The authors wish to thank the following:
Our many colleagues in the multidisciplinary project “Taste for Life,” which is supported by the Nordea Foundation, for their inspiration and for opening our eyes and senses to the many facets of the universe of taste: Per Lyngs Hansen for many insightful conversations and discussions about food and science; Mathias Porsmose Clausen, Jinsoo Yi, and Morten Christensen for microscopic examinations of a variety of foodstuffs and for discussions about, and interpretation of, the microcosmos of food—Morten also as well for illustrations and information about milk and milk products; Per Møller and Michael Bom Frøst for conversations and information about sensory science; Kasper Styrbæk and Per Lyngs Hansen for a description of their new method for the calcification of tomatoes; Karen Wistoft for inspirational conversations about taste and the food preferences of children; Mikael Schneider and his four girls, Mille, Tilde, Sally, and Vigga, for demonstrating the jelly bean test and for taking photographs of it; Kasper Styrbæk for his tremendous and creative collaborative work in STYRBÆKS’s kitchen, and Christopher Huus and Zenia Lærke Larsen for their participation in the photo sessions.
Gordon M. Shepherd for information about the interaction between mouthfeel and umami, and his book Neurogastronomy: How the Brain Creates Flavor and Why It Matters has been a major source of inspiration; Jens Risbo for information about cold sweeteners; Amy Rowat for information about the gastrophysics of pies and chocolate and for her recipe for the perfect apple pie; Morihiro Onodera, Tamaki Farms, for information about the perfect sushi rice and permission to use his photographs.
Julie Drotner Mouritsen for enlightenment about psychological concepts and topics; Inger Marie Mouritsen for recipes for old-fashioned crullers and old-fashioned crispy spice cookies; Atsushi Kono from Restaurant Torishin in New York for information about and instruction in preparing tori-yaki; Jeppe Ejvind Nielsen from Restaurant Ulo at Hotel Arctic in Ilulissat, Greenland, for conversations about mouthfeel in Greenlandic food and for making available the recipe for an iced dessert; Koji Shimomura from Restaurant Édition Koji Shimomura, Tokyo, for the picture of the dish with poached oysters in a seawater gel; Daniel Burns and Florent Ladeyn for the recipe for candied winged kelp, which was elaborated at the workshop Arctic Must! in Ilulissat in northern Greenland in January 2014; Liz Roth-Johnson for materials about gelation with starch; Josh Evans and Roberto Flore at the Nordic Food Lab for the recipe for Peas ‘n’ Bees; Anita Dietz for a recipe for seaweed pesto and accompanying photograph; Jens Møller Products for permission to reproduce pictures of Cavi-art products; Alexandre Ponomarenko and Emmanuel Virot for permission to use their pictures of how popcorn develops; Jinsoo Yi for bringing dried jellyfish from Korea; Peter Bondo Christensen for an underwater picture of seaweed; Thormar Thorbergsson, Odense Chokoladehus, for a contribution of chocolate; Kent Stenvang, Egehøj Champignon, for supplying mushrooms and giving a tour of the facilities; Palsgaard A/S for access to the firm’s picture collection and permission to reproduce pictures; Steen Aalund, Løgismose, for supplying molds for special smoked fresh cheeses; Poul Rasmussen for exceptionally speedy delivery of everything good from the sea, including starfish; Kristoff Styrbæk for photographs and engaged conversations about photography.
Jonas Drotner Mouritsen for photography, illustrations, and collaboration on integrating text and graphical design. Joaquim Marquès Nielsen for technical illustrations.
This book was originally written and published in Danish, the mother tongue of the authors. This edition is a fully updated and revised version of the Danish work, translated into English and adapted for a wider audience by Mariela Johansen. Mariela enthusiastically undertook the ambitious task of turning the multidisciplinary material into a coherent, scientifically sound, and very readable book. She did an admirable job not only in translating the text, but also of checking facts, ensuring consistency, and suggesting new material and valuable revisions. The authors are extremely appreciative of her devoted work on this project. We would also like to thank our editor, Jennifer Crewe, for her enthusiastic interest in the project, and Columbia University Press for professional and expeditious handling of the manuscript.
Last, but not least, we wish to thank our families, especially Pia and Kirsten, who have had to live with us as we undertook our journey through the universe of mouthfeel in the course of a couple of years. They have had to lend us their ears and palates on numerous occasions. Thank you for your constant support and love.