

Angelic Connections

Angels appear in our lives in many different ways, and have connections with many traditions and professions, particularly the healing professions. Here is a sampling of some angelic connections.

Angelic Wicca

In the past, the gods and goddesses have been connected to paganism and wicca, and many traditional witches still prefer this form of worship. However, there is a modern take on the old ways that we call Angelic Wicca. This is a gentle and spiritual faith, that is used for healing and other good causes. One might choose to be a solitary witch or to join a coven with like-minded individuals. Modern-day witches evoke angels when spell casting, and use different angels for different situations.

A coven is a form of church or spiritual gathering, and just as Christians pray to the angels, so does the wiccan witch. Coven witches will send prayers to specific angels at certain phases of the moon, because when they work as a group, their powers are amplified to achieve a better result. If one of the members of the coven has a relative who is sick, a message will be sent out to the other witches for help. The group will act as a family of like-minded soul-sisters or soul-brothers, working together to solve a variety of problems, and the bonds formed within such a coven are strong and enduring. Many wiccans believe they cannot choose their blood family; so angelic witches believe their coven is their family.

Angels and Coincidence

Angels seem to favor the synchronicity of three. If asking for a favor from them in meditation or prayer, it can be helpful to repeat it three times to give the request more clout. They will often make things happen in threes to let us know we are on the right track in our lives. They are extremely playful and fun loving, so they will create small miracles that we see as coincidences.

I remember earlier on when I was writing this book and had just started to pen a certain word, at that exact moment on the radio the announcer said it. This has happened so many times since then that I have lost count. I am sure it is not coincidental. At other times a pop song with angel in the title would be sung on the radio when I was typing. As I said earlier in this book, angel messages are very subtle and there is always that question mark: Did I imagine that? Did they really do that for me?


Angels and Hypnotherapy

Some of us find it very hard to meditate and connect with an angel or guide. We might be easily distracted or the mind will wander off to more mundane things. In this case, hypnotherapy can be helpful, especially if we find a hypnotherapist who is sensitive and sympathetic to angelic work. My husband is a clinical hypnotherapist, and has taken me on many journeys, where I have been able to connect with my angel and guides. One might say, “Why do this when you can meditate instead?” I tried it purely as an experiment and I found it very helpful.

Some of my husband's clients have asked specifically to be hypnotized to the point of their last death and then beyond that. Then they have met their guides and angels who have taken them back to greet their families and their karmic group. My daughter did this and she was amazed at how many of her karmic group she had forgotten! To be fair, she was a little unsettled for a few days after the session, because she felt a strong sense of sadness and she yearned to be back with them. If you do decide to try this, remember it is not for the faint-hearted, so be sure that your character is strong enough to take it. It can be hard to live in two worlds!

Some wannabe hypnotherapists take a weekend's course and then profess to be highly qualified. The person you use should have studied at least two to three years before you can feel confident with them, so check their credentials to be on the safe side.

Dynamic Angel Healing

When a person is very depressed and holds sadness within themselves that they cannot seem to shift, an angel will often intervene to redress the balance. I have heard many stories of this sort of vibrational healing, and I have experienced it once or twice myself. The healing will usually happen in the early hours of the morning when one is asleep. It is quite hard to explain this phenomenon but I will give it my best shot.

One feels in a trance-like state and then suddenly an energy field of pure white light is forced into the solar plexus, then one feels as though one is being lifted off the bed. An electrical energy or a buzzy current runs up and down the body for a minute or so. Sometimes the noise of electrical crackling is heard. At this stage the person is probably semi conscious and he or she could open their eyes if they wanted to, but it is best to go with it and not be afraid. Afterward, feelings of floating or suspension will prevail for about five minutes or so . . . and then, sleep comes again. When one wakes up the next morning, all sadness will have disappeared and the body will be refreshed and energized.

I am sure there is some so-called expert out there who will give you a perfectly good scientific explanation for this phenomenon, but I know in my heart that my experience was angelic healing.

The Church of St Raphael

Recently my husband and I decided to take a drive on Dartmoor, which is in the southern part of England, in county Devon.

It was a beautiful February day, slightly overcast but with rays of sunshine casting little rainbows in the sky. As we meandered along, we admired the swollen gray rivers and fast running streams crashing against the granite rocks. The wild ponies and sheep were intent on grazing the short-cropped grasses on the moorland hills and they appeared contented and fat. Casually I remarked to my husband that we were in the vicinity of a church that a friend had told me about. It was called St. Raphael's and it had been built in 1869. Without much difficulty we managed to locate the little chapel that overlooked a winding silver river. Around the building were thousands of pure white snowdrops forming a pathway to the church and its perimeters. Outside, propped against the gate was a hand written notice, which said, “Please come in and view our snowdrops.” My husband John said, “Well, shall we go in?” I sighed, “It will be locked. Churches today are always locked.” Not to be thwarted, he opened the latched double wooden gates and grabbed my hand. “Come on, let's at least have a look.” He pushed the arched blue door open and we stepped tentatively inside the tiny church. There was a hushed stillness as we looked around, and strangely, I felt the chapel was inspecting us. Sitting down on one of the ancient wooden pews I looked above the simple altar at a stained glass window of the angel, Raphael, resplendent in colors of magenta, amber and indigo. For a few months, I had not been well and had spent time in doctors' surgeries and hospitals. I closed my eyes and for some reason felt a sad lump come into my throat. I wondered if Raphael would heal me as I had come to his very special place? Silently, I worded a small prayer and asked him to cleanse me of any illness.

We left the church and strolled around the grounds, feasting our eyes on the carpet of snowdrops. On the journey home we were both lost in our own thoughts, when my husband turned to me and said quietly, “You know you've been given healing in the church today, don't you?” I nodded as I watched the grassy banks whiz by in a green blur and was amazed that he had linked into the situation. A few days later I felt better than I had for a couple of years and I thanked Raphael for his loving care in the simple little church on Dartmoor.

Angels of Disasters

The angels of disasters have prior knowledge of all the catastrophes on earth, and no one is overlooked when help is needed. Each and every one of us will be watched with close attention and devotional love. Some of us will have to die courageously, whilst others will live to see another day. There are no mistakes as to who goes or who stays in the Divine plan.

Often these terrible events occur to make human beings value life and to make us form a stronger community spirit. After all, we are all brothers and sisters. Out of grief and sadness comes wisdom and maturity. In the last two world wars the community spirit was notable, as others looked out for each family in their town or village. Today's society has lost this vital ingredient. Now, we are squirreled away in our own homes staring at computers or television screens. Our offspring are lost in their own world with imaginary people in computer games and DVDs, and some have little knowledge of family values. I must hold my own hand up and say I know very little of some of my neighbors, not even their names! Sixty years ago this would have been unthinkable!

When tragedy strikes, everything becomes real and we all start to pull together. Disasters can show the courage or the cowardice within our souls. A timid person might suddenly save another's life while a so-called hero will turn and run to save his own skin. If we speak to any person who has come face to face with death, they will always say it has made them a better and more knowledgeable person. If we decide to give our life to save another in a horrific moment, the rewards on returning to the spirit world are incredible.

Angels take pride in our feats, especially if we have valued someone else's life above our own. These beings watch every person closely and they note well, those who need to be tested in a dangerous situation.

Alcohol and Angels

Alcohol relieves stress and it is used by most of the inhabitants of the world when they want to unwind. I enjoy a nice glass of red wine, and it brightens up any social occasion. Unfortunately, if we drink too much, it can stop our guides and angels from getting in touch with us, especially during dream sleep. Heavy drinking in the evening makes a person more or less pass out when going to bed and will often lead one open to psychic attack because they are literally “out of it.” Bad dreams or nightmares ensue, and interrupted sleep spoils the natural rhythm of the body. Care must be taken with alcohol as too much is frowned upon by the angelic realms.

A Brother of the White Eagle Lodge once told me, our angels like “clean vessels” to work with and drinking would inevitably block any connections with them. This also covers people who take drugs to escape the life learning processes that the Creator has put in place for them. We are never given anything we cannot handle, so fuzzing the mind or doping oneself to oblivion is just sticking our heads in the sand, and it will stop any karmic development. If we skip our lessons in this life, our next one will still have the same ingredients to deal with, but perhaps with no drugs or alcohol in sight! So in effect, there is no way out and we have just got to get on with it and face our trials and tribulations!