
The Miracle


As they traveled Devon met a girl named Sarah in Houston, Texas who he later got married to.  The next year, Sarah got pregnant with twins.  They named them Micah and Jestine. His family lived a Christian life and went to church frequently. Devon always kept a piece of the drumstick with him, usually under his skin. When the boys were 5 years old. Devon and Darren joined the firefighters' brigade in Houston. There they worked as real heroes rescuing people from burning building and assisting in emergency services.

Then one night, after putting the boys to bed, Devon sat in the recliner reading his bible on his tablet.  He eventually fell asleep and dreamt of Sammy and God. In the dream, God showed him that the drumstick was made from the wood that Jesus carried through town, on his way to Calvary. When they crucified Jesus, they buried Jesus in the tomb and took the lumber and chopped it into small piece and left in a landfill of lumber.  A man playing the flute picked up a piece of wood in the pile and went home to whittle a new flute from it but after he saw the dark stains, he decided to make drumsticks for his son. Ishmael was sickly, a boy around the age of 9 years old.  He didn’t go outside much because of his illness, so his father Elias decided to make him a toy because he helped is mother Elisha with the house chores. Ishmael father didn’t know that the drumsticks he gave Ishmael was stained with the blood of Jesus, and within a few weeks, Ishmael recovered from dropsy. Elias continued to make wooden instruments from the wood he found in the landfill. Devon saw more than fifty instruments lying in the corner of Elias house.  Then with a jolt, Devon woke up at the sound of his wife’s voice.  Devon, it’s time for breakfast, Sarah said from the bottom of the stairs.  Yes, dear....he answered through sleepy eyes.  I'll be down in a minute he replied. Oh man! Devon wanted to know what happened to the other instruments but Sarah's voice interrupted his dream. At least, he finally knew the truth about the drumsticks. Devon never told anyone about the dream. Six months later, Jestine was diagnosed with a condition similar to Autism.  Sarah was sad but Devon knew that everything would be okay because he had his magical drumsticks and God, the Creator of the universe in his corner.