* Gower John Gower (?1330–1408), medieval poet whose Confessio Amantis is an important source for Pericles
1 old long ago
2 ancient old/venerable
3 man’s infirmities human form
6 ember eves evenings before festival (ember) days holidays religious feasts
8 restoratives medicine
9 purchase profit glorious eager for/worthy of glory
10 Et…melius “A good thing improves with age” (Latin)
12 wit wisdom/poetry ripe mature/sophisticated
15 I…wish I would hope to give it life
16 Waste…light i.e., like a candle (taper) my story will consume (waste) itself in the telling
17 Antioch one of the largest cities of the Roman Empire, capital of the province of Syria
18 chiefest seat capital
20 authors authorities/sources
21 peer mate/companion
23 buxom lively/bright/wanton full of face beautiful full complete/perfect
24 As as if
25 liking lustful affection
29 But custom but (through) habit
30 use usual practice (playing on use, i.e., “sexual intercourse”) account’ an elision of “accounted”
32 frame take themselves
36 still silent/motionless/always awe reverence/subjection
37 whoso whoever for as
38 His…not and left (Antiochus’) riddle unsolved
39 wight person
40 yon those grim looks stern faces (i.e., the heads of former suitors)
41 to…justify I give my business (cause) to those discerning viewers (judgement…eye) who are most able (best) to judge/confirm (justify) it
1.1 Location: Antioch Pericles from Latin for “peril”
1 Tyre Phoenician trading city on the coast of Syria at large received fully comprehended/heard in detail
8 For embracements fit for the embraces Jove Jupiter, king of the gods in Roman mythology
9 whose i.e., the Daughter’s till Lucina reigned until her birth Lucina Roman goddess of childbirth, associated with Diana and Juno
10 glad her presence make her presence welcome
11 senate house council
12 knit…perfections unite all virtues in her
13 the spring Flora, Roman goddess of the spring
14 Graces her subjects the Graces (personifications of beauty, grace, and artistic inspiration) are inferior to her
15 gives which gives renown reputation/honor
16 book of praises collection of everything praiseworthy
17 curious exquisite/rare (also unusual/peculiar) as as if
18 ever razed forever erased testy irritable
19 mild companion companion to someone as mild as she
20 sway rule
22 taste…tree enjoy Antiochus’ daughter sexually; also refers to the apples stolen by Hercules from the garden of Hesperus and the one eaten by Eve yon that
25 compass achieve/embrace
27 son son-in-law
28 this…fruit i.e., Antiochus’ daughter; Hesperus’ garden was known as the Hesperides
30 deathlike deadly dragons Antiochus’ followers/the dragon that guarded Hesperus’ apples
32 countless beyond value desert worthiness
34 reach reach out for heap company/multitude (i.e., Pericles’ body)
35 Yon those sometimes once/formerly
36 adventurous made bold
37 semblance appearance
38 yon that
41 going…net entering into death’s trap
43 mortality mortal nature/humanity
44 those fearful objects i.e., the heads of the former suitors
46 remembered brought to mind
47 life’s but breath life is ephemeral
50 as…did like terminally ill men who can see heaven and no longer cling to the earthly pleasure that they once (erst) pursued
54 unspotted pure/free from lust
57 conclusion riddle
59 these the former suitors
60 ’ssayed assayed/tried
62 assume the lists enter the combat/tournament area
63 Nor Nor do I
65 viper…flesh young vipers were supposed to eat their way out of their mother’s womb
67 labour hard work/sexual exertion
68 kindness affection/kinship/sexual acquiescence
71 two i.e., two people
73 Sharp physic harsh medicine the last the final line of the riddle
74 countless eyes the stars
75 cloud…sights do they not shield their eyes
77 glass of light the Daughter is imagined as a lantern holding a candle or a shining glass vessel; light can mean lustful, and glass often represents a woman’s (fragile) chastity
79 casket i.e., the Daughter’s body
80 on…wait who is attended by heavenly virtues
81 knowing…gate will enter knowing that there is evil inside/will engage in sexual relations with a depraved person gate vagina
82 viol stringed instrument played between the legs sense senses/reason
83 fingered…music “played” by an appropriate sexual partner
85 played upon used sexually
86 Hell…chime i.e., only the devil could approve
87 Good sooth in truth/truly
89 article stipulation/requirement
94 braid reproach near closely/intimately
95 Who whoever
97 vice…itself to talk about evil deeds (of powerful people) is to behave like the wind, which blows dust into eyes (of the offenders or of innocent people)
99 And…them but the painful lesson is that the wind (breath), i.e., the rumor, runs its course and those people harmed by it (whose sore eyes can now see) can take action to prevent further indiscretions
102 Copped heaped/humped tell tell that thronged crushed/overwhelmed
103 worm creature (either the person who dares to criticize or an innocent bystander)
107 What…it i.e., it is appropriate (fit) to suppress something that would be made worse by its exaggerated repetition
109 like leave similar permission
111 gloze with speak plausibly to
112 tenor substance/content/purpose edict (royal) order
113 exposition explanation
114 cancel of put an end to
116 doth…otherwise adjusts our mood/intention
118 undone solved
119 joy rejoice
120 entertain entertainment
122 would seem to deceives in order to
124 sight appearance
129 untimely premature
133 though…breed although they appear beautiful, they only produce evil
135 those men that those men who
137 ’schew eschew/avoid keep…light i.e., keep their actions hidden
141 targets shields put off deflect
142 cropped harvested/cut down clear free from blame
146 trumpet forth proclaim Thaliard in the sources either a Privy Councillor or Antiochus’ steward
153 of our chamber one of our most trusted attendants or advisers
154 partakes imparts/communicates
163 Let…haste use your rapid breathing to cool yourself by telling me why you are in such a hurry
167 level aim
171 length range sure harmless (i.e., I’ll kill him)
173 My…head i.e., I will have no peace of mind
1.2 Location: Tyre
2 change of thoughts altered mental state
3 dull-eyed sluggish/lacking insight
4 used familiar/regular as that
5 day’s glorious walk daily movement of the sun
6 breed me quiet produce peace of mind for me
10 joy gladden/bring joy to spirits emotions
11 the other’s danger’s
12 passions…mind emotions/obsessions
13 misdread fear of evil
14 Have…care are fed and kept alive by anxiety
16 cares takes care
19 can that he can make…act turn his thoughts into actions
21 boots it me is it any help to me
24 course flowing stream
26 th’ostent the display/manifestation
27 Amazement (that) terror
28 ere before
29 ne’er thought offence never offended even in their thoughts
31 as…them like the treetops (i.e., the monarch), which protect and defend the roots (i.e., the people) that nourish them
32 fence protect
34 And…punish Pericles’ own body punishes itself before it can be punished by Antiochus
37 give experience tongue let the wise/experienced speak
39 blows up that inflames
41 breath i.e., the air from the bellows (the flattering speech)
42 in order orderly/delivered in the correct manner
44 Signior Sooth Mister Sycophant
45 makes…life puts your life in danger
48 All…else everyone else leave me cares diligence o’erlook supervise
49 lading’s cargo is
51 moved provoked/angered
52 brow appearance/countenance
53 dart an arrow or light spear
54 move arouse
58 ground sharpened
62 let…hid allow themselves to listen to flattery
63 Fit fitting/suitable
69 ministers provides/dispenses
71 Attend me listen to me
73 purchase benefit/acquisition/prize
74 an issue a child/an heir
75 Are…subjects i.e., royal heirs (issue), which are weapons/protection to princes and bring joy to their subjects
79 Seemed pretended smooth indulge/conciliate
82 careful protecting
83 Who i.e., the night
84 Bethought considered succeed follow
87 doubt suspect
90 unlaid ope undiscovered/concealed
91 lop remove/eliminate doubt suspicion arms weapons (i.e., soldiers)
93 all all my subjects mine…offence my offense—if I may call it that
94 who which (i.e., war)
96 now reproved’st was just rebuking
99 doubts fears/anxieties
110 The destinies the three Fates, who control destiny in Greco-Roman mythology
111 direct delegate
114 should he what if he (Antiochus) should my liberties my domains/my royal prerogatives and the rights of my subjects
115 We’ll…earth i.e., we’ll die fighting him
117 Tarsus a city on the River Cydnus in Cillicia, present-day Turkey
118 Intend direct
119 dispose conduct
122 not…oath i.e., I won’t ask you to swear a formal oath
123 Who whoever
124 orbs spheres of activity (i.e., areas of influence) round straightforwardly/openly
125 time…convince time shall never disprove (convince) this truth regarding the pair of us
126 shine brightness/virtue
3 I…secrets the poet Philippides reputedly asked this of King Lysimachus of Thrace
5 would of wanted from
9 indenture contract between a master and servant Husht hush/be quiet
13 sealed bearing the royal seal commission warrant
14 speak sufficiently proclaim satisfactorily
17 unlicensed…loves without your devoted approval
18 light enlightenment
23 doubting lest fearing
24 he’d correct he wished to punish
25 puts…toil subjects himself to the rigors of the sea
28 although I would even if I wished to be
29 the…please the king must be satisfied with this news
35 betook taken
36 message my message
37 it i.e., the message
38 Commended (which has been) directed/addressed
1.4 Location: Tarsus
5 who digs whoever digs up (the image is of someone trying to flatten a hill by digging it up, only to create a bigger pile with the earth they have removed)
8 with mischief’s eyes through the eyes of misfortune/misery
9 topped pruned/cut back (making them grow faster than before)
11 Who wanteth whoever lacks/desires
13 Our…them i.e., we proclaim (sound) our misfortunes (sorrows) low and high, then we weep until we have enough breath back (till…breath) to bewail our sorrows even more loudly, so that if the gods (heaven) are asleep and are oblivious to the suffering of their creatures, our cries may wake them in order that they can comfort those in need sound proclaim
18 discourse relate
19 wanting…speak when I want breath/because you want breath
22 o’er…hand over whom plenty poured her gifts
23 riches a personification of wealth or of plenty (from French richesse, “plenty”)
25 wondered at admired/were astonished by
26 jetted strutted/swaggered adorned adorned themselves
27 Like…by as if they were like one another’s mirror (glass) with which to adorn (trim) themselves/they mirrored one another’s finery
28 glad gladden/make glad
31 The…repeat even to propose asking for help became repulsive
33 by…change through the example of our change in fortune
37 want lack
39 not…younger only two years ago
40 inventions novelties
42 nuzzle up nurture/bring up
43 curious elaborate/carefully prepared
46 shall…life will die so that the other can survive
53 largely abundantly
54 superfluous riots extravagant indulgence these tears this lamentation
60 descried spotted/observed
61 portly stately/majestic sail fleet make hitherward sail toward us
67 power army
69 unhappy wretched
70 Whereas…overcome in whom no glory can be gained in conquering
71 least fear not to be feared in the least
72 white flags used to show that a ship had no hostile intention
73 favourers friends
74 him’s…repeat someone who has not learned (the following maxim)/someone too inexperienced to comment
75 Who he who
78 The…there i.e., the ground is as far as we can fall, and we are nearly there
82 on peace consist is disposed toward peace
86 beacon fire or light placed in a prominent position as an alarm signal t’amaze to terrify
89 add…tears i.e., add to your misfortunes
91 these…bread although you may think that our ship is like the Trojan horse, which was filled with ferocious warriors (bloody veins: a metonymy), it is actually filled with grain to make bread for your hungry people happily haply/perhaps
101 gratify show gratitude for/grant
102 in thought even in thought
104 succeed inevitably follow
108 stars fates/fortunes
2 iwis certainly/truly (archaic)
3 A better prince i.e., Pericles
4 awful awe-inspiring/worthy of respect
6 passed necessity gone through extreme suffering
7 those…reign those who rule during periods of difficulty (or, alternatively, “trouble’s reign,” those who are ruled by trouble)
8 mite a tiny particle
9 The good i.e., Pericles conversation behavior/manners
10 benison blessing
12 writ holy scripture/authoritative command he speken can he (Pericles) is able to speak (speken is archaic)
13 remember commemorate
14 Build his statue construct a statue of him make him glorious glorify his deeds
15 tidings…contrary i.e., adverse news Dumb show a mimed sequence, common in early modern plays train retinue
17 Helicane i.e., Helicanus
18 Not to not intending to
20 killen kill (archaic)
22 haps happens
23 full bent fully determined
27 doing so doing as advised
28 been are (archaic)
32 Should which should
35 perishen perish (archaic) pelf possessions
36 Ne aught escapend nor did anything escape (archaic)
38 glad gladness/happiness
40 ’longs belongs to/prolongs
2.1 Location: the seashore at Pentapolis
1 ire fury
6 breath life
12 Pilch leather coat/jerkin
15 Patch-breech patched trousers
17 Look…now! Get a move on!/Now you’re moving! (ironic)
18 fetch th’ strike thee wanion vengeance
23 well-a-day alas
26 porpoise porpoises were thought to appear before stormy weather
28 I…washed I expect to be soaked
30 a-land on land
32 fitly appropriately a he
33 fry young fish
35 on of
38 pretty clever/ingenious moral story with a moral point
40 sexton church officer whose duties included bell ringing belfry bell tower
45 cast regurgitated
50 drones…honey i.e., lazy and unproductive subjects
51 finny subject fin-bearing citizens (i.e., fish)
53 recollect gather up
54 All…detect i.e., everything that might represent men in a positive or negative light
57 If…it! i.e., if honesty is a condition that suits a bedraggled creature such as Pericles, it could be eradicated and no one would miss it (it is possible that a line is missing, in which Pericles says “good day” to the fishermen) search’t remove it
59 May you may hath cast has thrown
62 cast vomit
64 that vast tennis-court i.e., the sea
66 never used was never accustomed
67 Here’s them there are those
74 fish for’t get it through fishing/get it by artifice (i.e., begging or trickery)
77 thronged up overwhelmed
81 For that because pray you may I ask/please
82 quotha says he/indeed gods forbid’t i.e., god forbid an if/as long as
84 afore me a mild oath
86 fish for fasting-days meat was forbidden during Lent, on Fridays and Saturdays, and on some other penitential days
87 puddings sausages; also carries its modern meaning of a sweet or savory pudding flapjacks pancakes
92 crave request
93 craver supplicant/beggar
98 beadle parish constable, whose duties included whipping vagrants
100 becomes suits/is appropriate for
106 Pentapolis seemingly located in Greece, but should probably be identified with Cyrene in Cyrenaica, the major Greek colony in North Africa
113 Marry by the Virgin Mary (a mild oath)
117 tourney take part in a tournament
119 make one be one of the participants
121 what…soul what a man cannot otherwise obtain he may get by selling his wife for sex; plays on “wife’s soul”/”wife’s hole” (i.e., vagina) and puns on get: if the man cannot get (beget) children, then he can sell his wife to someone who will father them for him
124 right just claim
125 ’twill…out the “fish” will not come out of the net/the poor man will not get the verdict he desires bots on’t an expletive, equivalent to “a plague on it” bots a maggot infection in horses
128 crosses misfortunes/trials
130 heritage inheritance
132 charge order/command
134 brace vambrace, armor covering the arms
135 For that because in like necessity in a similarly dire situation
137 kept dwelt/stayed
139 though…again i.e., now the seas are calm, they have given it back again
141 my father that which my father
143 coat of worth valuable coat (i.e., the armor)
144 sometime once target shield/protection
150 pay your bounties repay your generosity rest remain
151 tourney joust/take part in a tournament
153 virtue courage/ability
154 d’ye take it do you take it (i.e., take it)
155 on’t of it/from it
157 made up fitted together, as in the making of clothes
158 seams the furrows of the waves, imagined as the seams of a garment
159 condolements usually means expressions of sympathy: the Second Fisherman either confuses it with “emoluments” (profits) or with “dole” (portion or share), or he is being deliberately euphemistic
159 vails tips/gratuities (literally, the remnants of cloth kept by tailors after a suit is finished)
162 furtherance assistance
163 rapture seizure/plundering
164 holds his building occupies its proper position
165 Unto thy value either a jewel on Pericles’ arm has also survived, with which he will buy the horse, or Pericles will buy a horse equal to the worth of the piece of armor (described as a jewel)
166 courser horse
167 gazer onlooker
169 bases knee-length skirts worn by a knight on horseback
173 honour…will let honor spur me on goad a rod used for driving cattle
2.2 Location: Pentapolis
1 triumph tournament
3 stay wait for
4 Return answer/inform
6 gat begat: conceived/bred
9 express…great praise me highly
10 princes men and women of high (princely) rank
11 model image
13 renowns reputations
14 honour honorable duty entertain accept/receive
15 device heraldic design and motto
17 prefer present
18 Sparta powerful ancient Greek city-state
20 Ethiop used loosely in the seventeenth century to refer to all black Africans
21 word motto Lux…mihi “Your light is life to me” (Latin)
22 holds…of regards his life as being dependent on
24 Macedon Macedonia, a kingdom at the northern end of the Greek peninsula that became a world power under Philip II and Alexander the Great
27 in Spanish puzzling as the motto is closer to Italian than Spanish Piùe…forza “More by gentleness than by force”
30 wreath of chivalry chaplet or garland of leaves or flowers, worn or awarded as a mark of distinction/the twisted band by which the crest is joined to a knight’s helmet
31 Me…apex the honor of the contest has led me on
34 Qui…extinguit “Who feeds me extinguishes me”
37 environèd surrounded
38 touchstone smooth black quartz or jasper, used to test the purity of gold; the touchstone became a symbol of fidelity tried tested
39 Sic spectanda fides “Thus is faithfulness to be tested” device may be a real branch, as Pericles has no shield
42 stranger unfamiliar person/foreigner present offering
44 In…vivo “In this hope I live”
48 He…commend i.e., he must prove that he is better than his appearance would suggest, because that cannot speak in his favor
51 whipstock handle of a whip
53 strangely bizarrely (playing on stranger) furnishèd equipped/fitted out
54 on set purpose deliberately
55 scour clean
56 Opinion’s…man public opinion makes us foolishly examine (scan) the external appearance of a man in search of (for) his inner worth mean humble/poor
2.3 tilting jousting
3 place…arms i.e., advertise your martial ability
6 in show inaction
7 becomes suits
9 you you are
15 framing making/creating
17 her laboured scholar the scholar into whom art has put most effort/the scholar who has laboriously studied art
19 Marshal arrange/position as…grace according to their merit
22 who whoever
25 Contend not do not argue
26 Have who have outward eyes eyes that see outward/eyes on the outside of the body
27 Envies that which envies
28 right very
30 By…upon by Jove, who is aware of everything, I marvel that these delicacies (cates) become unappetizing to me when I think of him
33 viands foodstuffs unsavoury tasteless/unappetizing
34 meat food/object of my sexual attention gallant fine/brave
37 a staff i.e., his opponent’s lance in the tournament
38 to compared with
39 Yon that
40 tells me announces or discloses (him to) me
41 Had when he had
42 reverence pay homage to
44 vail lower
45 Where…light i.e., like a glowworm, Pericles is best seen at night; in the light of his father’s glory he would not seem to glow at all Where whereas
52 stored filled
53 fill…lips i.e., drink a full cup in honor of your mistress
56 Yon that
58 countervail match/equal
59 Note…you don’t you observe it
64 like…at like gnats, which when they are dead seem very small considering how noisy they were
66 entertain entertainment
67 standing bowl bowl/goblet with a stem or legs
69 stranger knight knight who is a stranger/foreign knight bold shameless/immodest
70 proffer offering
72 move me provoke me
78 blood spirit/health
79 pledge him drink his health
83 arts and arms artistic/scholarly pursuits and martial skills
85 reft robbed/deprived
90 cast was cast
93 sit dwell
trifles trivialities
95 addressed dressed/attired
96 Will you will become suit/be appropriate for
97 I…beds i.e., I won’t have anyone excuse themselves by saying that women don’t like the loud music of a soldier’s dance, as I know that they like men in arms (i.e., knights) as well as men in their beds
100 this…asked i.e., I did well to ask for this
101 breathing exercising
103 trip dance/step lightly/fall sexually
104 measures formal dance steps/strategies in wooing
105 practise them put them to use
106 that’s…courtesy i.e., you are too modest
110 several various
114 level aim
115 betake him take himself
116 speeding success
2.4 Location: Tyre
3 not minding longer intending no longer
5 capital punishable by death
11 eyes adored eyes that adored
15 bar prevent shaft arrow (i.e., vengeance)
16 his its
19 respect influence
20 grieve cause grievance
23 Happy day i.e., “good day”
24 griefs grievances
26 you love i.e., that you love
29 what…breath what country he is living in
32 resolved reassured/persuaded he lives if/that he lives
33 give’s i.e., it will give us mourn his funeral mourn at his funeral/regret his death
34 to…election to choose another ruler
35 Whose i.e., Pericles’ strongest…censure most likely (probability) in our assessment
37 left which, if left
42 Try honour’s cause try being honorable forbear your suffrages refrain from voting (for me)/avoid electing (another ruler)
43 forbear leave off/have patience
47 forbear to endure with patience
48 not does not
49 yoke harness (i.e., the servitude of the ruler to the people)
50 love demonstration of your affection
52 spend…worth demonstrate your courageous nobility
53 Whom i.e., Pericles win unto persuade to
56 enjoineth instructs/urges
57 travels journeys (or travails, endeavors)
59 knit unite
2.5 Location: Pentapolis
9 Tied her confined herself
10 twelve moons twelve months Diana goddess of hunting, virginity, and the moon; also associated with childbirth and with witchcraft livery uniform (i.e., Thaisa will remain a virgin)
11 the…Cynthia the moon Cynthia Diana as moon goddess
14 dispatched dismissed
17 nor day nor either day or
19 absolute certain
23 Soft be quiet
25 beholding indebted
30 desert merit
42 else if you don’t believe it
44 that saying that
45 subtlety trick
48 to as to
49 bent directed offices service
53 levy raise/intend; possibly misused for level, aim
55 might that might
63 relished tasted base ignoble/common
65 state kingdom/rule
66 accounts of me thinks me
71 Resolve assure
72 subscribe sign
73 made love to courted
75 that, would that which would
76 peremptory determined
81 aught anything
84 frame adapt/accommodate will intentions (puns on will, sexual desire)
92 fosters nourishes
1 y-slackèd reduced to inactivity (archaic) rouse carousing/mirth
3 breast stomach
4 pompous magnificent/ceremonious
5 eyne eyes
6 couches lies asleep from away from
7 crickets sing i.e., crickets that sing
8 blither more happy drouth the dryness of their position (crickets were thought to like heat)
9 Hymen Roman god of marriage
10 maidenhead virginity
11 Be attent listen
12 briefly quickly
13 fancies imaginations eche eke out/supplement
14 plain explain
15 dern dreary/secret painful laborious perch unit of distance (around sixteen and a half feet)
16 Of for
17 coigns corners
21 stead help/assist
22 Fame rumor most…inquire inquiries from the most distant places
24 tenor substance/content
25 dead being dead
28 will none will have none of it
29 t’appease to pacify/subdue
31 moons months
32 dooms decisions/judgments
33 sum summary/essence
35 Y-ravishèd entranced/enraptured (archaic)
36 claps applause can began sound declare
37 heir apparent next in line to the throne
39 Brief in short
41 cross contradict
42 dole grief/sorrow
43 nurse nurse/midwife
45 Neptune’s billow the waves Neptune god of the oceans half…cut they are halfway there flood waves/rushing water
46 moved provoked
47 grizzled grisly/horrible/gray north north wind (thought to raise storms)
50 drives is propelled
51 well-a-near alas
52 Does…travail goes into labor
53 fell cruel
55 nill will not (archaic) action performance
56 Conveniently suitably
57 Which…told i.e., which my story might not be able to convey
58 hold consider/retain
60 appears to speak appears and speaks
3.1 Location: a ship
1 The god i.e., Neptune vast immense space, i.e., the sea rebuke repress surges violent waves
2 thou Aeolus, god of the winds
3 bind…brass in Homer’s Odyssey, Aeolus’ island was surrounded by walls of brass
4 still calm
5 Thy Pericles may now address Jove, who controlled thunder
6 nimble sudden sulphurous flashes lightning
8 Wilt…thyself i.e., will you spit out all of your thunder and lightning at once seaman’s whistle used to give orders
9 as…Unheard as silent as a whisper to the dead
10 Lucina goddess of childbirth
14 travails labor, with a pun on “travels”
16 conceit understanding
17 like likely
18 piece fragment/masterpiece
20 assist i.e., by ranting or weeping
27 Recall not do not demand the return of therein in that respect
28 Use…you deal honorably with you/deserve to be treated honorably by you
29 charge responsibility
30 mild…life i.e., may your life be mild
32 conditions way of life
33 rudeliest most roughly
34 Happy what follows may what follows be happy
35 chiding noisy/tumultuous
38 thy…here i.e., the cost of losing her mother is so great that in coming into the world Marina has already lost more than the world can ever repay her
39 portage porterage or freight charges quit repay
40 best eyes most favorable aspect
42 flaw gust/squall
46 Slack slacken bowlines ropes used to steady the sails Thou the storm
48 But sea-room if we have room to maneuver the ship brine sea
49 cloudy billow sea spray
51 works high is turbulent
55 still always strong in custom adhere strongly to our traditions
56 briefly quickly/immediately
57 straight immediately
58 meet suitable
63 hallowed with religious ceremony
65 for a monument instead of a tomb
66 aye-remaining lamps ever-burning votive lights belching spouting
67 humming murmuring
69 Nestor the name of an old and wise king in classical mythology
70 Nicander the name of a Greek poet, physician, and grammarian
71 satin satin-lined coffer box/chest
72 Hie thee go quickly
73 Suddenly immediately
74 beneath the hatches below deck
75 caulked sealed bitumed made waterproof with bitumen (pitch)
79 Alter…Tyre alter your direction (course), which is currently toward Tyre
84 Go thy ways go ahead/go about it
85 presently at once
3.2 Location: Ephesus
8 ministered given in assistance nature a person’s physical strength or constitution
9 ’pothecary apothecary, who prepares and sells drugs for medicinal purposes
14 bleak upon exposed to/in an exposed position next to bleak windswept
15 as as if
16 principals main rafters, posts, or braces of a building rend tear apart
20 husbandry industriousness
21 O…well an ironic dismissal responding to the gentleman’s self-depreciation
23 tire furnishings
24 repose sleep
25 conversant familiar pain labor
27 hold it ever have always believed
28 cunning skill/cleverness/knowledge
29 Careless prodigal/reckless
30 darken sully/dishonor
33 physic medicine
34 turning o’er authorities reading learned books
35 practice practical investigations
36 to my aid to assist me in healing blest infusions medicinal properties
37 vegetives plants/herbs
39 works causes
40 more content truer happiness in course in the pursuit
41 tottering honour unstable reputation
42 tie…bags draw all my pleasure from the acquisition of wealth
43 To…death i.e., which would please only a fool, or death, who will inherit in the end
45 Ephesus ancient city on the western coast of Asia Minor (in present-day Turkey), famous for its temple to Diana; also the setting of Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors
46 call…creatures acknowledge that they owe their lives to you creatures dependants
47 not not only
48 pain labor your…open i.e., your generosity
60 o’ercharged overfilled
61 constraint of fortune act commanded by fortune
63 close tightly caulked sealed bitumed smeared with bitumen (pitch)
65 billow wave
68 Soft! Wait a moment!
70 it i.e., the lid
73 cloth of state material fit for a queen (literally refers to the canopy over a throne) balmed embalmed/anointed entreasured kept as in a treasury
74 passport document providing identification/guaranteeing admission
75 Apollo Greco-Roman god of medicine, learning, and music perfèct me help me to understand characters handwriting/writing
77 drives a-land is driven ashore
79 mundane cost worldly wealth
80 Who whoever
85 even just now/fully This chanced tonight? This happened last night?
88 rough hasty/careless
90 closet private room/inner chamber
93 o’er-pressed overwhelmed spirits vital powers or energies (in medieval and early modern medicine, substances or fluids thought to permeate the blood and organs)
95 appliance attention/treatment
96 Well said well done cloths the Quarto text’s spelling could indicate cloths or clothes
98 viol a stringed instrument how thou stirr’st how slow you are block blockhead/idiot
101 Nature…her i.e., Nature sets her breathing again
102 above more than
103 ’gins begins blow blossom/bloom
107 heavenly jewels Thaisa’s eyes
108 fringes…gold Thaisa’s eyelashes
109 diamonds…water Thaisa’s eyes water luster/quality
112 Rare marvelous/exceptional
116 Most rare most unusual/extraordinary
120 is mortal would be fatal
121 Aesculapius Greco-Roman god of healing (the son of Apollo)
3.3 Location: Tarsus
3 litigious contentious
4 Take…you i.e., I cannot thank you enough, the gods will fully reward you
6 shakes of fortune damaging shocks delivered by fortune haunt you mortally pursue you with lethal intent
7 glance…us touch us and amaze us
13 Marina “child of the sea” (from Latin mare)
15 charge…withal entrust to your kindness/burden your kindness with
16 of in
17 she…born her behavior may match her high status
20 for…fall the people constantly bless Pericles/the people should always bless Pericles
21 neglection negligence
22 common body people of Tarsus
24 that i.e., that duty a spur encouragement
26 To…generation until all procreation stops/until Cleon’s descendants die out
28 to’t to do it
31 show ill in’t (shall) look unattractive
32 blessèd fortunate
35 respect esteem/fondness or care/attention
39 masked deceptively calm/withdrawn
3.4 Location: Ephesus
2 coffer coffin
3 character handwriting
4 shipped at sent to
5 even on just at eaning time time of giving birth (eaning means “lambing,” but writers also use it of humans)
6 whether there delivered whether I gave birth there
7 rightly accurately
9 vestal livery a virgin priestess’ clothing; Vestal Virgins tended the sacred fire in the temple of Vesta, Roman goddess of the hearth
11 this…speak you mean to do as you say
13 abide…expire stay for the rest of your life
16 recompense payment
2 to in accordance with
4 there’s there is/there as votaress priestess
5 bend direct/turn
6 fast-growing i.e., because fourteen years have passed
8 music’s letters the study of music
10 heart and place focal point
12 wrack ruin/destruction
13 earnèd justified
15 kind manner
17 ripe mature/sexually available
18 Hight is called (deliberately archaic) Philoten the name is taken from Gower’s Confessio Amantis
19 For certain assuredly
21 sleded separated into fine threads, ready to be used in weaving or embroidery
22 small slender
23 nee’le needle
24 cambric fine white linen originally made in Cambrai, France sound strong (the embroidery covers the fabric, making it stronger)
26 night-bird nightingale
27 records with moan sings in a mournful fashion/recalls sadly; alludes to the classical legend of Philomela, raped by her brother-in-law Tereus and eventually transformed into a nightingale
28 rich eloquent constant consistent/loyal
29 Vail pay homage
31 absolute incomparable
32 dove of Paphos white dove sacred to Venus, who rose from the waves near Paphos in Cyprus
33 Vie feathers white compete to see which had the whiter feathers
35 as given as compliments darks eclipses
36 graceful marks attractive characteristics/signs of virtue
37 rare exceptional
38 present immediate
41 stead assist
44 pregnant ready/compliant
45 Pressed pushed forward/forced into service
46 content pleasure (in watching the play)
47 wingèd Time Time was represented as an old man with wings
48 Post quickly lame…rhyme halting verse feet metrical units
49 never…way I could not express (convey) without the help of your imaginations
4.1 Location: Tarsus
3 soon quickly
5 love i.e., love for Marina
7 be…purpose behave like a soldier and do your job
8 goodly attractive
9 fitter more appropriate
10 only one and only
11 Thou art resolved you have decided
13 Tellus Roman goddess of the earth weed garment/clothing
14 green the green grass of the grave
17 Ay me alas
19 lasting perpetual
20 Whirring rushing/whirling
21 How now what is the matter keep remain
22 How chance how does it happen that
23 sorrowing sighing (thought to waste the blood and cause ill-health)
24 Have…me make me your nurse favour’s appearance is
26 o’er…margent along the edge of the sea (i.e., on the seashore)
27 quick invigorating
28 stomach appetite
33 With…heart i.e., as if we were relatives/of the same nation
35 Our…reports our unequalled beauty, as all agree (paragon plays on sense of “rival”) blasted blighted/withered
38 courses interests
39 reserve preserve
48 warrant promise/assure
50 softly slowly/gently heat your blood overexert yourself
59 Galling chafing/rubbing haling pulling/hauling
65 ladder tackle ropes or a rope ladder in the rigging of the ship
66 canvas climber sailor climbing in the rigging wolt out are you going
67 dropping dripping industry toil/labor
68 stem to stern from the front to the back of the ship boatswain ship’s chief officer
79 by my troth a mild expletive, meaning “by my faith” troth truth
82 la an exclamation (like “indeed”)
88 commission order
91 well favoured of a good appearance/pleasant-looking foreshow indicate
93 caught hurt received an injury
94 Good sooth in good truth (a mild expletive)
99 prize ship or property captured at sea
100 Half part fair shares (either in selling Marina or in raping her)
101 have carry suddenly immediately
102 roguing villainous Valdes may refer to Pedro de Valdes, a Spanish admiral in the Armada fleet of 1588
106 please themselves upon i.e., rape
108 ravished abducted/raped
4.2 Location: Mytilene three bawds the term “bawd” (one who sells another person for sex) could still be used of both sexes Pander a stereotypical name for a male bawd, derived from Pandarus who brought Troilus and Cressida together Bolt a projectile or a pin for fastening (both with phallic associations), “to bolt” means “to sift”
3 narrowly carefully Mytilene chief town of the Greek island of Lesbos
4 gallants fashionable young men mart market
6 creatures servants (i.e., whores)
7 but poor three only three
8 action sexual action
9 rotten diseased (“rot” means venereal disease)
10 fresh inexperienced/undiseased
11 If…trade if we don’t conscientiously provide our customers with good products (conscience also carries sexual puns: to have a ready conscience is to have an erection, and con is a slang term for the vagina)
13 ’Tis…bastards i.e., bringing up the prostitutes’ bastard children does not make us a profit
16 to…again and lowered them to prostitution as soon as they turned eleven
18 stuff prostitutes (used to refer to the genitals and to goods)
19 blow…pieces make them fall apart/disintegrate as a result of syphilis
20 sodden suffering from syphilis (i.e., stewed, as if in a sweating tub)
21 unwholesome diseased
22 o’conscience on my conscience (a mild expletive)
23 baggage slut
24 pooped infected or killed with venereal disease (“poop” is a slang term for female genitals)
25 roast…worms a meal for worms roast meat a body corrupted by venereal disease
27 chequins Italian gold coins (zecchini), worth between seven shillings, and nine shillings and a sixpence
28 proportion portion/fortune give over i.e., retire
30 get gain/make money (can also mean breed/copulate)
31 our…danger a good reputation isn’t gained as easily as profits (commodity), nor do the profits measure up to the risks (with a pun on commodity, referring to the whores)
33 if…hatched if we could earn enough while we were young, it would not be a mistake to close our door to business
35 sore severe
36 the…o’er the gods’ disapproval should encourage us to retire
38 sorts kinds/social ranks/professions as…we in addition to us; the Pander takes it to mean “as skillfully as we do”
40 profession career; puns on “profession” in the sense of “declaration of love”
41 calling vocation
42 Come your ways come along
45 gone through bargained (puns on “go,” to copulate)
46 piece piece of flesh: a pejorative term for a woman or girl so well and good
47 earnest deposit
48 qualities accomplishments
50 there’s…refused i.e., these are all the qualities she needs
53 be bated get it reduced (by) do it a small Dutch coin, worth around one-eighth of a penny (i.e., a negligible amount)
54 pieces gold pieces (often refers to the unite of James I, worth about twenty shillings)
56 presently immediately
58 raw unpolished entertainment reception of her clients
59 marks characteristics
61 warrant assurance/guarantee
66 Performance shall follow I will do as you say (puns on sexual performance)
73 done their part done well by you/fulfilled their obligations in you
76 are light have fallen (light can also mean wanton/promiscuous)
77 like likely
78 fault misfortune
82 taste have sexual knowledge of
83 of all fashions of all kinds/manners
84 difference range/variety complexions constitutions/appearances
87 an if
89 honest chaste/respectable
90 Marry by the Virgin Mary (a mild oath) whip the gosling confound the little fool; prostitutes were called geese, so a gosling might be a young or inexperienced prostitute
91 something…you have some trouble with you (with a sexual pun on do)
92 sapling a young tree bowed made to bend
95 by by means of
96 comfort give (sexual pleasure) to feed sexually gratify
97 stir you up arouse you
98 cried her advertised her
100 almost…hairs in minute detail/any number of times
106 testament will
107 Spaniard syphilis was known as “the Spanish pox” went…to was aroused by
109 his best ruff may indicate the Spaniard’s pleasure at the report of Marina and has further sexual connotations; ruff was frequently used to refer to the female genitalia and a torn ruff could be an emblem of the wearer’s moral frailty
111 Tonight, tonight! i.e., he’ll be here tonight
112 French syphilis was also known as “the French pox” cowers i’th’hams is bow-legged, indicating his sexual debility
113 Veroles from French vérole, “syphilis”
114 offered to attempted cut a caper leap or dance for joy; to caper can also mean to fornicate
115 he…it the attempt made him groan in pain
117 he…hither he was already suffering from syphilis
118 repair cure/renew
119 in our shadow under our roof scatter…sun refers to the baldness caused by syphilis and to French gold coins
121 traveller visitor (puns on “travail,” painful or laborious effort, used as a euphemism for sexual activity)
122 lodge house/intercept this sign either the sign of the brothel or Marina herself
124 You…you i.e., you will earn a lot of money (with a sexual pun on coming upon)
126 despise seem to despise
128 makes encourages
129 mere clear
132 take her home talk plainly to her
134 present immediate practice sexual activity
136 shame modesty/reluctance which…warrant which she is entitled to do (may refer to the bride or to Marina)
138 Faith…not i.e., some of the brides are bashful, others are not
140 cut…spit cut some meat from the joint while it is still roasting/have sex with Marina before the customers do
143 manner fashion
148 sojourner guest
149 you’ll…custom i.e., the greater number of customers they have, the more Bolt will earn in tips
150 this piece i.e., Marina piece girl/masterpiece good turn favor/good sexual experience
151 paragon embodiment of perfection
153 warrant promise/assure thunder…inclined just as thunder rouses eels from the mud, the description of Marina will (sexually) arouse the brothel’s customers (the phallic eels are paralleled with the customers’ penises)
154 giving out advertising
155 stirs up arouses lewdly inclined lecherous
157 Come your ways come along
159 Untried…keep i.e., I will protect my virginity
160 aid my purpose i.e., help me
4.3 Location: Tarsus
7 blood rank/social status
8 crown ruler
9 I’th’justice of compare in a fair comparison
11 drunk…face if Dionyza had merely toasted him, sparing his life, it would have been an act that suited her appearance better
14 Nurses…preserve those who look after a child cannot control its destiny as the Fates can, to raise it is not to make it live forever
16 cross deny
18 for…attribute to get a reputation for honesty
20 go to an expression of irritation
24 petty…Pericles alludes to the folklore tradition in which secret murders are revealed by birds petty small/weak hence from here
25 open reveal
29 but…consent merely gave his approval, not his initial consent approbation expression of approval
30 did not would not flow…courses derive from honorable origins (courses)
33 came dead i.e., came to be dead
38 blurted at derided malkin wench/slut
39 Not…day not worth greeting
40 course course of action
41 You…loving i.e., because you don’t love your own child very much
42 greets me presents itself to me enterprise of kindness action motivated by natural affection
46 yet still
47 epitaphs inscriptions on her tomb
48 characters letters
49 general universal
51 like…talons like the treacherous harpy, which uses its angelic face to deceive its victims, giving it the opportunity to seize them with its eagle’s talons harpy mythological creature with a woman’s face and torso and a bird of prey’s wings and claws
55 swear…flies complain to the gods about something as natural as the winter killing flies/blame the death of flies on winter, rather than acknowledging your own guilt
1 waste quickly pass over leagues distances (a league is around three miles)
2 cockles seashells/small shell-shaped boats and…for’t just by wishing for it
3 Making to proceeding to (usually applied to ships)
4 bourn boundary/limit
6 several different clime country/region
8 i’th’gaps in time gaps (between the scenes represented)
9 stages…story i.e., both the periods of time and the places in which events occurred
10 thwarting crossing/defying wayward contrary/hostile
15 late recently
16 time due time
18 Think…on imagine that thought pilots Pericles, and let your imagination go with the steering of his ship
21 motes specks of dust/particles shadows spirits/illusions
22 Your…reconcile i.e., I’ll explain what you see
23 foul show hypocrisy
24 borrowed pretended/assumed stands for stands in for
29 bears carries (with him/inside him)
30 tempest i.e., raging emotions mortal vessel i.e., his body
31 rides it out survives it wit understand/be assured (perhaps archaic)
32 is that is
39 Thetis…bestowed the sea (Thetis—a sea nymph and the mother of the Greek hero Achilles, often confused (as here) with Tethys, the sister and wife of Oceanus) swelled with pride at the birth of Marina (Thetis’ birth-child), and the land, afraid of being swamped (o’erflowed), decided to give Marina to the heavens
42 she i.e., Thetis stint cease
43 Make…flint furiously beating against the rocky shore
44 visor mask
47 bear permit courses life (with a nautical pun; a course is the direction in which a ship sails) orderèd managed/dictated
48 scene stage
49 heavy sorrowful well-a-day lamentation/grief
4.4 Location: Mytilene
4 divinity moral statements/talk about divine things
7 bawdy houses brothels shall’s shall we (“shall us”) vestals Vestal Virgins
9 road path; also a euphemism for the vagina rutting sexual activity
1 I…here I would rather have lost twice what she is worth than have had her come here
4 Priapus god of fertility and lechery undo…generation prevent the conception of the next generation/make a whole generation unhappy/ruin us financially
6 do…fitment do that which is fitting/proper (with a sexual pun on fit)
7 kindness goodness/sexual favor
8 quirks verbal tricks/quibbles master main/principal
9 puritan person with strict (or apparently strict) religious or moral convictions
10 cheapen bargain for
11 disfurnish strip/deprive
12 cavalleria society of knights/gentlemen (from Italian), i.e., the regular customers of the brothel swearers people who use bad language/delinquents
14 green-sickness chlorosis, an anaemic disease (a metaphor for female sexual squeamishness) for me as far as I’m concerned
15 rid on’t rid of it
16 the…pox i.e., sexual intercourse
18 loon rogue/commoner
19 peevish silly/spiteful/perverse/coy baggage a worthless or immoral woman/slut give way yield sexually
21 how how much for
22 the…bless I pray the gods to bless/may the gods bless entirely
25 that…legs if your clients (resorters) appear healthy (sound) (with a sexual pun on stand)
26 Wholesome iniquity healthy sin
27 deal withal have sexual dealings with
30 deeds of darkness sexual acts (a common euphemism)
32 what…say what I am saying
35 flesh woman in a sexual capacity/whore/penis blood seat of sexual appetite/semen/may also refer to menstrual or hymeneal blood white and red a conventional description of female beauty
36 rose maid/maidenhead if…but— the missing words are probably “a thorn”; Bolt says that Marina is sexually inexperienced: she would be a true rose if only she would have (i.e., accept) a thorn (i.e., a penis)
39 modest decorous/chaste
40 That…chaste i.e., modesty gives a bawd a good reputation (renown), no less than it gives a good character (report) to any number of (probably unchaste) people
43 that…yet is a still virgin; Bolt reduces Marina to her virginity, which is a rose whose stalk has not yet been broken in being plucked
46 she…sea she would satisfy a sex-starved traveler
50 have done presently be done soon
52 note pay attention to the fact that
54 worthily note pay due respect to
57 bound obliged
58 bound subject
59 in that i.e., in his government
61 virginal fencing quibbling about/defense of your virginity
62 use him kindly treat him pleasantly/acquiesce to his sexual needs He…gold he will reward you financially and (it is implied) sexually (line, copulate with; white aprons were associated with whores)
64 graciously virtuously/through divine grace
67 she’s…yet she hasn’t yet been trained sexually paced smooth in her gait (used of a horse)
68 work…manage train her manage training of a horse
70 Go thy ways go along
72 trade profession, i.e., prostitution (euphemistically referred to as trade)
80 go to’t i.e., have sexual intercourse
81 gamester prostitute
84 creature of sale whore
86 resort attracting such clientele; “house of resort” is a euphemistic term for a brothel
87 parts qualities
89 principal mistress (i.e., the Bawd)
92 herb-woman a euphemistic title for the Bawd, playing on the sexual associations of seed and root in the following lines
93 sets…iniquity plants and nurtures sinful activities, with sexual puns on seed (semen) and root (penis)
96 my…thee i.e., I will wink at your offenses
99 If…now if you were born to rule, prove it
100 If…it if you were appointed to rule/have risen to noble status, validate the judgment of those who thought you worthy of that position
102 sage wise/discreet
105 sty brothel
106 Diseases…physic i.e., it costs more to buy a venereal disease (through buying a whore) than it does to pay for the treatment
109 meanest most humble
115 clear blameless/unstained
118 be you thoughten assure yourself
120 savour smell/reek
121 piece of virtue virtuous woman/outstanding example
122 training upbringing/education
128 Avaunt begone/go away doorkeeper pander
129 prop it hold it up
132 course course of action peevish silly/spiteful/perverse/coy
134 cope canopy (the sky)
135 spaniel proverbially submissive dog
136 Whither…me? what do you want of me, plays on sexual sense of “have”
138 hangman…it or I’ll have you executed (pun on maidenhead makes a common equation between sex and death)
148 dealt…nobleman i.e., liberally (in his sexual behavior and/or his financial reward)
152 crack…virginity take her virginity by force (glass alludes to the fragility of the hymen and of women’s sexual reputation)
154 An if if/even if thornier…ground i.e., an even more resistant victim (ground, woman as land vulnerable to tillage)
155 ploughed penetrated/raped
157 conjures invokes supernatural aid
160 Marry, come up an exclamation used to express indignant or amused surprise or contempt
161 rosemary used in cooking and as a decoration at weddings and funerals; recommended by some herbalists to induce menstruation or abortion bays bay leaves are also used in cooking (perhaps puns on bay, vagina)
164 the jewel i.e., her virginity
167 thing with leering innuendo (thing can mean female genitalia)
168 What…be? i.e., what is the worst thing you could wish upon your enemy
172 do…command have the advantage of having authority over you
173 place position/job painèd’st most tormented
174 change exchange
175 doorkeeper pander
176 Coistrel knave/scoundrel Tib whore (a pet form of “Isabel,” a general name for prostitutes)
177 To…liable you are vulnerable to the angry attack (choleric fisting) of any rogue
178 thy…lungs i.e., you take nourishment from something that is unhealthy
181 would you would you have me
182 for…leg only to end up losing a leg
186 receptacles containers/vessels shores waterside rubbish dumps or sewage channels
187 by indenture on a contract/as an apprentice
189 professest make a profession of baboon baboons were proverbially lustful
190 own…dear value his reputation too highly
194 virtues accomplishments
200 basest groom lowest scoundrel
204 honest virtuous/chaste
205 my…little I have few friends
210 tractable compliant/cooperative
211 Come your ways come along
3 she…goddess-like i.e., she dances as well as she sings
4 lays songs
5 Deep learned/erudite clerks scholars dumbs reduces to silence nee’le needle
7 sisters closely resembles
8 inkle linen tape/linen thread silk silk thread or the silk on which she embroiders twin are identical to rubied red
19 His its sable black (used in heraldry)
20 hies hurries
21 supposing imagination
22 heavy sorrowful bark ship
23 what…action i.e., what is acted if might if it were possible
5.1 Location: off the shore of Mytilene
1 resolve satisfy/answer
9 some of worth someone of rank/value
10 fairly cordially/politely
12 aught you would anything you would like to know
14 reverent worthy of respect
16 die…do i.e., die honorably
18 triumphs festivities
21 place position/rank
24 this the past
26 prorogue prolong
27 Upon…distemperature? What is the cause of his mental disturbance?
28 tedious painful/tiresome
32 bootless fruitless/unavailing
36 mortal fatal
45 chosen choice/special allure win over
46 make…stopped i.e., penetrate the parts of his body that are currently so deafened that attempts to communicate can get only halfway in
48 all happy endowed with all good qualities
52 effectless useless
53 bears recovery’s name can be called a cure
60 graft grafted plant
61 inflict afflict (with famine)
62 at large without restraint/in detail
67 present i.e., gift that may restore Pericles to health
68 gallant fine/splendid
70 gentle kind honorable family/lineage stock descent/ancestry
71 rarely wed i.e., married to an exceptional person
72 consists is embodied/resides
74 prosperous beneficial artificial feat skillful accomplishment
75 aught anything
76 physic treatment/medicine
80 suffered allowed The Song see text at end of Textual Notes, here.
84 Marked he did he notice
93 justly weighed assessed equally
94 wayward hostile/erratic did…state was hostile toward my welfare
97 rooted out torn up
98 awkward casualties perverse mishaps
100 something…ear i.e., something tells me glows flushes with expectation
107 What countrywoman? i.e., what is your nationality
112 great pregnant/heavy deliver give birth/speak
114 square brows high and broad forehead
115 as wand-like straight as straight as a rod
117 cased enclosed pace gait/movement Juno Roman goddess, wife of Jupiter, renowned for stately beauty
118 starves…speech i.e., the more she says, the more they want to hear
124 to owe by owning them
129 Modest as justice alludes to the virginal goddess of justice, Astraea thou…in i.e., you seem to be virtuous enough for truth to make its home in you
131 relation story
132 To even to
133 friends relatives
141 opened revealed/made plain
144 warrant tell/assure likely appropriate
147 my endurance what I have endured
149 Patience i.e., a statue of Patience on a tomb
150 Extremity hardship act action
172 Motion? i.e., can you move
180 Delivered weeping said tearfully
182 dulled gloomy/lethargic
183 withal with
184 buried who I thought was buried
188 by the syllable in every word
194 drawn drawn his sword
197 Whither…me? i.e., where are your questions leading
198 imposture imposter good faith truly
200 be lives
204 general all things
205 like likely
209 Speaks who speaks
212 still silent/motionless
214 Give…gash wound me present immediate
216 O’erbear overwhelm
218 beget’st gives life to
221 as…us with shouts as loud as the thunder with which they threaten us
225 did ever sleep were laid to rest
239 When whereupon justify in knowledge assure yourself beyond all doubt
245 wild…beholding made delirious by what I see
248 doubt have suspicions about
249 sure certainly
252 music…spheres harmony supposedly produced by the movement of stars and planets on the concentric spheres thought to surround the earth List listen
253 cross contradict/challenge
254 Rarest most splendid/exceptional
257 nips compels
261 answer…belief prove true, as I expect
262 well remember recall you vividly/reward you handsomely
263 Hie thee thither go there quickly
265 maiden virginal/chaste
268 crosses trials/misfortunes Call speak out loudly/declare
269 give…life describe them faithfully
271 silver bow i.e., crescent moon
273 argentine silvery
276 purpose was for intention was to go to
279 blown swollen/wind-driven eftsoons shortly
2 More a little a little more
3 boon request/favor
5 aptly easily/readily
7 minstrelsy noisy music pretty din pleasing noise
11 wise way
12 he i.e., Pericles
13 bound i.e., by his promise to Diana/on his way
14 interim…confound make the intervening time seem as nothing
15 feathered briefness the speed of a bird in flight
20 by…doom thanks to the consent of your imagination
5.2 Location: Ephesus
1 just righteous/exact
2 confess admit/proclaim
7 Wears…livery i.e., is still a virgin
9 stars fortune/destiny
10 against…Riding as we were anchored
14 favour appearance
19 reverend appearer person who appears reverend
32 sanctity i.e., religious vows
33 sense i.e., desire bend direct licentious lustful
34 curb restrain spite of seeing in spite of what I see
46 sports amusements/entertainments
54 yielded born
59 substitute deputy
66 How possibly preserved by what possible means you were preserved
72 officer agent
77 all all that
78 came placèd came to be placed
82 Night oblations nightly/evening prayers
83 fair handsome
85 this ornament i.e., Pericles’ beard and long hair
86 Makes which makes to form into shape
89 of good credit credible
91 there in Pentapolis
94 son i.e., Lysimachus
95 do…stay i.e., frustrate our longing
96 untold that is untold
4 keen harsh/cruel
5 fell cruel/savage
7 descry see/discover
8 figure emblem
10 aye always/forever
11 fame report/rumor
12 to against
13 to…turn the citizens become angry
15 so in this manner
16 although…meant even though it was not done, but only intended