About the Author
Antony Cummins heads the Historical Ninjutsu Research Team, a project that documents, translates and publishes medieval documents pertaining to the shinobi of Japan. Alongside this, Antony has revived an old samurai school of war, Natori-Ryu, with the aim of educating people on historical Japanese warfare. His aim is to establish a correct understanding of Japanese military arts and to bring about a deeper understanding and respect for Japanese arts. He is on most social media platforms, and information can be found at www.natori.co.uk.
Also by the Author
Samurai and Ninja
Book of Samurai
Book of Ninja
Iga and Koka Ninja Skills
Secret Traditions of the Shinobi
Samurai War Stories
In Search of the Ninja
About the Translator
Yoshie Minami was born in Tokyo and currently lives in Saitama, Japan. She has a B.A. degree in Linguistics from the International Christian University. As a translator, she has a published イギリ ス英語の悪口雑言辞典 True English (東京堂出版—2009).