Days earlier, Erika’s on holiday with her husband. It’s their first time away since becoming parents. They love comedy. The Cellar has great reviews, plus it’s in a fun part of town. They get tickets. Liza Treyger is the emcee. She does her Holocaust jizz joke. She usually does her Holocaust jizz joke if a darker comedian’s coming on, just to get it out of the crowd’s system. Liza introduces Sam. He asks if anyone heard about the baby who was killed by an alligator. He doesn’t use the child’s name. He says baby instead of child. He says he doesn’t want to come across as a right-wing nut, but maybe if the baby was carrying a gun? He asks if anyone watched the televised funeral. It wasn’t televised, that’s part of the joke. He describes what he saw. Erika stands up and walks out of the showroom. On her way out she complains to Liza. Liza tells her people are offended by different things and she can leave if she wants. She leaves. She cries. She tweets,

Comic @sammorril makes part of act jokes about 2 yr old being killed by alligator in Disney. He should be boycotted. I left immediately

Sam retweets it and adds his comment. Other people tweet to Erika. Sam doesn’t want it to be a thing. He feels bad. Erika reads the tweets from strangers,

People like you don’t belong at comedy shows

It’s called a comedy show, they tell jokes and shouldn’t be politically correct.

Comedians should have most freedom of speech

So his set was fine until he made a joke YOU were sensitive about?

if something offends you then it has too much power over you (Louie CK)

I hope your baby is eaten by an alligator, and then gets reincarnated into an alligator and eats your 2nd baby