile men general humanity, specifically, usurers, moneylenders
122 of from broken debtors bankrupts, those who can no longer repay their debts
124 their abatement i.e., the little that’s left over by the creditors for the debtors to go on living
126 coined created, stamping it like a new coin
127 stamp coin
128 light underweight/morally deficient pieces coins figure’s sake the symbolic sake of the figure stamped on the coin
129 You…yours i.e., you should accept mine since yours is the image stamped onto it
130 audit account
131 bonds legal/mortal/literal, i.e., his fetters
133 thou thunder-master Jupiter, king of the gods, believed to have thunder and lightning at his command
134 flies i.e., people, whom the gods squash like flies
136 That who
137 rates scolds, berates/reckons
138 aught anything
141 Attending nature’s law i.e., staying the full nine months in the womb, according to nature
145 earth-vexing smart suffering that afflicts earthly, mortal men
146 Lucina Roman goddess of childbirth
147 took i.e., to death in my throes while I was in labor
148 That so that ripped i.e., born by Cesarean section
152 stuff substance
155 When once when the time came that mature for man i.e., grown to manhood
158 fruitful gifted, promising/producing love’s fruits
160 deem his dignity judge his worth
161 wherefore why
163 Leonati seat ancestral home of the Leonati (Britain)/family seat of the Leonati (family honor)
166 suffer allow
167 Slight worthless, contemptible
168 taint infect
170 geck dupe
172 stiller seats quieter resting places, i.e., the fields of Elysium (in classical mythology, a paradise inhabited by the good after death)
176 fealty loyalty (to a lord) Tenantius’ right duty owed to Tenantius, Cymbeline’s father
178 Like hardiment similar deeds of valor
181 adjourned deferred, delayed
182 graces rewards
183 dolours sorrows
184 crystal transparent, like crystal ope open
186 race breed/family
190 marble mansion i.e., the heavens
192 synod…rest assembly of the other gods
194 appeal i.e., to the other assembled gods, as in a tribunal
196 region low Elysium, which was below Jupiter’s palace on Mount Olympus
199 Sky-planted rooted in the heavens
200 Elysium classical equivalent of heaven
202 mortal accidents human events
205 delighted (the more) delighted (in)
207 well are spent are very nearly over/have been undergone to good effect
208 jovial star the planet Jupiter, supposed to bring good fortune, which was in the ascendant when Posthumus was born
212 tablet a single sheet, richly bound
213 confine enclose, contain
218 sulphurous it is very likely that small fireworks were used to create lightning effects that would have left a sulphurous smell
219 Stooped…us swooped down as if to seize us in its talons
220 sweet calm/sweet-smelling
221 Prunes preens, uses his beak to trim his feathers claws his beak scratches his beak with his talons
222 As when because/whenever
224 marble pavement the floor of the heavens
226 behest command
229 O scorn what a bitter joke
230 so as
232 greatness’ favor the favor of powerful men at court
233 swerve digress/go astray
234 dream…deserve don’t dream of finding anything, and neither do they deserve to
237 A book i.e., the tablet rare exceptional
238 fangled foppish, novelty-obsessed
239 effects contents
241 As…good i.e., as they promise to be
242 Whenas when whelp cub
243 piece creature, individual tender air a false etymology for Latin mulier, meaning “woman”
244 jointed grafted
245 stock trunk
247 stuff nonsense
248 Tongue…not speak without comprehending the meaning both i.e., a dream and madness
251 which i.e., the tablet
256 the…shot the meal justifies its price shot tavern bill
257 reckoning settlement
261 paid punished heavier…light duller/sleepier as a result of being drunk (light-headed)
262 drawn of heaviness emptied of that which made it heavy i.e., money Of from
263 contradiction being light and heavy i.e., drunk you…quit you shall from now on be acquitted, freed penny cord i.e., very cheap hangman’s rope sums up pays the reckoning for/disposes of
264 in a trice instantly debitor and creditor account book (referring to the headings of the two columns in a ledger)
265 discharge payment counters tokens used for accounting
266 acquittance receipt
270 officer i.e., the hangman
272 death death’s head—a skull pictured depicted; death’s heads usually have empty eye sockets
273 take upon them profess, claim
274 jump the after-inquiry hazard the final judgment
275 speed fare
276 on of
277 want lack
278 wink shut their eyes
279 mock jest
280 winking i.e., closing the eyes permanently
284 bolts manacles
286 prone eager (to go to the gallows) verier truer for all even though
289 there were desolation that would be the end of profit source of income
290 preferment promotion, either because a world that didn’t need jailers and executions would afford better jobs, or there would be a reward in the afterlife
3 richly nobly, profitably
4 naked unprotected (by armor)
5 Stepped before stood at the front of (the British)/stood in opposition to (the Romans) targes of proof shields of proven strength
7 grace favor
13 searched sought
16 heir…reward inheritor of the reward I should have given to him
17 liver…brain believed to control passion, affection, and judgment respectively
18 grant acknowledge, affirm
19 of…are where you are from
21 Cambria Wales are were
25 knights o’th’battle knights created on the battlefield (an especial honor)
26 fit supply
27 estates i.e., new rank as knights
28 business serious concern
42 trip me correct me/catch me out
46 Affected desired, longed for by through
50 but if it weren’t for the fact that
51 opening revealing, disclosing
52 bore in hand pretended, professed
55 had Ta’en off would have destroyed
57 delicate beautiful/crafty, skillful
60 mortal mineral fatal poison
61 by the minute minute by minute
62 By…you consume you little by little purposed intended
63 watching i.e., at your bedside by night tendance attention
64 show pretence
65 fitted molded, shaped
66 th’adoption…crown i.e., becoming adopted heir to the crown
67 end purpose, design
68 opened revealed
76 Mine ears nor were mine ears
77 seeming appearance had been vicious would have been reprehensible
80 feeling emotions/experience
82 razed out erased
83 made suit appealed
84 their i.e., those killed in battle
86 estate spiritual state
88 had…us had we been the victors
92 called named as/taken for sufficeth it is enough that
94 think on’t i.e., consider a strategy (with the unspoken implication “and then revenge it”)
95 peculiar care personal concerns
99 tender…occasions sensitive to his master’s needs
100 feat deft, graceful
104 And even if you
106 favour face, countenance
107 looked…grace won my favor by your looks
109 Ne’er…master i.e., because I don’t even know why I’m sparing you myself, but it’s not due to his pleading on your behalf
110 boon request
111 state rank
120 shuffle shift, look out
122 briefly quickly
123 truth loyalty, fidelity
124 perplexed distressed
130 vassal subject
131 Am something nearer i.e., I am more closely connected to you by being a British subject
132 Wherefore…so? Why do you stare at him in that way?
145 eyes sees forbear have patience
148 But…dead but we see him who we know to be dead
158 Winnow separate, like grain from chaff
159 render declare, state
164 Thou’lt torture me i.e., if you had any idea what I have to say, you’d torture me
173 All…this everything relating to this matter
178 while nature will for as long as nature will have it/for the remainder of your natural life
179 ere before
183 viands food
184 heaved to head raised to my mouth
187 rar’st most exceptional sadly soberly, reservedly
189 made barren rendered impotent
190 feature shape/comeliness/form of face laming crippling by comparison
191 shrine veneration, idolizing Venus Roman goddess of love straight-pight straight pitched, i.e., erect, upright in bearing Minerva Roman goddess of arts and war
192 beyond surpassing brief nature the brevity of mortal life condition character, personality
193 shop storehouse
194 hook of wiving i.e., beauty, which is bait for marriage
196 I…fire i.e., I am burning with impatience
197 matter point
201 hint cue/opportunity
205 mind put in’t described her character
206 cracked of boastfully uttered about kitchen-trulls kitchen maids trull wench/trollop
207 unspeaking sots fools/drunkards, incapable of articulate speech
208 to th’purpose get to the point
210 as Dian as though Diana (Roman goddess of chastity) hot erotic, lustful
211 she i.e., Innogen cold chaste
212 scruple doubt
215 In suit by courtship
219 carbuncle precious stone, mythical gem said to emit light in the dark
220 Of Phoebus’ wheel from the chariot wheel of Phoebus Apollo, the sun god might so might have done so
221 of’s car of his chariot
222 Post hurry
224 Of by
227 duller Britain refers to the idea that cold, northern countries produced slower-witted people than those from the hot south
228 vantage profit, gain
230 simular simulated, specious
232 renown reputation
233 thus, and thus of this and that kind averring affirming
237 cracked broken
238 forfeit that which is due when a contract is breached
242 anything any name, title
243 in being present
244 cord rope
245 justicer judge
246 ingenious masterly, skillful
247 th’abhorrèd the detested amend make seem better
251 sacrilegious thief because he sacked the temple that was Innogen
252 she herself i.e., virtue
254 bay bark at
256 Be…’twas i.e., by comparing it with what I have done
260 Shall’s have shall we make
261 There…part play your part by lying on the ground
267 staggers giddiness, dizziness; a disease in animals that causes them to walk unsteadily
270 mortal earthly, human/deadly, fatal
275 tune voice
276 stones of sulphur thunderbolts
283 approve prove
284 confection mixture (drug)
285 for cordial as a restorative
289 temper mix, concoct still pretending always claiming
292 esteem value, worth
294 cease halt, arrest
296 offices of nature natural faculties/bodily parts
298 Most like very likely
301 sure definitely
306 the tree i.e., himself
308 mak’st…act do you cast me as an idiot
312 motive reason
315 mother’s i.e., stepmother is
317 naught nothing/wicked long of because of (along of)
318 strangely as strangers/in unusual circumstances
322 missing absence
324 discovered revealed
325 accident chance
326 feignèd letter i.e., the letter falsely claiming that Posthumus was waiting at Milford Haven
330 enforced took by force posts hurries
336 forfend forbid
339 Deny’t again take it back again, unsay it
341 He…prince i.e., killing him is therefore treasonable and merits death
342 incivil unmannerly
347 To…mine i.e., to tell you that he had cut off my head
348 sorrow sorry/filled with sorrow
350 dead condemned to die
357 As well descended of as good lineage, family stock
358 of from merited deserved
359 Had…for ever deserved for their wounds in battle
362 worth…for the reward you have not yet been given
363 tasting of experiencing, feeling
366 thou i.e., Belarius
368 But I will unless I on’s of us
369 given out him declared him (Guiderius) to be
370 For…speech i.e., what I am about to say will prove dangerous to me
371 haply perhaps, with luck well for beneficial to
374 by leave with your permission
380 Assumed this age attained this aged appearance
384 hot hasty
386 it i.e., the payment confiscate all all confiscated so as
389 saucy impudent
390 prefer raise in social stature
395 blood offspring
398 sometime once
399 mere whole
400 That…did i.e., I did no harm at all, unless you think my suffering harmful
404 put into teach
407 moved persuaded
408 Having…then i.e., he had already been unjustly banished for treason, but stealing the children was actually a treasonable offense
409 Beaten being beaten
410 Excited provoked, incited
411 of by shaped Unto fitted, suited
412 end of purpose in (to make Cymbeline suffer)
419 service i.e., in battle
420 Unlike unlikely, amazing
423 Be pleased awhile permit me to speak for a few more moments
425 as yours as your son
427 lapped wrapped
428 curious exquisite
429 probation proof
432 sanguine bloodred
435 natural stamp birthmark
436 end…donation purpose in giving it
440 deliverance in giving birth pray I pray
441 starting…orbs displacement from your spheres
443 Thou…kingdom because Guiderius and Arviragus are immediate heirs to the throne
447 But anything other than
455 rare exceptional
456 fierce abridgement drastically compressed account
457 branches details
458 Distinction…in need to be distinguished fully from one another/should prove plentiful once they have been distinguished from one another
462 your…to what motives the three of you (Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus) had for joining
463 demanded asked about
464 by-dependences side issues, related matters
465 chance happening, occurrence nor neither
466 Will serve are suited to interrogatories interrogations
467 anchors concentrates his looks, attention
468 throws her eye gazes
470 counterchange…all each reciprocates the looks of the others
471 quit this ground leave this place
472 smoke fill with smoke (from incense or sacrificial fires)
473 hold consider
474 relieve me help/rescue me
475 gracious season joyous occasion
477 Save except
478 taste our comfort feel, experience our mercy/share in our happiness
482 forlorn wretched, destitute
483 becomed become, suited graced done honor to/made rich
486 company accompany
487 beseeming appearance, i.e., his peasant’s garb fitment preparation
490 you finish an end of you
492 sinks makes bend, weighs down
494 often many times over
501 doomed judged, sentenced
502 freeness generosity, benevolence
504 holp helped
505 As as if
506 Joyed overjoyed
509 upon…backed riding upon his eagle’s back
510 spritely shows ghostly visions
512 label sheet of paper (the tablet) containing contents
513 so…hardness i.e., hard to understand
514 collection of deduction, inference from
515 construction interpretation
516 Philharmonus i.e., lover of harmony
519 whelp cub
526 leo-natus born of a lion import signify, mean
528 mollis aer Latin for “soft air”; a false etymology of mulier, Latin for “woman”
529 divine interpret (by divine inspiration)
532 clipped about embraced
534 seeming plausibility
535 cedar the tree was an emblem of sovereignty, especially in the Bible
536 Personates stands for point…forth indicate your two sons
539 issue offspring, descendants
545 wonted usual, accustomed
547 Whom on whom
551 stroke action, onset
555 Lessened herself i.e., by disappearing into the distance
559 west understood in classical geography as the location of Britain
560 Laud praise
561 crookèd curling
562 Publish announce
563 Set we forward let’s set on, begin marching
564 ensign standard, banner
567 seal confirm
568 Set on there! Onward, forward march!