
Various colleagues, librarians, archivists, friends, journalists’ descendants and members of the public helped in the research and writing of this book. Journalist Frank Mackey, grandson of Mont-Blanc’s pilot Francis Mackey, and Explosion historian John Armstrong generously offered advice after early readings. Gene Allen at Ryerson University reviewed a draft of the section on James Hickey, Maxwell Backer and the role of the Halifax Canadian Press Bureau in covering the disaster.

In Halifax-Dartmouth, I thank the following: Creighton Barrett (digital archivist, Dalhousie University), Barry Cahill, Harry Chapman, Don Connolly (CBC Information News Radio), Paul Coote (branch manager, Superline Fuels), Cathy Driscoll-Cainen (Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax), Anthony Edwards, Dr. Norman Fergusson, Philip Hartling (reference archivist, Public Archives of Nova Scotia), Janet Hathaway (Archives and Special Collections, University of King’s College), Rick Howe (News 95.7 Radio), Karen Kavanagh, Stephen Kimber, Janet Kitz, Chris Lambie (business editor, Chronicle Herald), Diane Landry (archives assistant, Dalhousie University Archives and Special Collections), Laurent Le Pierres (editorial writer/columnist, Chronicle Herald), Louise Le Pierres (librarian, Chronicle Herald), Crystal Martin (curator, Dartmouth Heritage Museum), Janet Maybee, Susan McClure (municipal archivist, Halifax Regional Municipality), Joe McSweeney, John and Paul Moore, Joan Payzant, Patricia Poll, Nancy Ring, Alan Ruffman, Garry Shutlak (senior reference archivist, Public Archives of Nova Scotia), Carolyn Simpson (Spring Garden Library Reference Department), Katie Wooler (museum and communications coordinator, Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame) and Lois Yorke (provincial archivist and director, Nova Scotia Archives).

In Ottawa, Library and Archives Canada senior archivist Robert Fisher and reference archivist Sophie Tellier gave valuable assistance in providing archival records related to the Toronto Daily Star’s mystery woman reporter and Ottawa Journal reporter Grattan O’Leary. In Vancouver, Paulus Vrijmoed kindly provided a translation of Explosion-related information in the 29 December 1917 Dutch newspaper Nieuw Rotterdamsche Courant. I am also grateful for the assistance of Kate Rutherford and Lucy Lariviere (Greater Victoria Public Library), Amber McAlpine-Mills (New Brunswick Museum), Quaestio Virtual Reference Service staff (New Brunswick Public Library Service, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick), Patti Johnson and Francesca Holyoke (University of New Brunswick, Library Archives and Special Collections), Nan Harvey (Colchester Historical Society), Esther Bye (human resources advisor, Canadian Press), Liisa Tuominen (Ottawa Citizen), Jessica Blackwell (librarian, Special Collections and Archives, University of Waterloo), Toronto Public Library reference department members, Monica Ball (Reference Services, Manitoba Legislative Library), Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Quebec (BAnQ) staff and Sarah Hull (administrative assistant, City of Beaumont, Texas).

Assistance with American journalists was kindly provided by Boston Public Library Reference Department staff, in particular Katie Devine, Michele Brann (librarian, Maine State Documents ), Charles Shipman (reference librarian, New Hampshire State Library), Gerrie Denison (reference librarian, Vermont Stare Library), Ann Poulos (reference librarian, Providence Public Library), Professor Jacob Remes (SUNY Empire State College), Professor Richard Musser (Kansas University), Professor Chris Daly (Department of Journalism, Boston University) and Roy Flukinger (senior research curator, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas).

I am profoundly thankful for help from the descendants of several Canadian and American Explosion journalists whose writing is featured in Bearing Witness: Patricia Brennan and Eileen Rouse, granddaughter and great granddaughter of Halifax Canadian Press Bureau superintendent James Hickey; Lucinda Boucher and Susan Lynch, granddaughters of Canadian Press journalist Andrew Merkel; Rhonda LeBlanc and Donna Sheldon, great nieces of Daily Echo reporter John Ronayne; Margaret Brooker and David Gowen, granddaughter and great grandson of Daily Echo reporter James L. Gowen; Jim O’Regan, nephew of Morning Chronicle columnist Mary “May” O’Regan; Barry O’Leary, grandson of Ottawa Journal reporter Grattan O’Leary; Diana Zimber and David Gorman, grandchildren of Ottawa Citizen reporter Tommy Gorman; Thomas O’Leary, son of St. John Globe reporter Thomas O’Leary; Carol Eagles and Heather Bagg, great granddaughters of George Yates (Prime Minister Robert Borden’s private secretary); Dr. Scott Pigford, grandson of Halifax Herald editor Peter Lawson; and Vermont Senator Dick Sears, grandnephew of Boston American reporter/photographer Richard Sears.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to award-winning Halifax Explosion author, historian and musician Joel Zemel and Halifax marine geophysicist, author and Explosion/Titanic scholar Alan Ruffman. Joel prepared the book’s photographs and maps and Alan contributed the Foreword. Both also provided generous feedback as the work progressed. Finally, Bearing Witness would not have been possible without the assistance of my editor Errol Sharpe at Fernwood Publishing and the support of my wife Christine Moore.