There are many people, from both my present and my past, who deserve a huge nod of thanks. My husband, Joe, comes first to mind. We have been traveling this road together for more than forty years and I can always rely on him for honesty, guidance, kindness, and loving support.

All my friends in AA and Al-Anon also come quickly to mind. Without their constant presence, my life would have upended decades ago.

I'm also indebted to the millions of readers of my books, and the thousands of them who have contacted me through snail mail, email, phone calls, texts, and workshops since my first book “hit the stands” in 1982. You will never know how much your messages have meant to me.

I certainly can't forget Jan Johnson, who brought me to Red Wheel/Weiser as an author for the publication of Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow. She was kind and so supportive of my work. My journey with Red Wheel has been a marvelous “marriage” ever since.

And thanks to Greg Brandenburgh and Christine LeBlond, who have helped me through the editing channels of late. And Jane Hagaman, you held my hand when I most needed it. All authors owe their editors a debt of gratitude for making their work better in every way.

And I would be remiss if I didn't thank all my friends at Hazelden who saw my potential as a writer many decades ago. Linda Peterson was the first to be instrumental in taking me by the hand. Becky Post and Pat Benson, too, kept me on track and uplifted. And numerous others walked by my side for years. You know who you are. I love you one and all.