
Chapter Twelve


Gunner drove back to the compound and parked the truck. Neither he or Cobra said a word the whole trip back. This time seemed different. It felt final and Gunner hoped he would never see either one of those two men again, not in this lifetime. He might not go to heaven when he died but hell had many levels.

“Before we go in there, there’s something you need to know,” Cobra finally broke the silence.

“And what would that be?” Gunner asked.

“Those two men aren’t gonna see another dawn. Probably won’t see midnight either.”

“And you know this how?” Gunner asked without looking at the other man.

“Don’t ask and I won’t tell you,” Cobra whispered as he stared out the windshield of the truck.

“Fair enough.” Gunner nodded after a moment of contemplation. “I don’t care enough to know anyway.”

“Let’s go find your kid then. Make sure she’s all right.” Cobra pushed his door open.

Gunner followed him inside. When he saw Dana sitting on Jett’s lap, he breathed a sigh of relief. She seemed fine other than looking a little grubby from her ordeal. He had to shake his head at this. If this had happened before Winona came, she would have been having a fit. She was always clean and well dressed before. He looked over at Jett and found the man looking back at him.

Jett’s eyes were steady as he returned Gunner’s stare.

Gunner shook his head as he moved forward breaking the spell. He walked over to his daughter and pulled her into his arms.

Dana went easily enough and laid her head on his chest.

Gunner whispered in her ear, “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I’m ok dad.”

Gunner held her close for a moment then released her.

She sat back down on Jett’s lap and he wrapped his arms around her body and held her close.

Gunner turned his head and looked at DeeDee.

She shrugged but didn’t say anything. 

“Is this over now?” Winona asked.

Gunner looked over at her and saw her standing there with Boone. “I’d like to say hell yeah but I can’t. Endo is still out there. I doubt we’ll see him again, but he’s still out there. He missed killing Boomer twenty years ago but we know about him now. Hopefully, he’ll just go away and leave us the fuck alone but I’m not counting him out just yet.”

“So do we know who the four players Blacky had as traitors? I mean we know about Arizona and Scorpion, but do we know who the other two are?” Cobra asked the group.

“One could be Endo but there are enough doubts about him, so I don’t trust him,” Gunner stated. “He’s had his own agenda the whole time. He was using the bounty hunting company to locate the cartel members that watched Boomer murder his dad and older brother. I can almost understand that. I think I’d want to take them out too, but its still murder, plain and simple.”

“Can we please not talk about this right now?” DeeDee asked. “Just for one night, can we just simply enjoy what we have right here and now?”

Gunner hugged her close to him for a moment and silently agreed with her. He just got his woman back after twenty five years and both of his daughters were safe at the moment. He might not be happy with them having men in their lives but for now, everyone was back and safe in the arms of his brotherhood.

He looked around the room at his brothers. These were the men he thought he could trust with his life. The idea of Blacky threatening that trust was intolerable. Especially for his own fucking agenda. But there were men here from the other MCs too that he didn’t know as well as he knew his own men.

He really had no reason to trust them but he did. The Lost Sons and members of the Soldiers of Hades MCs. They were all good men. When Tate and Cobra suggested an alliance between the three MCs together for a common goal, Gunner hadn’t hesitated to accept. While each had his own reasons to want to link their clubs together, it made sense.

With Blacky finally gone, they could move ahead and try to repair some of the damage he left behind.

“Dad,” Dana interrupted Gunner’s thoughts.

He turned his head and looked at his youngest daughter. “What is it baby?”

“Tomorrow, I’d like to show you something. Would that be okay?” she asked timidly.

“Sure baby,” Gunner replied with a frown. This behavior was not her typical behavior and he didn’t know what it was all about. Looking around at his brothers, they didn’t look sure either.

DeeDee squeezed his hand as she announced, “Come on guys, Winona and I made supper. Let’s just eat in peace for once alright?”

Within twenty minutes, they had the meal all laid out and the men were filling their plates with big bowls of chili and cornbread still warm from the oven. While they ate, Winona and DeeDee brought out dessert. Cakes and pies already cut quickly disappeared.

Gunner looked across the room and saw Patriot sitting in the corner with Becky. The two of them were speaking quietly. He shook his head. Becky’s bruises were fading and he knew Patriot had a soft spot for the girl. He’d been drawn to her from the moment he saw her.

Then he looked over at Harry and Annie. As usual, they both had their laptops open and were working silently. What they were looking for... only they knew. For at least this moment in time, everything was quiet. He only hoped the quiet would last.

“Looks good doesn’t it?” Boone finally broke the silence at his table.

Gunner looked over at his VP. “What looks good?” He’d seen Cobra and Thor look up from their plates to find out what Boone was talking about.

“After everything we’ve been through lately at least for now, we have peace.” Boone shrugged. “It might not last long but for now, we have a breather.”

“Amen brother.” Cobra sat back in his chair and lit a cigarette. “Sometimes, peace like this is hard to come by so we have to enjoy it while we can.”

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Dana grew restless once supper was done. She looked down at her jeans and saw they were dirty and torn from falling in the woods when Blacky dragged her down. Suddenly, she felt grubby and she hated feeling like that. She got to her feet and looked down at Jett. “I need a shower and some clean clothes. I can’t stand this anymore.”

Jett smiled and got to his feet. “Maybe I’ll join you.”

Dana blushed but didn’t say anything. He reached for her hand and she didn’t mind that at all. She led the way to her bedroom and when the door shut behind them, Jett twisted the lock. He hadn’t fully recovered from his encounter with Boomer but he was well on his way to getting his strength back. He looked down at her with interest in his eyes. “I think I’ve waited long enough.”

Dana looked up at him and asked, “Are you sure you want me? Me, the spoiled brat of the MC?”

Jett leaned his head against the door and watched her carefully. “It’s true, you are spoiled but I also believe you are trying.  Your dad didn’t do you any favors by letting you get away with this shit all these years but I think given a chance, you can change. I think you see that now.”

Dana sighed and laid her head on his chest. “I didn’t want her here when she first came, I didn’t want either one of them here, taking my dad’s attention away from me. I had grown up with being the only one he focused his attention on. I didn’t know what they had gone through growing up. All I knew, was they were taking him away from me. Then Yvette took me and I learned a small piece of what Winona had lived with all her life. I think I was numb to what could happen until it did happen.” She paused and let out a heavy sigh. “I never prayed so hard in my life that my dad and his men would find me and bring me home. I knew I didn’t deserve it after the way I treated them all my life but I still prayed they would come.”

Wrapping her arms around his waist leaning into him, she continued, “Then that man who was working for Blacky took me. When he told me what he was going to do to me, I was never so afraid in all my life. But even after all I had done, my dad still sent you to rescue me. I was never so glad to see anyone that day than I was to see you. And still I acted like a prima diva.”

“And now?” Jett stared down at her.

“I’m learning what it’s really like to have a family.” She chuckled. “I still have a lot to learn, a lot to make up for but I’m hoping they will give me a chance.”

“I think they are seeing a change. I know I am,” Jett assured her.

“But will it be enough?”

“It’s enough for now, as long as you don’t digress. Build on what you started.” He urged her. “Let them see the real you, but only you can choose the path you’re on.”

“Thank you for believing in me. I’ll try not to let you down.”

“Let’s get that shower,” he whispered in her ear.

Dana groaned and pulled away from him reluctantly. This was her moment of proof. She looked at him and without a word, she pulled off her shirt. Then she removed her jeans and stood in front of him in nothing more than her bra and panties.

Jett pushed himself away from the door and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Pulling it off, he exposed his broad chest. He was inked and his chest hair was drawn down to a v that disappeared into his jeans.

Dana swallowed hard as she stared.

His hands went to the button on his jeans and he slowly pulled them off his legs. He now stood there in his boxers.

She reached out a trembling hand and touched his chest. His hair was soft and his skin felt warm under his fingers. After she explored his chest, she went to pull her hand away but Jett reached up and pushed her hand back to his skin.

“I love your touch,” he whispered.

“I love touching you.” She nodded. “But I want more than just to touch you.”

Jett leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Jett groaned and deepened the kiss. Passion exploded between them and when the kiss broke, they both gasped for breath.

Jett’s hands wrapped around her bottom as he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He tossed her gently down and followed her. He covered her body with his own.

Dana could feel his hard shaft against her belly.

He pulled down her bra and immediately began to kiss and suck on her breasts. Dana groaned as she felt the touch of his lips, teeth and mouth on her, first one breast then the other. Her core wept as she lifted her hips and began rubbing against his cock.

Jett groaned and his hand went to her wet core. Ripping her panties out of the way, he touched her and groaned again, when he found her moist and ready for him. He pushed one finger inside and found her tight, as he was a bit on the bigger side and he didn’t want to hurt her.

He added another finger and she opened her legs a bit wider. Jett kissed her again as he felt her respond to him while her body seemed to relax. He wanted even more as he paused long enough to tear his boxers off, then he was there. His cock rubbed her core coating himself in her juices before he nudged her at her entrance with the tip of his cock. He wanted nothing more than to slam himself inside her but that’s not how he wanted their first time to go. He wanted their first time to be memorable.

“Please...” she begged. “I need more, please give me more.”

“Gladly.” He pushed himself further inside her and loved the feeling he was experiencing. She was so tight and she fit him like a glove. Growling with heat, he pushed deeper and almost stopped when he reached her hymen.  

Dana didn’t want him to stop. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him closer, deeper causing him to break through as he surged inside her. Dana let out a shrill scream and he covered her mouth to quiet her, he reached his limit he paused to let her adjust to his size. “Hush sweetness, you’re doing good.”

“Oh my god, you are bigger than I thought.” Tears rolled down her face.

He chuckled. “You’ll get used to my size.” Pausing he had to ask, “Why didn’t you tell me that you were a virgin, Dana?”

She closed her eyes. “The subject just never came up before now. Now are you going to talk me to death or show me what you got for me?”

Jett smirked. “Still a mouthy girl, I see. I think I can use that mouth for better purposes though.” He smothered her lips with his as he moved inside of her, pumping in and out at a leisurely pace.

Dana was lost in the pleasure only he could show her. Now it was her turn to groan and her body began to respond. He drove her higher and higher until she didn’t know which way was up or down. She whimpered and bucked against him as she was pushed higher and higher to a brink she’d never known before.

When she reached the pinnacle, Jett whispered, “You need to let go and come for me, sweetness.”

Dana did just that, she let go and together, they flew over the edge of the abyss. Dana screamed his name and Jett covered her mouth with his own and muted them both.

Together, they floated back to reality and he tried to move off her but she held him in place for a moment then reluctantly allowed him to move but not too far. He settled down next to her and she felt a shiver as her overheated skin began to cool.

“That was outstanding,” she whispered breathlessly.

“Yes it was,” he agreed. “I’m hoping that was the first of many times we come together.”

“If every time is like that, you can do that morning, noon and night and I would be okay with it!”

He chuckled.

“Will you stay with me tonight?” she asked timidly.

“I’ll stay every night for the rest of your life if you let me.”  

His deep voice vibrated through her body and she shivered. “Oh, I’ll let you.” Dana snickered as her whole body flushed. “I’ll let you.”