INTRODUCTIONThree Narcissists: One Ancient, One Colonial, and One Modern

CHAPTER 1The Rule of Law in America

CHAPTER 2Assaults on the Rule of Law in Early America

CHAPTER 3The Civil War and Its Legacy

CHAPTER 4Immigration, the Red Scare, and Japanese American Internment

CHAPTER 5Russian Assault on the Rule of Law

CHAPTER 6The Nazi Assault on the Rule of Law

CHAPTER 7McCarthyism

CHAPTER 8Race and the Rule of Law

CHAPTER 9The Phony War: Science vs. Religion

CHAPTER 10The Stain of Vietnam

CHAPTER 11Tricky Dick and Dirty Tricks

CHAPTER 12Iran Contra

CHAPTER 13The Clinton Impeachment


CHAPTER 15“But Her Email …”

CHAPTER 16Who Is Donald Trump?

CHAPTER 17A Man of Many Assets or a Foreign Asset?

CHAPTER 18Draining the Swamp

CHAPTER 19The Steele Dossier and More: The Trump-Russia Connection

CHAPTER 20Russia Hacks the World

CHAPTER 21Putin Crowns Our President

CHAPTER 22Lies, Alternative Facts, Fake News, and the Free Press

CHAPTER 23Trump the Campaigner

CHAPTER 24Blowing Up Bridges, Building Walls

CHAPTER 25Two Tragic Figures

CHAPTER 26Robert Mueller: Trump’s Worst Nightmare

CHAPTER 27The Battle to Stop Robert Mueller

CHAPTER 28The Supreme Court

CHAPTER 29Barr’s Inside Job

CHAPTER 30The Mueller Report

CHAPTER 31Ukraine, China, Syria, and More





About the Authors