Food and Drink
Comida y bebida


Say What?

Be careful with the word sopa. It looks and sounds a lot like “soap,” but it really means “soup.” The last thing you want to do is order soap when you’re at a restaurant!


Meals and Courses—Comidas y platos

Eating new foods is one of the best things about traveling. If you go to Spain, Mexico, or another Spanish-speaking country, you’ll definitely want to know how to talk about food. Here are some useful words to know:

English Spanish
meal la comida
breakfast el desayuno
lunch el almuerzo
dinner la cena
appetizer el aperitivo
soup la sopa
sandwich el bocadillo, el sándwich
main course el plato principal
salad la ensalada
dessert el postre

Here is some general food vocabulary that you might find helpful:

English Spanish
bread el pan
French fries las papas fritas
jam la mermelada
mayonnaise la mayonesa
mustard la mostaza
oil el aceite
omelet la tortilla (in Spain)
pepper la pimienta
rice el arroz
salt la sal
sugar el azúcar
toast el pan tostado


And here are some useful verbs related to eating and drinking.

English Spanish
to be hungry tener hambre
to eat comer
to be thirsty tener sed
to drink beber

Fruit and Vegetables—Frutas y vegetales

Fruit and vegetables are good for you, but they taste good too! Here are the Spanish words for some delicious fruits:

English Spanish
apple una manzana
apricot un albaricoque
banana un plátano, una banana
blackberry una zarzamora
blueberry, cranberry un arándano
cherry una cereza
grape una uva

Gramática —
Additional Grammar

The Spanish verb tomar is often used with food and drink. It means “to take,” but you can use it to mean “eat” or “drink.”



Diversión—Fun Stuff

What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? Draw a garden with all of your favorites, and label them in Spanish. If you want to, you can use color, too. Use crayons or markers to draw the garden and then label the different fruits and vegetables with their names and colors. For example, for red strawberries, just write fresas rojas.

English Spanish
grapefruit una toronja, un pomelo
lemon un limón
lime una lima
orange una naranja
peach un melocotón
pear una pera
plum una ciruela
raspberry una frambuesa
strawberry una fresa

Don’t forget the vegetables!

English Spanish
artichoke la alcachofa
asparagus los espárragos
beans las judías
carrot la zanahoria
celery el apio
corn la mazorca, el maíz
cucumber el pepino
eggplant la berenjena
garlic el ajo
lettuce la lechuga
mushroom el champiñón
olives las aceitunas
onion la cebolla
peas los guisantes
potato la papa, la patata
radish el rábano
spinach las espinacas
tomato el tomate

For a fun way to learn all the names of the different vegetables in Spanish, pretend you’re making a big pot of soup. What kind of soup would you like to make? What ingredients would you include? Fill in the following blank spaces with some of the veggies you’d like to put in your soup.






Meat and Dairy—Carne y productos lácteos

Here are some different kinds of meat and seafood. You’ll want to know how to say all of these words in Spanish so you know what you’re ordering when you go out to eat at a restaurant in a Spanish-speaking country.

English Spanish
anchovy la anchoa
beef la carne de res
chicken el pollo
fish el pescado
ham el jamón
lamb el cordero
pork el cerdo
rabbit el conejo
roast beef el rosbif
sausage la salchicha
seafood el marisco
steak el bistec
turkey el pavo
veal la ternera

Diversión—Fun Stuff

Draw a big picture of a pizza and then add a whole bunch of vegetable toppings. Don’t forget to label all the veggies in Spanish! Some favorite combinations are spinach and mushroom, peppers and onions, or garlic and tomato. What are your favorites?


Do you remember learning that “fish” is un pez in the section on pets in Chapter 5? Well, pez is the word for a live fish, but when you talk about a fish that you’re going to eat, it’s called pescado.