AN HOUR AFTER THEY LANDED AT GARDEZ, NOBODY seemed to be in charge of getting them back to Bagram. Miceli and Walker, who had been waiting for a ride, walked over to a Chinook that was spinning up. It belonged to the British Royal Marines. Miceli asked the crew chief, “Hey, you guys going to Bagram?”


“Can we come?”


They loaded on and the Royal Marines stared at them, as if to say, What the fuck have you been through? The Brits gave them chocolate bars, and with their stomachs full, in the warmth of the cabin, they went to sleep. Sometime later, they felt the helo bank hard, and they woke up. They were not landing at Bagram after all. It was Kandahar. Miceli thought, Who cares where it is? It's not on Takur Ghar.