Keith: We started our table right around here. You know, a nice rowdy table. Me, Jim Norton. Wherever we were, it was like a table, me, Rich Vos, Jim Norton, Patrice O’Neal. That was it. A certain crew. We come here and play chess and all that. And we see Ray Romano and them back there, quiet, talking about who got Leno. And we set up here and just played chess and fucking screamed at each other, and talked about shoes, shirts and all that shit.
Author: And did Manny hang around with you guys?
Keith: No, why would he? We were just trash really.
Author: So he was up there with Ray Romano.
Keith: He was back there with Ray, Colin, maybe Jon Stewart and all them, but we were here creating a ruckus. We would always play chess, you know, get the chess board out. I scream at Norton. I tease Norton a little bit.
Author: What would you tease him about?
Keith: Lift his pieces up. That prison shit. Like, ‘Look at you.’ I lift his queen up, ‘What kind of panties she got on? Oh, she got good panties.’ And he’d get mad, ‘Come on man, don’t touch my pieces.’ ‘She got real good panties.’
Author: So, childish stuff.
Keith: Of course, why not?