Food and Drink
Comida y bebida
Say What?
Meals and Courses—Comidas y platos
Eating new foods is one of the best things about traveling. If you go to Spain, Mexico, or another Spanish-speaking country, you’ll definitely want to know how to talk about food. Here are some useful words to know:
English | Spanish |
meal | la comida |
breakfast | el desayuno |
lunch | el almuerzo |
dinner | la cena |
appetizer | el aperitivo |
soup | la sopa |
sandwich | el bocadillo, el sándwich |
main course | el plato principal |
salad | la ensalada |
dessert | el postre |
Here is some general food vocabulary that you might find helpful:
English | Spanish |
bread | el pan |
French fries | las papas fritas |
jam | la mermelada |
mayonnaise | la mayonesa |
mustard | la mostaza |
oil | el aceite |
omelet | la tortilla (in Spain) |
pepper | la pimienta |
rice | el arroz |
salt | la sal |
sugar | el azúcar |
toast | el pan tostado |
And here are some useful verbs related to eating and drinking.
English | Spanish |
to be hungry | tener hambre |
to eat | comer |
to be thirsty | tener sed |
to drink | beber |
Fruit and Vegetables—Frutas y vegetales
Fruit and vegetables are good for you, but they taste good too! Here are the Spanish words for some delicious fruits:
English | Spanish |
apple | una manzana |
apricot | un albaricoque |
banana | un plátano, una banana |
blackberry | una zarzamora |
blueberry, cranberry | un arándano |
cherry | una cereza |
grape | una uva |
English | Spanish |
grapefruit | una toronja, un pomelo |
lemon | un limón |
lime | una lima |
orange | una naranja |
peach | un melocotón |
pear | una pera |
plum | una ciruela |
raspberry | una frambuesa |
strawberry | una fresa |
Don’t forget the vegetables!
English | Spanish |
artichoke | la alcachofa |
asparagus | los espárragos |
beans | las judías |
carrot | la zanahoria |
celery | el apio |
corn | la mazorca, el maíz |
cucumber | el pepino |
eggplant | la berenjena |
garlic | el ajo |
lettuce | la lechuga |
mushroom | el champiñón |
olives | las aceitunas |
onion | la cebolla |
peas | los guisantes |
potato | la papa, la patata |
radish | el rábano |
spinach | las espinacas |
tomato | el tomate |
For a fun way to learn all the names of the different vegetables in Spanish, pretend you’re making a big pot of soup. What kind of soup would you like to make? What ingredients would you include? Fill in the following blank spaces with some of the veggies you’d like to put in your soup.
Meat and Dairy—Carne y productos lácteos
Here are some different kinds of meat and seafood. You’ll want to know how to say all of these words in Spanish so you know what you’re ordering when you go out to eat at a restaurant in a Spanish-speaking country.
English | Spanish |
anchovy | la anchoa |
beef | la carne de res |
chicken | el pollo |
fish | el pescado |
ham | el jamón |
lamb | el cordero |
pork | el cerdo |
rabbit | el conejo |
roast beef | el rosbif |
sausage | la salchicha |
seafood | el marisco |
steak | el bistec |
turkey | el pavo |
veal | la ternera |