
Chapter 26.


IT was like watching a vampire version of the US House of Representatives or something. Just as freakish. But this looked nothing like the circus in Washington DC she’d seen on TV. Most of the vampires seemed like they had reasonable ideas, unlike the humans back in DC.

Miranda picked Adric’s father out pretty easily though. He was such an asshole.

And it wasn’t just because he was bullying the women from the yellow House that she liked so much. His requests—demands—seemed so petty compared to everyone else’s.

He’d met her and Adric coming in and he’d glared right at her. Miranda hadn’t wanted to say or do anything stupid or that would get her or Adric in trouble, so she’d just looked at her vampire without saying anything. May have even shifted a bit to put his big body in front of hers. Just in case.

As soon as she’d done that two of Adric’s brothers had stepped between them.

Adric had his hand on his sword, and his other hand on her back. He shifted in front of her, protectively. His brother Aodhan, married to the pregnant redhead, shifted to protect Mallory.

They did it without even thinking, didn’t they? Miranda didn’t know what to think of that.

Adric wanted her. She didn’t doubt that at all. But she was having a tough time wrapping her head around the idea that he wanted her, Miranda Taniss, rather than that girl the goddess had destined him for.

Was it so wrong to wish he’d chosen her, rather than been randomly assigned her somehow?

The meeting dragged on. Miranda forced herself to pay as much attention as possible. Or to at least study the crowd. He was close enough to the women in yellow to see them and their guard. They were the only faces other than Adric’s family that she recognized. Iahanna had looked right at her and smiled. They’d find each other again and actually talk this time. Without the fear.

There were a lot of Rajnis in the room, that was for sure. They all touched each other, and it was obvious each mated pair—for lack of better term—was head over heels for one another.

Yet if Adric was telling her the truth, they had all been chosen for each other by a goddess at birth, rather than chosen by themselves.

It gave her a lot to think about.

She focused on that instead of the politics going on around her. Miranda had always sucked at politics, anyway. After a while, she just focused on Adric instead.