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Devon took the sticks and began to play. He played with the sticks and without the sticks. Devon played beats only he knew. Beats that magically appeared in his head or he felt in his hands. Devon played every instrument in that room. After what seems to be hours, Sammy got up from the cloud and escorted him to a different room that had different colors. This room was much bigger than the first room, and it was filled with children just like him who had disabilities. Most of them had virtual hands, feet, eyes, ears, arms, and mouths. It was spooky and amazing. Somehow, Devon could see their disability. They looked whole, normal. Devon sat next to a guy named Calvin and a girl named Dori. Calvin was an Asian boy about 16 years old and Dori was a 10-year-old, Guyanese girl. As the lights changed, the beats and music changed. There were no lyrics, just beats, and melodies. Calvin appeared on a screen when the lights turned blue. Calvin took the lead beat and everyone else in the room followed. Devon didn’t know how he knew what to play but they all knew. The music was heavenly. Dori’s light turned yellow and her beats were more tribal in origin. There were about 15 kids playing Guyanese tribal beats. Devon light was pink. Devon thought it odd that he would have a pink light, but his hands started moving as soon as he saw his name appear on the screen. Devon didn’t know what he was playing but he knew it had to do with the rhythm of his heart and energy around him. Devon could not stop playing. He was playing the steel drum as if he was born in Haiti. Tic...tap..tic...tap..ticky... ticky...tap....tap... .......rap..tic..tap. That's my beat.
Tic...tap..tic...tap..ticky...ticky.....ticky.....tap...tap. Devon realizes that everyone had their own special beat. They went around the room until all of the kids had played their beat. Afterward, the group formed a line and went into a massive dining area. There was every type of fruit imaginable on the table. The children all grabbed a seat and waited. The room was so crowded that Devon didn’t have any idea what they were waiting for. Then he heard a man's voice. Children, we have a few new guests here today. Make sure you greet them with kindness and show them love, as the man began reading off a host of names. By the time Devon heard his name, he had already eaten the weird piece of green fruit with purple spikes and a pink rim. Inside the fruit was brown stuff that tastes like pizza and the spike taste like French fries. Devon didn’t know how or why he thought the spikes were safe, but they were. After eight pieces of the green fruit and two black watermelons, Devon was full. Sammy came back to his table and took the group to the south gate. The Southgate was on the east side of what appeared to be heaven. There were hundreds of doors. The floors were smoky and solid-like. Sammy instructed two huge beings that look like creatures out of a movie, to help with the assignments. Devon was so happy after dinner. He could hear the thought of the other kids and they could hear him. Devon didn’t feel out of place anymore in this world. Sammy took Devon to a huge door and opened it. Inside was an enormous bed and dresser. Devon walked in and opened the dresser drawer. After opening the draw, a puff of smoke exited it, with a quick drum beat. Inside were a white gown and white slippers. Devon changed behind a large wooden structure. On the white gown was his name and a pair of drumsticks embroidered on the left pocket. As he looked up to talk to Sammy, he finally felt tired. Without moving her lips, Devon could hear Sammy wishing him a good night as she exited the room. Devon laid on the big bed and fell fast asleep. Devon, Devon....it’s time to get up, as Sammy touched his shoulder. Devon, it’s time to go back now. Your family has been praying to God, Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary all night and God has answered their prayers. You have to go back to Earth. I don’t want to go back. Devon was screaming in his mind. Where is God? I need to talk to him. He gave me autism and I hate the way I feel in my body. I am always getting in trouble, nobody understands me, I don’t have a lot of friends. I can’t go to a normal school and when I get older, I wouldn't be able to have a wife and kids because of this disease he......he gave me. I hate him. I hate him...Devon said as tears streamed down his face. I don’t want to go back. Everybody is the same here and they like me. I'm no fun when I am down there. My mother is tired of me. My dad is avoiding me, and I hate what God did to me. Sammy just listened to Devon as he ranted. She put her arm around Devon as he cried. When he finished crying, Devon laid his head on the pillow and he went back to sleep. Sammy rushed out because she knew God, Jesus and the tribunal heard what Devon said in anger. Sammy rushed to the Westside of the Northgate to hear God's response. She didn’t know how humans could bring their emotional baggage to Heaven but Devon did. She ran down the corridor and slid the rest of the way until she was in front of the Angel Gabriel. Gabby...she said out of breath. What did he say...she asked between puffs? They are still meeting, Gabriel said without turning around. What should Devon do? She asked kneeling down before Gabriel. Gabriel looked over his right shoulder and peered down at Sammy. Sammy why are you out of breath, this is heaven the air is different than on Earth. What? Never mind about me. When will Devon get an answer? Patience Sammy, patience. Sammy sat outside the door for what appear to be hours. They are sending him back down, Gabby said to Sammy. What? They are sending back down, Gabriel reiterated. But the door didn’t open...Sammy said in exasperation.