

Angels in Religion

Belief in angels is widespread in many cultures throughout the ages, and they are found in nearly every religion around the world. One of the most fascinating things is that accounts of angels are striking similar. This similarity is particularly evident when we consider the angels of the three Abrahamic religions–Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.


The religion of Islam ascribes great importance to the angels, who are known as mala'ika in Arabic. These are believed to be invisible entities created by the Divine Being to serve on important assignments. The most elevated is Jibra'il (Gabriel), traditionally known to be the mediator between God and the Prophet Mohammed, at the time when the Koran was first revealed to mankind.

The Koran says that each of us has two angels. One is a guardian and the other records our sins and achievements while we are on the earth.

The Four Major Islamic Angels

Jibra'il (Gabriel)

This archangel is the principal of angels and he communicates with all of the prophets in the Muslim religion. The Koran specifically mentions him and reveres him at the highest level.

Azra'il (Azrael)

Known as the Angel of Death, Azra'il and his helpers take charge of separating the soul from the human body before it enters the spirit world. If you have had the misfortune of leading a dissolute life, then the soul will be extracted in the most horrendous way. However if you have led a blameless life, the soul will be taken in a gentle and caring manner.


The angel Jibra'il

Mika'il (Michael)

This angel is also mentioned in the Koran and he is responsible for bringing storms and thunder and lightening to our planet. His second title is the Angel of Reward, as he is in charge of meting out to us what we deserve and earn through merit.

Israfil (Raphael)

This angel is mentioned in the Koran as the angel who will blow the mighty trumpet on the Judgment Day to signal the end of the world. He is also known as the Master of Music and the Patron Saint of Travelers.

Lesser Islamic Angels

Munkar and Nakeer

These two angels examine the departed person's life and analyze his deeds while he is still in the grave.


Malik is responsible for the control and management of hell.


Ridwan is responsible for the management of paradise.


The Jewish teachings on angels (Mal'ach or “messengers” as they are sometimes known) refer back to the first five books of the Torah in the Old Testament. Many stories are recorded of angelic intervention and help. In the book of Genesis, Jophiel cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, and from that day forth, the cherubim guard the gates of Eden so no man can enter.

Many of the Jewish angels are similar to the Christian angels and they frequently hold the same names and titles. Some medieval Jewish scholars suggest that the role of the angels is necessary to execute issues that are beneath the dignity of the Divine Being, thus allowing Him a more distant approach. In the Old Testament, biblical angels fulfill a variety of roles, such as smiting the enemies of Israel, as well as the protection and shielding of mankind. Angels passed on information and messages from the Almighty, so fear and awe went hand in hand when these powerful mysterious creatures appeared.


The angel Jophiel casting Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, from the Mála biblia z-kejpami (Small Bible with pictures) of Péter Kollár, 1897.

Ezekiel's biblical description of these fabulous beings is truly awe-inspiring. “Creatures with four faces and animal countenances, wheels with eyes and four wings . . . and so on.”

The Rabbis teach, “Whenever the angel appears, the Divine Presence appears too.”

Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel protect mankind during the sleeping hours, and the four angels, one at each corner of the bed, will ward off any evil. They can also be summoned to help a student learn and memorize the Torah.

All the angels of Judaism are male.


There are many references to angelic beings in the scriptures, though there seems to be no specific dating as to when they were first created. Some say that they came into existence after God had completed his task of creating the earth. The Bible says that there are millions of angels whose role is ministering to mankind. The word “angel” comes from the Greek word angelos, meaning “messenger.” The word angel is mentioned 108 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament. All Christian angels reportedly are male, except for one (Zechariah 5:9). In Christianity, angels have no flesh or bones; they are beings of light and energy. Despite this, they can only be in one place at a time. The scriptures teach us that angels are not omniscient, but I am sure they know a lot more than we do!

A Selection of Angels in Christianity

Cassiel or Kafziel

This is an Angel of Temperance who can help with mind expansion and memory. He is said to be fond of dragons, but his main role is to watch over the planet Saturn. Also known as the Angel of Tears and Tribulations, he is the leader of the choir of angels known in the Bible as “the powers.”


The angel Chamuel comforting Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Carl Heinrich Bloch, 1873

Chamuel (He Who Seeks God)

This angel gave Christ strength in the garden of Gethsemane. He is renowned for his compassion and communication skills. He is said to inspire art and beauty and he is sometimes known as the Angel of Karma.

Gabriel (God Is My Strength)

This angel sits on the left hand side of the Creator and he is reported to be the second most elevated archangel. Some scholars say that Gabriel was female, and many artistic masters have created this image, especially as Gabriel is linked to pregnancy and fertility. He or she visited Zacharias and told him his wife Elizabeth was soon to have a child, John the Baptist (Luke 1: 11-20). The angel Gabriel also foretold the birth of Jesus Christ. Gabriel is thought to be a bringer of good news and in iconic paintings he is depicted blowing a large golden trumpet. Although he makes only four appearances in the Bible, the angel Gabriel is one of the best-known angels in Christianity.


The angel Gabriel of the Annunciation, 1501, Pinturicchio


Metatron is the supreme Angel of Death, an enormous being of brilliant hues and light, the most elevated of all angels. He is said to be the king of the angels and he is often depicted with the scroll of knowledge in his outstretched hand. Thus he is known as the Scribe of God and the Angel of the Covenant. He was traditionally known as the prophet Enoch, who ascended into heaven and was transformed into the Angel of Fire, with 36 wings.


Sadalphon is the mighty twin brother of Metatron and he is usually depicted as lofty and majestic. Attired in black from head to toe, he makes an imposing figure. His prime role is to fight the powers of Satan or the Prince of Darkness. Formerly known as the prophet Elias, he is summoned to help us gain spiritual knowledge. On a lighter note, he is the master of melodic tunes and lyrics. Perhaps he is in touch with the composers of our world and maybe he assists them with their work.

Michael (Angel of Protection)

Michael is one of the most popular and beloved of archangels because he is the angel of Protection and the celestial commander of God's army. He is shown with a mighty sword in his hand, ready to smite the enemy and wreak vengeance and destruction. He is often depicted in armor and he is beautiful to behold! He cast Satan out of heaven and he is known as “the Defender of the Faith.” His job for the future is to weigh the souls of the dead on Judgment Day.

Raphael (God Has Healed)

This angel is the healer and protector of the innocent and the young. His eyes penetrate the entire universe and see all that is wrong. He misses nothing. Christians will evoke this angel for a miracle cure, especially at the eleventh hour. If someone in a family is suffering, he is the angel to call upon. He is often linked with travel and safety. If you are feeling off color, Raphael will help: just ask him! He is one of my favorite angels.


Michael, the Angel of Protection, triuimphant over Lucifer

Uriel (Fire of God)

Uriel has many titles: Angel of Music, Angel of Poetry and Verse, and the Angel of Psychic Vision and Nature. If requested, he will talk to you in dream sleep and help with any problems you may have. This beautiful angel will inspire art projects and psychic abilities.

Fire transforms and it is powerful, so Uriel is often depicted with a burning flame in his outstretched hand. He brings the flame of love to all mankind. Uriel was the angel messenger who gave Noah advice and warning about the great flood.


The angel Uriel, 1888, mosaic, St .John's Church, Boreham, Wiltshire

Jophiel (Beauty of God)

Jophiel was the first angel to be mentioned in the Bible. His role is to guard the Tree of Life for the Creator. Grasping a fearsome, fiery sword, he had the awesome task of banishing Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and will deter any human from stepping onto the hallowed ground ever again. He has wisdom, will give inspiration, and help you to use discrimination.

Zadkiel (Righteousness of God)

Zadkiel is also known as Zachiel or Zidekiel, and is one of the seven archangels. Many pictures and paintings depict him with a small dirk or dagger in his hand. He is renowned for ruling over Jupiter and he guards this planet. Modern teachings lean toward him helping with our spiritual development and the power of prayer. This angel assists Michael as a sort of second lieutenant in battle.

Raguel (Friend of God)

Raguel is one of the seven archangels and he known as the Angel of Ice and Snow. It is said he will call forth the other angels on the Day of Judgment. In today's world, we would liken him to a barrister or a keeper of the law, bringing fairness to unjust circumstances. His main role is to keep the other angels in order. (Do they really need this?)

Hanial or Anael (Grace of God)

This angel holds the title of the Prince of the Angelic Orders or the Angel of Principalities and Virtues. As one of the seven archangels, he is honored and revered on the highest level. Some say this is an androgynous angel, neither male nor female and he (or she) will bring love and harmony to the home and sustain friendships. Dressed in colors of verdant green, with pale dove-gray wings and carrying a lantern to show us the way, this angel strikes an imposing figure.

The Angelic Hierachy

Throughout the ages, the church and scholars have come to the conclusion that angels are divided into different ranks or clans, and that they have individual duties to perform for mankind and the universe. No one is quite sure about how many orders exist–some say nine, others twelve.


The angelic choirs circling the abode of God, from Dante's Paradiso, illustrated by Gustave Doré.

The Nine Orders (or Choirs of Angels)

The Seraphim

The Cherubim

The Thrones

The Dominions

The Virtues

The Powers

The Principalities

The Archangels

The Angels

The seraphim, the cherubim, and the thrones, collectively, are the first triad or trinity of angels.

The Seraphim (Fire Maker or Fiery Serpents)

Seraphim are the highest angelic class and they serve as the care-takers of God's throne.

The leader of the seraphim is Uriel. The seraphim love music and they sing constantly. They are often depicted in iconic paintings and works of art with long golden trumpets, uplifted in worship of the Creator. These wonderful beings of such intense light and radiance often dazzle the lesser angels, who find it uncomfortable even to gaze at them. The seraphim regulate the heavenly movements and pass the light of the Divine to the lower ranks of angels and creatures of our world.


A 16th century depiction of the cherubim and chariot vision, based on the description by Ezekiel.

The Cherubim (Full of Knowledge)

Cherubim guard the way to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden and the throne of God.

The principle of the cherubim is Jophiel. These angels are the college students of the heavenly realms, and they have unlimited knowledge and divine wisdom. One of their main tasks is to make sure all universal laws are adhered to. Karma comes high on their list of priorities and any action that a human incurs or projects toward another will always have good or bad influences returned on them. The cherubim's judgment is fair and they inspire others to spiritual renewal and remind us of the laws of cause and effect.

The Thrones (Ophanim)

The Thrones, or elders, are living symbols of God's justice and authority.

The leader of the thrones is Japhkiel. The thrones are the peacemakers who deliver harmony to all negative situations. They can bridge gaps between the visible and invisible worlds, bringing spiritual perfection and divinity to the universe. They are impartial and strictly fair, but also humble in their service to human kind.

The dominion, the virtues, and the powers make up the second tier of the angelic realms.

The Dominions (Virtues, Powers)

The Dominions regulate the duties of lower angels. It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to humans.

The principle of the dominions is Zadkiel. This is the second triad of angels, and these work mainly in the spirit realms, seldom interfering with earthly matters. Sometimes they are referred to as “Flashing Swords.” Their responsibility is for the universal laws to move in perfection and to unify and oversee the more junior angels.

The Virtues (sometimes known as The Brilliant Ones)

The Virtues are the ministries through which signs and miracles are made manifest in the world.

The leader of the Virtues is Haniel. The Virtues are radiant with resplendent colors that dazzle those that behold them. One of their many duties is to give courage and compassion to humans, sometimes giving a gentle push to get us up the hill. They are known to create miracles, so they are sometimes called the Bestowers. They keep an eye on nature, making sure the crops grow and that the weather is not too diverse or inclement.

The Powers (Lightning Swords)

The Powers are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of history. Completely loyal to the Divine Being, they are also the warrior angels. Their duty is to oversee the distribution of power among mankind.

The head of the powers is Raphael. These angels ward off evil or sinister spirits and they defend the unprotected. They will help to give you backbone and stick up for yourself in an argument or in situations of confrontation. They will protect and defend against anyone who tries to overthrow the universal laws and the divine plans.

The Principalities (Worldly Guides)

These are the angels that guide and protect nations. They are the educators and guardians of the realm of earth.

These angels have to set a good example to the lesser angels. You can think of them as the head boys and head girls of the angelic realms because their standards are very high. Their main task is to watch over our planet, it's people, towns and cities. These angels are multinational guardians of our globe. If you are unsure of where you are traveling to, or if you have a difficult journey and get lost, shout for these angels and they should get you to your destination without too much hassle. They have a strong humanitarian instinct and they understand us totally. They have a great sense of humor too!

The Seven Archangels (Celestial Envoys)

The Seven Archangels are said to be the guardian angels. They are:








These seven emissaries have special prominence, and they are the better known of the angelic groups, as many people all over the world recognize their names. They have specific duties and assignments to help mankind toward a better understanding of life and values. Some are healers, others protectors and co-coordinators. The archangels concern themselves with the human world and they are here to be in service to us. They do not consider themselves any better than us, so if you do summon an angel of the universe, they must attend you by the laws of the cosmos. Each and every one of them has a guardianship role.

The Malakhim (Daily Angels)

The last group of angels are the malakhim–the “plain” angels. The lowest order of the angels, they are the most recognized, concerned with the daily affairs of living things. In this category are many different kinds of angels, with different functions. These angels are the messengers sent to humanity; your personal guardian angel comes from this group. We will focus on this group of angels in the next chapter.

Fallen Angels

I find it an incredible concept that a highly evolved angel could sin in any way, but yet religion teaches us that there are “fallen angels,” or angels that have become arrogant and proud. The Scriptures wrote that the Creator had great compassion for them and that he would allow them to climb the ladder toward purity if they repent. In the teachings of the Bible they were sent to hell to mix with devils and demons in the underworld.