Chapter 18



“Do you have a stamp, Kelly?” asked Julia as she walked from her bedroom.

Kelly was headed outside when he yelled over his shoulder, “In my study in the top right hand drawer. If you can’t find one, Tony’s got plenty in his office.”

“Where’s his office?”

“In the bunkhouse.”

“Where’s John?”

“With Tony. See you later. Chores are a-waitin’.”

When she heard the door slam shut, Julia sighed. Her brother was so busy and trying to stay afloat before his savings ran out. This dude ranch seemed like a great idea at the time, but who would have ever imagined the complications that would take place five years later.

Julia walked into his study and searched every drawer. Nothing. With the letter still in her hand, she walked out to the bunkhouse. As she entered, she saw a dozen beds strewn out. She shook her head. These beds were once filled with ranch hands. Now they only had five men.

When she saw the door to Tony’s office, she headed straight for his desk and began searching. When she opened the middle right hand drawer, she saw a bunch of envelopes piled up.

Hmmm. Where there’s envelopes, there must be stamps, she reasoned.

Julia lifted the envelopes one at a time until she saw something she did not expect. Her eyes widened and her heart sank.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed as she pulled the wire cutters from under the pile.

This wasn’t good. What were they doing here? As she stared at the cutters, Julia contemplated the situation. She realized that if Kelly got desperate enough, he would sell this land to the only man he trusted…the one who helped him build up this ranch. His foreman!

When she looked up, Tony was standing in the doorway staring at her with a curious look in his eyes.

“Uh… I was looking for a stamp. Kelly told me to check your desk.”

He nodded. “I see. Top middle drawer.”

When John walked up behind him and saw what was in her hand, he asked, “What are you going to do with those, Julia?”

She looked at her hand and back at the men standing at the door. How was she going to discuss what she had found and what was on her mind without offending Tony? There must be a reasonable answer.

Julia took a deep breath and asked, “Is this the missing pair of wire cutters?”

Tony walked up and took the cutters in his hand and examined it. “Yup. It appears to be.”

“I found it in your drawer. What was it doing there?”

“I have no idea.” When Tony saw the doubt in her eyes, he shook his head and said defensively, “I didn’t cut the fence, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’ve put a lot of hard work into this place. Besides, I wouldn’t jeopardize the trust and friendship of the best man I know, just for a piece of land.”

His statement took Julia by surprise. She wasn’t sure how to respond after that.

John put a hand on Tony’s shoulder and said softly, “She didn’t say that, Tony.”

“She didn’t have to. I could see the doubt in her eyes. Your wife found the missing cutters in my drawer but I have no idea how they got there.”

Julia immediately stood and shook her head. “Please forgive me. I…” She looked at the cutters and back at Tony. “I’m worried about Kelly and I’m trying to find out the answer to this puzzle but something seems to be missing and I can’t figure it out. I didn’t mean to offend you but the cutters were found in your drawer. What am I to think?”

He nodded as he placed the cutters on his desk and said in a more humble tone, “I understand. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”

She looked at the cutters and bit her lip. Then she stood and walked toward the doorway.

“What’s missing?” asked Tony as she walked away.

Julia turned around and said, “A reason for all this. If we can only find the reason, then we can find out who has been doing this or who is involved.”

Tony nodded. “Yeah. The reason.”

John walked out with Julia and whispered, “You handled that quite well. I’m proud of you.”

She looked up and saw a grin on his face. “Why are you smiling?”

He chuckled. “I’ve never seen you back down so quickly. Usually you shoot out one question after another. You seemed sort of tongue tied in there.”

Julia smiled. “I know. There was one thing holding me back.”

John grinned with humor lacing his eyes. “Only one? That’s a first. Now I’m really curious.”

She playfully slugged him in the shoulder and asked, “What do you mean?”

He chuckled once again as he said teasingly, “Hey, you mix a naturally curious woman with a concerned sister, not to mention a nosey reporter, and what do you have?”

Julia tried to suppress a good-natured smile and said, “If you’re done teasing me, John Evans, then I’ll tell you what stopped me from asking him more questions.”

“Okay. I’m done.”

Julia took her husband’s arm and tugged him toward the house. “Let’s go. I haven’t had breakfast, yet. I’m starved.”

As they walked, John said, “Well? What stopped you?”

“Sharlene and my own good reasoning.”

“That’s two. I knew it had to be more than one.”

Julia smiled. “You’re incorrigible.”

He grinned as he stopped at the porch and opened the door for his wife. “You were saying?”

“The main reason I didn’t press the issue was because I know how Sharlene feels about this young man.”

“I understand,” John said as they walked in the house.

“If he’s innocent, I don’t want to hurt that relationship.”

“I understand completely. And your second reason for not questioning him further?”

“What person in their right mind would put incriminating evidence in their own desk? He would stash it elsewhere, wouldn’t he?”

“Of course,” said John.

“In fact he’d put it somewhere that would put the blame on someone else. Right?”

John listened and gave a nod.

“I think he was framed.”

“Do you want to know my opinion in all this?” asked John.


“I’ve spent some time with Tony and we got to talking while target shooting this morning. I found out a lot about him, Julia. I like him. I like him a lot, but it was what Tony said in his office that got me.”

“What was that?”

John looked into her eyes and said softly, “He wouldn’t jeopardize the trust and friendship of the best man he knows, just for a piece of land.”

Julia sat down at the table and nodded. “Yeah. He sounded like he meant it, didn’t he?”

“He sure did or he’s a great actor.” John began searching the cupboards. “Where’s the cereal?”

As he opened the doors under the sink, she laughed. “You don’t keep cereal under sinks. Only cleaning items, silly! Look in the pantry…” She stopped in mid-sentence as her eyes widened.

“What?” asked John.

She pointed to six cans of rat poison under the sink. Kelly had mentioned that he found granules of rat poison beside the pond and said it had been used to pollute the water.

John picked a can up and shook it.

When Kelly walked in, he saw John holding the can of poison and said, “We’ve had some problems with rats, so Hal asked if I’d get some rat poison.”

“But why so many?” asked Julia.

“I was just stocking up.”

“Stocking up?”

“They were on sale a few months ago. It was a fall special so I just put them under the sink.”

“How many did you buy?”

“A dozen.”

“There are only six cans here. Is it possible to use so much in such a short time?”

Kelly’s eyes widened. “Of course not. I only used a half a can the first day I got it.”

“Who else knows you bought them?”

“No one. My help doesn’t know what I buy. Of course, there’s the housekeeper that quit suddenly, but that’s all.”

Julia frowned as she folded her arms. “I need the name and contact number of the housekeeper and I think we need to talk to Hal, also.”

Kelly nodded.

John acted puzzled as he said, “But if Hal was guilty, why…”

“No!” burst out Kelly. “It’s impossible! He can’t be a suspect. Hal’s been affected by this, too. He used to be full time but now he’s only part time. Besides that, someone’s ruining his reputation on the Internet.”

The room was silent as everyone stared at Julia.

John drummed his fingers on the counter and said, “Kelly’s right. You need to go easy when you question him. Okay?”

She regretted that she had to even ask Hal how six cans ended up missing.

“By the way,” said Kelly. “Your investigator called this morning while you were in the shower. He said he’s found some information. He’ll be out on assignment today but will get back to you tonight.”

Julia bit her lip, wondering what news he had for her.

Knowing she was concerned, John said, “Don’t worry, honey. I’m sure Hal’s got an answer.”

“An answer for what?” asked Hal as he entered the kitchen. He looked at the rat poison in John’s hand. “What’s going on?”

“I bought a dozen cans of poison,” said Kelly. “There are six cans missing.”

“Six?” he said with astonishment. “I didn’t think I used that many. The rats are real bad this year. I’ve been sprinkling it around the outside of the house regularly. I’m real paranoid when it comes to those filthy vermin.” He grinned as he turned to Julia. “Just like the boss. He hates them, too.”

Kelly nodded. “That’s right. We both hate them with a passion.”

“But six cans are an awfully lot to use,” said Julia.

“I didn’t know I had used that many. How about the housekeeper that quit? Maybe she used a bunch.” When he saw the serious expression on her face, he asked, “What’s up?”

“Did you know that a few cattle were poisoned?”

Hal nodded. “Yeah. Kelly told me but I wasn’t here. I was on vacation in Texas, getting a few chili recipes.”


“That’s right. I’ve been collecting chili recipes for my diner.” He gave a wide smile. “It’ll be called Hal’s Chili Café. When it’s all set up, then you’ll have to come back and be my guest.”

“Thank you, Hal,” said Julia. “I’m so sorry to have to question you like this.”

“No problem!” Hal nodded with a smile. “By the way, are you staying for Thanksgiving?”

“I’m not sure. Since I don’t have to rush home to put together a reception, I think it might be a great idea. I’ll let you know.”

“I sure hope so because we’re having a feast like no other. Kelly’s invited all the ranch hands. He considers everyone to be family here. He even invited Joey.” He glanced at Kelly. “The boss has no hard feelings toward him. He’s the kindest and most generous man I know. In fact, he’s the most…”

“By the way, Julia,” interrupted Kelly as he cleared his throat deliberately, hoping to change the subject. “I told one of the men to get a couple horses ready for you and John. I think it’s about time you two took a little ride and check out my ranch. I told him to give you the mare. It’s gentle.”

Hal smiled and patted Julia on the shoulder. “Mornings are a good time to take a ride. It smells fresh and the temperature is perfect.”

Hal was so charming and understanding. Thank goodness he didn’t take offense like Tony had. Julia sighed. Why am I suspecting everyone?