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Dana spent a lonely night crying in her room over the things she’d heard from the kitchen. She hadn’t realized how badly she’d treated everyone. She knew she had no one to blame but herself but seriously, she’d been the Pres’ only child, so she’d felt entitled all these years.
Now, not so much. Her world had changed the moment Boone brought Winona into the clubhouse and she’d feared from that day on about how things were changing. Her sister was now taking her place with her dad and the club while she was getting pushed out.
Just before dawn, she rose from her bed and went over to the window to watch the sun come up.
She stood there watching the light chase away the shadows and thought about what all was happening to her life. Thoughts were swimming round and round in her head and soon it began to ache. That and the fact she hadn’t slept much if even at all during the night. All her inner turmoil made her feel overwhelmed.
She couldn’t stay in her room anymore so she escaped to the main room. She heard sounds coming from the kitchen and knew Winona and Lucille or rather that DeeDee would be in there.
They were both busy with work at the island. When the door flew open and slammed against the wall, it hit so hard that it didn’t swing closed like usual.
DeeDee looked up to see Dana walk in like she owned the kitchen and she stood still. As if waiting to see what this would be about.
Winona twirled around and glared when she saw it was Dana. Then she too, waited to see what she wanted before she said anything. There was no telling with this girl. She would most likely be the bitch she was though.
“I need to know something before I make up my mind about the story you told us,” Dana began while glaring at DeeDee.
“What do you want to know?” DeeDee asked. “I told you guys everything there was to tell. I didn’t hide any secrets.”
“But you never really answered the big question of why, did you?” Dana repeated. “Why did you wait twenty four years to come back here? You knew where I was all this time. You knew where Dad was and still you stayed away all this time.”
“I told you why. I stayed away to keep both you and your dad safe from Blacky. As long as I did that, he wouldn’t hurt either of you. But if there was a still chance I would talk about what he was doing, Blacky wouldn’t dare hurt you. If I came forward, he would have ambushed your dad and started killing the brothers. I couldn’t chance it”
Dana shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe, I just don’t believe you. Did you ever think of that? Oh, I know Blacky is capable of the things you claimed but maybe I don’t believe you didn’t have a choice.”
“Is everything so black and white in your world?” Winona asked.
Dana glared and nodded. “Yeah, it is. It’s either black or white for me.”
“You don’t have shades of grey in your world?” Winona asked.
“Shades of grey are nothing more than lies,” Dana sated.
“Oh My God, shades of grey aren’t lies,” Winona exclaimed. “They’re just the things in between that no one else might know about. Everyone has them, my shades of grey would be what nightmares are made of. My first shade was when I was three. I remember being locked in my bedroom for three days, no food, or water and I was so hungry. I could hear people on the other side of my door but they didn’t hear me. I cried and screamed for my mom but she never came. My dad came instead and he wailed on me good for making too much noise. He told me I was bringing him down off his high and he wanted to teach me a lesson. I was so happy when one of his friends called him away. I was hurt and curled up in the corner for another two days before they came to get me.”
Gunner, Boone and Jett moved to the open kitchen door. Tate, Cobra and several others were behind them and they all could hear her words clearly. They heard the anguish in her voice as well.
“Then when I was five, they left me alone for three days. No food in the house and no money to buy anything. I had to wait until dark and go outside to rummage through the neighbor’s garbage cans for something to eat. To them, it was garbage but to me it was my dinner. It wasn’t so bad as long as no one caught me. I couldn’t do it very often because when Sheila and Mike were home... they were often up all night long, getting high with their friends.”
A tear rolled down DeeDee’s cheek as she stared at her.
“Then I turned eight. Mike and the others began to notice I was growing up. From that day until I turned twelve, I had to have eyes in the back of my head. I had to wonder if today was the day one of their friends was going to drag me out of the house to sell me to some pervert on the street for the cost of a fix. Blacky used to come around sometimes to keep an eye on me and that scared me even more than the thought of being alone. His watching gave me the creeps. When they disappeared again for so long, I couldn’t take it anymore I got the hell out of that fucking house. I’d already overheard Blacky tell Mike he’d better keep track of me because he was working on finding a buyer out of the country, so that someone named Gunner would never find me. I was living on the streets for a while when I found Mrs. George and she took me in. For the first time in my life, I knew what having a mother meant even if she wasn’t mine.” Winona turned her head and glared at Dana. “So yes Dana, shades of grey are certainly NOT lies. There are no absolutes in life and not everything is black or white. At least, you had someone who cared about what happened to you. So, I can understand why Mom didn’t dare to come back here.”
DeeDee sniffled through the tears falling along her cheeks as she spoke quietly, “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t see you from time to time.”
Dana turned to look at her.
“Yes, I knew where you and your dad were. I was here, when I could no longer stay away from seeing either of you. I would come and stand just outside the fence line and watch you play outside or stand in the shadows when I knew your dad was coming home. I longed to march right up to you and take you in my arms and tell you who I was but I knew I couldn’t do that. If Blacky knew I was still alive, he would have cut my throat. But as evil as he was, he would have made me watch as he hurt you first. He would make sure I saw it, just like he’d told me when I had both babies that night. I knew what I was doing was wrong but there were times I just couldn’t stay away. I had to see you and your dad.”
“You could have trusted Dad enough to protect you, protect us. But no, you couldn’t even do that could you?” Dana shouted.
“How do you trust something you can’t always see?” Winona quickly asked. “Blacky was someone you couldn’t trust. He’d lie straight to your face but, given the chance he would slit your throat and walk away, then lead a search for the guilty party.” She shook her head. “So, no Dana, mom did the right thing, she stayed away for the right amount of time.”
“Says you.” Dana snarled. “She was with you for three years. She chose to be with you over me or dad. You got to know her while I didn’t. She’s as much a stranger to me as you are.”
“Shades of grey sister,” Winona told her.
“You are not my sister!” Dana yelled. “I hate you. And I hate what you have done to my life!”
Winona froze then looked over at her mother.
DeeDee could see the heartbreak in her daughter’s eyes and she was unsure of what to say to help her through this.
Winona simply turned and walked out of the kitchen.
Everyone moved to let her through but they didn’t say anything.
Dana turned to leave the room and finally, she saw everyone standing there behind her. Her cheeks flushed red at the condemning look in their eyes and her heart sank at the look in Jett’s eyes.
His eyes were cold and disapproving as he glared at her, then he turned his back on her and walked away.
Dana realized she just made a mistake as soon as the words were out of her mouth. She hadn’t expected anyone else to be listening. She hadn’t expected anyone to overhear her tirade.
Gunner pushed by her into the kitchen.
Turning to look at him, her father was now standing with DeeDee. He was consoling her and not paying any attention to Dana at all. There was a time when her feelings were all that mattered to him but that time was gone now.
Looking enraged, Boone stalked toward her.
Dana sucked in a breath and for the first time in her, life she felt afraid of him.
”You didn’t win any points here today, I hope you know that. You are a cold bitch Dana and that hasn’t changed any. Your sister was opening her heart to you and you just spit in her face. Yes, she had your mother for three years but you... you had your dad all your fucking life. She would have given anything to have someone who cared even a little bit about her, and you just threw the best thing you had away with your big fucking mouth.” He turned and walked away.
All the other men cleared out too, after a giving her some dirty looks.
Dana let out a long breath as she stood there alone, feeling very unwanted.
Boone walked over to the bar and poured himself a shot.
Jett and Cobra joined him. Neither of the other men said a word but then they didn’t have to. They had all heard the tirade Dana had been on.
They could only imagine the heartbreak Winona was going through at the moment.
“What are you going to do?” Cobra finally asked him.
“I’m going to get her away from here as soon as possible,” Boone told the other men. “It’s gonna break Gunner’s heart but I won’t put her up for any more of that shit. Dana just crossed the line and there’s no coming back from that.”
“I agree.” Jett nodded. “She’s going to wish she never did what she just did.”
“I better go find my woman,” Boone said. “She always needs a few minutes alone first. Winona hates to cry in front of strangers. She doesn’t trust easily and she doesn’t know yet that she can trust us.”
“You go find that woman of yours and you hold her close.” Cobra urged him.
“And I’m going to find mine and give her a lesson she should have got as a kid,” Jett vowed.
“Just remember Jett, this is a fine line you’re walking,” Cobra warned him.
“I know but what she did was wrong and everyone knows it.”
“Yup, they sure do and I think she does too,” Cobra agreed.
Jett walked away to find Dana. They had a date with destiny.
Boone figured Winona would have gone to their bedroom but when he opened the door, she wasn’t there. He turned to go back to the main room but something caught his eye. The closet door was open and he slowly walked toward it. He reached out and pushed it open even further. Her side of the closet was empty. All her clothes were gone.
His heart stopped beating for a moment and he had to sit down. Winona was gone. He felt someone had just ripped his heart out of his chest. He didn’t know if he could find her but she was his reason for breathing, so he had to bring her home again.
He got up and walked back to the kitchen.
Gunner and DeeDee were still there when he walked in. Gunner looked up and saw his face. “What’s wrong?”
“Winona’s gone,” Boone told him without emotion.
DeeDee rushed toward him. Grabbing his shirt, she bunched it up in her hands. “What do you mean, she’s gone?”
“She’s gone. Her clothes and everything is just gone.”
“Fucking hell!” Gunner swore and he ran his fingers through his hair. “We gotta find her.”
“What if she went home to Louisiana?” DeeDee asked s she looked pale and scared. “That place isn’t safe for her now.”
“What do you mean?” Boone asked. “Why isn’t it safe?”
“One of the reasons I came here rather than call her back was because Blacky’s goons were watching the shop. I noticed them before they noticed me but I was never so glad Winona wasn’t there when they came to call. They may have been there tracking me, but now I’m not so sure. They don’t know Blacky is dead yet, so they could still be looking for her. I don’t want them to find her or she could be in real trouble.”
“God dammit!” Gunner swore. “We gotta find her before they do. We can and will protect her against them but we gotta find her first.” He turned to DeeDee again. “Is there anywhere else she might go?”
“I don’t know.” DeeDee sobbed as she wrung her hands. “She might stay here in town. Yesterday, when we found the bakery there was an apartment on the top floor. She might go there for now. She just needs a place to think for a while.” She shrugged. “She does that from time to time. Over the last three years when things overwhelmed her, she would just shut herself away for a day or two to clear her head.”
“I think after what she’s been through, she’s earned that much but please understand we have to protect her now.” Gunner sighed. “We have to bring her back to the safety of the club.”
DeeDee shook her head. “I’m not sure that’s possible anymore. Dana has made herself very clear on that point. I can take it but for Winona, there’s no reason for her to. She’s had enough abuse and rejection in her life before she even came here.” She hung her head. “I know I made a huge mistake twenty five years ago and I should pay the price for not trusting you back then, I know I failed you and our daughters by doing what I did.”
“You did nothing of the kind woman.” Gunner frowned. “You did the best you could back then and you were right. Blacky would have ambushed me and turned it around on you. And everyone would have believed him too.” He shook his head. “You did the right thing.”
Someone from behind them cleared their throat.
Gunner and Boone turned to see Cobra stand there.
”Just thought you might want to know Jett is with Dana at the moment. What’s going on here?”
“Winona left the clubhouse after Dana’s little stunt,” Gunner informed him. “We need to find her quick and get her back under our protection because DeeDee just informed me Blacky’s goons could be waiting for her to return to Moss Bluff. They don’t know Blacky’s dead yet, so they are still under the assumption he’s gonna sell her.”
“Tell you what...” Cobra smiled with a glint in his eye. “Why don’t you let us take care of those boys while you look for Winona? She couldn’t have gone far yet, right? My guys haven’t had a good round in a long while so this will be fun for us. Everyone needs to unload some steam and a good fight always seems to do just that. We’ll be back in a day or two and by then, we’ll be able to start working on those plans for the kid’s club.”
Jett walked to Dana’s bedroom door and opened it without knocking.
She turned and gasped as she faced him.
He shut the door behind him and locked it before slipping the key into his pocket.
Alarmed at his actions, she took a step back, holding her breath. When she couldn’t hold it anymore, she exhaled and whispered, “What are you doing here?”
“Your time is up woman and I’ve come to collect. What you did earlier was way over the line and I won’t tolerate such behavior from you,” he told her calmly. “Now you might not care that you not only hurt your sister but you hurt your mama and daddy and every one of those men that helped raise you. Winona was right. Life is so much more than just black and white and you are going to find that out right now. I’m afraid that you are going to experience some shades of pink now.” He grabbed her arm and hauled her close to him. He wanted to feel her lips on his but he knew he couldn’t, not until she felt his wrath for her words this morning.
“I’m sorry for what I said,” she whispered.
“No you’re not. But by god, you will be and you’ll apologize not only to Winona but to your parents and the men of this club too.” He tightened his grip on her shoulders and sat down on the edge of the bed taking her with him. Without another word, he hauled her over his lap and held her down with his leg.
Then he reached around to her belly and undid her zipper of her jeans. Hauling them down along with her panties, he bared her ass.
Dana gasped and seemed so shocked, she didn’t even move.
Looking down, he paused. Dana’s bare ass cheeks were plump, smooth and so dammed creamy. He paused and admired her for a moment knowing that when he finished, her ass wouldn’t be so creamy anymore. “Before we start, I have one rule. There will be no screaming, not unless you want whoever comes to that door to see exactly what I’m doing. I don’t have any reason to worry but you might be embarrassed. And if someone breaks down the door, they will see everything, I assure you.”
Dana just lay over his lap, still not believing that this was actually happening.
He raised his hand and brought it down hard on her ass cheeks. The slap was meant to hurt and it did.
Dana struggled now, but his powerful thigh pinned her neatly and she grew breathless while trying to fight his hold. She had to catch herself in order not to scream as the smacks echoed out in the room, but she did it. She bit down on her lip to keep from calling out.
Jett kept up the slaps until she couldn’t stand the pain anymore. She cried out but not very loud, as she didn’t want anyone else to know what was going on. The smacks went on, her cheeks stung as tears burned her eyes, and her whimpering grew.
When he finally stopped, she’d received at least two dozen slaps.
Finally, Jett pulled up her jeans, stood her up and told her to get presentable that she had some apologies to make.
Tears were running down her face by the time he was done. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed.
Jett reached for her hand and brought it to his crotch.
When she felt his hard cock, her eyes widened.
“So am I little one,” Jett whispered. “So am I.”
A knock sounded on the door and Jett turned his head to stare at it.
“It’s Cobra.”
Jett got to his feet and walked over. Taking the key out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and glared at his president.
Cobra stared at Jett for a moment with a raised brow, then asked, “Is she okay?”
“She’s fine.” Then he raised his head as he heard a commotion down the hall. Looking back at Cobra he asked, “What’s going on?”
“Winona left after her conversation with the brat this morning. DeeDee told us about Blacky’s men out there looking for her. We’ve got to find her before they do. Some of the boys and I are going to Moss Bluff to track down these so called men who’d tracked her that far. We need to find them before they find her cuz they don’t know Blacky is dead.”
Jett turned his head to glare at Dana. “Shades of grey little girl. Shades of grey. You might be safer if you stayed inside your room until we get back with your sister.” He stepped out of the bedroom and pulled the door shut.
Dana just stood there staring at the door in horror. She never meant for this to happen but it had. She sat down on the edge of the bed and gasped at the pain she felt and swiftly rose back up while wincing. She barely paid any attention to the sound of the key turning in the lock as she finally thought about her sister’s words this morning.