Mistake to Avoid

Though they’re different in English, the letters B and V are pronounced exactly the same way in Spanish. The letters are both pronounced “beh,” and they make a sound much like the B in English. There is no English V sound in Spanish.


First sing the alphabet song in English. Easy, right? Now, try singing the alphabet song in Spanish! The new pronunciations and the extra letter might make it tricky, but don’t give up. Keep practicing until you can sing the whole song without making a mistake!


Learning how to count in Spanish is lots of fun and very useful. Once you learn the numbers in Spanish, you can count all kinds of things, like pieces of fruit in the refrigerator, clothes in your closet, or birds in a tree in your backyard. Check out the numbers in the following list:

Number In Spanish Pronunciation
0 cero SEH ro
1 uno OO noh
2 dos DOS
3 tres TREHS
4 cuatro KWA tro
5 cinco SEEN ko
6 seis SEHEES
7 siete SEE EH teh
8 ocho O cho
9 nueve NUEH beh
10 diez dee EHS
11 once ON seh
12 doce DO seh
13 trece TREH seh
14 catorce ka TOR seh
15 quince KEEN seh
16 dieciséis dee eh see SEHEES
17 diecisiete dee eh see SEE EH teh
18 dieciocho dee eh see OH choh
19 diecinueve dee eh see NUEH beh
20 veinte BAIN teh
21 veintiuno bain tee OO noh
22 veintidós bain tee DOHS
23 veintitrés bain tee TRES
24 veinticuatro bain tee KWA troh
25 veinticinco bain tee SEEN koh
26 veintiséis bain tee SEHEES
27 veintisiete bain tee SEE EH teh
28 veintiocho bain tee OH choh
29 veintinueve bain tee NUEH beh
30 treinta TRAIN tah
31 treinta y uno TRAIN tah ee OO noh
32 treinta y dos TRAIN tah ee DOS
. . .   
40 cuarenta kwa REN tah
41 cuarenta y uno kwa REN tah ee OO noh
42 cuarenta y dos kwa REN tah ee DOHS
. . .   
50 cincuenta seen KWEN ta
60 sesenta seh SEN tah
70 setenta seh TEN tah
80 ochenta oh CHEN tah
90 noventa noh VEN tah
100 cien SEE EN
1,000 mil MEEL
1,000,000 millón mee YON
