Just for Fun
Sólo para diversión
Mistake to Avoid
In Spain and most of the world, “football” refers to what we call soccer. If you want to talk about the football played by the Chicago Bears and Dallas Cowboys, that’s called American football (fútbol americano).
Well, you’ve made it through nine chapters, learning the vocabulary you need to talk about what you have to do. Now you can finally learn how to talk about what you do to have fun!
If you like to play sports, here is the Spanish for the most common ones. For all of these, you can say Me gusta (I like) or No me gusta (I don’t like). You can also say Juego a (I play) and Miro (I watch).
English | Spanish |
baseball | el béisbol |
basketball | el baloncesto |
football | el fútbol americano |
golf | el golf |
hockey | el hockey |
rugby | el rugby |
soccer | el fútbol |
tennis | el tenis |
volleyball | el voleibol, el balonvolea |
For example:
English | Spanish |
I like baseball. | Me gusta el béisbol. |
I don't like tennis. | No me gusta el tenis. |
I play soccer. | Juego al fútbol. |
For a few sports you can’t use juego because you don’t play them. Instead, you use the verb for “doing” the sport. But you can still use Me gusta, No me gusta, and Miro. Here are some sports that you “use the action verb” instead of “play” as well as examples of Me gusta and Miro.
English | Spanish |
boxing | el boxeo |
skating | el patinaje |
skiing | el esquí |
wrestling | la lucha |
For example:
English | Spanish |
I box. | Yo boxeo. |
I like skating. | Me gusta el patinaje. |
I watch wrestling. | Miro la lucha. |
For games, you can use the same verbs as for sports: Juego a, Me gusta, and No me gusta. Here are some games you might like to play with friends and family:
Say What?
English | Spanish |
board game | un juego de tablero |
backgammon | el backgammon |
checkers | las damas |
chess | el ajedrez |
Chinese checkers | las damas chinas |
dominoes | el dominó |
parcheesi | el parchís |
card game | un juego de cartas/de naipes/de barajas |
bridge | el bridge |
gin rummy | el gin rummy |
hearts | los corazones |
poker | el póquer |
rummy | el rummy |
solitaire | el solitario |
Here are some sample sentences:
English | Spanish |
I play chess. | Juego al ajedrez. |
I like dominoes. | Me gusta el dominó. |
I don't like solitaire. | No me gusta el solitario. |
Here are some other games you might enjoy:
English | Spanish |
darts | los dardos |
pinball machine | máquina del millón |
ping pong | el tenis de mesa, el ping-pong |
pool | el billar americano |
videogame | un videojuego |
What do you like to play? Make a list of the games you like the most using the blank spaces below.
Now compare the games you like with the games your friends like. To ask a friend what he or she likes, ask, ¿Qué te gusta?
Here are some other kinds of outside activities that you might enjoy with your friends and family:
English | Spanish |
biking | el ciclismo |
fishing | la pesca |
gardening | la jardinería |
hiking | el excursionismo |
hunting | la caza |
jogging | el footing |
running | correr |
sailing | la navegación a vela |
skateboarding | el monopatinaje |
swimming | la natación |
And some indoor activities:
English | Spanish |
collecting | el coleccionismo |
cooking | la cocina |
jigsaw puzzle | el rompecabezas |
juggling | el malabarismo |
magic | la magia |
reading | la lectura |
writing | la escritura |
Here are some sample sentences:
English | Spanish |
I like cooking. | Me gusta la cocina. |
I don't like juggling. | No me gusta el malabarismo. |
TV and Movies—Televisión y películas
Watching movies and television can be fun, and they can also teach you all about people, places, and things. Here are some Spanish words relating to movies:
English | Spanish |
movie | una película |
movie theater | un cine |
action movie | una película de acción |
classic movie | una película clásica |
comedy | una comedia |
documentary | un documental |
drama | un drama |
horror movie | una película de terror |
romance movie | una película romántica |
romantic comedy | una comedia romántica |
Say What?
Mistake to Avoid
Be careful—programa ends in a, but it’s masculine. For example: Es un nuevo programa means It’s a new program.
Here are some words to use when talking about television:
English | Spanish |
television | la televisión |
cartoon | unos dibujos animados |
miniseries | una miniserie |
sitcom | una comedia de situación |
soap opera | una telenovela |
TV show | un programa de televisión |
TV station | una estación de televisión |
TV network | una cadena de televisión |
Music and Dance—Música y baile
Do you like music? Of course you do! But what kind of music do you like? Here are some words to help you chat about music:
English | Spanish |
music | la música |
blues | los blues |
classical | la música clásica |
country music | la música country |
folk music | la música folklórica |
heavy metal | el heavy metal |
jazz | el jazz |
rap | el rap |
rock and roll | el rock and roll |
With music, you can use Me gusta and No me gusta again. For example:
English | Spanish |
I like classical music. | Me gusta la música clásica. |
I don't like jazz. | No me gusta el jazz. |
Or maybe you like to play music. Here are some instruments:
English | Spanish |
drum | el tambor |
flute | la flauta |
guitar | la guitarra |
piano | el piano |
saxophone | el saxofón |
trumpet | la trompeta |
violin | el violín |
To play an instrument, use Toco:
English | Spanish |
I play the violin. | Toco el violín. |
I play the flute. | Toco la flauta. |
Do you like to dance? Here are some kinds of dance and some other words to use with them.
English | Spanish |
dancing | el baile |
ballet | el ballet |
ballroom dancing | el baile de salón |
hip hop | el hip hop |
jazz | el jazz |
modern | el baile moderno |
tap dance | el claqué |
Arts and Crafts—Arte y manualidades
If you’re the artistic type, you’ll probably find some of this vocabulary helpful.
Say What?
English | Spanish |
crocheting | hacer ganchillo |
embroidery | el bordado |
knitting | tejer |
macrame | el macramé |
needlepoint | el cañamazo |
quilting | hacer edredones |
sewing | coser |
weaving | tejer |
basketry | la cestería |
collage | el collage |
drawing | dibujar |
painting | pintar |
photography | la fotografía |
pottery | la alfarería |
rubber stamps | las estampillas de goma |
sculpture | la escultura |
scrapbook | el albúm de recortes |
woodworking | la carpintería |
If you could do whatever you wanted every day, would you just play the same game all the time, or would you play soccer on Monday and paint on Tuesday? Use the following spaces to write up your dream schedule—in Spanish, of course!