Rick Crom: Everybody saw it. It suddenly became this internet sensation. And it got such great press, people like, ‘Oh my god, this is the most honest ten minutes in television.’ So I was sitting up here with my students and Louis walked in and he looked at me and said, ‘We made something good’, or, ‘We did something good’, I think that’s what he said. I said yeah, ‘It’s an amazing thing.’ And we started talking and one of my students who was drunk got up and tried to assault him or, you know, ‘I love you’. Then we came over here and I said, ‘But I’ve got to tell you, I saw a couple of things in the gay press where the origin of the word “faggot” is not what I said it was, but that’s what I heard, it’s a common story.’ And he looked at me and said, ‘That’s fiction. The show is fiction. Don’t worry about it.’ But I was worried. I thought, ‘Oh my god, they’re going to get mad now.’