A Secret History of the War Defeat: A Note on War Responsibility
Abbott, Albert
Abbott, Joe
Abe, Shinnosuke
Addison, Lord
Aihara, Yū
Aizawa, Lieutenant Colonel Saburō
Akihito, Crown Prince and Emperor
Allen, Brigadier A.R.
Allen Inquiry into Japanese war crimes
Allied forces see also Australian Army; China; Netherlands; ‘SCAP’; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; United States
accused of war crimes
actions while occupying Japan
British Commonwealth Occupation Force
Canada supports British trials
cities bombed by
difficulties in planning prosecutions
goals for war crimes trials
MacArthur appointed Supreme Commander
New Zealand declines to submit list of war criminals
occupation of Japan by
Potsdam Declaration
war crimes trials held by,
Ambon War Crimes Trials, The
Anami, General Korechika
Andrews, Tom
Anthony, Larry
Araki, General Sadao
Armenians, massacre of
Asaka, Prince Yasuhiko
Aszkielowicz, Dean
Atcheson, George
atomic bombs, dropped on Japan
Attlee, Clement
anti-Japanese feeling in
changing attiudes towards Japan
class-B and class-C war crimes trials
joins War Crimes Commission
legalistic approach
Pacific theatre casualties
reaction to war crimes trials
reconciliation with Japan
repatriates Japanese prisoners
response to Japanese surrender
response to Webb Reports
supports death penalty for war crimes
supports prosecution of Hirohito
Australian Army
actions while occupying Japan
courts-martial in
defence drawn from Legal Corps
executions by
in occupation forces
manages British North Borneo
sidelined by US Army in Pacific
Australian Labor Party, on death penalty
Australian Navy trials at Manus Island
Australian Women’s Army Service
Australia’s War Crimes Trials, 1945-51
Ba Maw
Badham, Lennard C.
Banaba Island massacre
Bangka Island, nurses massacred at
Bataan Death March
Beard, Bob
Beazley, Kim Sr
Bennett, Lieutenant General Gordon
Berendsen, Carl
Bernard, Henri
as IMTFE member
background of
dissenting judgements
Bix, Herbert
Blain, Sergeant Adair
Blamey, General Thomas
on Japanese troops
receives surrender of 2nd Army
represents Australia at surrender ceremony
sees Japan as buffer against Soviets
Borneo, invasion of
Bose, Sarat Chandra
Bougainville, Japanese prisoners shot in
Bowers, Faubion
Brannon, John
Brenann, Gerard
Britain see United Kingdom
British Army, executions carried out by
British Commonwealth Occupation Force
Brock, Lieutenant Colonel John T.
Bryant, Michael
Burke, Tom
Burley, C.A.
Burma Railway
construction of
Singapore trials concerning
Tōjō convicted of charges relating to
use of POWs as forced labour
Burns, Crayton
Burton, J.W.
Bush, George H.W.
bushidō, as moral principle
Byrnes, James
cages for prisoners of war
Caiger, George
Cairo Declaration
Calwell, Arthur
Cameron, Archie
Cameron, Clyde
Campaign of Love (ai no undō)
Canada, supports British trials
Capital Punishment (Koshukei Jipusha)
Carter, D.
Centaur, torpedoing of
Chambers, Cyril
Changi Prison
Cherry Blossom Society (Sakurakai)
Chiang Kai-shek
Chifley Labor government
acquittal rate for war crimes courts
changing Japanese attitudes to
class-B and class-C war crimes trials
communist takeover of
Japanese aggression in
Japanese conquest of
prosecution for Rape of Nanking
repatriates and releases Japanese prisoners
separate trials by
signs peace treaties with Japan
under Japanese occupation
Cho, Fumitsura
Chō, Lieutenant Colonel Isamu
Churchill, Winston
cities, legality of bombing
civil law
Civil Liberties Directive 1945 (Japan)
comfort women scheme
killed for experimental purposes
legality of bombing civilian populations
Ocean Island natives
used for forced labour or prostitution
Clarke, Major
class-A war crimes trials
class-B and class-C war crimes trials
by nation
held by Australia
Clifton, Allen
Cold War, resurgence of militarism in
Coleman, Max
comfort women scheme
common law vs civil law
communism, threat of used as defence for aggression
communist leaders released from jail
Comyns Carr, Arthur Strettell
conspiracy charges
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
Conventions Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land
Cook, Captain George
Cosgrave, Colonel Lawrence Moore
Courtney, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph
Cramer, Major General Myron C.
Cribb, Robert
Cunningham, Owen
Curtin, John
Dachau Trials
Daly, Fred
Darwin, trials held in
Defence Act 1903 (Cth)
Devanny, Hal
Dickinson, Major George
Dinant, German atrocities at
Doihara, General Kenji
Dower, John W.
Downer, Alexander Sr
Dulles, John Foster
Durdin, Frank Tillman
Dutch East Indies, postwar independence movement
East Germany, domestic trials for war crimes
Eastern Europe, war crimes trials in
Eather, Major General Kenneth
economic blockade, as act of war
Enomoto, Masayo
Evatt, Herbert Vere
appoints Webb to investigate war crimes
on postwar treatment of Japan
on prosecuting Emperor
personal background
ratifies convention against genocide
response to Japanese surrender
role in war crimes trials
war policies
Falailiva (Ocean Islander)
February 26 Incident,
Fellers, Bonner F.
Fihelly, John
Finch, George
firing squads, problems with
First Australian War Crimes Section
First Sino-Japanese War
First Webb Report
First World War, war crimes prosecutions following
Fitzpatrick, Georgina
Forde, Frank
Formosans, war crimes trials for
Forrestal, James
Fowler, Captain Noel
Foxcroft, Gilbert
Frank, Hans
Fraser, Admiral Sir Bruce
Fraser, Peter
Fujimori, Shōichi
Fukushima, Maso
Gaunt, George
General Principles of Strategic Command
Geneva Conventions
Allies agree to prosecute for war crimes
attempts to prosecute war criminals from
charge of Japanese conspiracy with
Japan allied with
postwar trials in
war criminals from released
Godwin, Captain James G.
Gōto, Naval Paymaster Daisaku
‘government by assassination’ period
Gozen Kaigi conference
Graham, Bill
Great Depression, Japan crippled by
Greater Japan Youth Party
Gridley, Lieutenant Herbert Charles
Grotius, Hugo
Gullett, Jo
Hackney, Lieutenant B.C.
Hague Conference 1923
Hague Conventions
Hakkō ichiu slogan
Halfpenny, John
Ham, Paul
Hamaguchi, Osachi
Hamanaka, Rear Admiral
Hanawa, Sub-Lieutenant Eiji
Hanayama, Nobukatsu
Handcock, Peter
hanging, execution by
Hanning, Reinhold
Haruo, Captain Watanabe
Hashimoto, Colonel Kingoro
Hawke, Bob
Herman, Arthur
Hess, Rudolf
Hicks, Major Ronald H.
Higashikuni, Prince Naruhiko
Higgins, John Patrick
Hiranuma, Kiichirō
Hirohito, Emperor
ascension speech
called on to surrender
consults former Prime Ministers
converted to militarism
co-operates with US
demands to prosecute
granted immunity from prosecution
‘Jewel Voice Broadcast’
meets with MacArthur
military coup attempt
on reasons for losing war
postwar career and death
renounces claim to divinity
retains position as head of state
SCAP organises tours for
surrenders to Allied forces
Hiroshi, Ōshima
Hiroshima bombing, effects of
Hirota, Major General Akira
defence put forward by
held responsible for Nanking massacre
sentenced to death for war crimes
Homma, Lieutenant General Masaharu
Hondo, Sergeant Kazuma
Hong Kong, trials held in
Honjō, General Shigeru
Hoshijima, Captain Susumu/Susumi
Hoshino, Naoki
Höss, Rudolf
Housewives Progressive Association of Broken Hill
Hsu Chuan-Ying
Hughes, Richard
Hull, Cordell
I Want to Be a Shellfish (Watashi wa Kai ni Naritai)
Ikeba, Captain Toma
Ikeuchi, Masakiyo
Imamura, General Hitoshi
appears as witness
commands Rabaul
forbids Yaki to appeal conviction
imprisoned at Los Negros
tried at Rabaul
Imperial Japanese Army
areas occupied by
controls China
delegate from at surrender ceremony
occupation of Borneo
order breaks down after surrender
plans to repudiate surrender
risk of starvation by
treatment of prisoners of war
trials held in Officers’ School
under Tōjō
war crimes trials for members of
Imperial Japanese Navy
Imperial Rule Assistance Association, disbanded
Inagaki, Sergeant Major Masaru
India, judge supplied by
Indians, treatment of under Japanese occupation
Indonesians, trials for war crimes against
International Military Tribunal for the Far East
charter for
conspiracy charge
criticisms of procedure
difficulties in
Japanese attitudes to
judgements by
participants in
perceived unfairness
staff appointed to
verdicts and sentences
International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg) see Nuremburg Trials
International Prosecution Section
Inukai, Tsuyoshi
Ipachi, Warrant Officer Miyamoto
Ise Bay, regalia at
Ishii, Shirō
Ishiwara, Kanji
Isitt, Air Vice Marshal Leonard Monk
Itagaki, General Seishirō
Italy, Japan allies with
Iwama, Masao
Iwasa, Captain Tokio
Japan see also Imperial Japanese Army; Imperial Japanese Navy
adheres to Hague Conventions prior to WWII
adopts civil law system
attitude to war crimes charges
B- and C-class prisoners repatriated to
brothels for occupying Allies
charged with war crimes
cities bombed by Allied forces
citizens asked to apologise to Emperor
cultural insensitivity towards occupied populations
depiction of West in
effects of atomic bombing
in final stages of war
jails remaining war criminals
legal responsibility in
map of wartime expansion v
moves to war footing
order breaks down in after surrender
popularity of MacArthur in
portrayal of in Australia
prisoners of war from
reconciliation with Australia
repatriation of forces to
rise of militarism in
Russo–Japanese War
withdraws from League of Nations
Japan and the Way of the Japanese (Nihon oyobi Nihonjin no michi)
Japanese House of Representatives Committee
Jaranilla, Delfin J.
Jodl, General Alfred
Jowitt, Lord
jus ad bellum and jus in bello
Kabe atsuki heya: BC-kyū senpan no jinseiki (The Thick-Walled Room)
Kabunare (Ocean Islander)
Kadomatsu, Shoichi
Kanamoto, Warrant Officer Keigo
Karyn massacre
Kase, Toshikazu
Katayama, Lieutenant Hideo
Katō, Lieutenant Tetsutarō
Kawakami, K.K.
Kaya, Okinori
Keenan, Joseph B.
announces Emperor immune from prosecution
arrives in Tokyo
incompetence of
on the aims of IMTFE
prosecution led by
unexplained absences
Kellogg, Frank
Kellogg–Briand Pact
Kempeitai police
Kennan, George
Kido, Kōichi
advises Emperor
arrest and trial
associated with Konoe
concerns for Imperial regalia
cross-examination of
fanatics urge murder of
helps write surrender speech
hides from palace search
released from Sugamo Prison
relieved by Emperor’s meeting with MacArthur
response to Emperor’s immunity from prosecution
Kikkawa, Haruo
Kimura, General Heitarō
Kinjō, Shigeaki
Kirby, Richard C.
Kisch, Egon
Kishi, Nobusuke
Kiyoshi, Lieutenant Colonel Miyakawa
Kobayashi, Masaki
Kōdōha (Imperial Way Faction)
Koiso, General Kuniaki
Kokoda Campaign, prisoners killed in
Kokutai, preservation of
Kondo, Hajime
Konoe, Prince Fumimaro
at Versailles
declines to attend surrender ceremony
defence policies under
develops new constitution
Hirohito consults with
in ‘comfort women’ project
resigns as Prime Minister
response to Rape of Nanking
suicides before arrest
Kore Dake Yomeba Ware Wa Kateru (Read this and the war is won)
Korean War
Koreans, war crimes trials for
Kuching POW camp, maltreatment of prisoners at
Kudakareta Kami (Shattered God)
Kujūkuri Beach fortifications
Kurosawa, Akira
Kwantung Army
border war with Soviet Union
captured by Soviet Union
present-day views of
ultra-nationalism in
under Tōjō Hideki
Kyūjō incident
Labuan, trials held at
Laha Massacres
Lark Force
Lazarus, George
League of Nations
Leahy, Admiral William
Leuven, German atrocities at
Lockyer, Flight Sergeant A.A.
Logan, William
London Naval Treaty
Los Negros see Manus Island
Lűshun (Port Arthur), massacre in
MacArthur, Arthur
MacArthur, General Douglas
appointed Supreme Commander
approves death sentences for war crimes
arrival in Japan
as head of occupying forces
at surrender ceremony
confirms death sentences
Emperor meets with
on Japanese reaction to trials
Philippines campaign
popularity in Japan
presses for trials to end
quashes Katō’s conviction
reaction to dissenting opinion
rebuffs Australian offer of assistance
response to Webb’s recall
views on prosecuting Emperor
Makin, Norman
Makino, Nobuaki
Manchukuo see also China
Manchuria, invasion of
Mansfield, Alan
appointed to IMTFE
supports prosecution of Hirohito
Manus Island
Japanese prisoners on
trials held on
Mao Tse-tung
Marco Polo Bridge Incident
Matsui, General Iwane
defence put forward by
gives orders regarding Nanking
held responsible for Nanking massacre
on list of suspected war criminals
sentenced to death for war crimes
Matsuoka, Yōsuke
Mayama, Corporal Kihachi
McCaul, Ethel
McCormack, Tim
McDilda, Lieutenant Marcus
McDonald, B.J.
McDougall, Edward Stuart
McMahon, Billy
Mehmed IV, Sultan
Mei Ju-ao
Meiji Constitution
Menzies, Robert
Menzies Coalition government
involvement in Manus trials
petitioned to repatriate war criminals
policy towards Japanese prisoners
reviews death sentences
Mergui Road camp
Minear, Richard
Miyazaki, Seaman First Class Jyosuke
Moffitt, Captain Athol
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Montevideo Maru, torpedoed and sunk
Moral Training for Soldiers
Morant, Harry ‘Breaker’
Mori, Lieutenant General Takeshi
Morimoto, Sergeant Major
Morimoto, Warrant Officer Kiyomitsu
Morris, Narrelle
Moscow Declaration 1943
Motoshima, Hitoshi
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Mukden Incident
Munemiya, Shinji
Murayama Statement 1995
Murphy, John
Mutō, Akira
Nagano, Admiral Osami
Nagata, General Tetsuzan
Nakamura, Seaman First Class Shikao
Nakamura, Surgeon-Captain Hirosuto
Nakayama, Chōji
Nankai Shitai (South Seas Force)
Nanking massacre
Nara, Lieutenant Yoshio
Nationalist China see China
Nazi–Soviet Pact 1939
acquittal rate for war crimes courts
class-B and class-C war crimes trials
refuses to deport ex-Kaiser for trial
repatriates Japanese prisoners
Nevins, Allan
New Zealand, declines to submit list of war criminals
Newton, Flight Lieutenant W.E.
Neylan, Brigadier Edward
Nikitchenko, Iona Timofeevich
Nimitz, Admiral Chester
Nishimura, Lieutenant General Takuma
Nomonhan Incident
Nonaka, Shoichi
Northcott, Lieutenant General John
Northcroft, Erima Harvey
nullum crimen et nulla poena sine lege principle
Nuremberg Charter
Nuremburg Trials
basis for prosecutions
defendants all German
legal validity of
reluctance to convict for crimes against peace
Ocean Islanders, massacre of
Ohama, Shingen
Okada, Emmi
Okada, Lieutenant General Tasuku
Okada, Tomiyoshi
Okamura, Katsuzō
Okamura, Yasuji
Ōkawa, Shūmei
Okinawa, Battle of
Ōnishi, Admiral Takijirō
Oppenheim, Lassa
Ottoman Empire, war criminals from
Ōyama, General Iwao
Pacific Islanders, crimes against
Pacific theatre
Pact of Paris
Pal, Radhabinod
background of
dissenting judgements
rejects legitimacy of court
repudiates charter
Panay gunboat
Pang Woo, Betty
Papua New Guinea
Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime War 1856
Patrick, Lord
Payne, Harold
Pearl Harbor, post-war investigation into
People’s Republic of China see China
Percival, General Arthur
Piccigallo, Philip R.
Poles, massacred by Soviet Union
Potsdam Declaration
Allied forces issue
Australia not informed of
Japanese response to
quote from ix
prisoners of war
from Japan
from Rabaul
Hong Kong trials concerning
in Borneo, maltreatment of
liberation of
statements taken from
treatment by Japanese Army
Prisoners of War Convention 1929
Pura, Colin
Quentin-Baxter, Robert Quentin
Quilliam, Brigadier Ronald Henry
Quinton, Lieutenant Colonel Norman
Quirino, Elpidio
Rabaul, trials held in
Rakuyō Maru transport
RAN War Criminal Compound Manus Island, trials at
Rape of Nanking, responsibility for
re kara shichinen (Seven Years Later)
Read this and the war is won (Kore Dake Yomeba Ware Wa Kateru)
Red Cross, sends packages to prisoners
Reither, Private Herman
retaliatory trials, objections to
Röling, Bert
as IMTFE member
background of
Charles Willoughby and
dissenting judgements
on theatrical nature of trials
Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis 143 see also Germany; Italy; Japan
Rooney, Charles
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Royal Australian Air Force
Russo–Japanese War
Ruxton, Bruce
Sagoya, Tomeo
Saionji, Prince Kinmochi
Saito, Captain
Sakata, Lieutenant Jiro
Sakurakai (Cherry Blossom Society)
samurai ethos
Sandakan prison camp, trials relating to
Sankō Sakusen approach
Satō, Naotake
‘SCAP’ (US administration in occupied Japan) see also MacArthur, General Douglas
Emperor cooperates with
grants immunity from prosecution to Ishii Shirō
indicts suspected war criminals
opposes prosecuting Emperor
plans release of untried suspects
political reforms by
used to refer to occupying force
Schabas, William
Schirach, Baldur von
Sebald, William
Second Australian War Crimes Section
Second Sino-Japanese War
Second Webb Report
Secret History of the War Defeat: A Note on War Responsibility
Seeadler Harbor
Seiki no Isho (Testament of the Century)
Sellars, Kirsten
Senjinkun Field Service Code
Senpan saiban no jisso (The Truth About War Crimes Trials)
Seven Years Later (re kara shichinen)
Shang Teh-Yi
Shanghai Incident
Shattered God (Kudakareta Kami)
Shibazake, Rear Admiral
Shidehara, Kijūrō
Shigemitsu, Mamoru
attends surrender ceremony
celebratory poem
conviction of
endorses Hirohito as head of state
postwar career
released from Sugamo Prison
sentence given to
tried at IMFTE
Shimada, Shigetarō
Shinmin no Michi (The Way of the Subject)
Shiraishi, Lieutenant Colonel Michinori
Shiraki, Sergeant Jin’ichi
Shirozu, Captain Wadami
Short, Private Nelson
Shōwa Tennō Dokuhakuroku
Shumei, Ōkawa
Sibley, N.W.
Simpson, William Ballantyne
Simson, Judge Advocate General W.B.
Sinclair, F.R.
Singapore, trials held in
Singh, Subedar Chint
Sino–Japanese Wars, present-day views of
Sissons, David C.C.
articles by
Fowler writes to
on Australian trials
on courts-martial approach
on defendants in multiple trials
on treatment of suspects
research by
Smith, F.E.
Smith, Lieutenant H.E.
Smith, Sydney
Smuts, Jan
‘Soldiers Want Guilty Japs to Die’
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Soviet Union
attends peace conference
blockades West Berlin
declares war on Japan
invades Manchuria
Japanese border war with
plans to occupy Japan
repatriates Japanese prisoners
separate trials by
supports prosecution of Hirohito
war crimes committed by
Spears, Frank
Speer, Albert
Spender, Percy
Stalin, Josef
Stanley Prison, executions at
Statutory Rule No 11
Stephens, Lieutenant Colonel Crofton
Sticpewich, Warrant Officer William ‘Bill’
Stimson, Henry
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Sturdee, Lieutenant General Vernon
Subsequent Nuremberg Trials
Sugamo no haha (‘Mother of Sugamo’)
Sugamo Prison
Sugawara, Yutaka
Sugiyama, Field Marshal Hajime
suicide, by Japanese prisoners of war
Sukarada, Lieutenant Makota
Sukarno, as resistance leader
Suluk ethnic group
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers see ‘SCAP’
Supreme Council for the Direction of the War (Japan)
Suzuki, Kantarō
calls cabinet meeting
house burned in coup attempt
resigns as Prime Minister
views on surrender
Suzuki, Lieutenant Commander Naōmi
Suzuki, Lieutenant Yutaka
Taishō Democracy
Taiwanese, war crimes trials for
Tajima, Private
Tajiri, Kazumi
Takahashi, Lieutenant
Takami, Jun
Takemae, Eiji
Takeshita, Noboru
Takigawa, Masajirō
Takukuwa, Captain Takuo
Tanaka, Lieutenant
Tavenner, Frank S. Jr
Teshima, Lieutenant General Fusataro
Testament of the Century (Seiki no Isho)
Thailand, prisoners of war in
The Ambon War Crimes Trials
The Thick-Walled Room (Kabe atsuki heya: BC-kyū senpan no jinseiki)
The Three Alls: Japanese Confessions of War Crimes in China
The Truth About War Crimes Trials (Senpan saiban no jisso)
The Way of the Subject (Shinmin no Michi)
Theodore Labor government (Qld)
Third Webb Report
Thornton, Eric
Three Alls: Japanese Confessions of War Crimes in China
Timor, prisoners of war abused in
Tizard, Bob
Tōgō, Shigenori
Tōjō, Hideki
appointed Prime Minister
attempts suicide before arrest
charged with maltreating POWs
comments on trial
conversion to Buddhism
cross-examination of
propaganda issued by
rivalry with Ishiwara
sentenced to death for war crimes
takes office as Prime Minister
tried at IMFTE
views on surrender
Tokashiki Island, atrocities on
Tokyo, after firebombing
Tokyo Charter, on ‘conventional’ war crimes
Tokyo Tribunal see International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Tol Plantation, massacre of captured soldiers at
Tōseiha (Control Faction)
Townley, Kenneth
Toyoda, Admiral Soemu
translation issues
Treaty of San Francisco
Treaty of Sèvres
Treaty of Versailles
Trefalt, Beatrice
Truman, Harry S.
drafts surrender terms
on atomic bombing
relations with Stalin
warns of danger from communism
Truth About War Crimes Trials, The (Senpan saiban no jisso)
Tsuaki, Lieutenant Takahiko
Tsuji, Colonel Masanobu
Tsuji, Sergeant
Tsurukoa, Sub-Lieutenant Ikuzo
Umezu, General Yoshijirō
Underwood, Alan
Unit 731
United Kingdom
Australia seeks support from
class-B and class-C war crimes trials
courts-martial in
executions carried out by British troops
on war crimes trial procedure
policy on bombing cities
repatriates Japanese prisoners
royal warrant for trials
supports retaining Emperor
United Nations
United Nations War Crimes Commission
United States see also ‘SCAP’
changing attitudes to war crimes trials
class-B and class-C war crimes trials
favours repatriation of Japanese prisoners
policy on bombing cities
upholds immunity of sovereigns from prosecution
Upson, Major Thomas
USS Missouri, surrender ceremony on
Utsunomiya, Seichi
Victor’s Justice: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial
Wainwright, General Jonathan
Wang Jingwei
War Crimes Act 1945 (Cth)
War Crimes (Imprisonment) Regulations 1951
war of aggression, defendants charged with waging
Ward, Eddie
Warner, Dennis
Warren, M.C.
Washington Naval Treaty 1922
Watanabe, Hamako
Watanabe, Kiyoshi
Watashi wa Kai ni Naritai (I Want to Be a Shellfish)
Way of the Subject, The (Shinmin no Michi)
Webb, Sir William Flood
advice on B- and C-class trials
as president of IMTFE
called back to Australia
dissenting opinions
on defence claims
on posterity
on prosecuting the Emperor
opens IMTFE proceedings
reports on Japanese war crimes
Webb Reports
West Germany, domestic trials for war crimes
Wewak, trials held at
White, Frank L.
Whitelaw, Major General John S.
Wilhelm II of Germany, attempts to prosecute for war crimes
Williams, John Myles
Willoughby, Charles
Wilson, John Bowie
Wilson, Judge Advocate General
Wilson, Sandra
World War I, war crimes prosecutions following
Wright of Durley, Lord
advises trials can proceed
on listing of suspects
on safety in numbers
passes prosecutions to Tokyo
supports prosecution of Emperor
Wybrow, Kenneth
Wyzanski, Charles E.
Yabe, Captain Tokuhiro
Yajima, Major General Masanori
Yaki, Sergeant Yoshio
Yamamoto, Shōichi
Yamashita, General Tomoyuki
Yokota, Kinzo
Yonai, Admiral Mitsumasa
Yoshikawa, Tatsuhito
Yuma, Totani
Yūshūkan museum
Zaryanov, Major General Ivan Michyevich
Zen Buddhism