Just for Fun
Sólo para diversión



Mistake to Avoid

In Spain and most of the world, “football” refers to what we call soccer. If you want to talk about the football played by the Chicago Bears and Dallas Cowboys, that’s called American football (fútbol americano).


Well, you’ve made it through nine chapters, learning the vocabulary you need to talk about what you have to do. Now you can finally learn how to talk about what you do to have fun!

If you like to play sports, here is the Spanish for the most common ones. For all of these, you can say Me gusta (I like) or No me gusta (I don’t like). You can also say Juego a (I play) and Miro (I watch).

English Spanish
baseball el béisbol
basketball el baloncesto
football el fútbol americano
golf el golf
hockey el hockey
rugby el rugby
soccer el fútbol
tennis el tenis
volleyball el voleibol, el balonvolea


For example:

English Spanish
I like baseball. Me gusta el béisbol.
I don't like tennis. No me gusta el tenis.
I play soccer. Juego al fútbol.

For a few sports you can’t use juego because you don’t play them. Instead, you use the verb for “doing” the sport. But you can still use Me gusta, No me gusta, and Miro. Here are some sports that you “use the action verb” instead of “play” as well as examples of Me gusta and Miro.

English Spanish
boxing el boxeo
skating el patinaje
skiing el esquí
wrestling la lucha

For example:

English Spanish
I box. Yo boxeo.
I like skating. Me gusta el patinaje.
I watch wrestling. Miro la lucha.


For games, you can use the same verbs as for sports: Juego a, Me gusta, and No me gusta. Here are some games you might like to play with friends and family:

Say What?

There are a few different variations on skiing and skating in both English and Spanish. In Spanish, water-skiing is el esquí acuático, while cross-country skiing is el esquí de fondo. Ice skating is el patinaje sobre hielo and roller skating is el patinaje sobre ruedas.


English Spanish
board game un juego de tablero
backgammon el backgammon
checkers las damas
chess el ajedrez
Chinese checkers las damas chinas
dominoes el dominó
parcheesi el parchís
card game un juego de cartas/de naipes/de barajas
bridge el bridge
gin rummy el gin rummy
hearts los corazones
poker el póquer
rummy el rummy
solitaire el solitario

Here are some sample sentences:

English Spanish
I play chess. Juego al ajedrez.
I like dominoes. Me gusta el dominó.
I don't like solitaire. No me gusta el solitario.


In Spanish-speaking countries, there are two different decks of cards. The traditional cards you know and play with in the United States are known in Spanish as barajas francesas (French cards) and also there is a special deck of Spanish cards called naipes españoles that has different suits and drawings. The four suits in the traditional cards are called corazones (hearts), diamantes (diamonds), picas (spades), and tréboles (clubs). You already know all the numbers, but you might need help with the face cards: as (ace), sota (jack), reina (queen), and rey (king). And don’t forget the joker: ¡el comodín!

The suits in the Spanish cards are oros (gold pieces), espadas (swords), copas (cups), and bastos (clubs). They are very colorful and you can play games you’ve never even heard of before.

I Win!

Use the decoder to find a Spanish word to answer the riddle. What does this word mean? Add the numbers used in the answer and check the key!


Here are some other games you might enjoy:

English Spanish
darts los dardos
pinball machine máquina del millón
ping pong el tenis de mesa, el ping-pong
pool el billar americano
videogame un videojuego

What do you like to play? Make a list of the games you like the most using the blank spaces below.





Gramática —
Additional Grammar

Talking about hunting and fishing is different than talking about most activities, which need the verb Hago (I do). For hunting and fishing, you use Voy (I go) instead: Voy de caza (I go hunting) and Voy de pesca (I go fishing).

Now compare the games you like with the games your friends like. To ask a friend what he or she likes, ask, ¿Qué te gusta?


Here are some other kinds of outside activities that you might enjoy with your friends and family:

English Spanish
biking el ciclismo
fishing la pesca
gardening la jardinería
hiking el excursionismo
hunting la caza
jogging el footing
running correr
sailing la navegación a vela
skateboarding el monopatinaje
swimming la natación


And some indoor activities:

English Spanish
collecting el coleccionismo
cooking la cocina
jigsaw puzzle el rompecabezas
juggling el malabarismo
magic la magia
reading la lectura
writing la escritura

Here are some sample sentences:

English Spanish
I like cooking. Me gusta la cocina.
I don't like juggling. No me gusta el malabarismo.

TV and Movies—Televisión y películas

Watching movies and television can be fun, and they can also teach you all about people, places, and things. Here are some Spanish words relating to movies:

English Spanish
movie una película
movie theater un cine
action movie una película de acción
classic movie una película clásica
comedy una comedia
documentary un documental
drama un drama
horror movie una película de terror
romance movie una película romántica
romantic comedy una comedia romántica

Say What?

What do you like to collect? How about dolls (muñecas), stamps (sellos), rubber stamps (estampillas), coins (monedas), comic books (revistas cómics), marbles (canicas), or toy cars (coches de juguete)?


Diversión—Fun Stuff

Ask your parents if you can rent a Spanish movie and watch it together. This is a great way to see how much Spanish you’ve actually learned. When the movie is over, talk about what kind of movie it was, what you liked about it, and what you didn’t like about it.


Mistake to Avoid

Be careful—programa ends in a, but it’s masculine. For example: Es un nuevo programa means It’s a new program.

Here are some words to use when talking about television:

English Spanish
television la televisión
cartoon unos dibujos animados
miniseries una miniserie
sitcom una comedia de situación
soap opera una telenovela
TV show un programa de televisión
TV station una estación de televisión
TV network una cadena de televisión

Music and Dance—Música y baile

Do you like music? Of course you do! But what kind of music do you like? Here are some words to help you chat about music:

English Spanish
music la música
blues los blues
classical la música clásica
country music la música country
folk music la música folklórica
heavy metal el heavy metal
jazz el jazz
rap el rap
rock and roll el rock and roll

With music, you can use Me gusta and No me gusta again. For example:

English Spanish
I like classical music. Me gusta la música clásica.
I don't like jazz. No me gusta el jazz.

Or maybe you like to play music. Here are some instruments:

English Spanish
drum el tambor
flute la flauta
guitar la guitarra
piano el piano
saxophone el saxofón
trumpet la trompeta
violin el violín


To play an instrument, use Toco:

English Spanish
I play the violin. Toco el violín.
I play the flute. Toco la flauta.

Do you like to dance? Here are some kinds of dance and some other words to use with them.

English Spanish
dancing el baile
ballet el ballet
ballroom dancing el baile de salón
hip hop el hip hop
jazz el jazz
modern el baile moderno
tap dance el claqué

Arts and Crafts—Arte y manualidades

If you’re the artistic type, you’ll probably find some of this vocabulary helpful.

Gramática —
Additional Grammar

Another verb you can use is Escucho (I listen to). Escucho el rap—I listen to rap (music). No escucho el rock and roll—I don’t listen to rock and roll. And if you sing, you need the verb cantar. To say “I sing,” say Canto.


There are many different types of music and dance from the Spanish-speaking world: tango from Argentina, flamenco from Spain, mambo and rumba from Cuba, merengue from the Dominican Republic, and mariachi from Mexico. Have you heard of any of these?

Say What?

Art projects like knitting and needlepoint are done with yarn and string. In Spanish, both of these materials are called el hilo, but yarn can also be called el hilo de lana. If you need a needle, that’s una aguja.

English Spanish
crocheting hacer ganchillo
embroidery el bordado
knitting tejer
macrame el macramé
needlepoint el cañamazo
quilting hacer edredones
sewing coser
weaving tejer
basketry la cestería
collage el collage
drawing dibujar
painting pintar
photography la fotografía
pottery la alfarería
rubber stamps las estampillas de goma
sculpture la escultura
scrapbook el albúm de recortes
woodworking la carpintería

If you could do whatever you wanted every day, would you just play the same game all the time, or would you play soccer on Monday and paint on Tuesday? Use the following spaces to write up your dream schedule—in Spanish, of course!
