I talked a little about the spirit world in earlier chapters, but I will return to the subject now. Many people who have had a near death experience talk of a beautiful white tunnel that pulls them upward, and strong feelings of peace and excitement on returning to the spirit world.
When we pass over, an angel or a guide will be present with us until we are safely there. Family members, who have previously died, will often meet the returning soul, and the joy is indescribable. When children die, a beloved pet will often be there to greet and comfort them. After the reunions, we are taken to a special place where the healing angels go into action to re-energize the aura and cleanse any sadness and pain from the returning soul. There are special temples and rooms of exquisite light and rarefied atmospheres where this healing process is undertaken. A long deep sleep will refresh the person, who will awake later with no ill effects from their previous life and with renewed zest for their new life ahead.
The next process is the judgment. This is not to be feared, as the angels of judgment are very gentle and understanding. They will never reprimand or chastise us for any wrong done in our previous life. Their frequency is unconditional love. We might have killed our own grandmother but that will not faze them. Their job is to take us to a special place where we will be shown a sort of video of our life. The viewing starts from being a child and follows through to our last moments. All we have obtained is shown and any negative actions are shown, without censorship. We then judge ourselves for each second of our life on earth. We see what we achieved and note the opportunities we might have lost, and we see how our behavior has affected others. No stone is left unturned, so it is quite moving and powerful stuff.
If we are truly remorseful for any harm done, we are immediately forgiven and the slate is wiped clean on that issue. If unrepentant, then we will have to face the troublesome issue in another lifetime. After the judgment the angels will ask why we handled a situation in a certain way and how we could have avoided it. Often, returning souls are shocked to discover that a thought is a living thing! We should never think of harming anyone, even though the deed might not actually have been done, that thought is still out there.
Once the soul is judged, the Angels of Apparel show how we will appear to others. There are no secrets in the spirit world and we cannot hide our faults from anyone. Each soul has a vibration of light and color that surrounds it. This “garment” is a robe that represents the subject's true character and levels of failure and achievements. Within the colors, there are shades that depict each person's character, so if we were kind to animals that would be shown by one specific shade, while a bully would exhibit a different color. Collectively, the garment or robe could be stunning, beautiful, or utterly disappointing. Our soul groups are usually on the same wavelengths with the same shades, faults and attributes as ourselves.
As we progress and move up through the system, the story shown in the robe will improve. Sometimes a beloved soul mate that has moved on will stay and help the struggling person to step up the ladder and improve the colors. The Angels of Apparel are always present to encourage and inspire the souls to better themselves.
The colors of angel's robes are magnificent and beautiful. There are no blemishes or ugliness, just perfection, light and wonderment.
After the soul has been in the spirit world for a while, it will be able to choose whether it returns to earth to gain more wisdom and perhaps to redress the wrongs that have been perpetrated in previous lives. Caring angels and guides will discuss what sort of life would be best, including the type of parents and siblings, the person's race, religion, cultural group, and the country they are to be born into. The “committee” even discusses the kind of a body the reincarnating soul will have. Many lives can be with the same group or family but roles can be reversed. A mother can become a sister, while a grandson could become a son and so on. If there was a bad issue with an individual in a past life, they will be asked to have another go at it, until the balance can be redressed.
We do not have to reincarnate but it helps us to move along quickly and to gain a deeper empathy with life and its problems. It would be sad to be left behind without our soul group, especially if they are succeeding in their own special development and moving away from us.
Nicki has been a friend of mine for many years. Nicki has dedicated herself to nursing and specialized in working with children. Others in her family have been connected with medicine, and her own husband is a very well loved and respected doctor.
About fifteen years ago, Nicki was in a phase where she felt like she had hit rock bottom, and she could not lose the depression that had descended upon her. One early spring morning, she decided to take a walk in a wood not far from where she lived. It was a quiet place that she had always loved, especially as there was a small, lively river running alongside it. As she walked along, she stared down disconsolately at her feet, trying hard not to give in to the depression that was gripping her. From out of nowhere, an invisible hand placed itself firmly on her chest, stopping her dead in her tracks. Suddenly four angels in iridescent white robes with golden wings encircled her; she was amazed at how tall they were, and she was struck by their androgynous beauty and long golden hair. Gently, their wings enfolded Nicki and lifted her higher and higher into a place of total love and peace. They told her this was the one and only true reality and she must not forget that, as all else was just an illusion.
Then they instructed her to look down into the wood. She saw herself as a little speck in her short blue coat amongst the bare trees and the little person that she saw appeared to be sad and helpless. The angels gave her healing, unconditional love and they lifted her spirits. Then with her eyes tightly closed she felt her feet connect with the ground on the woodland path. She longed to return to the angels and the place of tranquility that she had been so privileged to visit but knew she had to stay and continue to be of service to others in her job. After this connection with the angels, Nicki was totally revived and happy, and now if she goes through a bad patch, she remembers her encounter with the four wonderful angels and gains strength and fortitude.