Author: You said that someone heckled you on the stage at the Cellar, do you remember what that man said?
Carol Siskind: I’m trying to … I know my response was … I said, ‘It’s hard for you seeing a powerful woman up here, isn’t it?’ I remember that was my response, because very much in that moment I got it and I don’t … I’m trying to remember. I don’t think it was about my appearance, but it may have been, because you know, that was a big thing for women back then, how you dressed, what you look like. I mean it still is for a woman, let’s face it. That’s the first thing people see and … You know, I had a friend who was very well-endowed and she would dress in these huge sweatshirts, you know, she was trying to draw attention away from her bust, so that was always an issue. I’m trying to remember what he said. I think it was more a comment on some of my material.
Author: So his comment hasn’t stuck with you, but what you said to him has, and you think it was, ‘It’s hard for you to see a powerful woman up here’?
Carol: Yes. As a woman, making an audience laugh puts you in a very powerful position.