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Devon loved the sounds around him and Lucas understood that as he put Devon in the back seat of his Range Rover and turned on the music. Devon liked riding in the big car. The next week, Devon was with a new family, the Saunders. Devon would sit at the table and repeat sounds he heard from the toaster. Tic, tic, tic, pop. The coffee maker... blup, blup, blup, blup...shhhhh. The cat...meow, meow...hiss...hiss. The dog...woof...woof, woof and the phone...hel-lo...hel-lo. After four months of dealing with Devon, they placed him back in the foster care system. Devon’s house hopping went on for years, by the time he turned nine years old, Matthew's family found him and petitioned the courts for the adoption rights. The Matthews’ had taken in his twin brother Darren several years earlier and wanted to keep the brothers together as a family unit. After a long battle with the foster care and the court system, the Matthews’ adopted Darren and Devon but was disappointed that Devon speech and behavior had not improved. Within the first 8 months of his arrival, Devon developed his own Morse code. Devon had a beat for any and everything he wanted. Soft beats told his step-parents that he was hungry or thirsty. Stronger and longer beats identify sickness, like his belly or head hurt and loud beats meant that there was an immediate need, and everyone should stop what they were doing to help him. Devon worked on his speech as he worked on his beats. Tap..tap..tap. Cat...Cat...Cat, boom....boom...boom ... room...room...room. His stepmother Jasmine took an interest in Devon’s Morse code.