The Fields Beneath: The History of One London Village
Gillian Tindall
(Eland, 2010)
Georgian London
John Summerson
(Yale University Press, 2003)
A Guide to the Architecture of London
Edward Jones and Christopher Woodward
(Phoenix, 2013)
Lived in London: Blue Plaques and the Stories Behind Them
Emily Cole
(Yale University Press, 2009)
London: A Life in Maps
Peter Whitfield
(British Library, 2006)
London: A Social History
Roy Porter
(Penguin, 2000)
The London Encyclopaedia
Christopher Hibbert, Ben Weinreb, John Keay and Julia Keay
(Macmillan, 2008)
London Suburbs
Andrew Saint, et al.
(Merrell Holberton, 1999)
London: The Biography
Peter Ackroyd
(Vintage, 2001)
London’s Archaeological Secrets: A World City Revealed
Chris Thomas
(Yale University Press, 2003)
London’s Cemeteries
Darren Beach
(Metro Publications, 2011)
New London Architecture
Kenneth Powell
(Merrell, 2005)
Outcast London: A study in the relationship between classes in Victorian society
Gareth Stedman Jones
(Verso, 2013)
Played in London – Charting the Heritage of a City at Play
Simon Inglis
(English Heritage, 2014)
The Pleasures of London
Felix Barker and Peter Jackson
(London Topographical Society, 2008)
Religion in Medieval London
Bruno Barber, Christopher Thomas and Bruce Watson
(Museum of London Archaeology, 2013)
A Revolution in London Housing: LCC Housing Architects and their Work 1893–1914
Susan Beattie
(The Architectural Press, 1980)
The Small House in Eighteenth-Century London: A Social and Architectural History
Peter Guillery
(Yale University Press, 2004)
The Survey of London
John Stow
(The History Press, 2005)
British History Online
The British Monarchy
Dennis Severs’ House
London Architecture
London Parks & Gardens Trust
London Transport Museum
The Museum of London
Spitalfields Life
UK Parliament