Author: It’s getting nasty though.
Noam: Is it getting nasty? I think it’s calming down.
Author: Do you think it’s calming down? Well, maybe. I don’t know.
Noam: Why’s it getting nasty?
Author: I think people will gather themselves … It’s all just stuff online. Even that firebomb tweet that you had. People are taking against things, and it’s people who are very angry anyway and feel they want to have a fight for some reason, but it’s not necessarily people who are thinking things through carefully.
Noam: Listen, I went down there for the first time to watch him, because I hadn’t really watched him in person all through this, and I was really struck by how small this was. This tiny room, and ninety-five people watching him, and they’re all laughing. And yes, this is a man who did something shameful in his past, not exactly unique to Planet Earth in that way, and when you take away from that this nonsense that’s said about us, the way we’re treating women, and the way we’re a gatekeeper, and, like, ‘Dworman is such a powerful figure’, and all this nonsense, really, you know, then you say this is such a small event. It’s a man, a broken man, kind of speaking to a small group of people who are voluntarily listening to him and laughing, yet hundreds of millions of people who couldn’t find Yemen on a map regard this as vitally important to the world. It’s like, guys, it’s stunning.