Understanding What is
Required to Follow the True
Path of the Shinobi


Shoninki Ichiryu no Shidai

The mystery of the ninja and their arts appears not only to be a fantasy today but also during the heyday of the shinobi themselves. After describing what types of shinobi exist in the world, Natori feels that he must tell the reader about what the ninja can and cannot do. He does this in a magnificent way via a beautiful dialogue between an ancient master and a hapless student. By using this short conversation, Natori gives us a taste of this deep and rich world, full of accursed moonshine, hideous mountain hags, and bloodstained shinobi running through the wild woods. Through this vivid visual he demonstrates the folly of thinking that a ninja is superhuman and instructs his pupil that a ninja is only a man, though he is a man with the pure strength given to him by solitude, perseverance, and determination—qualities we could all use and qualities he wishes to teach us.

The Master Says:

Try hard, try hard! The true mastery of the shinobi arts is difficult to attain. The masters of the past prepared themselves when leaving home for the eventuality that they might not see their beloved wife and children again. If they did manage to get home then they appreciated that they had barely escaped death thanks to the intervention of fate, hence, the reason for the ideogram for the shinobi, which is constructed of the symbol of a heart under a blade.

Alas, how sad it is! Even if you have mastered millions of skills and know them like the back of your hand, this path of the shinobi will leave you uncertain, you will be wanting to attain even more knowledge than you have. If you approach it too casually, you will be making a serious mistake, as nothing is more horrifying than this path.

The Apprentice Replies:

I have vaguely heard that the arts of the shinobi will enable you to creep into forbidden places or jump over a barrier that is meant to prevent you from escaping. Even if a father, a son, or brothers see each other, they would not be able to recognize each other while they are engaged in ninja covert acts. I have also heard that even if shinobi are seen from the front, even then, in the next moment they might attack you from behind, or while you assume they are behind you, you could lose sight of them again from moment to moment.

Don’t all these factors owe their marvel to the artistry of the mysterious path and the subtleties of this marvelous art of ninjutsu? What tradition could make it possible to realize such wonders like these? Surely this art cannot be attained by mere human beings? Please Master, teach me the truth of ninjutsu.

The Master Answers:

What kind of art, or what kind of reason have you heard in order to so misunderstand this path? Nothing is mystical about the true tradition and correct way of ninjutsu. Sometimes, the mind is substantial (jitsu) and form and reality are insubstantial (kyo) , this is the idea of truth and emptiness. At other times it is reversed, form is substantial while the mind is insubstantial. Every master of the shinobi arts has a “silver tongue” and is always eloquent according to needs of the situation.

The ninja can do the following things: sometimes talk about a province they have never been to, tell a strange story about a place they don’t know, pretend to be friends with a stranger, buy things with gold or silver they don’t have, eat food nobody gives, get drunk and go on a drunken spree without drinking alcohol, and learn every kind of art in the world. Also, oddly without being asked, they disguise themselves as a monk or Yamabushi mountain priest, even if they are not used to doing it; they have nowhere they cannot go; they camouflage themselves as women, such as an old mountain hag; they go out acting covertly all night and sleep out in the wilderness without shelter. Also, sometimes as a ninja, you may be startled at the call of a deer and search in panic for a hiding place while moaning in agonizing pain or grief or a sadness of which no one is aware. You will get annoyed with the moonlight and seek for the shelter of the shadows within a forest. Yet you have nobody to talk with or to unburden such toils and dismay, are any of these things a marvel for you at all? The people of the world around you may not know of your plight and engage you in conversation, but you must answer them, making comments on the truth of matters, this is also one of the deceptions of the shinobi.

The “insubstantial” (fujitsu 不実) also includes the “substantial” (jitsu ) within itself, this is a key to the realization of the true way of the shinobi, so do not get lost on the wrong path or be blinded or discredited by false ideas, help yourself to understand that you must keep within the true principles of this tradition.