
Chapter Four



I wanted to call Ashley, badly, but it was nearly ten o’clock by the time I pulled out of the parking lot at work. Being the highest-ranking man on the scene, from my station, I’d had some paperwork to complete after I’d gotten cleaned up. The fire had been a bitch to put out, but thankfully, we’d managed to get it under control. It had occurred to me that I’d never called Ashley as promised, and I wondered just how pissed she was.

The house was dark when I pulled into the driveway, and I hoped like hell it wasn’t a bad sign. Unlocking the front door, I bit my lip to keep from calling out her name. The last thing I wanted to do was wake Caitlin. Light flickered from the living room and I saw the TV was on. Stepping into the room, I saw Ashley snuggled under a blanket on the couch, looking peaceful and so damn beautiful.

It had been hard to kiss her cheek this morning and not do more. She’d looked so perfect holding Caitlin as I’d walked out the door, and it made me wonder what kind of mother she would be. If her care of Caitlin was anything to judge, she would be a natural. I had this incredible urge to pick her up and put her in my bed. I’d wanted to see her hair spread across my pillow ever since she’d shown up on my doorstep last night. I never moved this fast. Hell, it had taken me almost a month of dating before I’d slept with my ex-wife. In high school, and the years after, I’d done the one-night stand thing. But that wasn’t what I wanted anymore.

I wanted Ashley, of that I had no doubt. My cock ached just looking at her, and I couldn’t help but wonder what those luscious lips of her would look like wrapped around me. A woman like her probably had her pick of men, but after our show last night, I had hope that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Brushing her hair back from her face, I gently pulled the blanket from her body. A gentleman would wake her and send her home. I think it was safe to say, I wasn’t feeling very gentlemanly when it came to Ashley.

Lifting her into my arms, I grabbed the baby monitor and carried her to my bedroom. The sheets were still a mess from when I’d rolled out of bed this morning. I set the monitor on the dresser and I eased Ashley down onto the mattress. I had no business undressing her, but those tiny ass shorts of hers didn’t look very comfortable. I unzipped them and slid them down her legs, damn near swallowing my tongue at the scrap of lace that barely covered her. Getting her bra off, without getting an eyeful, was a little harder, but I managed. Once I was certain she was comfortable, I undressed down to my boxer briefs and slid into bed next to her, drawing the covers over us.

I snapped off the lamp and gathered her into my arms, holding her close. She sighed and snuggled closer, wedging her knee between my thighs as she molded her body to mine. It was both heaven and hell, and I hoped I didn’t wake up to find myself without a babysitter. It was a gamble, putting her in bed with me, but it felt incredibly right. I’d never felt like this with another woman, and it both scared me and thrilled me. What if I’d finally found what I’d been looking for all my life?

“Liam,” she whispered against my chest.

My arms tightened around her and I looked to see that she was staring at me with trust and wonder in her eyes. I swallowed the knot in my throat, wondering if my fantasies from last night were about to become reality.

“Why am I in your bed?” she asked softly.

“I...I thought you’d be more comfortable in a bed than on the couch.” Great, now I was stammering like a teen with his first crush.

“There’s a guest room,” she pointed out.

“I wanted you in my bed. I know it’s wrong, that you can have any guy you want, but I wanted to hold you. That fire tonight was hell, and all I could think was that I wanted to get home to my girls. I have no right to think of you that way, but I do.”

“You think of me as yours?” she asked.

“It’s too soon, I know. I guess I just hoped, that after last night, maybe there could be more between us.”

Her hand burned a trail across my skin as she explored my body. There was no disguising my aroused state as my cock pressed against her soft belly. She moved against me and her lips brushed against mine, hesitantly at first, and then bolder. My tongue slid between her lips, tasting the forbidden fruit that I had to have. My hands skimmed her curves and rolled us so that she was lying under me. Her hair fanned out across the pillow as I slowly lifted her tank top. She helped me remove it and I tossed it aside, marveling at how incredible and sexy she looked.

“Beautiful,” I murmured as I stroked one of her perky breasts.

Her nipples hardened, and her eyes darkened with desire. I wondered how many boys had had the privilege of touching her, and the big green monster rose inside of me. I wanted her to be mine, and only mine. I had no reason to feel possessive of her, but watching her with my daughter had done something to me.

She bent her knees and her thighs squeezed my hips. As hungry as my cock was, I was determined to do right by her. I divested her of her panties, dragging my fingers along her bare, wet slit. There was something about a woman, who waxed, that just left me undone. With a groan, I shouldered her legs further apart and set to feasting on her delicate flesh. Her taste exploded on my tongue as I lapped up her cream. Ashely bucked beneath me, as if she couldn’t get enough.

I sucked her clit into my mouth, drawing on the nub long and hard. Her body trembled from the force of her orgasm, her honey coating my tongue as she screamed out my name. I took my time, kissing my way up her body until I claimed her lips again. If it bothered her to taste herself, it didn’t show. She kissed me with wild abandon as my cock nudged against her slick pussy. As much as I wanted to slam into her, I tried to hold myself back. Easing into her, I felt her silken walls stretch to accept me.

“Christ, Ashley! You’re so fucking tight.” I slid in a little further.

“Don’t hold back,” she said. “Just do it.”

I pulled back and thrust in hard and fast, freezing when her body tensed and she cried out, not from passion, but from pain. Tears slipped down her cheeks and I cursed myself ten times a fool for not realizing sooner that it was her first time.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. “I wouldn’t have been so rough.”

“I was scared you’d change your mind.”

My laugh sounded strangled even to my ears. “Honey, I want you so damn bad, I don’t think I could have stopped if I wanted to. Ever since you showed up on my doorstep I’ve thought of little else than fucking you senseless.”

She sniffled and wiped away her tears. “Really?”

“Really.” I kissed her softly. “Think you can handle it if I move now?”

She nodded and I used slow, easy thrusts until the passion flared in her eyes again. As her cries filled the air, I pounded into her tight pussy, feeling like I might explode at any moment. Her legs came around my waist and I slid in a little deeper. Watching her come undone beneath me was the most incredible thing ever. As her pussy clenched me tight, she screamed out my name again and I came deep inside of her. I wanted to stay buried inside of her forever, but I knew she had to be sore. I pulled out and watched as my cum dribbled out of her. I had the insane urge to shove it back into her.

Oh, fuck me. “Are you on the pill?”

She shook her head, her eyes looking frightened and unsure. I hated that my words had put that fear there. Whatever happened from us coming together tonight, I didn’t want her to worry about it.

“Ash, no matter what happens, we’ll deal with it, okay?”

“Deal with it how? I won’t have an abortion!”

“Fuck, baby! I’d never ask that of you. I just meant I’ll be by your side, no matter what. I don’t want you to worry that I’m going to bolt if you find out you’re pregnant.”

In fact, it sounded like a wonderful idea. Maybe if I fucked her well and often, I’d get another beautiful daughter out of the deal, and Ashley by my side forever. Of course, her dad would probably show up on my doorstep with a shotgun and a sharp knife, giving the choice of having my balls shot off or cut off. Neither sounded pleasant.

“You aren’t sorry you slept with me?” she asked.

“No, but hell, if I can figure out how you were still a virgin. You’re gorgeous, and there had to have been guys crawling all over you in college.”

“I had this ideal man in my head, and none of them measured up.” She licked her lips. “I compared all of them to you, and they were all lacking.”

Fuck me. How the hell was I supposed to respond to that?

“Just how long have you wanted me?” I asked.

“Since I turned sixteen. I used to watch you swim late at night. I knew it was wrong, that you were married, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted you just as much then as I do now.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Honey, you have no idea how thrilled I am that you’ve wanted me for so long. I’ll admit I didn’t notice you much back then, but you definitely have my attention now.”

“Does this change things between us?” she asked. “I guess it’s wrong for me to work for you if we’re sleeping together. Assuming you want to do it again.”

My cock went instantly hard at her words.

“Of course, I want to do it again. But I think two times tonight might be too much for you. As it is, you’re going to be sore for a day or two. I’m not exactly small and you were tight as hell.”

“And my job?” she asked.

“I’ll still pay you to watch Caitlin. As for the live-in nanny position we talked about, I checked my finances earlier and I just can’t swing it right now. But if you can watch her during my shifts every week, I can pay you three hundred a week. I know that’s kind of low, but I’m afraid firemen don’t exactly rake in the cash.”

She smiled. “I would watch her for free, but my mother would probably complain since she expects me to get a job that will allow me to move out.”

“She may want you to move out, but I doubt she wants you moving in with me.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m an adult, Liam. I don’t need her permission to move in with you. She rules my life, somewhat, while I live under her roof, but once I move out, I don’t have to do every little thing that she says.” Her fingers slid and up down my bicep. “Not to invite myself into your home, but what if I took two-fifty a week and moved into the guest room?”

I growled a little. “Honey, if you move into this house, it won’t be in the guest room. You can have your own closet and three drawers in the dresser. And if that isn’t enough room, we’ll figure something out, but you damn sure won’t sleep anywhere but in my bed.”

“So, we have a deal?” she asked.

“You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you? Should I expect your father to show up and hold me at gunpoint, demanding to know my intentions toward his baby girl?”

She giggled. “Doubtful. He probably won’t even notice I’m gone. And mom will be thrilled to get me out of her house.”

“Then I guess you’d better rest up so you can move in tomorrow. I have another twelve hour shift, but I’ll haul anything you want over here after that. Just box it all up. There are some broken down boxes and tape in the garage. You can help yourself.”

“You really want me to move in?”

“More than anything. Coming home to Caitlin and you today was the first time this place has actually felt like a home. I want as many more nights like that as I can get. Stay as long as you want.” Stay forever.

She snuggled against me and yawned. It pleased me that she wasn’t anxious to wash my scent from her body. The only woman I’d ever been with, without a condom, was my wife, the drunken night Caitlin was conceived. I felt a surge of possessiveness toward Ashley and knew I’d do whatever it damn well took to keep her in my bed.

As much as I wanted her to be a permanent part of our lives, I wasn’t sure that proposing so soon was the right move. Hell, I shouldn’t have even fucked her yet. Or at all. I tended to lose my head around her though, and I knew I’d take her again, as often as I could. My cock was already interested in another round, but she needed her rest. I tucked her close to me, brushed a kiss across her brow, and closed my eyes, willing sleep to come.