

Angels in the Spiritual World

Wise men have said the angels of the Creator departed this earth after the fall of Atlantis, and because of that, human and angelic connection disappeared for many centuries. Other religions and faiths sprang up to take their place, and then humans suddenly realized how much they missed the presence of angels and longed once more for their wisdom and loving guidance. Many of us now sense that angels have returned en masse to teach and guide us to a higher consciousness. I feel that our acceptance of them dictates that we will soon have the ability to communicate much better with them. It does not matter what faith or religion you ascribe to; it is of little consequence to them. All they want is for humans to get back to the “Garden” and to the care of God.

Angel Music

One particular night before I went to bed, I felt very low. For the past six weeks, most of my clients were either suicidal or grieving for a dead child or spouse. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and I had had more than enough. Soon, I promised myself, I would start to look for another job, doing something more cheerful and less responsible. I might even be able to shed some of the extra pounds of fat I had accumulated over the years from sitting all day long, listening to other people's problems.

“My work is one long dirge,” I moaned, as I pulled the duvet over my head and eventually fell into a grumpy sleep. As I am a very light sleeper, I remember most of what I dream. Straight away, as I drifted off, I felt my guide approach me.

“And what is this mood about, why are you sulking like a baby?” he said in a very matter of fact way.

“Life is full of doom and gloom, and I hear it all! Other people don't have to put up with all of this rubbish,” I said, resentfully.

“But you chose this pathway before you reincarnated. You know you are in service!”

“Well, I must have been stark raving mad and I don't care what you think, I am going to get another job!”

He laughed good-naturedly and shook his head, “Oh dear! You are very willful, Beleta, but now come on, get out of this bad mood. I have something I want you to see.”

Seconds later, we were on the peripheries of a spiritual realm that was truly beautiful. I knew from my guide not to move as parts of it were out of bounds to living humans. I could feel an invisible force field separating me from this angelic world. From out of nowhere, a haunting and ethereal music drifted over to us and I can honestly say I have never heard anything like it before or since. It seemed to be the music of all creation and all living things. As the notes reverberated, colors appeared in the atmosphere above us. They were the most amazing hues that were definitely not of our world! I stood transfixed as I listened to the angelic choir and I felt their wings were oscillating in rhythm to the melodies. Music on the earth plane is nothing compared to this; how I wished I had a tape recorder with me! Each note resonated to everything that was good within me. It reminded me of who we really are: of our soul purpose in the divine plan, and the universal love, which is around all of us. I wanted to stay there forever, but I knew we had to leave. It was just a brief glimpse of a stunning angelic realm, and it was truly amazing. I felt so privileged and very chastened when I awoke the next morning and with renewed determination, I got ready for work with a much lighter heart.

Guides and angels have a profound understanding and never-ending patience, plus a strong sense of humor. They never tire of us because they know us, inside and out.

Angels or Guides?

As a clairvoyant, I am often asked the difference between spiritual guides and angels. The frequently asked question is, “Are they one and the same?” This is a common misconception. We have to consider that, unlike angels, guides in the past have lived on our planet and they have individual personalities. Having come up through the ranks they have evolve into special human beings. They have continued reincarnating until they have gained a form of perfection. The next step in their evolution is to become even more knowledgeable in the spirit world, and to dedicate themselves to helping humanity. In this way they can elevate themselves even higher on the ladder of awareness and become nearer to the Godhead. After a time, they will become Grand Masters and mix constantly with the angelic frequencies. Quite a few of my clients report that their guides are Indian, Chinese, Egyptian, and so on. I think the guides create an image of what they looked like in a previous earth life, because it makes it easier for the human brain to connect with a face and form, rather than that of an intangible entity.


Earth Avatars (Guides)

Selected guides will reincarnate in human form and devote themselves to a person with a particular problem. This is especially so if that person has tried in many past lives to get rid of a bad habit and has not succeeded. By helping the person to resolve it, the avatars get bonus points and reach a higher level of consciousness. These guides are called “Earth Avatars,” and there are many on the planet as we speak.

What is My Guide's Name?

If you do a small meditation and ask your guide for his name before you sleep, you should have the answer when you wake up. Think of the first name that comes into your head and you will be more or less right. Sometimes your guides will give you special clues. You might hear a name on the radio two or three times in one day, and then again on the television in the evening. Perhaps you might be stuck behind a transport truck with the same name emblazoned across the rear of the vehicle or you might be introduced to someone with the exact title. It pays to be observant of the ways of the spiritual world. Angels delight in the synchronicity of three, and when that occurs, you can rely on the information. I am sure you have heard of the old saying “Everything happens in threes!”

How Many Guides Do We Have?

We may have two or three guides to aid us through the different stages of our life. “Why do we have guides when an angel will do?” I have often wondered this myself, but I believe the guides are dedicated to helping us with our day-to-day problems and they enjoy interacting with us, especially while we sleep, hence the old saying, “Go to bed with a worry and you will wake up with the answer.”

Perhaps the guides are the primary school teachers and the angels are the senior teachers. Until we can advance spiritually, these loving beings can help bridge the gap for us until we are ready for communication with the angels.

Family Guides

In addition to guides, we often have family caring for us, after they have passed into the spirit world. A beloved husband might make his presence known by moving an object, or it may even get lost for a day or two, and then reappear in a most unlikely place. A deceased mother might waft her perfume into the room to let us know she is there. When we think about lost loved ones, they immediately tune into us. Often a family member will intercede for us and ask favors of the spirit world to help us along our way. Our special person might get our attention by stopping a clock and then restarting it again. Family pets might seem preoccupied and unsettled when an imaginary “someone” is in the corner of the room. When this happens, we must try and focus on who has come to visit.

Animal Guides

Some religions believe animals have no soul and therefore cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I find this concept appalling. How many of us have loved and mourned the loss of a pet who has been a best friend and confidante? Animals are very important to the angelic realms and as humans we have been given sovereignty over all creatures. Animals sacrifice themselves to become our food and clothing, asking little in return, except kind treatment and respect. Our pets love to be with us and to live as a part of the family. After all, a parrot will even learn to imitate our speech as a compliment and connection.


Where Do Animals Go When They Die?

When a creature passes into spirit it reunites with its collective vibration. For example, there is a feline vibration, a canine vibration, an avian vibration, a bovine and equine vibration and so on . . . a unique place where each species resides in perfect harmony. If they wish to connect with the other animal vibrations, they can do so, including the human vibration.

I believe there is a special plane for them, and once back in the spirit world we can visit them whenever we want. Angels dutifully minister to their needs. If a departed pet should want to come and visit you, it can do so, especially when it feels the need to bring comfort. It will often stay for quite a while and you might even catch a magical glimpse of a tail disappearing around the door. I could feel my Siamese cat, George, around me for about two years and then suddenly he disappeared. No doubt he is very now happy and preoccupied in his new spiritual home.

Once I remember awakening slowly from a morning dream in which I had been with my white miniature poodle that had died many years before at the grand age of 17. My eyes were still closed when I suddenly felt a warm bundle being put in my arms. I knew it was my dog. I dared not open my eyes but I cuddled her into me for a few precious moments. In real life she was a busy, wriggly dog that didn't like being held for long periods, but she stayed quiet and still, allowing me the privilege of her company. All too soon it was over and I felt her weight lighten and then disappear. Gradually I opened my eyes and looked down into my empty arms. I knew that she had asked to be with me, and that the angel of canines had permitted it. Once again I was reassured that all life goes on and that we will be with our loved ones and treasured pets after our time on earth.

There are many stories of near death experiences where people (and particularly children) are greeted by an angel who is often accompanied by a favorite and much-loved pet who has died. The pet comes along to comfort and reassure the visitor.

Power Animal Guides

These creatures dwell in a sacred and rarefied environment in the spirit world, but they can become attached to you. Power animal guides are mentally far superior to other creatures and they constantly mingle with the animal caring angels. Our own pets have to evolve when they die, so these fabulous creatures are icons for them to look up to and eventually strive to become. The power animal's role is to guide and protect us on our journey in life. Whatever strength or talent the creature embodies, it will gladly give to you. A wolf or meerkat will teach us how to react within a close-knit family group. A feline will inspire patience, psychic ability, and independence. A bird represents freedom and he will help you to lose your fear of heights. The horse teaches graceful movement and deportment. Are you clumsy in this life? If so, concentrate on the equine vibration. The fabulous unicorn will instruct you on perfect universal love, as he has no dark thoughts, only pure love. He will assist you in reaching a higher, purer vibration.


So! Are you attracted to wolves, panthers, or maybe an eagle? It might even be the unicorn! The animal you favor will be the one that guards you, and if you are in danger, you can ask for its assistance and protection at any time.

A Special Cat Called Merlin

About six years ago my husband and I gave a home to two elderly Seal Point Siamese cats. The previous owner had died and his relatives had placed the animals in a cat sanctuary. Strangely they had never been named, so they were known only as “the big one” and “the little one.” We brought them home, where we had collars already made up for them with their new name tags. After two days, Merlin managed to open the screen door and flee into the fields at the back of our garden. I was horrified. There are hundreds of acres out there. As he had always been kept inside, I feared he had lost his hunting ability and would never survive in the open.

He was gone for over 28 days and my psychic ability showed me that his vital organs were breaking down. He did not know his new name, he did not know our location, or us, and worst of all, I could feel that he was starving. One particular day, I was in my beautiful conservatory looking anxiously across the garden and wishing he would come home. My heart was low, so I asked out loud, “Elvenia, angel of animals, please guide Merlin back to the garden.” With a sigh I turned away and went into the bathroom to wash my hands and prepare for my next client.

When I went back into the conservatory, Merlin was standing in the middle of the garden, next to the old stone birdbath. I was shocked to see how quickly my request had been answered.

He was pitifully thin and obviously unwell as I gathered him up in my arms. The family said prayers; my young grandchildren concentrated on the angel of animals, lighting candles and asking the angel to help Merlin recover. One of my gentle friends, Wendy, came and gave him healing. After three or four weeks, Merlin recovered and he now continues to be spoiled by all of us.


Angels of Karma

The karmic angels make sure our lessons are fair, and that we can cope with whatever we are given in life. At every stage in our life, they monitor us closely to access our successes and failures. There are some old sayings, which have great wisdom and truth, such as:

What you sow is what you reap

What goes around comes around

Be careful of who you step on when you are on your way up, you could meet them on the way down

The karmic laws are very strict, so we get away with nothing. There is always a payback for every negative action. A thought is a powerful living thing and it can cause good or evil, so we must be careful about the ideas that we have in our heads and upon whom we project them.

The way we have lived in previous lives bears some responsibility for who we are now and what we have today. The worst offenses a human can perpetrate are murder and cruelty to any living thing. Only the Divine Source has the right to end a life. The creatures of the planet have no negative karma. They are not trying to redress the balance.

Angels and Pain

Although some may find this a controversial subject, many spiritual people believe that before the soul incarnates, it agrees that the person should undergo pain and suffering, especially when he or she is young. Angels teach us that pain heals the negative vibration of humanity's evil deeds in previous lifetimes and that it creates a sort of cleansing.

An elderly relative of mine once remarked this might be the reason why childbirth is so painful. Every birthing mother is trying to heal the karmic debts of the past by taking on the excruciating pains of labor. A prime example of intense pain was Jesus Christ, who was brutally tortured and crucified and who then died in agony to save mankind from the sins of the world. Many say angels ministered to him throughout the crucifixion.

Angels and Suicide

The unfortunate souls who take their own lives are never punished. They receive deep love and understanding from the angelic realms when they return to the spirit world. Initially, the angels of karma will take them to a place of beauty and healing so they can be restored to full mental and physical health and balance. It is believed that anyone taking his or her life must reincarnate quite quickly to similar parents and family background as before, and the individual must face the same hurdles again. There is no way out, but we are told the angels never give us anything we cannot handle. Although angels are always sympathetic, suicide is severely frowned upon because of the havoc that is left behind; this “offense” adds badly to the soul's negative karma. Think of the impact upon the living children, partners, and parents who are left to pick up the pieces. The grieving, sadness, and tears that can last a lifetime has to be considered, as well as the guilt that the surviving loved ones must feel. They ask questions like, “How could we have helped them?” “Could it have been prevented?” “Was it my fault?”


We reincarnate to dispel negative karma, not to add to it!

If you feel you cannot cope with life, summon an angel to give you the courage and optimism that will get you back on track. If we could only see what was around the next corner, life would not appear to be quite so bleak, and our hearts would be braver. There is always a new day to look forward to and we must approach life as an exciting but sometimes difficult journey. Greet the day!

Guardian Angels

A guardian angel is a savior who will be present at the eleventh hour. These angels come when a great danger is about to befall us. If fate throws us into the path of disaster and we are in the wrong place at the wrong time (and most importantly, if it is not our time to die) they can, by the laws of the cosmos, intervene and save us. The time we are born and the time we die is recorded in the Akashic Records, which are in the spirit realms, so there are usually no mistakes. I have read many angel books where people have remarked about a last minute reprieve from some form of disaster and help was given in the most unexpected way. Here are two that I have personally heard of.


At the age of 9, Amrik attended a school outing in the Malvern Hills in Worcester, England. The scenery was ruggedly beautiful and he was enjoying a quiet stroll among the grassy pathways, admiring the rolling hills and wild meadow flowers. Suddenly his foot slipped on a wet tuft of grass and he staggered forward. He was on a steep slope, so he couldn't stop and he started to lurch wildly down the hill, completely out of control. He knew there was a vertical drop of 160 feet just ahead of him and he panicked, trying frantically to stop himself.

Suddenly he felt a great calmness come over him, and an unseen hand pushed him to one side, breaking his fall. Lying on his back, astonished, he knew an angel had intervened and saved him. I asked him if this act of wonder had changed him in any way. Amrik said that his faith had been inspired and the incident had remained with him throughout his life.

The Boat

Ben is a really nice young man and he is very athletic. I had been doing readings for him for a couple of years and I always enjoyed his open mindedness. I once remarked while doing a palm reading for him that he had a strong mount of Neptune, which meant that he should never drown. He breathed a great sigh of relief and said he had always been anxious about drowning. I tried to reassure him and said it was probably a past life thing.


A year or so went by and he returned for another look into the future. I informed him he was always protected in moments of danger. After the reading, he told me that recently he had been in great peril when he got out of his depth while swimming because he had a severe cramp and he couldn't move. All he could see was the water line in front of his eyes and he kept reassuring himself he would never drown.

Out of nowhere, a small boat drew up next to him. In it was a strangely beautiful young woman, who smiled serenely at him. He knew she was an angel. She never spoke one word to him, but she encouraged him to put his hand on the boat. She then led him safely to the shore. She disappeared instantly once his feet touched the sand!

Children's Angels

In Victorian society, it was well known that little children were under the protection and guardianship of special angels. Spiritually-minded people tend to follow this belief even now, and I feel in my heart this is true and it gives me much comfort. An angel who particularly loves children is Paige, so it is she who will minister to sick or unhappy children. If a request is made to an angel of children, the gift of a baby can be granted to couples that are finding it hard to conceive.


Adele and Mark

Adele and Mark have been clients of mine for many years. Adele emailed me one day and seemed very down because she and Mark had been trying unsuccessfully to have a baby for quite some time. After IVF treatments, nothing had happened and she was worried because her biological clock was running out.

“What can I do Beleta? Will you do me a reading and tell me if we are ever going to have this baby?” I thought about my reply to her for quite some time. Suddenly my guide's voice spoke to me, “Tell them to ask an angel.” Immediately the angel Paige came into my head. She was, after all, the angel of children, so perhaps she would help Adele and Mark!

With fingers flying over the keyboard, I gave them an inspired reply. Firstly, I told them to find a flat surface and to put yellow flowers and a picture of a baby on it. I knew Adele loved crystals, so I asked her to place a piece of rose quartz with the other items, as well as a photograph of both of herself and Mark. They had to take a small yellow candle and inscribe on it with a pin, the words, “For us, a healthy baby soon.”

I told them to light the candle and stand it at the front of their makeshift altar. Together they were to hold hands and speak aloud, with as much feeling as they could muster, and say three times, “Angel Paige, please grant us the privilege of a healthy new baby.”

Two months went by and to be truthful I didn't give any thought to Adele and Mark because I was so busy. But then one day I opened my email and saw a message from Adele. I read it quickly and gasped. The email said, “Beleta, I am pregnant . . . it actually worked!”


After many years of waiting, their dreams had at last come true. Six months later Harry was born, hale and hearty, and the joy of his parents was complete. Many people have admired this little boy and remarked, “He's so beautiful and has the face of an angel.”

Those, who are cynical might say that it was a coincidence. But I know in my heart Paige had really answered their prayers.


Leanna Greenaway is the author of Tarot Plain and Simple, Practical Spellcraft, and Wicca Plain and Simple..” She is my daughter, and I feel, as every parent does . . . that she is special. From an early age, as young as 3 years old, she showed a remarkable spiritual side. To some extent over the years, she has educated her mother in holistic and esoteric matters, or perhaps reminded me of what I had long forgotten! I did not dwell on guides, angels, and life after death, or reincarnation, until I became her mother in my early twenties. Unfortunately, as a child, Leanna suffered intense ear infections and lived on antibiotics. She was forever at the doctor's office and seeing specialists, but they could do little to help in those days. One evening, when she was about 3 years old, I went to check on her, and found her sitting cross-legged on the bed. With eyes closed tightly, her little face was tilted upward in intense concentration. She looked so beautiful and ethereal, with her long dark brown hair tumbling over her shoulders that I did not want to disturb her. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

“What are you doing, why aren't you asleep?” I asked.

“My ears were hurting so much Mummy so I asked the angels to take the pain away.”

“And did they?” I responded with surprise.

She nodded fervently. “Yes, pain all gone now.”

Later when she was asleep, I thought about her words and wondered how she knew to ask an angel for help. I had never given any guidance about them; we were not even churchgoers.

Healing Angels

If we ask for assistance when a member of our family or one of our friends is not well, help will be given. Miracles can occur when a healing angel intervenes. The power of prayer is very potent, and it teaches us how to focus and draw the angels to us. It has been known after prayer, cancer will sometimes go into remission, and tumors will shrink and disappear, with the help of the Divine Being and the angels.