School and Work
Escuela y trabajo


Say What?

Even though the word mapa ends in a, it’s masculine, not feminine. There are a few other words like this as well, including un día (day), un problema (problem), and un programa (program). You have to make an extra effort to remember these words that don’t follow the rule!

Diversión—Fun Stuff

Chances are, one of your favorite times of the day is probably recess, which is called el recreo in Spanish, and a playground is un patio de recreo. Some things you might find in a playground are un columpio (swing), un tobogán (slide), un cajón de arena (sandbox), and una trepadora (jungle gym),

At School—En la escuela

Right now, your job is to go to school. You probably learn about all different subjects at school and use lots of different tools to do your work. Here are some Spanish words to help you talk about your job as a student.

English Spanish
school una escuela
high school una escuela secundaria
college una universidad
backpack una mochila
calculator una calculadora
chalk una tiza
chalkboard una pizarra
class una clase
classroom un aula
crayons lápices de color
desk un pupitre
glue una cola
homework una tarea
map un mapa
notebook un cuaderno
ruler una regla
scissors unas tijeras
tape una cinta adhesiva
test un examen
quiz una prueba



Your job as a student can include all kinds of interesting classes. Here are some of the subjects you might be studying.

English Spanish
art el arte
biology la biología
chemistry la química
civics la educación cívica
English el inglés
French el francés
geography la geografía
German el alemán
gym, physical education la educación física
history la historia
home economics la ciencia del hogar
Latin el latín
math las matemáticas
music la música
science la ciencia
social studies los estudios sociales
Spanish el español

You probably like some classes in school more than others, right? What is your favorite class? To answer this question in Spanish, you would say Mi clase favorita es… Give it a try:

Mi clase favorita es _________________________________________ .

Gramática —
Additional Grammar

All of the words for different languages are masculine, so that’s easy. The hard part is that there are two Spanish words that mean language in general, and one is masculine and one is feminine: el idioma and la lengua.


Say What?

There are two different words for “letter” in Spanish, because there are two different kinds of letters. A letter of the alphabet is called una letra, while a letter that you write to a friend is called una carta.


Reading and Writing—Lectura y escritura

Reading and writing are two things that you have to do in almost all of your classes. Here are some of the things you’ll need.

English Spanish
book un libro
dictionary un diccionario
eraser un borrador
paper el papel
pen una pluma
pencil un lápiz
reading la lectura
to read leer
spelling la ortografía
How do you spell_____? ¿Cómo se escribe_____?
writing la escritura
to write escribir
to write in cursive escribir en cursiva
accent un acento


Papel refers to paper in general, like if you want to say “I don’t have any paper” (No tengo papel). When you want to talk about a piece of paper, you would say una hoja de papel or un trozo de papel. For example, “I need a piece of paper” would be Necesito una hoja de papel. Another interesting fact is that the word hoja means leaf, so when you say una hoja de papel, you’re literally saying a leaf of paper. This is what the term “loose-leaf” paper refers to!

Reading List

Use the clues to fill a letter into each empty box. When you are done, you’ll have a Spanish word that answers this silly riddle:


On the Computer—En la computadora

You probably do a lot of work (and play) on the computer. Here is the Spanish vocabulary you need to talk about the computer:

English Spanish
computer una computadora
database una base de datos
disk drive una unidad de disco
file un fichero
hard drive un disco duro
hardware un hardware
keyboard un teclado
laptop (computer) una computadora portátil
monitor un monitor
mouse un ratón
to print imprimir



Mistake to Avoid

Even though CD-ROM looks the same in Spanish and English, it’s pronounced differently. “See dee rom” in English, but “se de rom” in Spanish.

Diversión—Fun Stuff

If you don’t have an e-mail address and would like to create one, or if you have one and would like to change it, why not try making one in Spanish? For example, if you like cats, you might create an address like If you like the color blue, you might choose Ask your parent for help when you do this.

English Spanish
printer una impresora
to save archivar
software el software
spell checker el corrector ortográfico
to type escribir a máquina
word processor un procesador de textos
video game un videojuego

And of course what would a computer be without the Internet and e-mail?

English Spanish
e-mail el correo electrónico
e-mail address la dirección electrónica
Internet el Internet
Internet browser un navegador
Internet café un cibercafé
search engine un motor de búsqueda
Web page una página Web
Web site un sitio Web


Right now your job is to go to school, but when you grow up, you’ll have a different job. Perhaps you’ve thought about becoming a firefighter or a pilot. Here are the Spanish words for some cool careers:

English Spanish
actor/actress un actor/una actriz
artist un/una artista
baker un panadero/una panadera
butcher un carnicero, una carnicera
carpenter un carpintero, una carpintera
cashier un cajero, una cajera
cook un cocinero, una cocinera
doctor un doctor, una doctora
electrician un/una electricista
employee un empleado, una empleada
engineer un ingeniero, una ingeniera
fireman un bombero, una bombera
flight attendant un/una auxiliar de vuelo
lawyer un abogado, una abogada
maid una criada
mail carrier un cartero, una cartera
manager un/una gerente
mechanic un mecánico, una mecánica
nurse un enfermero, una enfermera
pilot un/una piloto
plumber un plomero, una plomera
police officer un/una policía
receptionist un/una recepcionista
secretary un secretario, una secretaria
student un/una estudiante
teacher un profesor, una profesora
waiter/waitress un camarero, una camerera
writer un escritor, una escritora



When talking about most jobs, you have to explain whether the person is a man or a woman. Sometimes the word itself is the same; for example, piloto is the same for men and women. But the article always shows the difference: un piloto (man) and una piloto (woman).