Chapter Twenty-Four



The next day Ronald came by, introduced himself to Ma and asked if he could see Sarah. Ma looked him over good. "You're Rebecca's cousin, aren't you?"

"That's right. How did you know? I don't think we've been formally introduced."

"Word gets around in a small town. Well, it's nice to meet you. They call me Ma, and you can too. Are you staying long in Vada?" Ma asked not bothering to let Sarah know yet that he was here. She kept looking over her shoulder at him, observing his neatly trimmed blond hair, his all seeing green eyes, and his honest approach. She liked him. He looked a little citified, but she liked him.

"I'm not sure. I'm considering moving here, though. Rebecca needs so much help. She's been lost since her father died and I'm trying to get her settled in."

"She always was a needy young lady. That's because her father spoiled her so." Ma quipped, then she put her hand over her mouth as though she'd said too much. "Sorry I tend to say too much sometimes."

Ronald laughed. "I think you have the gist of it, yes ma'am."

Ma looked at him and chuckled.

"The more you get to know me, the more you'll understand I don't hold back about people. So where did you and Sarah meet up?" Ma asked her curiosity getting the best of her.

"We sort of bumped into one another in town. I introduced myself and was taken with her the minute I laid eyes on her. I'm here to ask her to the dance, next Saturday before someone else does." Ronald smiled as Ma brought him a cup of coffee.

"Oh that's fine, just fine. Well, let me go tell her you are here, then." Ma smiled and headed up the stairs.

"Thank you," Ronald smiled as he stirred cream into his coffee.

Sarah came downstairs a bit surprised to see him, even though he had said he'd come by one day.

"Ronald, so nice to see you again…" Sarah seemed a bit embarrassed, as she wasn't dressed for a caller. She wore her everyday dress. But he didn't seem to notice.

"I've come to ask you to the dance," Ronald stood up and came to take her hands in his.

Sarah was flustered at his forwardness.

"Let's go….out on the porch…" Sarah suggested.

"Fine…" Ronald nodded to Ma who was watching with an eagle eye.

As they went outside, the cool morning breeze forced Sarah to wake up and appreciate the morning. She heard the mockingbird singing his little heart out, and she smiled to herself. Some things she could always depend on.

Ronald seemed to be waiting for her answer. "Well, I'd love to go with you to the dance, Ronald, thank you for asking."

"Wonderful!" he smiled and let out a breath.

He sat down on the swing and waited for her to join him, but Sarah stood by the railing. She sized him up quickly. He dressed impeccably, always handsome.

"I was going to escort Rebecca, my cousin, but she practically begged Luke, the Reverend, to take her." Ronald informed her.

"I doubt she would have to beg him to take her." Sarah sighed. "She's a beautiful woman."

"He really didn't seem to want to. I could tell he was hedging. But he was gracious enough to finally ask her. Rebecca is quite pushy when she wants something. Comes from being royally spoiled by a father who doted on her endlessly. I think she's setting her cap for him. And Rebecca usually gets what she sets her mind on."

Sarah's heart plummeted to the ground, but she didn't let on. She couldn't. Suddenly her throat constricted and she had to strain to keep from crying.

Sarah harnessed her anger quickly and disguised her disappointment that Luke would ask Rebecca to the dance. But why wouldn't he? She had accepted once herself, then chickened out of going. No man wanted to be treated like that.

"Did it bother you that Luke asked her?" Sarah scrutinized Ronald now.

"Not at all, but…he didn't ask her. I mean, she goaded him into it. She asked him. I have been to many dances with Rebecca and I can assure you, she dances with almost every man. She's a huge flirt and tease. Besides, she's my cousin, and I'd really rather escort you."

"I'm flattered." Sarah smiled.

"I don't know you very well, but what I know, I like." Ronald informed her as he stared up at her.

Sarah came to sit beside him on the swing. "It will be fun."

"So, have you lived here in Vada all your life?" Ronald asked her.

"Oh no," Sarah fumbled with a piece of paint that looked as though it and fallen from a brush onto the railing. She absently tried to pick it off. "I'm from north of here. I've only been here a few months." Sarah assured him, hoping he didn't get too noisy.

"Really, somehow I pictured you as living here all your life. You give the impression you know everyone, and like everyone too."

Sarah began to relax, "I love it here in Vada."

"So you plan on making this your home?"

"I plan on it, but who knows what the future holds." Sarah smiled.

"Amazing, I like you. For a small town girl, you seems so open to the possibilities."

"Why?" She chuckled.

"Because you are adaptable, you like people; you seem so open and honest. You are so refreshing. Rebecca is such a snob, there are times I wonder if we are really kin." Ronald chuckled.

"You sound as if you don't like your cousin." Sarah stared at him with a smile.

"Like her, no, I don't. Love her, yes, as family."

"I guess I can understand that. Sometimes the people you love can be hard to understand or get along with."

"You are like a breath of fresh air for me." Ronald said moving a bit closer.

Now Sarah squirmed. He was a pleasant man, enjoyable to be with, but she hardly knew him. His head bent and he meant to kiss her but she moved away and stood up.

"Have you and Rebecca lived together long?"

"Yes and no. She travels a lot, I work. But when her father died, she called upon me to help her, and of course I couldn't say no."

It was an opportunity to change the subject and Sarah wasn't ready for his advances, yet.

"What kind of work do you do?"

"I advise people what to put their money into."

"My, are you good at it?"

"In all modesty, yes I am. Quite good."

"That sounds hard. I mean, what if they lose their money?"

"Some do, it's a gamble at best, but I'm very good at it. I've advised Rebecca's dad for years and he's made a fortune. He was a stock holder in ten major corporations."

"Really, you must be very good at it."

"Oh, I can assure you, I am. Not many can make a decent living at it, but I manage to know the right people and what is going on with them."

"Do you travel a lot?"

"I did at one time, not so much any more. Lately I've wanted to settle down, and enjoy life a little. You can get tired of traveling." Ronald smiled. "I'm sorry. You probably think me very forward. It's just something about you. I've never enjoyed a woman's company as much as I do yours."

"I like you too, Ronald, but, let's take it a little slower. This is a small town and not as sophisticated as you seem to come from."

"Of course," He flustered. "You are absolutely right. I don't know what came over me. I'm not usually this bold. But I feel so I don't know…in tune with you."

"I'm sorry, I've got some chores to do, but I will go to the dance with you…" She smiled sweetly from a distance.

"Thank you, Sarah, I'll look forward to it."

He walked boldly up to her and kissed her hand, then stared into her eyes.

She nodded and he walked off the porch and down the path. She watched him for a long time, wondering where life would take her next. She liked him, but he was way too forward to her way of thinking.

She wondered about him.

As she went into the kitchen Ma was busy, but she stopped long enough to eye her. "So…what did he want?"

"To ask me to the dance next Saturday." Sarah replied.

"And…did you accept?"

"I did."

"He seems like a very likable sort. What do you think?"

"He is likable, Ma. But…a little more sophisticated than I'm used to. He tried to kiss me…" Sarah admitted.

"Did you let him?"

"No…he doesn't know me well enough for that. It would seem both of the Goldfields are a bit forward." Sarah chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Ma eyed her once more.

"Ronald said Rebecca goaded Luke into asking her to the dance."

Ma snorted, her brows nearly meeting with disproval.

"Good. I'm sure you are right about the sophistication. Those city fellers move too fast sometimes. You'll have to watch him. He is nice…He spoke right up with me. I liked that."

"I agree." Sarah chuckled. "I'm just going to the dance with him, not marrying him, Ma."

"Well you never know about these things." Ma said and went back to cooking.

"Do you need any help this morning?"

"Not a bit."

"Then I'll go make my bed and clean the room up a bit." Sarah told her. "When Trish moved her things out, she didn't bother cleaning up the mess. I promised I'd tend to it."

"I hope Trish is doing alright."

"She only got married yesterday Ma." Sarah laughed. "Give them a little time."

"Seems like a year ago."

"I miss her too."

"It's funny, but Trish didn't have to talk much, to know she was in the room with you. I liked that about her." Sarah was heading toward the stairs when Ma turned to smile over her shoulder. "This Ronald fella might give Luke something to think about."

"Luke is going with Rebecca." Sarah announced tightly. "And that's the end of the discussion."

"Well I'll be!"

"I don't think he's going to be worrying about me, with her on his arm." Sarah touted and went up the stairs.