
Casey Jones had been on the ice for many years, but he’d never seen action like this. He teed up a few more pucks and skated toward the three Footbots still standing in his way. He was running on pure adrenaline. He felt like more than a hockey player.

He felt like a hero.

“Wrist shot!” Casey called out, striking down two Footbots with a lightning-fast trick play. He readied the next puck and swung with fury. “Slap shot!”

The disc flew like a missile, knocking the final Footbot down on the ice.

Casey laughed, taunting his attackers: “You might wanna get that looked at!”

The Footbots collected themselves. Their learning technology enabled them to study Casey’s movements and mimic them instantly—which meant they were now skating like pros! The bots glided around the net, throwing blades that hummed at Casey with scary precision.

Casey dodged the flying knives. He was preparing a perfect high-speed body check.

THWACK! The hit was so hard a bot’s head came loose! Casey caught it with his stick and fired into the net!

“One–zip!” Casey celebrated. “Home ice leads! Who’s next?”

The remaining Footbots drew backup weapons, but it didn’t faze Casey at this point. These robo-ninjas were on his turf, and on this ice, he had a reputation for being undefeated.

“Come get some,” Casey told them.


April couldn’t run anymore. Her legs felt like jelly, and she was out of breath. But she couldn’t stop. One relentless Footbot chased her off the main street to the park.

She climbed over the merry-go-round, narrowly escaping the bot’s grasp. She ran toward the shadows, searching for a place to hide until the Turtles arrived.

Then she heard something cut through the eerie quiet—a familiar buzzing sound like a spinning saw.

She turned, hearing another set of blades.

And another.

It was a trap! A squad of Footbots surrounded her, each ready to slice-and-dice her with his saw blade. April knew there was no escape. All she could see was a wall of ninjas encircling her in the dark.

This was no random attack, she realized. Someone had programmed these robots to lure her here. But who? And for what purpose?

April wanted answers. In spite of being outnumbered, she stood her ground, drawing her tessen.

“Fine,” she said defiantly. “You want a fight?”

But out of nowhere, a Footbot snuck up on her and pinned her arms behind her back. Her war fan fell limply to the ground. April’s fight was over. But the Foot’s was just getting started.

The bots moved in unison, like a pack of wolves, closing in on her from all sides. More weapons began to appear: an arsenal of scythes, katanas, and spikes. The bots’ eyes burned red.

April struggled to break free, but the Footbot held her with an iron grip. April feared her bones might break under the pressure. She winced, bracing for the worst. …

But a familiar weapon pierced the Footbot right in front of her. The bot collapsed into a heap of scrap metal.

“Donnie!” April exclaimed. He was holding the bo staff that had just saved her life. The same one that was about to finish off the rest of the Footbots.


In a blur of green, Donnie somersaulted through the air, taking out Footbot after Footbot. He cracked their CPUs with his staff, then stomped their circuits into oblivion. Donnie deployed his secret bo staff blade and destroyed the bot holding April with a sharp strike.

“Took you long enough,” April joked, with a sigh of relief.

“I’m sorry! I had to figure out your coordinates on the T-Phone—”

Before Donnie could finish his thought, two ninja stars flew at them.


Shredder’s daughter was flanked by more Footbots. “Well, I was hoping for all the Turtles to see this … but I guess one’s good enough.”

Donnie readied his bo staff once more. He’d just gotten April back in his life, and he wasn’t about to lose her again!