
The Sticks


Devon was taller than Darren by their twelfth birthday, even with his crooked leg which caused him to limp. What didn't stop growing was his appetite for hot pockets and chocolate milk when he played video games.  Jasmine was astonished how many hot pockets he could devour in ninety minutes. Devon didn’t like that everything he did had a time limit but he loved Jasmine.  Every Saturday, Jasmine took Devon and Darren to the park to play and Devon loved the outdoors.  One day, Devon found an old pair of drumsticks underneath a bench and from then on he carried the sticks with him everywhere he went. While Jasmine was at the park with the boys,  Micah worked in the basement and Nana cooked dinner.  For 8 weeks, Dad worked on a top-secret project and would not let the boys near it, especially, Devon. Devon and Darren wanted to know what he was doing but Devon hated getting into trouble. Devon had gotten into trouble at school a week before, He was a good student but Ms. Carney, the music teacher sent a note home to Jasmine about his behavior.  Devon didn’t think he did anything wrong when Erik threw a rolled piece of paper at him and he tossed it back. 

Unfortunately, Ms. Carney only saw Devon throwing the paper. When Devon pointed at Erik, Ms. Carney got annoyed. Pick up the paper Devon, I will not ask you again, she said irritated. Devon took out his drumstick and began tapping the desk.  Tic...tap..tic...tap....rap..rap..tic..tap.  Devon...Devon...her voice softened, stop drumming. But Devon didn’t listen.  He kept playing with the stick. Devontaé Savant, she said through clenched teeth.  Devon looked up and stopped tapping on the desk and commenced clicking the sticks against his head.  Ms. Carney exhaled as she tried to not get angry.  I'll pick it up, Erik got up from his seat, and ran past Devon’s desk.  It was my fault, he said as he reached down. Erik was Devon best friend; he was the only one in school who truly understood him and his Morse code.  After school, Devon went to Erik’s house as he waited for Nana.

After some time, Nana arrived at Erik’s house but she looked tired.  Nana Nia gave Devon a hug before taking him home.  Devon thought that Nana had a lot on her mind today because she didn’t talk much and allowed him to play his video games. Devon loved Nana just as much as he loved the Matthews. When he was younger, he remembered Nana planting kisses on his cheek before he went to bed. It was their secret but he didn’t like her wet kisses.  She put drool all over his face. Yuck! But Nana was old...almost 54 years old and old people drool a lot.  One time, Devon ate too many hot pockets at dinner, then he had a bad dream in which Nana died but Micah told him a story about Methuselah. Micah said that Methuselah was over 200 years old when he died. And he reassured Devon that Nana was not going to die anytime soon. Devon was so entrapped in his video games that he did not hear Jasmine opening the door and entering the house. Devon, she called his name with an unusual tone. Devon got up from the living room couch and walked into the kitchen as mom was putting away grocery.  Devon sat at the table tapping his drumsticks softly. Tap..tap..tap...tap. Devon, you are grounded. No video games for a week. No drumsticks for a week.  Bam...bam..bam...bam...Devon started hitting the table harder.  Jasmine’s eyes were piercing a hole in Devon stick as she closed the refrigerator door. 

Shhhh....shhhh.....shhh.....she said to Devon ....sssshhhh.....sssshhhh.  Devon slid the sticks over the bamboo placemat on the table. Devon knew he was in trouble and didn’t know what to do. Mom held out her hand as she positions herself across from the table. Devon, she said softly, give me the drumsticks. Give them to me...she repeated as she took a seat across from him. Devon shook his head fervently and spoke. What? As a huge vein popped on the forehead of Jasmine.!?, Devon repeated.!  Devon was being defiant. Just then Nana walked into the kitchen. She thought jasmine was going to bust a blood vessel in her head. Mom, I can’t deal with this right now, Jasmine said to Nana in a loud tone.  Okay...okay...Jasmine. What happened? Nana said in a soft motherly tone. Jasmine ranted about her day at work first, then the events that occurred on her way home and finally what Devon did in school.  Nana turned towards Devon and held out her hand, with a stern look. When Devon didn’t move, she shook her hand demanding the sticks.  Devon threw the drumsticks down and bolted to the door with all the energy he could muster.  He knew dad was home and needed his help.